Thanks for speaking truth to power - the power that is bringing this world down. Look at the expansion policies - the US supported Israel in this. Look at the extermination policies - the US supported Israel in that. And Canada sends creepy investiagators to warn people to stop sending anti zionist messages on social media. When will these zealots who believe in a myth of superiority stop? I have Jewish ancestry and DNA that takes me to the centre of this horror story and I stand with Jews against genocide, all genocide.

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Thank you Saige. You have many fellow travelers.

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Lovely comment, thank you John.

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Saige, I’m well into the Seasonwife now, and am impressed to death. So to speak. Having to read thru Kindle thing (over $100 to send purchased-from-Bateman book NZ → Canada) .. Kindle is icky on Linux, so am typing in quotes from Seasonwife myself, that I hope I have occasion to use. Fantastic writing!

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You can have no idea how much this comment means to me. Thank you so much, and thank you for ploughing through Kindle! That you are typing in quotes...love that. Wow. Made my week.

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The thing that really gets me is the blatant lie these evil pieces of shit Zionist Nazi politicians state over and over. They have violated Article 1 of the constitution since before Vietnam! Our constitution states "After an attack on the US We The People can authorise congress to create a military which will be placed under the direction of the Commander in Chief" (President). It also states "there is to be no standing military in the US ". Additionally after 2 years once again "We The People review whether the need of this military is necessary". All because it is We The Peoples CHILDREN who have to die not the filthy fucking politicians! NO WHERE DOES IT SAY CONGRESS GETS TO JUST MAKE A MILITARY AND DECLARE WAR! NO FUCKING PRESIDENT GETS TO DO THIS EITHER! THESE ARE ZIONIST NAZI WAR CRIMINALS! THEY ARE COMMITTING TREASON AND GENOCIDE! As a matter of fact they have violated so many laws both US and International that there should be Standing warrants for every fucking one of them! There should never have been a military in the United States of America! This country was built by immigration and there would be no need to worry about an attack because who would attack their children and grandchildren who came to America!

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Excellent. I would only add that Congress and the POTUS play tough guys constantly warmongering but they won’t have to fight or get killed in those wars and their family members will be kept out of harms way by political favoritism. Let everyone else die for nothing. I keep saying it, Congress and the POTUS are the terrorists Americans should be worried about. Iran is no threat to the U.S. nor Russia for that matter and we shouldn’t even be thinking about going to war in the ME. Fuck Israel, let them pay for and fight their own wars.

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Biden got 5 draft deferments for Vietnam because he was a student. Trump for bone spurs.

Lindsay served, but as a lawyer. That’s why we call them chicken hawks. They love sending other people’s kids to war, but not theirs.

Oh wait. Beau did serve and he was killed by the Iraqi burn pits. Hunter joined the navy, but he was kicked out for using drugs. But never prosecuted for it like every other person has been.

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Idk I know a guy who was in the army and was kicked out for drugs and didnt go to prison…

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Well said.

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But it is no longer We The People; but We The Corporations! I have read somewhere that soldiers are not obliged to go to war (especially another war for Israel), is that true?

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Get this... On June 8th 1967 after infiltrating our government LBJ helped The Terrorist State of Israel declare War on the US by attacking the USS Liberty and machine gunning wounded US SAILORS in the water just like their Nazi U-Boat commanders before them! The fleet was "ORDERED TO ABANDON THEM"! LBJ was heard to say "I want that ship on the bottom"! At this point (I am a disabled Nam era Navy Vet!) the fleet had been given an ILLEGAL ORDER! The DUTY & OATHS TAKEN was to find the MOTHER FUCKERS WHO GAVE THESE ORDERS AND HANG THEM FOR TREASON! Yet our military TO THIS DAY ARE FOLLOWING ILLEGAL ORDERS! We should have BOMBED THE FUCKING TERRORIST STATE OF ISRAEL INTO A PARKING LOT FOR CAMEL SHIT!

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In THEORY, state employees should never lose their jobs for refusing to take an untested experimental drug.

In PRACTICE, those who fired them faced no prosecutions or sanctions, and those employees lives were still ruined.

Draw your conclusions from that.

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Israel was built on immigration, EXACTLY like the United Snakes was.

Talk about your CARBON COPY.

“Oops, there it is.”

Not to worry, soon ordinary Murican citizens will enjoy all the same temporary privileges (rights), and benefits of membership, that Palestinians and Redskins have been blessed with.

It’s only a matter of when, not if.

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Hi Mike

We’re only a short time away from the United Snakes going all gulag on us.

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Gypsy, typin’ and talkin’ ain’t gittin’ it done, woman.

Shit has two ramp up, immediately,

Eye’m afraid.

Might never meat ewe, but, enough’s enough.

Fuck _bot.

Luv You.

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You are chosen or not.

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COLONIALISM is closer to the truth - not immigration

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The Constitution has long been a dead letter.

What does anyone propose to do about it?

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This should be our legal remedy as our 2nd Amendment right is for the very situation we are in. Our duty is to by force as necessary throw these criminals into prison in preparation for hanging! The leader of Turkey said words to this effect in the UN meeting today and he was not limiting his response to just Israel!

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Erdogan craves Americna carrot and fears American stick. He has not backed up his words with action.

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Check out: https://www.commondreams.org/news/gaza-genocide-in-the-future

(Video From 2040 Begs This Question of Gaza Genocide in 2024: 'What Did You Do to Stop It?')

Powerful/emotional video/ad that I hope will get more people to wake up.

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Oct 9Edited
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I think the reality may be more grisly than that.

Here's something to think about - how does AIPAC get funded? Probably with the billions that the US sends to Israel? Maybe also some billionaire Zionists and their corporations in the US? Maybe by global Capitalists that depend on Israel to make their profits?

Hence, one theory is that "most american politicians are NOT terrorized by AIPAC but instead they are PARTNERED with AIPAC". They hide behind the benefits they accrue from their partnership with AIPAC and their relationships. It is a symbiotic relationship, and many threats and intimidation tactics may be theatre so that this relationship "can be sold to the public" as a coercion of some sort.

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The utter insanity continues apace. I trust Al Jazeera is working in Lebanon on a companion piece to 'Investigating War Crimes in Gaza' as it's clear that Satanyahu has every intention of carrying on with his Clearances. The perpetrators of these horrors, and their god who has apparently given them carte blanche, have much for which to answer.

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True that we suffer pain and sorrow, but we’re not the God or Gods. The singular God I recognize created existence and gave people free will. They can choose to behave alone in our own beliefs, or recognize God as the source of their beliefs, and accept his will as the basis for living.

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Blaming some nonexistent “god” for humanity’s foibles is disingenuous. If “god” so loved all his children, as I was taught in Catholic school, why does “he” allow this suffering to continue?

The Free Will thang is just a rationalization. NATURE is the higher power, and humanity has evolved into a monstrosity.

I say, good riddance to us.

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another theory is that many humans do not like their Freewill of "no decision and no vision"

So they prefer a state to rule them and set those for them

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We do not know what Gods plan is for the monsters that have perpetrated this genocide. I’m sure he’s aware of the horrendous actions against humanity, I’m sure his anger has turned to wrath, and he will deal with this aberration supernaturally

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No God created sorrow or pain. We have created our own sorrow and pain. Our own tears. We are the Gods.

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Principally, Shiva the Destroyer apparently.

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Correct, Jamenta.


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Just reading all that you are saying makes me feel dizzy and sick. You, Caitlin, are incredibly resilient for doing all the research and reading it takes to write these postings. Thanks.

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We TRIED to stop this in the UK, Jeremy Corbyn was mobbed wherever he went, and in the teeth of the entire national and international establishment he won the election - so the results were falsified, and he then faced a daily "Bucket of shit" from the ENTIRE media range, the Zionazi Lobby went to work on him personally, he faced death threats from the UK military and Pompeo, and lo and behold there was a ~500% increase in 'postal votes' in swing seats. Not to mention a brand new (formed just weeks before the election) party that ONLY sat in Corbyn-leaning marginals, which closed itself down a few days after the election to prevent scrutiny of its finances, which seemed to be flowing from the US & Israel.

Long story short, there is no actual "democracy" in the UK, if the public challenge the war-mongers and genocidalists.

We won't be able to stop this insanity through the ballot box, in ANY Western country.

Doesn't leave many options, and none of them good.

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No such thing as"elelection". It's "selection"

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There is only one way to save the UK at this point. Watch "V for Vendetta" if you want the solution.

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"Remember remember, the 5th of November".

It looks as though 'the revolution' from the film will begin in the USA, after a child is killed by the DNC Authorities in the inevitable public unrest that will follow.

The UK currently makes China and Russia look like wonderful liberal democracies. It's not going to get better for a long time.

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The "Christian Nationals" are openly calling for both civil war and the tear down of the 3 letter institutions. They compose a supposed 41% of the populace. I am in full agreeance with them in regards to tearing it down but not for their reasons. These organisations have been corrupted and are completely illegal as is our government!

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While the alphabet agencies should be exterminated root and branch, the "Christian Nationals", as you call them, will do no such thing, even in the unlikely event that they actually get into office.

If we have learned nothing else about the neocons, it is that they are masters of bureaucratic infighting. Rather than throw up their hands and say "I guess you won, fair and square!" they regroup and retrench.

To give one example, expect a flood of MSM articles about how "Our Patriotic CIA(R) prevented a horrible terrorist attack and you are proposing to abolish them!" The alphabet agencies would be busy seeking blackmail material and at the same time, looking for politicians that they can bring on-side. Those Chirstian Nationals would fold, quickly.

Hell, it wouldn't even be the first time a false flag was used as a justification.

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"Christian nationalists" remind me a lot of Marxists.

Their criticisms are often spot on - their "solutions" are usually worse than the original problems...

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What do you mean “worse”?

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Well, the current DC Regime spies on most public things you do due to paranoia and desire for control. So would a Christian Fundamentalism regime except they famously also spy on private bedrooms and people's reproductive freedoms as well, because they also are sick power-mongers.

There's plenty of horrible alternative regimes that are horrible in different ways to the current regime, it's not a choice of shit or paradise, whatever fundamental Christians themselves believe. It's not about them, it's about how they impose on others.

Can say a lot of bad things about the US Constitution - acceptance of slavery and racism, for one - but it HAS to be said the US FF understood well the dangers that totalitarian Christianity brings in its wake.

Or on the other hand Marxists fall all too easily into the dumbfuck belief that the "State" will always be run by the most selfless, dedicated, anti-corrupt angels imaginable, despite having total power and no accountability to the Public.

You could say I have the necessary cynicism to be a Realist Libtard, Liberalism has its faults, but they are usually rarely as serious as the rest of the extremes possible in other directions.

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The utter psycho idiocy of the Israel, US, UK governments is overwhelming. Not a drop of humanity present! Appalled! Disgusted! Angry! GO GREEN AMERCIA IN 2024 for survival, change!

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I agree with going Green, and I will support Jill Stein in a futile vote of dissent. I want to say that I do not support genocide or American Imperialism. I do not have much hope for the chance of change, or even the chance of survival. Israel's actions are a pretence and an excuse to begin the war of conquest of Iran. Gaza, Lebanon and Iran will be turned to ashes, but the oil reserves that are deep beneath Iran's surface will be 'in our orbit'. America's military and especially America's capital will be able to exploit Iran's vast oil reserves on their own terms. However, the blowback ("The term blowback invented by the CIA refers to unintended consequences of America's foreign policies.") will make every American citizen and ultimately every living person on the planet considerably less safe. The current presidential election will only decide if Trump or Harris will go down in the history books as the person who signed off in this begining of a colossal future ecological, economic, political, and moral disaster. May God have mercy on our souls...........................................

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Iran would be thrilled to be allowed to sell its oil freely on world markets for dollars.

The United States does not allow it to do so.

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It would be even more delighted to sell it on the world market for gold or Rials... but that's yet another way to make Good Old Uncle Sam murderously angry once again.

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Since they cannot sell, even for dollars, the point is academic.

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I know, and what much else are our ramblings here, than academic musings?

Sadly, I know of few folk who live in active democracies...

Whatsaboytodo? Boycott capitalism, best I can, I suppose.

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“Israel has committed roughly 100 October sevenths in Gaza”

No, I think the true ratio is approximately 1,000. Israel says that about 700 civilians were killed on 7 October. Probably fewer than 300 of these were killed by the Palestinian resistance. The IOF killed more than half. And the number of Palestinian civilians killed is almost certainly close to 300,000. That includes the huge numbers who have died due to the siege and blockade of water, food, medicine and fuel, and the many who have died due to the destruction of hospitals and clinics and other social infrastructure. And the severe level of infection and disease caused by destroyed sanitation facilities. This is genocide, plain and simple. Where is the ICJ now? Where is the UN General Assembly? The world is sitting back and watching a genocide in real time. And next up, world war.

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I saw someone say it was 460,000!

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Israel can only have this all planned well before Oct 7 last year. Rave party right up against their wall? Hannibal directive? They are doing exactly as they have intended, the plan for their region is falling into place, just as the lumbering US machine will, just as soon as they call on it to start crushing innocents

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No not WW ! Weapons are 'better' , defences more effective - at least for the official good guys- ie the USA and its 'client states' .

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The question is, how do we stop them?

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Doesn't look like anything is going to stop these psychos at this point. Similar to hurricane Milton heading into Florida tonight. The die has already been cast.

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Where is John Wick when you need him? I have a contract (a few actually) for him...

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"we" - no how. That's the thing. The question is who is it the appeals are being made to.

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Haven't even read it yet, but of course I already clicked love it. Thank you, once again, for existing. You are the voice of sanity and moral conscience.

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"These psychos must be stopped." They will eventually hang them selves because there is no other "ending" that their maniacal behavior can achieve. It's the uncountable numbers of human, animal, and precious plant life that they will blithely destroy and traumatize along the way that brings such weight of grief. They are truly insane. I used to wonder how the "good" Germans watched their beautiful, cultured, intelligent society go down. Now I know. Those times the U.S. seemed a refuge. Now it is the perpetrator of world-ending violence without one smidgeon of conscience. None. Zero. But its people still have a conscience. "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton, 20th century British politician and scholar. U.S. is absolutely corrupted, but its people are not. We're the focus of the corruption.

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Anyone for open rebellion. Revolution must be planned and thought they!

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And not in a public forum.

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"Anyone for open rebellion. Revolution must be planned and thought they!" There have been thousands of revolutions in human history, and what did that get us? Revolutions are one thing, but what happens afterwards is another...

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revolution must OVERTHROW The State and the government

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Well said!

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Thank you for including animal and plant life in your comment. IMO, TREES are Nature’s most noble creations, not…people.

And I believe Feral Finster would agree with me that cats are far more advanced than humans.

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Cats are Bastet's highest creature, as any kitten knows.

Trees are for climbing and sharpening one's claws. Also for birds and squirrels.

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"cats are far more advanced than humans." At least they don't need interminable elections to choose which cats will rule the alleys... They do not need leaders, since they figured out eons ago that politics will never be better than a cat's meow... lol

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"These psychos must be stopped". So says Caitlin. So says everyone who writes on these pages.

As a non-USA observer, I am finding it hard to develop any interest in or respect for the Democratic candidate, more controlled by Israel than anyone before her with the exception of her predecessor, Genocide Joe Biden, the greatest criminal in my lifetime and that includes Adolph Hitler.

One word from that totally demented US murderer and it could have been stopped, regardless of the appearance, through the Western Press, of course, that Netanyahu would not have taken any notice of Biden and continued with his slaughter. That's OK until you run out of US bombs, out of US aircraft parts when required, out of technology and components made by the subservient Western countries like Germany, France, Australia, the UK, Canada and New Zealand.

Different ball game then. If Biden was serious and not playing his part in the Genocide game, orchestrated by Israel, it would have stopped.

If there was still such an establishment as a Nuremberg Trial Court, this time named the World Criminal Court, one could see, justifiably so, a special sitting for Biden and Biden alone, but followed by a second list to follow of the leaders of the Western World, the proprietors of the Western Media for misrepresentation and years of outright lies. Such an action would then act as an absolute deterrent for the likes of Harris or Trump knowing that any continuation of genocidal slaughter, or support for same which is happening right now on a grand scale, would be subject to legal action , ending in death.

Such a Court could put paid to the toothless United Nations, now nothing but a US-controlled social club.

Biden and his cohorts, the military industrialist, the profiteers from war, by any reckoning deserve to be subject to the death penalty for the deaths that have occurred in Palestine, Lebanon and soon Iran and for the ongoing harassment of any country that refuses to tow the US power play line.

The USA is a criminal state. One day your crimes will seen by all for what they are.

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Russia sees its crimes as does China along with the entire Middle East. I am in Florida now awaiting this massive hurricane and a nuclear winter because these people in our government are Criminally Insane.

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CC, I wish you safety.

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Stay safe CarbonCopy.

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We can all see them - the trouble is so many back them anyway .

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You're so right, Caitlin. These psychos MUST be stopped. They're not giving us any real options other than stopping them, locking them up for life, and/or marching them up the scaffold to meet the guillotine. Maybe the next super hurricane hitting the US will be the impetus to wake up millions from their malaise. Maybe in their shock and grief they'll see how little their supposed electeds care about them as the presidential puppet writes even bigger checks to Izrealhell for even more genocides.

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>>"Maybe the next super hurricane hitting the US will be the impetus to wake up millions from their malaise..."

I'm not holding my breath. People are either comatose, or they feel helpless and unable to take action. I wonder what event (and of what magnitude) must occur in the US for a REAL REVOLUTION/UPRISING that can change the status quo?

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A ban on porn.

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HaHa! That's creative thinking... one never knows what might eventually do the trick...

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Which is why they never will do it.

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I think this next election might do it because everything points to neither red or blue agreeing the other won!

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It’ll only stop when it becomes unprofitable

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A world destroyed by a climate crisis + nuclear war would certainly be very unprofitable.

But it's never about the profits, it's about "growth".

Cancer kills the host, it's why we cut it out.

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>>"But it's never about the profits, it's about "growth"

But isn't growth about profits? If there is no growth in profits, then why bother? Seems nobody is satisfied with steady profits - every corporation wants to GROW their profits to ever-unsustainable levels (even if that entails embroilment in nefarious strategies, destruction, and death).

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We as a species could very easily establish a healthy long-term 'profit' for everyone, current and future generations alike.

That doesn't matter to capitalism though.

It just wants to take its 'fill' (which is everything ultimately) in the now.

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Thanks for this Susan.

I believe that when BRICS really gets going it will be up to each country to supply/not supply other countries if they don't agree with the political situation.

What BRICS will do is not allow others to 'meddle' in other countries affairs.

I am quite aware of all the stumbling blocks and am waiting for the conference in Russia.

Most countries will be happy to use BRICS because the US cannot use sanctions.

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Jenny - you are living in your OWN fantasy world of utopian/unrealistic expectations of BRICS+. I understand that you want to have HOPE, but banking on your HOPES to resolve complex geopolitical issues is NOT realistic.

Maybe you'll wake up to the reality and complexity of geopolitics and "global rival forces of power", or maybe you won't.

Be prepared to be disappointed (though I hope that "I" am wrong here).

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Thank you for this link Susan!

Too many people have utopian/unrealistic expectations of BRICS+ and need to wake up to the reality.

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Thank you, Caitlin, for another beautifully written and powerful piece, informing me and articulating what my own heart and brain can no longer process, never mind assemble into coherent thoughts. I have no wise comments regarding the Western Empire and the evil that humans do, but I really appreciate that day after horrifying, heart-breaking day you and Tim produce this wonderful newsletter. Given the MSM take on the situation, I'd go quite mad otherwise.

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"I'd go quite mad otherwise"... If you do, you will have a lot of company. .

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"These psychos must be stopped." - yep, simple as that. Why aren't they?

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Trump wants to make sure Miriam Adelson knows she got her money’s worth ($100 million) and Kamala is jealous her bribes were smaller. Both are reckless, indifferent to the consequences they’re cooking up for the rest of us and basically stupid. Netanyahu had their number a long time ago and barely breaks a sweat manipulating them. The Zionists are also bombing the West Bank but with so many murders to keep up with, this is barely reported.

There’s no one to stop them — no one in our government or Europe that can, even if they want to. They’re afraid of the US with good reason.

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