I went to a Republican candidate forum for Congress last night. It was very disturbing how the mantra was that corporations can do anything they want because "they're not the government." Even the so-called libertarian is blind to the fact that corporations are created by and therefor PART OF government. When asked about military spending, the response was we need to take care of our veterans.

The Democrats are even worse. God help us!

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Yes, both parties are so totally corrupt, I unregistered to vote. Why bother?

I'm just waiting to fill the streets like the French did in 1789. Until then....

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Fully private corporations should be only able to anything if the governments ability to interfere in the markets is completely eliminated.

As long as government keep subsidising, helping and there is a government that can crush the competition with regulations they should be considered as part of the government as you say.

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I couldn’t agree more. There was a time in my youth when I actually identified as a Libertarian. (This was when labels were still useful and had meaning.) But that was back in the day when Ron Paul was running for President in 1988 and Libertarianism was an entirely different animal—one that refused to be caged and which wouldn’t be caught dead voting Republican (even though the Republican Party of that era was vastly more libertarian than today's Libertarian Party).

Now, of course, most small-l libertarians have been absorbed/corrupted by official Republican gobbeldy-group think. The startling fact that libertarians now seem oblivious to the amount of tyrannical governance that corporations have over all of us is quite telling. It means they no longer have built-in working domination meters. They no longer feel oppression, especially when most of it comes from their holy “private sector”—a term which is begging to be the title of an apocalyptic sci-fi movie. This sensitivity to domination has been bred, bled, or educated out of them.

Clearly, it seems to me, governments and nation states are not at the top of the governance food chain. Governments and nations now exist only to further the welfare of their corporate overlords (our privatized central banks among them, of course). On the evolutionary chart of government organizations, republics and democracies are somewhere back with Australopithecus, while corporations are the new dominant big-brained species of governance. It won't be long before we dispense with the entire charade of government and nation states.

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I was in Ron Paul's hometown, as David Koch ran against the monster ofay Union Democrats installed. Within the year, we were ALL dumpster-diving, varmint hunting, foraging, couch-surfing, selling grass, ass or following Paul south. 130K industrial jobs, gone forever in one small city. Now BOTH multi-national LLC "political parties" are unabashedly, inebriate grandiosity fueled, suppurating, writhing cesspools of boomer Libertarian narcissistic yuppies?


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Well said, so rare to read someone without any tint of rose filtering in their perspective and I fully agree with your assessment. The death of the old world (in its final throes) and its parasitical, life-annihilating ways, is coming to an end - and it needs to. There is much to look forward to on the other side of the old world's collapse.

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I am glad I am not alone in my off-the-scale hatred of shitlibs.

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yeah you are a sharp pen and a rare person in the jungle of liars and greed...Thank You!

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US deception, militarism, greed and will to dominate the world are as demonstrably real as anything we accept as fact. To this end they have killed millions, ruined the economies of dozens of countries and impoverished a large proportion of their own population. Yet, this does not stand in the way of lecturing other far more successful or better managed countries and demonizing heads of state in the interests of an agenda that has not been made clear as yet. But it's out there. It has to do with marginalizing Russia and is not tempered by reason, proportion, or facts on the ground and the example of the Ukraine initiative. It is fuelled by egomania and delusions of grandeur, and will be ignited by pure out-of-control hatred if we allow it ti be.

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News just broke. Olympic champ Evgeny Rylov was suspended by the IOC for. . .wait for it. . .attending a rally for Putin. I've written for years on how athletics have been weaponized as a theater of information warfare against Russia for almost a decade to manufacture consent. Imagine an American athlete being suspended from international competition for cheering Barack Obama or "supporting the troops" (code for being a George W. Bush loyalist)

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The paragraphs below ought to bring villagers streaming up the mountain side to leave offerings of food and flowers at the entrance to your digital cave.

“A healthy humanity would be free of the impulse to manipulate and exert control: over life, over people, over nature. But it would be so different from the humanity we know now that falling into that way of functioning would be a kind of death. And it would feel like a death.

Sometimes it seems like people want the world to end, want humanity to go extinct. I'd suggest that this may be a confused expression of an intuited truth: that there's something good on the other side of ending all this. But it's the end of our dysfunction, not of our species.”

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At first, Caitlin's work might come across as shrill or even screedy- except that every last fact checks out in every detail. Now I have come to appreciate her brash and in your face style as a perfectly logical attempt to GET PEOPLE'S ATTENTION long enough to make them see just how deep we are in shit and who's responsible. It's refreshing to read someone who isn't interested in pulling punches for any reason, let alone decorum or correctness.

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Look on the bright side, if the shitlibs get their way, they will get us all killed.

At that point, their obsessive punishment of outgroup members and virtue-signaling no longer will matter.

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Always look on the bright side of life.. (whistling)....

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

Thank you for being a voice of reason and sanity. I am just wondering how much longer it will take for people to understand that there is also no law of nature that dictates to be living in nations separated by the non-choice of who our mother was and where she decided to give birth to us on this planet.

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Today is Earth Day #52!! It's fascinating that the demise of CNN+ has far more coverage than our dying Earth from industrial civilization with overpopulation leading the way. Yep, Ukraine and that Ol' Demon, Putin, is more important than forests, oceans, or rivers. I'll get a chuckle when the oligarchs choke on their own hubris because they thought capital accumulation was more important than Earth with their imperialistic pursuits. I'll laugh even harder when they start starving because their greed was more important than a planet cool enough to grow crops. Ha, Ha, Ha!! Peace, The Ol' Hippy

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In biology texts, humans are usually ecologically classified as omnivore consumers: as a species, we're clearly neither producers (photosynthesizers), nor pure herbivores or carnivores (with individual exceptions). But in the broader systems view, we could easily be regarded as parasites, organisms that harm other organisms. Our distinction in that context is one of host range -- most parasites specifically steal energy & nutrients from a single or a delimited range of host species. Blood sucking insects, for example, exhibit a broader range of hosts because of their mobility). But most of them are extremely short-lived. In Homo sapiens, we encounter a long-lived parasite that injures huge swaths of the biosphere on the regular. We are indeed special, specially equipped for non-reciprocal consumption. In that context, the intra-species bloodshed in wars feels almost like karma. And for Americans with our plethora of annual violent homicides, that societal bloodshed feels like double-karma for the colonialist -- and ongoing -- murder of millions of aboriginals.

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So true. And as such I see very little hope for sustainable life on the planet.

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Being a Canadian I find the term "shitlib" a bit extreme. Could we say "pottylib" instead?

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foam brain. This is a word I will now steal. Thank you!

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"The US just happens to export the majority of its tyranny outside its borders."

This isn't incidental, it's the crucial heart of the matter. It's simultaneously the trick that keeps people on board and the terrifying harbinger of will come if the rulers decide democracy is no longer profitable. The tendency its critics have to avoid acknowledging that the US pays out pretty well to most of its citizens makes it hard to accurately explain the situation.

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“Humanity's major problems arise from the impulse to control. Ecocide arises from the impulse to control nature. Empire arises from the impulse to control civilizations. Oligarchy arises from the impulse to control political outcomes. Ego arises from the impulse to control life.“

And patriarchal religions continue to reinforce ego, with all of its madness. Until humans realize how ignorant it is to assume that there is a male god encouraging male control and domination of Earth and women, we will always live within this madness. Patriarchal religions must die or else we’re doomed to extinction.

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