The brilliant Chris Hedges wrote recently that if we don't stop the Zionist's barbaric Genocide, we will be next!

We Are All Gazans!

Not that long ago I would have thought that saying our government would come after us would be silly. Now, as incredible as it might seem, I've come to believe that if we don't “behave” and obey, they WILL treat us like the Palestinians. Hell, they might come after us even if we do act like sheep.

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In an interview last week with Judge Napolitano about Scott Ritter’s recent border control intervention, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson signed off by saying: “Ok Judge. I hope you’re there if they come for me.” The man was chief of staff to the Secretary of State, (Powell), and he knows how the cards are stacked. Meanwhile NYTimes victims cheer on every advance in surveillance and repression.

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Chris Hedges is always on point and way ahead of the curve.

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Chris Hedges is brilliant. He, like Caitlin, functions like an alien sociologist, reporting the objective truths about Earth's violent talking apes, and like Caitlin, he does so in beautiful language. If people were capable of processing the truth when they hear it, we actually COULD turn things around. In terms of our actual bodies, we outnumber out billionaire masters 99.9998 to .0002. We are an elephant to an ant, yet we allow the ant to control us through narrative.

The reason Chris Hedges is allowed by the System to live is that they have us so seamlessly brainwashed that, from their point of view, he is merely a release valve, and also a handy source of dividing the population. A Hedges reader has difficulty in tolerating "friends" who love Bidenyahu.

Chris is the new Noam Chomsky, the next wiseman of America. But Chomsky is still going strong at 93. Hear this great Lex Fridman interview of him from just 9 days ago for a very neat, clean overview of where he stands on Ukraine, Gaza, nuclear war, and the climate crises, just 50 minutes long: https://youtu.be/LIRHzDJ0J3k

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The link you posted is actually a copy of the original upload from Lex Fridman on Aug 31, 2022 (Noam Chomsky: Putin, Ukraine, China, and Nuclear War | Lex Fridman Podcast #316 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uHGlfeCBbE)

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Thank you so much Chang for letting me know!! I was looking hard for a very up-to-date and concise video showing exactly where Chomsky stands now on Amerika's 3 ongoing major war crimes in progress -- Ukraine, Gaza, and "encircling" China. If you know of something like that, please let me know.

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Wow. I’m unable to “like” your sentence, K.

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Illinois senator Dick Durbin actually said out loud on the floor of the senate, all the immigrants coming in to the U.S. were necessary so they could join the military. They have run out of Americans who want to kill people, we know their scam.

I am in Chicago, and every store or mall entrance has like 5 Venezuelan refugees begging, and at every major intersection. There are shit-tons of them. This is really about elites transforming and erasing national identities, not about compassion for the oppressed.

Immigration, the environment, and DEI have all become weapons of elites to globalize all nations financially downward. You have to be very astute in analysing this.

Europe had and is having an explosion of right wing parties, like the Ukrainian Nazis, because millions of Muslims fled the Syrian Civil War, which was more CIA provoked bullsh*t. This has something to do with Sweden and Finland joining NATO. There is purposeful planning around these globalist ideas and eliminating money is another, very real threat.

This is destabilization coming to a location near you...

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It is there are SOME radical right wing parties in Europe but they are not the ones winning.

Marine Le Pen France) is not too different than Biden. It is true Meloni in (Italy) is right but she also has some things right. She does not want to have Italy fight in a war.

This voting in only about the European Parliament but since Macron has dissolved Parliament (in France) this means we will be having elections here. First vote is July 7th The 2 parties that get the most votes will have another election on July 30th.

Meanwhile Spain is left!

Looks like Turkey will join BRICS. Turkey has the 2nd largest army in Europe which means (if Turkey joins BRICS) they will not be tied to NATO.

Big changes coming.

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I HOPE SO!!! (changes coming) To the right wing parties in Europe: I was always surprised at the US opinion on these parties (they are not really as bad as the repub's here! - always will remember some scientists asking me the 'helper from Austria' about Joerg Haider - FPOe, when for a short while this party was in the government and these guys were SO WORRIED that Hitler is back - ridiculous Haider was just FOR AUSTRIA, this is a very scarce thing in politicians - you can see it now in Orban vs that STUPID government in Germany or Austria or France ... personally I wish I could clone Ms Wagenknecht, Martin Sonneborn, Clare Daly or Mick Wallace ...)

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Hello Elisabeth.

I wish you could make it easier for me to read your comment.

What I understand from your comment is this:

You are quite correct about the 'right' parties in Europe they are not as right wing as Biden et al.

IF the US people could understand Politics in Europe.....which they do NOT.

I am in France (as you probably know).

The whole Le Pen party is anti-immigrant (NOT dissimilar to the USA)

Without the immigrants in France.......by the way MOST from Ecquador) we would have NO produce. The French will NOT do this work.

OUT all day in a boiling hot environment.

Come on Le Pen and let us see the French doing this work!

I am an ex-colonial brat who saw the Tea plantation owners........ridiculing the Tamil workers from India. Living in disgusting housing with NO clean water and scrabbling around for food while the English sat in their Bungalows, waited on by the citizens of Sri Lanka. "Yes Master no Master.'

WHY did this happen?

The power that the English had was AMORAL.

The Tamils from India (not the same as Tamils in the North of Sri Lanka) were brought in to do the work which the Northern Tamils would not do.

IF you read a book (which might be out of print) Leonard Woolf (husband of Virginia).

He went to Sri Lanka as a Civil servant.....long story.

He was the first person who recognised that Sri Lanka should be Independant.

He watched the English in their robes in courts and was disgusted.

Everyone in the world reads Virginia Woolf and her boring diatribes against her husband.

She was a vicious woman (not unlike Hilary Clinton) who told Leonard: "I am sick of receiving these brown people in our house."

As it was: Queen Victoria welcomed the Sri Lankans in to her court and for some time she wore Sari's. She was a good friend of Leonard Woolf which is why Sri Lanka got Indepedence from the British.

I am no way interested in the British. I wish the whole country would drown in their absolute disgusting behaviour.

I have grandkids in UK

I want them to get out but it is an impossible task right now.

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Self-determination for all Peoples is a human right.

What we are experiencing is radical destabilization under the guises of benevolent causes: environmental, racial justice, 15 minute cities, eliminate cars, eliminate hard money, the Great Re-set.

To the extent the EU and NATO compromise the sovereignty of the Western and Anglo nations, ordinary people control over their lives will continue to diminish.

I am still learning, I am a dyed in the wool Yank, but it seems like Russell Brand has a pretty good handle on some of this when he talks about decentralization.

Peace & Freedom

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Self determination requires freedom of association if other people are involved

BUT that means the right to associate with the state or not!!!!!!!!

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I am sorry you had to experience FIRST HAND the arrogance of the 'white man' (I was a sort of pampered kid in Austria, so no comparable experience!) Totally agree with what you said - for me it is OVER, we are done and deserve what is coming (for selfish reasons I would like it to hold a few more years - was always planning to die in bed ... but we will see! Fortunately I do not have any offspring - I know all this is SELFISH, but I am nothing, so what could I change?)

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Dear Elisabeth. I was a child growing up in a civil war in Sri Lanka. We had to hide in cupboards. Not only were there railstrikes but attempted coup d'etats. promulagated by the British in order to show the world that Sri Lanka was not capable of Independence. The first woman President in the world was Sirimavo Banaranike her husband was assassinated.

IF you can find the book written by Leonard Woolf (husband of vicious Virginia) you might understand that

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Why would you live in Chicago...it is a shithole.

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Hi Realist

ALL big cities are shitholes. People stacked atop one another like cordwood. Concrete jungles. Big cities are the exact opposite of nature.

I realize that not everyone has the privilege of living on a farm as I do but small towns are so much better than metropolises.

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"ALL big cities are shitholes. People stacked atop one another like cordwood. Concrete jungles. Big cities are the exact opposite of nature.

I realize that not everyone has the privilege of living on a farm as I do but small towns are so much better than metropolises."

That is my exact sentiment. Not only are small—to medium-sized towns better places to live, but they are also often home to colleges and universities, and the majority of production and manufacturing takes place there.

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It's all relative; I was hitchhiking east from the west coast; must have been North Dakota, the woman said that she preferred living in medium sized cities; further along in the dialogue it turned out that her idea of a medium sized city was 300 people, and I lived just outside of Chicago at the time.

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Compared with what? NYC?

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They say Venezuela, but actually Mexico

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Hi Christopher

We wouldn’t have such an influx of Venezuelans if we hadn’t destroyed their country via the terrible sanctions we imposed on them.

My heart goes out to them ; but why they would choose to come to the United States of Destruction is beyond me.

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We already got a taste of it when they locked us down in the plandemic. Then they treated the unvaxed as lepers. If they can go that far, they will certainly go farther.

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I agree! Authoritarianism has been on the rise globally. I see ourselves as living in a world that is some combination of "1984" and "Brave New World", with things progressively getting worse.

I wonder what it will take to wake the masses up and get them agitated enough to revolt against their overlord masters. I thought that observing hell on earth (Gaza-Palestine) would be the spark that would light the fuse.... I'm hoping it still might...

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Only wide-spread, long-lasting famines in a huge portion of the populace (nothing to loose any more...) sparks revolutions that truly lead to sustainable, positive changes for the masses.

The elites' constant touting about the Universal Basic Income is because they are aware of this fact and absolutely need to avoid the a.m. situation at any cost to get the plebes where they want them to be ...

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Hunger is a very strong motive for revolution, but it isn't always that way.

Chinese Revolution

USA Revolution

German 1860's (?) attempted revolution due to automation of weaving.

Romania -- breaking free of the USSR

India Breaking Free of UK

Viet Nam -- Breaking Free of France and USA.

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Are you suggesting that only when things get bad enough (eg. famine and near death) and people experience it for themselves is when they will wake up? Are there any exceptions from history to the contrary?

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Interesting exchange, Chang Chokaski and Klaus Hubbertz. Do we have the groundwork for a revolution? The 1917 October Revolution happened with the coming together of the intelligentsia, the workers and the masses, and the Soviet Union lasted 75 years. ( Whose to say it wouldn't have lasted another 75 years if not for the relentless undermining of the US/West.. ).

Today where are the intellectuals, the organised workers, the knowledgable politically aware masses?

Maybe the Global South will teach them how to do a Revolution. There sure must be a Che or a Fidel Castro.... somewhere..... .

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Indu, the 2nd Bolshevik Revolution (Oct 1917) lasted for a relatively short time. It was not perfect, was limited in scope and inclusion, and faded away with the coming of Stalin. Stalin's rule was a dictatorial, authoritarian and totalitarian regime - very different from what Marx, Engels, Lenin, or Trotsky wanted for Russia. It was not Communist or Socialist but rather some weird hybrid combination of capitalist, socialist, and communist features that suited the ruling authorities of Russia.

The Soviet Union did not dissolve just because of the cold war or US/West involvement. There were numerous flaws with the Soviet system and too many variables interacting in different and complex ways that led to the dissolution of Soviet Russia.

Also, intellectuals are more often than not on the side of the status quo rather than on the side of the proletariat, peasants, and lumperproletariat. As for organizing workers - that has always been the challenge...

I don't see much hope in the Global South. China is a dictatorship, India was heading that way under Modi (it will be interesting to see how it evolves after the recent shake-up), the Middle-East countries are monarchies and dictatorships, African countries are undergoing their own internal conflicts (Sudan, Congo, many others), South America is succumbing under authoritarian rule (Argentina, Ecuador), Phillipines is a dictatorship, etc.

I want to believe that things are getting better, but from what I observe - especially taking into consideration climate change and its impacts on geopolitical events, I'm apprehensive...

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{...Are you suggesting...} YES, definitively !!

{...Are there any exceptions...} Not that I am aware of.

ONLY the constant grumbling of their OWN stomach & intestines with a bleak, long-term outlook of it persisting 24/7, finally leading to death by starvation will drive masses of the plebes into counter-action ... Maybe, but as things are developing, most of them just will curl-up and die.

UBI has been devised to avoid this scenario and the mRNA-jabs will finish the job to keep public expenses for depopulation as low as possible.

Let us see what happens in Gaza in the weeks to come ...

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I disagree with you on mRNA vaccines (which will in all likelyhood be a major component of the future of vaccine technology - whether you like it or not).

The efficacy rates of different vaccines is a different issue. The statistical analysis and risk/reward ratios is also a separate issue (that anti-vaxxers are simply unable to comprehend due to a multitude of reasons).

I don't intend to digress into a discussion of vaccines or vaccine technology in this thread, as it is not relevant to the current discussion (and I doubt we would ever come to a consensus on them).

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I agree Jack (I am also Jack)

We are slowly awakening to the fact that that our precious heritage democracy has been turned into System's Party A or Party B with the occasional accidental genuine person or party gaining power to be swiftly demonised and disempowered or iff that doesn't work the JFK solution may have to be applied. And yes we are now Gazans to the system since it has had to take off its disguise and reveal to us that the real de facto leaders are the zionists who live in Washington or Wall St New York and have control behind Hapless Joe and the Congress by way of the Neocons who besides being the controllers are actually almost all Zionists. A nightmare become our daily reality.

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We need a match to this tinder!

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It is a certainty when you look at history that disarming, propagandizing, pacification all lead to tyranny. Only when s people stand up and Actively defend themselves do they have any chance at all. Those who are working to bring about this Reset, this World hegemony of US empire, the insanity of gender confusion, and fake pandemic with biowar vaccines are a tiny Minority when compared to US population. Even Smaller when taken against the 7 Billion people on this planet they want to control or kill. Rise up, we do not have to take it.

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I am Jean Valjean, exactly.

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We ARE sheep in our powerlessness when compared to the overwhelming might of our cruel shepherds. They have he world's biggest ever recorded mass of trained and heavily armed killers who themselves will be force to gun us all down if we violently resist them. But if we nonviolently begin to stop cooperating with them for long enough the system will begin to crumble and even some of their trained killers will stop obeying the kill order. But sadly that is a dream for many or most of the 'we' in that assertion have indeed been trained to be sheeplike in our response and anyway know that a violent reaction to them will be futile. And trained to feel that a nonviolent response is futile. Which is by no means necessarily true .We need to be nonviolently subversive and spread the word by means of social media which they have not yet got fully under control.

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Worked for Ghandi. There are signs that make me more hopeful.

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It's either this way or no way. If a mouse stands in front of an elephant challenging it one small movement of one foot will crush the mouse. But if the mouse gets into the elephant's ear the monstrous beast may shake its head snort and move away which is just what the mouse wanted. Not a glorious victory but a win anyway.

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There's "something" in Biden's ear already!🙃

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I have to keep listening to music and looking at beautiful art to keep wanting to save myself. I have to keep looking at the squirrels and listening to the birds sing. And I have to be around other people who do not accept this brutality as normal.

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Susan, about squirrels..... When I was a teenager and shot squirrels , pinning their tail on my bedroom wall, one particular squirrel which had eluded me rang out with a staccato-like screeching stated to all present forest creatures that the human was leaving, and as I did so added '"You should be ashamed to be a human".

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I would never kill a squirrel and my dog does not chase them. I am hoping a squirrel may someday decide to chase my dog.

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A deer kissed my dog once; is that friendly wildlife or not?

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I did kill squirrels...I was developing my hunting skills.. Never for a moment did I think that squirrels would disapprove.... except for one....

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Hunting innocent squirrels for TARGET PRACTICE is shameful.

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"Shameful", also idiotic, cruel, imbecilic, thoughtless and barbaric..., and utterly stupid. Couldn't agree with you more.....

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John It does my heart good that you’ve changed your ways! 🙂

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Yes. <3

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One reason I like your articles so much is because you frequently comment on how our actions can corrupt our souls. To speak that way doesn't necessarily imply a belief in an actual soul or in a divine being who created us all, but it is a way of addressing what evil does to us psychologically as well as physically - I am reminded of The Picture of Dorian Gray; you cannot commit sins without a mark being left, if only a numbing in the sensitivity you feel toward injustice and cruelty. Thank you for the person you are, you do help the rest of us.

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Well said, Caitlin. I see this as a graduation from Nazism. At least that crowd resorted to hiding their barbaric acts. The Zionists and their enablers and cheerleaders are bragging about this. Even if Hamas is as horrendous as they believe them to be, what conscience justifies the sadistic murder of so many innocent women and children?! They have lost whatever moral ground they spent their billion-dollar PR machine building..

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That’s a very interesting point also because the Nazis were couching their murders in semi-legitimate warfare. Dropping 2000 lb. bombs on children in tents is not war; shooting unarmed civil activists, (see: 2018 march of return), is not war. And the Nazi death camps, as you say, were concealed.

My approach is to treat conversations with Zionists as I would with KKK members: I reject every tenet of your position, and refuse to accept any logical argument which attempts to defend the indefensible.

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I perceive what Israel and the Zionists are doing to be worse than what the Nazis did (maybe I'm biased since I was not alive during the Holocaust and did not see it being live-streamed).

One difference between the Nazi Holocaust and the Holocaust occuring in Gaza is that there were many countries allied together and fighting against Nazi Germany in a war. In the Gaza and Palestine context, I see no such opposing force/countries (other than Ansar-Allah and Hezbollah (both small entities)) fighting against Israel. Instead, we see the opposite. We see the Allies of Evil (US, Canada, UK, Australia, Europe, maybe others) supporting Israel instead of opposing it. This fact alone makes it much worse than the Nazi Holocaust (IMO).

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Actually, before the Nazis killed all those people, there was not much support at all for the Jews or other groups that were being threatened. Nobody saw the Holocaust being live streamed. That possibility did not exist. Canada and the US and other countries would not allow Jews trying to flee the hatred into their countries. The holocaust was a horrible time in history. One of the really ugly things about what Israel is doing right now is that they are using that holocaust as an excuse for their genocide. It is not worse, but it is equally horrible and additionally difficult to swallow because it is being done by the descendants of holocaust survivors. It is insulting and belittling to people who had friends and family that died during the Nazi holocaust. It was not only Jews who were murdered by the Nazis. The Jews were the main focus of the Nazis but they were not the only recipients of Nazi hatred.

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Susan T, nothing you said above are things I do not already know.

>>"It is not worse, but it is equally horrible..."

It may be equally horrible to you, but it is worse according to me. To argue on that point is moot since we have different interpretations and perceptions of history and ways of anaylzing information, not to mention different morals and values and the weights given to them to arrive at any definitive right/wrong opinion.

So what is the point of your comment anyway? To say that you are right and I am wrong on a subjective matter with different basis for interpretation? Or to say that according to you it was equally horrible, while according to others the present Genocide is worse?

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I had not intended to argue with you. You said "there were many countries allied together and fighting against Nazi Germany in a war" which suggested to me that you thought everyone was on the side of the people the Nazis were oppressing and killing.

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No, WW2 was not about rescueing Jews (or homosexuals or romas or socialists or communists, or disabled people). It was about colonization and capitalism. Germany intended to colonize Europe just as many European countries had/were colonizing Africa, Asia, etc. It was imperialism. And as Lenin's book title suggests - "Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism". There were other factors too (like Germany's humiliation following WW1, hyperinflation, fascism in Europe & Japan, etc.)

And yes, my statement "there were many countries allied together and fighting against Nazi Germany in a war" still holds true.

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Hi Chang

Hezbollah is proving itself to far more than a small entity. Please see Richard Medhurst’s recent videos.


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Yes, Australia particularly. Now nothing but a compliant US / Israeli puppet where one party is the same as the other, both chanting "Israel has a right to defend itself", ad nauseam, now something of a pathetic statement from a sadistic Israeli state, a fact that is also often echoed in so many countries, particularly those mentioned above by Chang.

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I'm sorry, but this may be the absolute, most asinine comment I've ever read on the internet.

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Not only have you not explained your reasoning, but your wording indicates an emotional response rather than a meaninful one. Your comment also indicates arrogance on your part by assuming that you are at a level of being able to judge an asinine comment when encountering one. Keep working on your skills - hopefully you will get there one day.

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It was an opinion I offered, and your right, there was a certain amount of emotion. In particular a great deal of incredulity that you could come to the conclusion you came to was appalling in it's own right, but you, justified in part, your conclusions as being based on the fact you weren't alive to bear witness to the holocaust. That point alone, that by itself, was enough to call your comment an absolute asinine statement.

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You still haven't justified your "asinine" comment. I'm waiting to hear some logic, rationality, or anything that supports your statement/opinion. Or maybe you are facing a comprehension issue with the phrasing and logic of my comment?

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I don't think you should be so quick to judge. If Jeffrey Dahmer's brother Donny only tortured and ate the body parts of 4 boys, while Jeffrey did that to 17 boys, would it be wrong to say their crimes are comparable?

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Okay, I'll play along.

No, but that's a 4:1 differential v. 6M:35K for one. We've got a long ways to go (roughly another 1.47M Palestinians)before we even get close to your proposed equivalency ratio, hence one of the reasons why the comment is so asinine.

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Too much whiskey, Delta?

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You think the NUMBER makes a crime worse. THAT might be the asinine view. Is a small holocaust somehow worse than a big one? I'm not sure. Definitely about the same for the holocaust-ees. Hitler was Jeffrey Dahmer and Biden is his twin brother. Which is the better man?

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Gaza genocide is — US genocide of Palestinians.

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So true. I have been thinking this for a while but it also felt weird to verbalize because it felt like an odd recentering. LIke 'doing something to save Gaza is going to benefit you because you're actually fighting to save your own soul' feels extremely true but also sort of weirdly self-serving, like I'm trying to say you should only help others because you realize it helps you too..... But at the core of it is this return to the idea that people need each other. And that we have made a world that tries to pretend that people don't need each other, that we have no responsibility to each other, that we should not care about the suffering of others as long as it is othered, we should all just sit in our little individual pods until they're ready to come for us too and by then, as the famous poem states, it will be too late.

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Well said Lidija, I think a lot of us have gone through the same thoughts.

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It's such a weird and paradoxical situation. I think also a lot of people who are purposely avoiding following the situation 'to protect their inner peace' and in the name of their 'self care and wellness' are on some level directly harming themselves.... Because you can't just successfully ignore something like this and talk yourself into believing things are fine, it just deepens that empty hole we already all have in our lives where purpose and human connection used to be. Like I have a bunch of friends who are in that mode and none of them seem any less anxious and stressed about life. This idea that you can just put a wall around yourself and ignore the terrible thing happening on the other side of an arbitrary line you made up is kind of the epitome of today's western society. Just like the billionaires think they can survive the apocalypse if they build fancy enough bunkers.

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Gaza is the trial balloon, what's to come as billions of migrants flee climate chaos, deadly heat, droughts, floods, sea level rise, super storms, famines wars, and economic collapse.

Leonard Cohen wrote "I've seen the future - it is murder" in 1992


I suspect that Aaron Bushnell saw the game plan for that.

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Really good point, connecting Gaza to practice for dealing with the coming surge of perhaps a billion migrants. And what an awesome song by Leonard Cohen. I'd never heard it. Good job pointing out that he wrote it in 1992. Putin has killed 200+ children in Ukraine, while the Clinton administration admitted to killing 500,000 children in Iraq with his "sanctions". Like "Sam" says in a comment above, "...it's been lost for a long time, way before the current horrors occurring in Gaza. .... [T]he waves are bigger than ever and I fear it won't be long until they drown us all."

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Those fully encased in Zionism are oblivious to the destructiveness of their juggernaut and how much oppression and anger and resentment and pain and fear and death it’s caused worldwide. They’re committed to the rightness of their cause and will be utterly devastated when reality finally strikes them. And it will.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I sincerely hope it will. That these sadists will be held accountable for their unspeakable acts against all our humanity. :(

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Well said Jody!

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Please don't hate me if I push back a bit.

TEN TIMES as many people have died, and will die in, Ukraine.

Same Blinken, Sullivan, Biden, Nuland, Lindsey Graham, the whole Neocon crew.

NO ONE GAF, or at least nowhere near as many, until October 7th.

So, the media and we as the media's lemmings undervalue Ukrainian and Russian lives.

By the way, Ukraine is pulling the West towards WWIII with a lot more gravity than Israel-Palestine, as Russia has 6000 warheads.

(Fun fact: Pakistan is the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons.)

I think the main cause is that you have to search a bit to see the horrors in Ukraine; you have to go to Russian or other international platforms. Ukraine is so bad it's running out of soldiers.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is fetishized when compared with other conflicts.

Being anti-war is about consistency. When MTG and her crew were railing against the Ukraine War, CODEPINK, with the exception of Medea Benjamin, didn't say sh*t. Medea to had write a book and do a book tour, explaining why war is bad to dumbass TDS liberals who believed in Russiagate.

I of course don't disagree with anything you are saying, I'm throwing some context out there.

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I don’t like to use the word “pushback” because it implies disagreement. I agree with everything you’ve said about Ukr - it is the neocon road to WWIII. We are arming the fascists running the Ukr theater like we are the Zionists in the Middle East. My question to you is, how many children have been murdered in Ukr over the 2+ years of that misadventure? If we let them normalize the slaughter of the most vulnerable, most innocent among us, those we would give our lives to protect, then ALL IS LOST. Saving Gaza is about saving the soul of humanity.

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Putin has killed 600+ Ukrainian children in 2 years.

Bidenyahu have killed 14,000+ children in 8 months.


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>>"Saving Gaza is about saving the soul of humanity."

Well said Dr.Who! I couldn't agree with you more. People need to rationally AND emotionally understand this one single statement deep down in their bones!

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My main source for Ukraine is the Duran. I know alot of children are orphaned, then some are adopted, some exploited, it is terrible even in peacetime.

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fully aware and fully ashamed here. palestine's got more in-your-faceness though. they did a much better job shutting down sputnik and rt, telegram's not as hot as tik-tok. the killing (slavs killing slavs) and mayhem is more slow grinding and (thanks to western weapon-'support') it looks more like a 'war'. but when you start to count all the ukrainian flags on the cemeteries...

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I heard they are burying Ukrainians soldiers stacked 3 deep, so as not to fill up the cemeteries so fast.

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they cleared russian ww2 cemeteries to make room (and stick it to the russians). jaw-dropping revisionism one can point to if people cry anti-semitism-holocaust, which is totally reduced to pearl-clutching by what they tolerate in ukraine.

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The other kinda nuanced thing is that there are thousands of former Russian and Ukrainian citizens in Israel, some of whom sympathize with ethnic Russians in the Dunbas, such that Israel is trying not to take sides; Naftali Bennett tried to negotiate peace early in the conflict and Zelensky received a lukewarm reception when he addressed the Knesset. I am not recalling whether Israel sent aid to Ukraine or not...

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i've heard some 30% of israel's immigrants come from eastern europe. recently i saw a tiktok checking on the roots of several famous leaders of israel. quite some polish (bibi, peres), ukrainian (golda meir, dayan), russian (sharon), baltic (barak) and other eastern european (rabin) roots. this might explain some of russian duplicity on the issue, allthough they kinda recognized the palestinian state back in 1988. but recently even putin could no longer avoid not calling it a war, but the complete destruction of a society and a people (diplomatic definition of genocide).

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Afaik Israel has not sent military “aid” to Ukr, but that would be like saying…Connecticut hasn’t sent any either.

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Nice to meet you Afiak. Is that name like African or Asian or something?

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Some Letters to the Editor... Saturday local paper ---- 'Money for Park should go to clean water' ---- 'Bicycle safety for kids' ------- 'Restaurants should consider induction cooking' ------ Going Green makes captives of Big Battery' ------

Not one mention of War, Gaza, Ukraine.... Israel, Russia..... NASA. In fact, go back 30 days.... no mention of anything related to the above.... NADA.... NADA NADA NADA....

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It's too late. For a much too large segment of the population, humanity is lost, and it's been lost for a long time, way before the current horrors occurring in Gaza. Those of us who still retain a semblance of empathy and compassion will continue to do what we have always done to try to make other's lives better, but the waves are bigger then ever and I fear it won't be long until they drown us all.

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I quote you in a comment to Bill Wolfe below.

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The rogue US Empire's CEO is a demented Mafia Don, the Europeans are hapless vassals, Australia and New Zealand no better. Those that speak truth like Assange and Snowden sidelined and tortured in plain sight, PLUS an outright genocide committed by the barbaric West on women and children with the Yemeni Houthis firing misiles on a US aircraft carrier in defense of Gaza, these are unprecedented times. Did I mention the proxy war in Ukr that so far cost 500k+ lives, and that may turn nuclear once the slave owners in the West realize they are losing on the battlefield?

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A demented Mafia Don that literally just shit in his pants during an official ceremony at Normandy on the D-Day anniversary. The leader of the free-world ... can't even control his own bowels. :( And this is the guy with the finger on the button.

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On paper, the US is a Democracy, Congress is the Legislative and the idiotic elderly Supremes the Judiciary branch. On paper, these are independent branches of the Shining Beacon on the Hill (aka the fascist) US Government. Also, on paper, the Commander in Chief (our demented Mafia Don) is in charge of the US strategic nukes, has his finger on the button. All of the above are fiction, but sound good and are sold as the truth to those uninformed or naive enough to believe this fantasy. I do not think that those really in charge would let clowns like Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Bush, Trump, and now cleary demented Biden to make any decisions of consequence. Would you?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I'd like to think so. But do you really know? Suppose those behind the curtain want to push the button themselves? The NeoCon lunatics. Will Genocide Joe stop them?

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Yes it’s larger than Gaza. It’s about liberation from all forms of oppression.

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Every line perfect.

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I just can't believe others, my friends included, aren't saving themselves. How could they not even comment or acknowledge the situation. It's broken my heart and distanced myself from many.

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That's the problem I'm having. Talking politics with friends I used to consider progressive is like talking to a baby who can only say googoo gaga. They are still in the old paradigm. I had what I thought was a wonderful, intelligent conversation with my 89-year-old aunt, and then the next words that came out of her mouth, were, "I love Joe Biden."

Seeing intelligent progressives such as Bernie and AOC wave the flag for our Ukraine proxy war truly broke my heart. It FEELS broken. A scientist friend of mine who has ALWAYS been right on, who has led anti nuke rallies at Lawrence Livermore Labs and spoke at them, put the Ukraine flag as his Facebook background picture! WTF? Suddenly he's trusting basically the same Nazis who did Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc. to be HELPING Ukraine -- even though the math says that we are using them for cannon fodder and they can never win.

It's pushing me near despair. I was near broken yesterday and walking down the street listening to Tim Foley reading a recent Caitlin post, and right when the pain in my heart became unbearable, I got on a swing in a little park I was walking by and started swinging. It was a beautiful day. I got to this part, 1 minute long, which I clipped from the podcast to share. It truly helped. Caitlin is an angel.


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You are so right, Caitlin! Gaza is the ultimate test of our humanity and our right to exist on this beautiful planet! https://dianeengelhardt.substack.com/p/salvation

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