Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

I'm getting a bit dizzy. After a decade of checking for Islamic terrorists under my bed, I rushed to the window to look for ANTIFA coming to claim what was theirs only to remember I instead needed to guard against anti-vaxxers aligned with domestic white extremists. Now, after taking down my Joe Rogan dart board, I'm draping my house in blue and yellow bunting, glad to see that the real enemy -- Russia -- has finally been decided upon. At least this week.

Any government that works so hard trumpeting a revolving cast of enemies worthy of a DC comic is by definition indulging in a slight-of-hand act. And Mark Warner is proof that when it comes to state propaganda and censorship, there is no republican alternative to the current crop of authoritarians in power now.

Please vote accordingly (as if that makes any real difference).

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“Please vote accordingly (as if that makes any real difference).”

IMHO, one of the most difficult things we must do—and one of the most fundamental things we must do if we are to see the world clearly and resist totalitarianism—is to purge ourselves of the utter nonsense that the U.S. is a democracy, that our votes actually matter.

Voting in the U.S. (and in any of its imperial territories) is now nothing more than a performative charade meant only to placate us into submission. Our votes—left, right, Democrat, Republican, it doesn't matter—make us psychologically and spiritually complicit in the crimes of Empire. Those little “I voted” stickers are marks of our abject acquiescence to Empire. “I voted” is the equivalent of confessing love for Big Brother.

It is time to abandon The System and to create what Eastern European resistance fighters of the 20th C (Vaclav Benda, Vaclav Havel, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, etc) generally referred to as a parallel society—alternative institutions of culture, politics, law, education, economics, and religion that operate outside of but parallel to the official institutions, and which serve truth and freedom rather than political/economic/psychological oppression.

Of course, the totalitarians understand this and will repress all efforts at creation of a parallel society. For example, I am taking bets on whether Substack will resist censorship of our anti-imperial ravings. I’m making the odds at 10-1 that Substack censors Caitlin (and her subversive ilk) within a month.

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One thing that the current world situation has focused for me is that while I am certainly appreciative of the relative freedoms I enjoy in this country, what I absolutely share with the citizens of Russia is a complete inability to affect government policy. I wallow in greater freedom and comfort than they, but wallow nevertheless.

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If you live in the U.S.A., EVERY aspect of your day to day life IS CONTROLLED, from what you watch on tv, listen to on the radio, see in "public" spaces such as "advertising" aka Marketing, what you drive, how you drive, where you work, how you work, what you eat, what you buy, what you hear at "church", what you are "taught" in "school", etc., etc., etc.!!!!!!! The ONLY last little bit of Freedom you still have left IS CASH, and the system IS doing everything it can 24/7 to eliminate cash because it IS THE LAST LITTLE BIT OF REAL FREEDOM LEFT IN THE WEST, AND IN THE U.S.A. IN PARTICULAR!!!!!!!

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You seem to be implying that Mark Warner is a Republican. He is not. He is a Democrat. Did I misunderstand you?

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I wasn't implying; I flat out got that wrong. Thanks.

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Of course, that doesn't invalidate the rest of what you wrote. Indeed, most of the Republicans are as bat-shit crazy as Adam Kinzinger.

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That last part is the thing I wonder about. Turning public opinion one way or the other has zero effect on what the government does. Why even bother controlling the message?

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We’re still pretending to believe in democracy, and war criminals need that fiction to continue.

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Optics are still important and perception management is still a what? Multi-billion dollar investment by those behind the curtain. I'm assuming they've got a good reason for their doing so.

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Yes, it is obvious why they are doing it, so that they can continue to keep Enslaving the entire world to their Usury Based Debt Slavery Banking System, Destroy the Planet For Profit System, while at the same time KEEPING THE HANGMAN'S NOOSE FROM BEING PUT AROUND THEIR NECKS FOR HIGH TREASON TO SOCIETY AND FOR THEIR MULTITUDE OF WAR CRIMES AGAINST NATION AFTER NATION!!!!!!!!

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Good for you, Caitlin, for pissing off the right people.

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Quick notes on Senator Mark Warner:

- Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee

- Founder of Columbia Capital, a “telecommunications-related venture capitol” firm

- Worth 214 million dollars, he is the second richest person in the U.S. Congress

- His largest campaign donors include JP Morgan, The Blackstone Group and Columbia Capital.

What’s not to trust?

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Also another shoulder-to-shoulder Zionist mouthing the DOA two state solution nonsense so they can sound like reasonable people while bankrolling racism and apartheid. Given his other "values" list above, this one is no surprise at all.

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He IS A Traitor To Society and An Economic Terrorist!!!! As well as WAR CRIMINAL!!!!!

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Finally the Russian and Chinese news services, which have been tame in their responses to nonstop fabricated and scurrilous attacks from the US media, are pointing out some of the frailties in the American propaganda blitz.

Note how the bombed apartment in the Ukraine in dozens of photos seems to be the same apartment. And no one should rule out false flag in any American stormy.

But here is a summary which gives perspective on what the Russians and Chinese are saying from an American historian by the American historian William Blum summarizing US foreign policy. I’ve put this on WaPo threads before. Never a rebuttal to this. Never a Holy shxt moment. No sense of moral outrage. No shame.

From Blum via Stotle…Principally, one must come to the realization that the United States strives to dominate the world, for which end it is prepared to use any means necessary. Once one understands that, much of the apparent confusion, contradiction, and ambiguity surrounding Washington’s policies fades away. To express this striving for dominance numerically, one can consider that since the end of World War II the United States has:

1) Endeavored to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically elected;

2) Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries;

3) Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders;

4) Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries;

5) Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.”

― William Blum, America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy – The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else

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Thank you for being consistent and sane. If I weren't staring at poverty, I'd send you money, but I'm sure you're tired of hearing that line.

Thank you and love is all I can muster, but it's sincere.

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University faculty "Covid Training" today, mandatory.--y+eah, got the vaccine, got the mask, check check.

Not sure I like being told what to read or to "stay off social media" for my health. Not sure being told to call in news of any student parties is a good thing.

Honestly, I am not sure how Russian propaganda gets a word in edgewise.

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Caity, I promise that if you keep doing your thing (writing), I'll keep doing my thing (sharing your work).

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Russia made its demands known in December, but for all the coverage they've been given in the West, they might as well never have been published. But how long will a populace faced with soaring inflation subject to a financial system under even more extreme duress than in 2008, not want to know and think about the fact that all Russia demands is for the US to back off and return NATO to its military dispositions in 1997? And all that all China -- backing Russia to the hilt and materially helping it negate the effects of sanctions -- is asking is to stop meddling in Taiwan? The day is coming when the MSM dam keeping back that information will spring leaks and people will begin to better know and understand the true causes of the economic disaster fast closing in around them.

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Yup, the Overton window.

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if we cut back on consumption of corporate junk and poison by 15%, wall street will collapse in a hurry. if we reduce our participation in this war economy and pay less taxes, if we stop our loved ones from joining the military, if we cancel those who participate and contribute.... we must play a long game but an effective one. street protests and letter writing never produce results.

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Notice all the propaganda on most media shows how poorly Russia is faring in the "invasion". I don't believe it for that alone. Who knows, maybe they are not doing well; however, you are NOT hearing statistics of Ukrainian losses at all.

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Anyone want to watch Tulsi at CPAC? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6e_RvWDKUw

It wasn't a great speech, but she did talk about holding Biden and Clapper responsible for their crimes and in support of the Durham investigation. It got a standing ovation.

A lot of folks seem to be really angry with her for pointing out that Biden could have stopped this war between Russia and Ukraine at any time.

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Thanks for the link. I don't agree with Tulsi all the time. I was very disturbed how much she went along with the scamdemic, co-sponsoring HR6666. But the Bill of Rights and Declaration are the bedrock of American culture and governance, and she has always defended them.

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A good road performance from her...as usual. She seems to play road games all the time now (Rogan is the lone exception).

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if we cut back on consumption of corporate junk and poison by 15%, wall street will collapse in a hurry. if we reduce our participation in this war economy and pay less taxes, if we stop our loved ones from joining the military, if we cancel those who participate and contribute.... we must play a long game but an effective one. street protests and letter writing never produce results.

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And Use Cash!!!! It IS our last little bit of REAL FREEDOM left. Resist ALL efforts to move us into a Cashless Society!!!!! THIS WILL REALLY FRUSTRATE AND SCREW UP THEIR PLANS!!!!!

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we shall be bartering more too. working collaboratively is a form of labor bartering. sharing is another. i wouldn't need my own lawnmower if my neighbor mows my lawn, and i take care of their dog and mail while they are on vacation. better yet, turn the lawn over, grow cucumbers and potatoes, and share with neighbors. well my parents have practiced that for their whole life. they never had a credit card or mortgage or any debt. as far as the banking parasites are concerned, they never existed. they were lifetime republicans, they went to menonite church, never fell for hollywood, lived the simplest life, never interfered in our lives either. they were hardly perfect but good enough for me.

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Depuis la découverte du pétrole au 19e siècle, l'intelligence créatrice et fluorissante des esprits libres de l'époque fut stoppé au fur et à mesure qu'elle se révélait, leur découverte était soit volé ou simplement mit au silence. La suite appartient à la propagande qui a capturé le potentiel intelligent et créateur humain l'empêchant ainsi de se développé. Certains prennent le temps de regardé l'autre coté de l'histoire, d'autres n'y songent même pas. Au final nous sommes tous, à notre époque, à l'image du "Chardonneret" (peint par Carel Fabritius en 1654), c'est à dire, sous développé et esclave enchainer à un travail. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Chardonneret

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Translation: Since the discovery of oil in the 19th century, the creative and fluorinating intelligence of the free spirits of the time was stopped as it was revealed, their discovery was either stolen or simply silenced. The sequel belongs to the propaganda that captured the intelligent and creative human potential thus preventing it from developing. Some take the time to look at the other side of the story, others don't even think about it. In the end we are all, in our time, in the image of the "Goldfinch" (painted by Carel Fabritius in 1654), that is to say, underdeveloped and enslaved to a work.

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Yup! LinkedIn just censored me for doing nothing, then an idiot took a swipe at me before I got deleted:


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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022

Still remember reporter Robert Fisk's remark after 9/11 stating that asking "Why?" is the one question we're not allowed to ask. "They hate our freedoms" was the only acceptable response. War creates a similar atmosphere where certain perspectives and questions can be dismissed as treasonous, unwillingly depositing us in the vapid moral simplicity of a James Bond film. Twas ever thus.

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Archbishop Romero: "when i fed the poor, they called me a saint. when i asked why they were poor, they called me a communist" and they lobbed his head.

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Have you noticed all the Bond villains and plots have taken form since those movies were made.

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Looking back on all those Far Right Fascist, The Empire (Bank of London/U.S.A.) is ALWAYS GOOD, stupid James Bond movies I watched as a kid, I feel like I was ROBBED of my childhood!!!!!

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Always the same since we invented speech!

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