Sep 6Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

I've been listening to you, Caitlin - and I've been HEARING you for some time. Yes, what you are saying here, you've said before in many ways. And I am in full agreement - "All positive changes in human behavior are always preceded by an expansion of consciousness," and I understand why people are so reluctant to consider transitional results. But an expansion of revolutionary consciousness will definitely enable the formation of strategies to effectively confront - and overcome - the deadly and toxic stranglehold of the status quo.

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It's one thing to want revolutionary changes, but quite another to change status quos. There have been thousands and thousands of revolutions in the past, and look where we are now ?

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Buckminster Fuller (the geodesic dome guy) once said:

"You will never change anything by directly opposing it, only by creating a new system that makes the old one entirely obsolete, change will eventually happen" ...

Still, the current developments absolutely need immediate and direct opposition if humanity wants to prevent from being thrown under their bus in short term.

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Even Buckminster Fuller ca be wrong. The first part of his sentence :"You will never change anything by directly opposing it" can be proven incorrect in thousands of ways, unless its interpretation fits into the perspective of who is reading the idiom.

As I assume linguists may agree, words in and of themselves are limiting by the perspective of who is using them. Even more, words are as self-limiting. 'Nothing in life is free' is but one example of having millions of different interpretations, depending on the outlooks of those perceiving that information.

The second part of that sentence however is much more in line with the theroy of evolution by which there is general agreement that everything eventually evolves, and thus changes. The truth is however, if there are indeed truths', is that nothing seems to be set in stone, and that we humans know very little about anything...

Sorry for the philosophical stuff above, and open to its complete dismantling.

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Changes are not permanent but change is -Neil Peart/Rush

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Yes indeed Leon the internal change of consciousness is the vital first step. .The second on is to renounce all violence against people. The vital third level of consciousness in to be prepared to involve oneself , vitally along with a group of similarly çommited people to nonviolent direct action. If the group's action are properly targeted it is likely to some small negative effect on the system and at this stage in the struggle that is as much as We can reasonably hope for. To think that there needs to be violence to be effective in the revolutionary struggle is clearly not correct. If it were it would be logical to give up the struggle, for violence against a heavily armed (including nuclear armed) system is not only futile it is counter productive. The future of the struggle is long but not futile .

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I hear you, Jack.

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The problem with revolution is, as you say, never fast - except when it happens. It’s getting to the happening that is the long, frustrating struggle but I think you’ve pointed the way Caitlin. Thanks.

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We can probably turn things around by the middle of next year. But we haven't done anything so...it just goes into the never never. Don't think they haven't figured out how to take the barren ground if everything collapses.

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"Don't think "they" haven't figured out"....

Who do you think 'THEY' are... Like the store 'Toys are Us', THEY are US, as in you and the rest of us. We are They.... the trick is to discover why it has proven inevitable for 'us' to become 'they'.

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That is a very interesting observation. Yes it - they is us. Quite true. We do it to ourselves. This is most fundamental to know. However there is a game plan and that part is not us - it is something else. Some attribute it to aliens but I'm not of that mind. I feel it is those who want all the resources and they have usurped humanity and mind controlled us to believe nonsense. All of science for example is nonsense. We need to give no mind to it and start our own experiments. They must be totally open. Openness is the antidote to these energies. I believe it is something like bacteria or parasites that live in us and direct us although we can intervene. as we have more power than this energy. However if we don't know, we won't do it will we? We can overcome this energy and lessen its force but we cannot eradicate it or anything and if we think in terms of eradiction then we feed this energy because it is the energy of destruction. And we are contain the energy of creation. We need destruction (or decomposition) as much as creation however right now the balance is way, way off because people have been so mind controlled that they have no clue about their power. So these energies work through us and within us and get us to do their dirty work.

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Lots of sound comments in your text... but if you're looking for a culprit, look no further than Darwin's explanations on the success story of species. He observed that 'The Survival of the Fittest' is a principal component of nature's selection process. We are but one species among the billions of species that have come and gone through the ages, and we act according to natural laws. If our intelligence allows it, and if we recognize that natural limitation, we might be able to overcome it.

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I fully disagree with Darwin's observations. Yes there is fightng for resources sometimes but that is only one very small part of living for all species. Most of the time we live in collaboration with each other. Everything lives seamlessly in collaboration with everything else. Darwin totally didn't observe that. That is part of the one-sided thinking, the negative side, which only sees entropy but doesn't see regeneration or creation. Mind and heart are the most powerful sources and we have been taught to believe utter rubbish from the moment we emerged out of the womb. So our minds have been directed towards building the destructive process rather than the creative process. We must never take anything that only men have decided because it is skewed. I'm not putting men down in any way, I'm simply saying if we want truth we need balance. That's another thing, both energies should be in balance. But because we only get perspectives from one side (the entropic, negative side) then that puts everyting "out of whack" and therefore nothing is right. We can work everything out but we need the wisdom of both sides, the masculine and the feminine. In a nutshell that is the problem we are enduring right now and throughout the ages for many eons. But it wasn't always like this.

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You can disagree with Darwin's evolutionary theories as much as you want, but when push comes to shove in nature the strongest survive at the cost of the weak. If there are two hungry lions and only enough to feed one lion... guess what... cooperation goes out with a loud roar.

There is nothing masculine or feminine about the survival of the fittest arena of nature's realms. If the males of the Black Widow species could talk, they might prefer to be the females who eat the male than the female, providing of course that the pathology of Black Widows is what I have read.

I think your observations of Darwin's theories need some revision. In nature, the Fittest survive, the weak do not.. i.e., a collaborative lion will only be so if it is well fed.

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general strike and mass organising

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General strikes in the USA mean next to nothing.

People are easily duped in the US to think their Unions are working for the people!

They are not doing this in the USA

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Football season is approaching, are you crazy?! 😉

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@El dragon

Sportsball(™), tool of mass distraction!

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I repeat ad nauseum Jenny:

We must do Revolution like the French did.

Cue “La Marseilles”!

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Happening here today.............Macron trying to become a Dictator AND this won't stop!

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"We can all begin applying in the here and now is working to foment a revolutionary zeitgeist by spreading awareness of the depravity and deceit of the empire."

I'm working on it 24/7/365 at The Revolution Continues here on Substack. Join me!

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No matter how it's sliced. WE are the empire.

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Dying Empires usually do not allow 'free speech!'

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"Dying Empires usually do not allow 'free speech!'... Sounds just about right to me...

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The revolution begins with us making daily changes in our lives for the better of society. The Zeitgeist you mentioned would take the form of small acts of kindness, combating homelessness and hunger for example. We can't feed everyone every day, but if we did someone some times, it helps. We can't house a million people but we can tell our politicians who want to criminalize it to fuck off. We can protest online against pro war politicians, like those supporting Israel, every day we can do a little. I will respectfully disagree that you will always stand out in the crowd and that what you do will never be obsolete, even in a healthy society because this could happen again, we will need people pointing out those who try to subvert the healthy society. We got to this point because propaganda made the unhealthy look healthy. You could find great success writing poetry and painting in a healthy society, just like you do now, it would just take a different theme ;)

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“What would I do if my country was committing (permitting) genocide?

The answer is: You’re doing it right now.”

Eleven months and counting.

Does anyone else wonder what might be in those “humanitarian” polio vaccines???

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"Does anyone else wonder what might be in those “humanitarian” polio vaccines???" Oh yes! What they need is water and food. To ignore that and allow only "vaccines" is the height of obscenity, monumentally so.

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No food or water, but 60,000+ “inoculations” in response to a single “alleged” case of polio???

Vaccinations for severely malnourished children???

That’s definitely contraindicated.

I smell a rat.

Does anyone seriously trust the Zionist Israeli Jews to have the best interests of Palestinian children at heart???

Mass murder through medical malfeasance???

Poisonous polio vaccines for the purpose of eliminating all amalek???

If past practice is a predictor of future performance, I’d run for the hills before I ever took one of those IGF Jew jabs.

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You folks have hit on something important. Even were these relatively "clean" IPV (Salk) polio vaccines, the idea of introducing a strong challenging stimulus of three types of inactivated polio viruses to a malnourished child -- whose immune system is therefore of seriously diminished competence with high probability -- is insane and maximally risky. This rises (descends) to the level of Josef Mengele "medicine".

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The OPV vaccine is known to be less effective and more dangerous than the IVP, the latter of which is the only vaccine used in the USA, and has been since 2000. Guess which one is being used in Gaza?

I can’t help wonder why they want to vaccinate children before they shoot them. It seems unlikely that Israelis were seized with a sudden spate of compassion. But, it’s also undoubtedly true that the Israeli society, at least the important part, is fully vaccinated with the more effective vaccine.

If someone thought this was a way to slow down the slaughter, well the illegal occupiers have taken that aspect to the West Bank, so clearly that idea didn’t work. I’m truly perplexed by this.

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I’m thinking more along the lines of something on the order of Jim Jones and the People’s Temple in Guyana.

The IGF vaccines aren’t meant to protect the Palestinians.

They’re meant to end the Palestinians.

I have no doubt that the Zionist Israeli Jews are that despicable and depraved.

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>>"The OPV vaccine is known to be less effective and more dangerous than the IVP, the latter of which is the only vaccine used in the USA, and has been since 2000. Guess which one is being used in Gaza?"

Joy, there is a lot of thinking (including logistics) that goes into such decisions. For instance: OPV is less expensive to produce and administer compared to IPV, OPV only requires a single or a few doses to provide effective immunity, and OPV can provide better mucosal immunity, which helps to interrupt the transmission of the virus.

There are reasons for polio vaccination beyond the obvious. It gives a respite (to certain areas of the Gaza strip) from the constant bombardment, and besides delivering the vaccines, it allows aid workers to provide other basic neccessities. Every little bit helps.

It's also partly a PR campaign by the West (since it won't matter if you're vaccinated or not if you die from bombs and gunfire first).

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"I’m truly perplexed by this." - why? Someone is making money.

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1000% agreement!

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It might be good for you to read up a little on the history of polio epidemics. Anyone born after 1945 is unlikely to remember them; I was born just a few years after the first vaccine became available. Still, I had some schoolmates who were partially paralyzed. For parents and kids, the prospect of polio was terrifying. Nowadays, polio is just a word.

You should be grateful that vaccines exist.

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Slugdoctor. I was born BEFORE the Polio vaccine. My sister had Polio/I had a 8weeks hospital stay with a high temperature

Look up Wales in the Great British Empire where Polio ripped through the people.

Not many in Wales are still surviving.

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Consciousness raising is definitely needed to find a good path forward together.

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Diana,,, Agreed to change paths... but which good path ???

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{... but which good path ???...}

There definitively is no one-size-fits-all ...

A rather individualistic decision and choice.

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Hopefully, John, we the people on the ground will solve this together. For some great ideas, check out Paddy Le Flufy's book 'Building Tomorrow'. https://paddyleflufy.com/building-tomorrow/ Totally doable things that take us onto a better path.

I think just doing what we can together will coalesce into a path forward.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6


The sad thig about thinking about the future is that it is being compromised not only by climate changes, but by the dire specter of an atomic war. Although a gruesome thought in the extreme, the fact that people in general choose to ignore its looming possibility is both understandable, and not.

In general, if existential crises can be stated as most important, then severe climate changes has to be ranked near the very top of that list, but not first. Since a nuclear war could end human existence on Earth in a matter of weeks, perhaps months at best, its possibility should rank within everyone's outlooks. While listing the horrible consequences of a nuclear war won't exactly welcome you as a party entertainer, neglecting its parity among those who are seeking a better perspective for life on Earth should also be part and parcel for world changes.

Someone once commented on a blog that I was obsessed with that vision, and he was right. How could anyone not be?

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John, I don't think it's a competition but, yes, I agree that it's extremely serious. What du you think we can do about it?

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"What du you think we can do about it?" referring to Nuclear War I presume ??

Your question is as relevant as it gets, and seldom asked. A march was organized in 1982 by Helen Caldicott in which more than one million people marched in New York demanding something be done about nuclear weapons. Obviously, if one million marchers did nothing to change that perspective,...10 billion won't either. The weapons are not the problem as much as the reasons why they exist.

If we can identify the reasons WHY nuclear arsenals exist, we can then deal with those reasons, as opposed to the weapons themselves, as the marchers did without success. If the above has credibility, then what are the reasons? In simple terms, one reason can be linked to the following analogy.... Almost every minnow becomes a big fish. In fact, before anything gets bigger, it first starts off smaller. War, as defined by the Oxford dictionary, consists of an act which threatens life. If that is a viable description of war, then denying someone basic needs such as food and shelter, when there is enough food and shelter for all, would therefore threaten the life of those who are denied essential needs. Much like minnows become large fish, small wars become large wars, with nuclear war the biggest of all, If we are able to recognize the importance of providing survival needs for all humans, thus avoiding millions of small wars against those for whom basic needs are denied, it can be reasonable to conclude that the biggest war of all, the nuclear kind, can also be avoided.

As a starter, if the basic needs of every person on Earth are universally assured, whether in Siberia or Kenya, then warring against each other for basic needs ends, and so does the need for nuclear arsenals, the potential ultimate weapon of human extinction.

Please do reply to my comments, good or bad.... I look forward to them.


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I'd love to see that, John. And, of course, I wonder how we can make that happen.

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I don't think that I have ever heard you talk this way; I couldn't help but, think of Fidel Castro, before he ever seriously thought of armed resistance; I think that you've found your writer's voice; praise be it, if you have.

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I keep thinking the "Western" world might be hopeless. I think the answer might be coming from the global south and its allies. We need to support them.

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It probably is too late, not that there aren't tons of nice people, but people are so gullible, they'd throw their own mother under the bus if someone told them to.

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I'm not sure I totally agree with that. At least up until now, I think TPTB, for the most part, has known enough to stop just shy of making that particular ask.

They recognise that, although that request might be successful in a majority of cases, for some it would be a bus too far. That’s a risk not easily controlled, therefore best avoided.

At least some percentage of people, no matter how brainwashed, have their own personal red lines. TPTB, are usually careful to stay just far enough back from the most likely ones.

OTOH, they seem to have miscalculated during this present moment.

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Spell out TPTB? please.

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the powers that be

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Rebel Nun, I agree with you.

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Been trying it for years. The sheeple just double down if you present them with facts.

RFK Jr. talks about this. Words to the effect of "People are hard wired to be in groups. Breaking the orthodoxy, whatever it is, is impossible by beating them over the head. Instead, you have to ask them questions on why they believe what they do. Suggest alternatives, and with time, they may begin to open their eyes".

I view it like an addiction. The only person who can help, is themselves.

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>>"RFK Jr. talks about this"

People like RFK Jr. are part of the problem! Such conspiracy theorists and opportunists that masquerade as some sort of savior fighting for the people are not only an illusion, but a major problem, as the sort of conspratorial thinking that he (and others like him) espouse leads to an abondonment of critical thinking. Without critical thinking, facts are meaningless - as people don't have the ability to analyze and make sense of them - to differentiate between FACT and FICTION. This leads to strategies like "fear, moral panics, and all sorts of propaganda" taking an easy hold on people.

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Don't you realize, Chang, that the very phrase "conspiracy theorist" is a CIA term specifically designed to sabotage and short-circuit any rational discussion of EVIDENCE? Whether it was the sixties assassinations,. 9/11, or the covid phenomenon, (all of which the ruling class designates as "conspiracy theories" in a derogatory sense if questioning the official narrative). Whoever is using that term in a derogatory way EITHER wants you to avoid discussing it OR is a dupe of those who do. The ruling class conspires all the time (!) as their mode of operation against the rest of us. Don't you understand that? As for theory, it means an attempt to create a recognizable pattern in a disparate collection of facts, e.g. the theory of evolution, or theory of relativity.

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Jon Olsen, you are confused. There were conspiracy theories way before there was ever any CIA. Also, conspiracy theories are not something "special" to do with the US. They are GLOBAL - i.e. there are conspiracy theories in many cultures and all over the world.

Here are some resources on the history of Conspiracy Theories:

(1) https://theweek.com/articles/459843/brief-history-conspiracy-theories

(2) https://theconversation.com/a-short-history-of-conspiracy-theories-listen-to-part-three-of-our-expert-guide-134305

(3) Conspiracy theories as part of history: The role of societal crisis situations [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1750698017701615]

Stop thinking that the US is the center of the Universe. Conspiracy theories existed way before the US did (though the term "conspiracy theory" had not been invented yet). Also, the US Government doesn't need "Conspiracies" to deceive the public. Lack of critical thinking skills in the general populace and an overabundance of propaganda do the trick just fine.

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Not the slightest confused! What I intended was that the CIA et.al. have been using that term very effectively to suppress truth. Of course conspiracies have existed a long time. Red herring on your part.

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I imagine that people like Assange and Snowden would have been written off as conspiracy theorist nuts, except those men had “the goods”.

So instead they were written off in other ways.

Defined as criminals and traitors, and Russian or Chinese assets.

It’s actually quite effective.

See how the mention of nine eleven or Covid nineteen has turned into a discussion about conspiracy theorists instead of actually focusing upon the actual events.

People just hate to admit and accept that they’ve been played.

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Nevertheless, there are, in fact, conspiracies.

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>>"I imagine that people like Assange and Snowden would have been written off as conspiracy theorist nuts"

There's nothing conspiratorial about them (Assange, Snowden). Anyone who thinks they are conspiratorial probably doesn't understand Conspiracy Theories and the "conspiratorial" culture.

There is a need to differentiate between "conspiratorial thinking" and "skeptical critical thinking", and unfortunately, conspiracy theorists don't seem to possess the "critical thinking" part of "skeptical critical thinking".

Also, when people don't understand how the world works, how the global financial system works, and how geopolitics work, they wrongly assume "their misunderstandings" of the way these systems work as "conspiracy theories".

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Hey Mike. I wonder why chokaski is not schooling you on conspiracy theories. You not its poodle by any chance?

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What I'm saying is that - the CIA doesn't need to do anything (or use any term) to suppress the truth. Supressing the truth is the normal AND expected thing that EVERY intelligence agency does across the world.

You are confusing "suppressing the truth" with "conspiracy theories". Conspiracy theories are all encompassing - i.e. in every area/facet of society - even ones that have nothing to do with Governments, Businesses, politics, etc.

The difference betwen a "conspiracy theorist" and a "skeptical and critical thinker" is the ability to differentiate between what is "conspiracy theory" and what is "just the way the world works and the way power works".

How does one differentiate between "valid conspiracy theories" and "invalid" ones? By using critical thinking, statistics, probability, skeptical questioning, AND a deep understanding of how the world really works (including human psychology and its shortcommings).

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No, really, Jon Olsen is right. "Legacy of Ashes," check it out, the history of the CIA written after 2003 doc dump by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Tim Weiner. The CIA promulgated the term "conspiracy theorist" to tar people questioning the veracity of the Warner Commission Report.

Of course there have always been conspiracy theories! Just another word for a business meeting, nowadays.

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"How does one differentiate between "valid conspiracy theories" and "invalid" ones? By using critical thinking, statistics, probability, skeptical questioning, AND a deep understanding of how the world works (including human psychology and its shortcommings)."

Thank you for confirming what I was saying. Examining honestly the actual evidence of a scenario.

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Chang, you make a lot of sense here. I'll be watching you!

Your newest subscriber, Alan.

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Brand new substacker heading straight for chokaski. Dropping the hint. OK 🤣🤡

Anything more to say "Alan Nicoll"?

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The Empire Unmasked documentary by RyanDawsonFilm www.ancreport.com @RyLiberty #NUMEC on X-twitter

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Why do you believe what you do? I await your customary implication that I am a moron for not believing as do you.

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Can you be more specific about exactly which belief(s) you are referring to?

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If I may - one of them is that you're riding a very high horse.

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He has a vocabulary of about one word - "conspiracy" - no actual facts or even arguments - just raw BS about conspiracy theory - bankrupt.

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See my comment above about "conspiracy theory>"

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It's a very amusing character. Baffle them with bullshit type. Holds all the belts on googling.

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I think that's correct and I've seen RFK Jr be just as crass and racist as anyone

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How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and killed JFK documentary by RyanDawsonFilm www.ancreport.com @RyLiberty #NUMEC on X -twitter

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My guess is that s multiplicity of random behaviors explores more experiential space than critical thinking or any similar logical procedure. That would because critical procedures are impeded by error and ignorance (the natural condition of life-forms), but a collection of random behaviors profits from it. For example, the community of bacteria developed immunity to penicillin in a few decades (1928-1950s) although most bacteria were pretty short on knowledge of biology and chemistry, and possessed few microscopes. By contrast, their opponents, the practitioners of medicine, required thousands of years to arrive at antibiotics.

Curiously, some radical groups have benefited from the employment of random, diverse tactics, because it is harder for their authoritarian and thus uniform(ed) opponents to identify and combat them. David Graeber writes about this in some of his observations of anarchist activism.

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I'm not sure your analogy/example of bacteria makes sense here. You are comparing two completely different things - the evolution of bacterium to the progress of microbiology/medicine made by humans.

If you wanted to compare the rate of evolution of bacteria, you would have to do that with the evolution (constant learning) of the antibodies and immunity system of the human body.

I'm not sure what your comment has to do with conspiracy theories.

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Nobody wants to be told they are stupid and especially do not like being embarrassed with facts. Find common ground. You have to be gentle when telling children there is no Santa Claus

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"Been trying it for years. The sheeple just double down if you present them with facts."

This is referred to as "cognitive dissonance" and it is lavishly documented.

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Americans are too comfortable, generally, to revolt. They have working toilets, runny water, TV and cell phones. They can go out for a burger now and then. Take all these things away and then maybe they would think about revolting.

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You'd like to think every American had those things but down south they still shit in open air latrines outside the trailer front door.

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The American people will start waking up when and if they start being deprived of adequate food, clothing or shelter...For many, any morality they have is outweighed by the propaganda that has been drilled into them..

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There are millions of homeless, impoverished Americans.

If fact, in many locales people in those conditions have become criminalized.

It’s a punishable offense, either by fine or even confinement.

The abuse meted out by authorities hasn’t caused an uprising, even though the cruelty and barbarity of the authorities is something sickening to behold.

These broken people hardly have the wherewithal to meet their own needs for survival.

I don’t see a revolution arising from their midst.

And, for the most part, their countrymen look down at spit upon them.

It’s I’ve got mine and I’ll take yours on the great american tour.

Solidarity might be a fine idea or a song title, but it isn’t a practiced reality.

People are too busy amusing themselves to death.

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Your comments resonate... There are millions wo are homeless, and about to become homeless, including everyone on Earth if a nuclear war erupts.

There are homeless because of US, not because of THEM

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Revolution begins and is sustained through the development and growth of language. People learn new words that grasp, engage, give shape, to their lived experience. That increases the depth of meaning and potential, and through that process liberates. The ownership of narrative, the power of the individual to break narrative free of an oppressive authority and make it their own is beautifully dangerous, hence revolutionary. Once begun…

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I try to talk to people who live in my relatively affluent area of Los Angeles about the issues you present. Unfortunately, all of them live in the propaganda bubble. They refuse to consider any other information not found in the MSM.

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Caitlin - I sent this out to my email list - it's not meant as any kind of "takedown" - I appreciate your work, and trust in your sincerity.

"Yes, revolution is what's needed. Caitlin makes clear that we're not at the BARRICADES stage just yet. It's a question of "doing something every day" in the Information War - creating a "Revolutionary Zeitgeist". Agreed - though I would want to mention that the Students on campus and anti-genocide protesters in the streets are ALREADY on the barricades, and being beaten down, arrested, sanctioned, etc.

But my observation is this. If we're seriously contemplating Revolution - with all the Courage and inevitable suffering and violence that that would entail - wouldn't it require FAR LESS COURAGE to simply tell the TRUTH about the "9/11 Attacks" ?? About the Covid Psyop ??? I mean, if you just CAN'T do that - as I'm afraid it is in her case - then all talk of barricades and revolution strikes me as bluff and bluster." https://substack.com/@davemann

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Indeed. Both 9/11 and covid along with the pretext for genocide in Gaza and the deliberate provoking of Russia via Ukraine neo-Nazism--all come from the same source, along with a good many other nefarious REAL conspiracies against the people of the world. " One empire, under surveillance, with deceit and oppression for all."

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Darn! Another conspiracy theorist! Why does Substack attract so many "Conspiracy Theorists" ???

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Anyone using that empty and meaningless term - "conspiracy theory" - is OBVIOUSLY clueless. Try discussing actual CONTENT - rather than parroting the Ruling Class' go to prophylactic.

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Yes, this is one of the answers a "conspiracy theorist" apologist would respond with. Thank you for verifying your status.

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And I wonder when you're going to adjust your status to something more worthy of your resume than a freeloader given the space taken and censorship ambitions. One fancy starbucks drink a month - all it takes.

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A better question is why YOU are attracted to substack.

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Many people who encounter novel theories are often inspired to take them in and transmit them to others. It seems to be a natural appetite, possibly providing pleasure through nervous stimulation, and could be expected to enhance the possibilities of survival in some cases by yielding useful information. The possession of some theories also yields various other kinds of value, such as repute or humor. Substack seems to be a successful venue for the production of such behaviors and has high tolerance for improperly formed or unfashionable thoughts.

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Thanks Starry Gordon. Your answer makes sense, and deepens my understanding of why some people (psychologies) are attracted to conspiracy theories more than others.

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“COVID psyop” what the hell do you exactly mean by psyop???

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There is/was no "novel corona virus" - it was all fear porn and manipulation - to set up the killer vax agenda - and a wider agenda of social control - Look back to "Lock Step" 2010, or "Event 201" - so, we wake up one morning to the "News" of a new and deadly virus. The most important thing to understand - imho - is that there ARE no killer pathogens, nor contagion. Maybe start here: https://drsambailey.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/A-FAREWELL-TO-VIROLOGY-Expert-Edition-V1.2.pdf

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Well, you truly are insane. What about the millions of people who died from COVID-19?

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Don't confuse your ignorance for sanity. You don't seem eager to learn anything. But, find me those "millions" you mentioned. No, not on CNN - in the actual data. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline

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It’s clear to me that you’re just a delusional idiot.

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OK man - be sure to stay up to date on your boosters - lol

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Controlled demolition(s) and genetic contamination.

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It’s how THREE steel framed skyscrapers topple(d) in their own footprint(s) after being bumped by TWO aluminum aircraft.

AND, about how many have died, suddenly analive, from a vaccine??? that was available at warp speed.

Almost defying the laws of physics and gravity, you know science.

No need for lengthy clinical trials???

Precautionary principle???

Cui Bono???

You’ll have to decide for yourself my brother.

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Why is it that so many people are willing to suck up conspiracy theories pretty much uncritically?

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I can’t speak for anyone else.

But, I have examined the events of nine eleven quite extensively for decades.

I certainly don’t believe the bullshit narrative pushed by the nine eleven commission.

That tale is like the American dream.

You’d have to be asleep to believe it.

As for the Covidiot pandemic, what transpired in a Merica is no way to mitigate a contagion.

I studied the Spanish flu epidemic quite vigorously years BEFORE the Covid nineteen thing came along.

A lot was revealed in the hundred years since that debacle, which indicated that things are definitely not the way that the powers that be presented them.

I have little to no doubt that the same is true in the Covid case as well.

I don’t claim to have all of the answers.

But, I do recognize bullshit when I smell it.

I don’t believe that the earth is flat.

But, I do believe that my government is full of crap.

I try to separate the wheat from the chaff, and find kernels of truth amongst the lies, distortions, deception, disinformation, and diversions.

Question everything.

It’s called critical thinking.

An unexamined life is not worth living.

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"Question everything"...

Amen to that ..... in spades......

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i'd say try to look at it from a dialectical material standpoint :-).

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Oh - and what has your methodology actually YIELDED regarding 9/11 and/or the Covid psyop ?

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i haven't really applied it in great detail to those events. but in the end i think the percieved lack of clarity and contradictions between the sides are a consequence of the competitive, hiërarchical system (capitalism) and most outcomes serve the ruling class. what would be the consequences if your ideas concerning the events would become the widely accepted 'truth'?

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CJ>>"The truth of the matter is that in the here and now there are no easy and immediate solutions to the problems we face in our world. The system is far too deeply entrenched, and people are far too deeply indoctrinated with propaganda to be persuaded to fight against it right now."

YES! Thank you Caitlin. I think one of the problems with our society/culture is the "need for quick solutions" (I, too, suffer from this terribly). With the advances in technology, we have been conditioned to expect things in a shorter-and-shorter timeframe, and many (including myself) have "lost the art of patience" and slow-moving changes. This expectation of immediate/instant/quick results invariably and subconsciously seems to lead to unrealistic expectations that often lead to disappointments and disillusionment with the state of things and the rate of change.

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