Pilger is the voice of reason in a sea of insanity. But his opinions will most likely bounce off like a ping-pong ball against a concrete wall of propaganda erected by the MSM and its government sponsors. Since 1947 when the National Security State was formed, the public has been subjected to an endless barrage of pernicious propaganda that has rendered it mute and silent. Lunchtime banter revolves around the trivialities of life focusing on Hollywood, the shenanigans of politicians and sports, sports, sports. Topics that are deemed controversial seldom show up in our discussion horizon, and if they do are quashed by our own cohorts who recoil in horror and become the unwitting enforcers of Mob-think. Our military worship, our obscene military spending, lack of universal health, lack of rapid rail transport, breakdown of infrastructure, our corrupt duopoly etc. are seldom discussed.

The public does not have a clue where the nation is headed and if there is a sign of decline, well it's always the fault of foreign powers. Such is the "freedom" we enjoy........

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Pilger is my hero. He is the only person in history to win the prestigious "International Journalist of the Year" TWICE. He was canceled and prevented from appearing on the MSM after criticizing Apartheid Israel. Go figure!

He's always appeared to have a crystal ball! His journalistic integrity is without peer. He is absolutely fearless. Sadly, he is one of the last journalists who tells the truth. We are fortunate to still have journalists like Caitlin, who expose the evil in our world!!

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Just watched The Coming War on China yesterday. Of course, it is excellent, as all of John Pilger's work is. His is indeed a "voice of reason in a sea of insanity".

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Sep 6, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

The line: noting that nuclear warhead spending “rose higher under Obama than under any American president.” is just more justification for believing the president doesn't run the nation. It wasn't Obama's idea or initiative that lobbied for, wrote and the pushed a bill to expand nuclear weapons development and production. It was obviously the DoD, the defense contractors and their lackeys on the hill, all done in pursuit of money from government. I don't say profits because thats not ho you make profits, that is how you steal billions or trillions from the public coffers., theft should never be equated with profits.

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The problem is that all this is entirely intentional on the part of our rulers.

They would gladly obliterate 99% of life on earth, as long as they were granted dominion over whatever is left.

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We are a totally FUBAR civilization run by idiots slandering history and the wisdom true prophets like Pilger.

"Our rulers have been steering us in this direction for a long time now, and they’re not going to turn away until we make them.".... and I ask myself have we been reduced to grist for the war mongers infantile behaviors?

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We need an honest labor movement that strikes for Peace.

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I remember watching The Coming War on China when it first came out in 2016 after having just left China where I had lived for the past four years. I felt the immediacy of the message then and have been following Pilger ever since, who really felt like a sole sane voice in a cascade of insanity which calls itself a norm. What strikes me more than ever is how some message and a person sending it can be so immediate and be so true and yet the status quo normal insanity keeps marching on. People maybe think about it once, did once way back then, but the insanity as normal keeps revolving. This can become such a massive challenge where it can feel a bit like repeating the same day over and over, where we are still facing the same massive problems but people act like it isn’t real in some sense, like just some bad dream. This is perhaps why Pilger, and indeed Johnstone tend to emphasize the importance of propaganda in this whole mess.

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There just isn’t enough rope to go around.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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Pilger's article is spot on. Every word is the truth!

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Pilger's documentary "Stealing a Nation" about Diego Garcia air base in the midst of the Indian Ocean is particularly poignant, and shows how awful the Anglo-American is.

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Obama did the same thing with US oil and gas production (record highs) and miles of pipeline built (record highs) as he did with the trillion dollar nuclear "modernization" issue.

And he got the same pass from the media and cheerleading by the liberal class and faux progressives.

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The US government is far more adept at creating problems than solving them. It's become completely irrational and dysfunctional and has been for some time. The dysfunction and irrationality extends to the US population at large as well. We have an economy which relies on consumerism and high consumption which we willingly exported the means of production to an "enemy" of the country for higher profits and a means of escaping environmental regulations and workers rights. Taiwan is and has been a part of the PRC for over 50 years. Inevitably as a result of this, the PRC now has a stranglehold on the US. Pieces of paper (a treaty or contract) with a signature are valid only for the one with the biggest club. If the PRC stopped production of consumer goods or chip mfg the US economy will collapse. So a military buildup is the only way to keep them in line. The tactics utilized are the same with China as they are with US citizens, only on a larger scale. The military buildup is nothing more than a large club to keep the "workers" in line. Keep them in line with brute force if necessary. But unlike complacent Americans the PRC may decide to resist and fight back.

Its rather obvious that this entire thing was planned from the start given that the military buildup around China simultaneously kept step with the buildup of manufacturing. It's nothing more than brinkmanship at the highest level. Which Americans (who bear the brunt of the responsibility as a nation) happily bought into for cheap disposable consumer goods making the rich richer and destroying the planet in the process.

The facts are that there is not a single problem facing humanity today that can't be solved. But since we are being led and controlled by paranoid psychopaths in the US, it's not going to happen. There isn't going to be time to "wake" people up.

One way or another this isn't going to have a happy Hollywood ending.

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At the end of Pilger's article he asks when voices are raised and resistance begins. The article was written in 2016. It's 2023 and I hear crickets.

Yes, there are a few passionate voices like your's online. Notice the subscriptions, views and comments. This is not nearly enough to make a difference! Non the less we must not give up. Quitters never win.

Our best hope is that the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate consumes itself. Our best hope is that it's overwhelmed by the Multipolar World. This seems to be underway and gaining steam.

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"Pilger is no prophet — he’s just a journalist with an ear to the ground who’s been critically scrutinizing the behavior of the empire for decades. He was able to accurately mark the trajectory our world has been on earlier than most, and it has continued along that same trajectory with frightening speed ever since."

Think how many more "prophets" we would have if mainstream journalists acted just as honestly and diligently to share the truth of what's happening in the world as John Pilger does. We might have been able to focus attention on this year's global boiling event worldwide if we weren't being inundated with propaganda courtesy of the US military-industrial complex and its love of endless wars. Think of all the good journalists could do in the world if they didn't sell out so completely to the MIC.

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