Does anybody really believe they are working on anything? They have not worked on any domestic issues, why would anyone think they are going to work on global issues? they care about making money and war makes money for them. Them being the billionaires and their lackeys who are the face of power. They don't care about the planet. They don't care about the future of their children or grandchildren. Why would we think they would care about a genocide that is happening in far away Gaza? A large part of the public doesn't believe anything they say. Still, they are finding more reasons to take away jobs, put people in jail, ruin people's reputations. All those anti semites, you know. Like the IOF that tortures and rapes their prisoners to instill fear, they want to instill fear in us so we will obey. That is really what they are working on.

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Aug 18Edited

Well said. Exactly. The most efficient way to transfer public money (a $1 trillion dollar industry) into private hands, is though the military industrial complex. No oversight, no-bid contracts, no audits, and, it seems, from our F-35s and Bradleys, and Boeing, no quality control. What's terrifying is that the Pentagon/Neo-con bubble buys their own propaganda about how great our military is, and wants to foment war with Iran, Russia, and China.

Build those bunkers, baby!

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The degrading or promotion of entire groups/classes of people is done by the left and the right.

The right tends to use RACE .

The left tends to use WEALTH

Both easily qualify as seeing people as groups rather than as individuals.

Individualism versus Collectivism.

Any idea that using RACE is somehow worse than choosing WEALTH is WAY OFF BASE although race has the attention with racism as a primary topic

Group classification where the group name itself implies an immoral action like RAPISTS and MURDERS is a different story.

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There is something weird about a two-party system where parties can switch names and agendas. The Republican Party of Lincoln stood for human rights, against slavery, and against the Democrat Party of that time, which stood for greed and for slavery. Now both have traded agendas.

The Republican/Democrat name switch appears to be just the tip of a massive political iceberg intended to create confusion about how different the parties are NOT. A big part of the con seems to be claiming American voters are too stupid to know they are being conned but that voting is their civic duty, making voters ultimately responsible for political lawmakers' corruption.

If politicians had any real interest in empowering voters, transparency would be a big help. How about re-naming parties according to their agendas? We could have the Party of Greed and the Party of Responsibility? Or we could choose between the Party of War and the Party of Peace? A Party of Law and Accountability and a Party of Freedom for Me and None for Thee? Maybe the American people are too complicated for a system of just two parties with conflicting values? Maybe we really need a lot more parties and a better system?

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>>"We could have the Party of Greed and the Party of Responsibility? Or we could choose between the Party of War and the Party of Peace? A Party of Law and Accountability and a Party of Freedom for Me and None for Thee? Maybe the American people are too complicated for a system of just two parties with conflicting values? Maybe we really need a lot more parties and a better system?"

Well said! I second your proposal.

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Agree 👍

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Claire, also you are VERY RIGHT in your analysis and statement about 'party switching'. Unfortunately, not many people have a sufficient understanding of US Political History, and most are clueless about all the role-reversals that have taken place in US politics.


(1) [https://www.livescience.com/34241-democratic-republican-parties-switch-platforms.html]

(2) [https://www.historynewsnetwork.org/article/eric-rauchway-when-and-why-did-the-parties-switch-]

Thank you for your comment, much appreciated!

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Of course, such an insight, because race and wealth are obtained, and accumulated, in the same ways, therefore making any distinction between them is obviously invidious.

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Race and Wealth Hatred are promoted by the progreSSive democRats. rinoRats hate MAGA

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------"Does anybody really believe they are working on anything? They have not worked on any domestic issues, why would anyone think they are going to work on global issues? they care about making money and war makes money for them. ..... They don't care about the planet.-----

They are not authorized to formulate or implement policies on any issues, domestic or global, anymore than is the opposing party. Their personal preferences are pretty much in step with their puppet-masters, but it matters little.

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”Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste” is the first line of The Rolling Stones classic song Sympathy for the Devil.

”Please allow us to introduce ourselves we’re the politicians of wealth and democracy” could be the first line of a song titled Sympathy for the Psychopaths.

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And now Jagger himself is a "man of wealth and taste". Strange how things work out sometimes

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Especially taste.

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That’s the reward for following instructions.

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The Republicans and the Democrats are going to "Do Something" about the Gaza situation, right after they vote and take concrete "bi-partisan" action on the $36 TRILLION National Debt. The ONLY thing they are "Working on" is getting rich and fleecing the taxpayers.

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We have been hearing about the debt now from right-wingers for decades. And they usually vote for Republicans who then increase the debt more than their democratic corrupt counterparts. So you hear one thing from right-wingers while at the same time they keep on voting in the same people who keep on increasing the debt more than any other POTUS. And at the same time, decreasing the taxes every decade on corporations and the obscenely rich. And it's only now - this most recent decade, have you heard right-wingers start wondering about the trillion dollars we're spending on the MIC every year, what that's all about.

It's too bad all the whining about debt wasn't more focused on the bastards who are destroying the country: Wallstreet and the top 1% who now own more wealth than the bottom 90% of Americans combined. They're the ones screwing the pooch. But how often do we hear about them - our new Feudal overlords?

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....turning Gaza Strip into an Israeli car park.

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rinoRats and the democRats of the Rat Party

There is a War within the Repub party as MAGA is fighting the rinos, Bushies,Grahmnesty, McConnell, Hakeem- Johnson.

I don't see it in the Democrat party, as their leaders are Selected for them

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In the 60s we had us saying, “pay attention to what they’re doing abroad. It’s what they have in store for us when they think the time is right.” With that advise in mind I tend to think that perhaps Gaza is just a trial run for what our plutocratic overlords have in store for us when our insistence on Democratic freedom with equal justice for all under the rule of law really becomes too painful and too costly for them to handle.

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Don't doubt it. The LE is armed to the teeth at all levels, ready and likely willing.

You can read notBob's comments a few posts back talking about his situation and how the locals get bypassed by contractors to impose conditions - in his case re illegal immigrants camps.

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CJ>>"Republicans are so fucking stupid that every few years they start shrieking that they’re under attack from “communism”"

You said it Caitlin! There are so many Right-Wing and far-right people (including on this substack and the comments section) that are clueless about Socialism, Communism, Marxism, AND EVEN CAPITALISM!

For example, here's Ben Shaprio's understanding of Capitalism:


(It's so hilarious that I am left speechless!)

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Yeah chokaski but yesterday you forgot to list as many shitlibs that are clueless about life in general.

Well, check that, you're one of them.

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What’s your beef with Chang?

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He was humiliated, with his ego in tatters, with a few people on this substack (ChazLB, Jeano, Che, and others). I think he has been trying to redeem his "lost" honor/valor/whatever ever since (unsuccessfully I might add, as he keeps spraying the comments section with his mostly vacuous/meaningless comments against so many people here - as you have noticed).

A few of us here encouraged him to seek professional help/therapy for whatever psychological disorders he seems to suffer from, but apparently (for reasons unknown) he seems to have been unable to get the help he needs.

He gets triggered easily, and will then follow you around in hopes that you respond to his 'droppings' all over the comments section. That's what makes him really easy to ignore - his psychopathy - there are always some like those in all human societies.

Gregor, now observe how he will fume (but pretend not to) over this comment, and follow all my comments (now and in the future) and decorate them with his "droppings". In fact, this comment guarantees that he will keep up with this behavior and pathology - and make it easy for others to ignore him while he exposes his psychopathy for all to admire at. What I am surprised about is how little self-respect he seems to have for himself by continuing to flagellate himself in front of others by his efforts to seek attention (hence the comments he leaves behind - hoping that people will engage with him and shower him with some attention).

PS: When engaging with the troll "russian_bot", I use the following advice from George Carlin: "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

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And finally for today (I hope) chokaski - don't respond to me while having me blocked. That's cowardly as I don't get notified of the activity.

I can respond to you as I didn't block you, nor have I anybody. You shouldn't if you were a decent human. Prove you're on the way to recovery from shitlibbery.

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You will be forever blocked. Respond or not is your choice. You obviously seek attention and many of your comments tantamount to noise - not much value in them. Substack must have designed their BLOCKING feature especially with people like you in mind.

Why would I (or anyone that values their time - which obviously you do not) want to respond to your "personal attacks" that you have made against so many people here on substack? Unable to argue based on facts, logic and differing viewpoints? Seems like ad-hominem is your only strategy when faced with opinions that you disagree with (as borne out by your comments that you leave all over the place with multiple of Caitlin's readers). Maybe learning how to communicate in a constructive manner is something that should be on the top of your "To-Do" list.

Today is a RARE exception that I make (in answering your comments). I have ignored you for the last several months (as can be evidenced by all that peruse the comments section), and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future (after today).

I could say more about your behavior against so many others in the comments section, but what's the point?

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"You will be forever blocked." - that's fine, chokaski. But you shouldn't respond to me in that case. I understand you're dim to understand it, but that won't prevent me from pointing it out when I feel like it. The rest of your shit belongs to:

chokaski condenced™ - "I'm better than you, I'm a shitlib"

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chokaski compressed™ (re MSM and western-bred and fueled propaganda references given) - "I'm just going to dump some shit as I usually do and let them be impressed. Not RB, the rest of the dummies. They always fall for it."

chokaski, queries for you:

- is or was ever Nazism a policy of Russia?

- is or was ever Nazism legal in Russia?

Hint: both answers are No.

Now, are you familiar with the notion of crime, chokaski? That it exists everywhere, and that there are criminals everywhere? Including Russia? Do you realize it chokaski? Nazis neo- or otherwise are outlawed in Russia. Unlike in the USA and many other countries, including the newly arrived Baltics, for example, where there are legal SS commemoration parades giving tribute to Hitler's Waffen SS divisions.

Ukraine is full on Nazi (google Stepan Bandera on Ukraine's map, see how many places his name pops up. Kiev especially is ironic). Israel is a de facto Nazi - according to their policies. Name me, chokaski, policies of Russia that can be construed as Nazi or even racist?

Or will you continue to play dumb? I know the answer to that.

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russian_bot, Your facts about Russia and Nazism have got to be said. Some of us on Caitlin's newsletter do have a weakness for "both sides". It becomes a distraction. Whereas here on Caitlin's pages, most of us are mainly concerned with the US empire and its vassal states aiding and abetting a genocide and giving succour to the Israeli regime to go on and on.

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"It becomes a distraction." - What? Have you been assigned by Caitlin to censor the blog?

And by the way, Indu - chokaski at the time made the claim I don't know out of where. So direct your inquiry to chokaski where it belongs.

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How nice of you to show your bias and lack of critical thinking skills. How convenient of you to define the presence of Nazism in your terms? It seems like you excel at mental gymnastics - as displayed by your comment.

(1) Is Nazism a policy of any country (where it has been practised and is present) other than 20th Century Germany? Answer: No (AFAIK).

(2) Does that mean Nazism (in its various forms) does not exist (did not exist) outside of Germany? Answer: No

(3) Has Nazism ever been legal in any country ((where it has been practised and is present) other than 20th Century Germany? Answer: No (AFAIK).

(4) Does that mean Nazism (in its various forms) does not exist (did not exist) outside of Germany? Answer: No

You can keep your eyes (and mind) closed if you wish, and deny and twist facts and evidence, and play mental gymnastics till the cows come home, but that will NOT CHANGE HISTORY.

2 other ideologies similar to Nazism: Zionism and Hindutva. Are Zionism (outside of Israel) and Hindutva official policies of any countries?

I'm going to use your argument (and logic) to highlight the errors in your thinking - is Nazism an official policy of Ukraine? Not that I know of - even though it is practiced by many. Is Nazism legal in Ukraine? No AFAIK. Even so, it is ever present. So, your subjective criteria (legal, policy) that you pick to show that Nazism does/did not exist in Russia (or the Soviet Union, or the Russia before it became USSR) fails.

What you are doing is trying to use a strawman argument (check out strawman fallacy). Did I ever talk (or even mention) about Nazism being a policy or legal? No. I talked about it being present (and being practised) by Soviet and Russian citizens in the history of the country.

Don't slink away, or use strawman arguments, or mental gymnastics when faced with facts. That's what cowards and disingenuous people do.

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chokaski compressed™ - "I'll use AFAIK for now, let's see if it works".

It doesn't, chokaski.

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chokaski compressed™ - "I keep reading you RB, having blocked you, and it's eating me. I'll now do my best impersonation of Ernesto Che - a self-admitted Hitler lover but best bullshitter by far - who handed me my ass. Still hurts."

And, chokaski, I'm still waiting for the proof - which you promised - to your claim that "Russia has a long history of Nazism". That one got you constipated good.

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Some more stuff (since it seems like you do not have access to a search engine - or some other issues or biases):

(1) https://www.rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/if-russia-serious-about-de-nazification-it-should-start-home

(2) https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2015/9/23/behind-russias-ultra-nationalist-crackdown

["a Moscow City Court jury found Ilya Goryachev, 33, guilty of illegal arms possession, masterminding five killings, and organising a brutal neo-Nazi gang that hatched plans to create a “Fourth Reich” in Russia."]

(3) https://www.currenttime.tv/a/ya-natsist-mogu-ruku-vskinut-v-ukraine-na-storone-rf-voyuyut-desyatki-boytsov-rossiyskih-neonatsistskih-gruppirovok-/31868399.html (It's in Russian, which I assume you have no issues with)

["I'm a Nazi. I’m a Nazi,” said one of the men, Aleksei Milchakov, who was the main focus of the video published on a Russian nationalist YouTube channel. “I'm not going to go deep and say, I’m a nationalist, a patriot, an imperialist, and so forth. I’ll say it outright: I’m a Nazi.”]

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Here are some resources/references on this -

(1) Russia's long history of neo-Nazis (https://www.latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/2022/opinion/russias-long-history-of-neo-nazis)

(2) “Russia for Russians!” Ultra-nationalism and xenophobia in Russia: from marginality to state promoted philosophy (https://www.cidob.org/en/publications/publication_series/notes_internacionals/n1_128_russia_for_russians/russia_for_russians_ultranationalism_and_xenophobia_in_russia_from_marginality_to_state_promoted_philosophy)

"The sense of moral degradation, skyrocketing criminality, growing economic inequality, the bloody Chechen War (1994-1996), the ensued outbreak of terrorism and growing number of migrant workers from the Caucasus and Central Asia facilitated further radicalization of wide masses of Russians engendering emergence of various types of far right and neo-Nazi organizations."

"Ultra-nationalist/xenophobic movement in Russia in 1990s and the early 2000th did not constitute a homogeneous body and was represented by a patchwork of various forces that varied from underground militarized organizations, open neo-Nazis (skinheads), left wing extremists, Orthodox–Christian nationalists..."

"According to numerous estimates by the year 2005 the total number of Nazi-skinheads in Russia may have reached 80,000 members."

There are many more references to Neo-Nazis in the above document.

(3) How did Neo-Nazi groups become prevalent in Eastern Europe? Namely Ukraine and Russia? (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/pexzp8/how_did_neonazi_groups_become_prevalent_in/)

Book source: "Anti-Antisemitism in the Late Soviet Union: The Rise and Fall of Pamyat" by Sergey Sukhanin

**Now, are you going to suggest that neo-Nazis are NOT Nazis?**

Here are just some (of the many) examples of Pogroms and Ethnic Cleansing operations (against Jews) in Russia's history:

1881 Kiev Pogrom

Ref: The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, Pogroms in the Russian Empire [https://yivoencyclopedia.org/article.aspx/Pogroms], [https://web.archive.org/web/20160304030646/http://www.eurekaencyclopedia.com/index.php/Category:Anti-Semitism_In_Russia]

1903 The Kishinev pogrom. 49 Jews murdered

Ref: The Kishinev Pogrom of 1903: A Turning Point in Jewish History [https://muse.jhu.edu/article/172771/pdf], [https://web.archive.org/web/20080719231005/http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/kishinev/kishinev-pogrom.html]


Pogrom in Yekaterinoslav. 66 Jews were killed and 125 wounded and Jewish homes and shops were looted.


The 1905 Kiev pogrom was a massacre of 100 Jews.

Ref: Book - History of the Jews in Russia and Poland from the Earliest Times Until the Present Day by S.N. Dubnow, Book - Anti-Jewish violence in modern Russian history by Shlomo Lambroza

I could go on, but what's the point? I assume you know how to use search engines.

The first reports of neo-Nazi organizations in the Soviet Union appeared in the second half of the 1950s. In some cases, participants were attracted primarily by the aesthetics of Nazism (rituals, parades, uniforms, the cult of the beautiful body, and architecture). Other organizations were more interested in the ideology of the Nazis, their program, and the figure of Adolf Hitler. The formation of neo-Nazism in the USSR dates back to the turn of the 1960s and 1970s, during which time Nazi organizations still preferred to operate in the underground.

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Because Mr. Russian Bot is a little bitch.

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I can't keep explaining it. Long timers know.

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The less you talk, the more successful you’ll be in life. You can be the quiet mysterious guy, instead of letting everyone know you’re a blabbering idiot as soon as you open your mouth. If you were a Russian bot, it would be about 4 steps up the totem pole for you.

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The job of a White House spokesperson and/or a State Department spokesperson and/or a Defense Department spokesperson is not to answer questions from the press corps. Their job is to babble and huff and puff and stare down the mainstream journalist who dared to ask a pertinent question. It’s in the position description: do not ever ever honestly answer a real question from a journalist, either an American journalist or a member of the international press corps. Instead, Answers can include: that’s classified, Israel is our blood brother and wet nurse, or I don’t have anything new today on that topic John, or the secretary is traveling with the president to Antarctica. P.s. the spokespeople like to refer to the White House, state, or defense press corps by their first names to indicate that they know who is who so they can brag at bars and cocktail parties, but really it just shows that the whole thing is a charade. As Caitlin has indicated many times.

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Yes, Caitlin - the masses, in general, are being very successfully manipulated and played like puppets, pawns, and fools - wallowing in ignorance and confusion while the corrupt overlords go about their sinister business as usual. Miseducation, brainwashing, racism, and a corporate mouthpiece media (can’t forget so-called ‘religion’) have been extremely effective in helping to maintain our dysfunctional and dystopian status quo. Matrix, indeed….

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No matter how often you see it, I'm constantly astonished at how easily led the population is. Bernie Sanders pulled away the masks and got people talking about some of the real issues for a time, which is why they killed his campaign.

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Word to the wise:

If you perceive an evidently most logical, humane, just solution to the geopolitical/realpolitik ‘conundrum’ in the Mideast, then you have almost certainly committed the transgression called “wrongthink.”

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Also, being evil is, in certain fundamental ways, no different than being retarded.

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Do you have such a solution? Solutions need to be offered, because obviously the people who are in charge of these plans haven't got a clue, besides more bombing.

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You are suborning wrongthink.

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We take out the people sending the bombs, either by not voting for them or by other means😈🪓

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Protest outside Weapons manufacturers AND outside Mainstream Media offices. Make life tough for these people!

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I’m appalled that this shit is happening right now, the utter lack of conscience!

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Looking for a “conscience” in DC is like looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack. This has become quite apparent during my nearly 70 years as a US citizen.

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I feel less crazy after reading this. You nailed it!

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Dogmatism--whether coming from Dems, Reps, Wokes, or Reptiles is moronic. A moronic premise remains a moronic premise regardless of who utters the trope. However, lest we forget the lessons of Bolshevism; or the fact that Karl Marx was a hired gun; or the fact that Rockefeller financed Mao Tse Tung--history is replete with the lessons of semantic ignorance. In the early 20th century there was a "communalist" movement in the US. This movement -which embraced cooperative and sustainable community design- was suppressed by particular crony-capitalist factions who preferred the slave system where taxation and servitude make population control and management a simpler, tidier affair. Centralized government and autocratic dictates are toxic to human well-being regardless of the format. The USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was no joy ride. Communist China is a living hell for the Uyghurs (who have endured forced organ harvesting rituals). The US Corporation created in 1871 has resulted in a slave-taxation without representation-racket; as money is sent to places like Ukraine(by some estimates-approx $187 Bil to date.) In the most cynical sense we might write off the planet as a hell hole and Frankenstein laboratory for human rats. I am angry with the expert economists(educated at Harvard and Yale)who act as if there are only three 'flavors' when analyzing socio-economic constructs: Capital-ism; Commun-ism; Social-ism. I call this disease: an "ism-schism." What if we created a socio-economic hybrid that incorporated all three formats, and even introduced a few new concepts which aligned with human spirituality and a connection with Gaia? ...then again--The Roman Catholics burned the Cathar/Gnostics at the stake. [The title of your article is perfect as usual--designed to inspire debate.]

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"who have endured forced organ harvesting rituals" - to stop them from being Uyghurs? Those Chinese are monsters!!

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Organ harvesting is also big biz in Ukraine. Which the O'Biden Admin helped to fund to the tune of approx $187 Bil (to date).

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‘isms’ are used as political weaponry to cheat around facts to win arguments or manipulate people toward a corrupt agenda. It’s so effective because the vast majority know right from wrong but refuse to say out loud for fear of being flagged as an ‘ism’. It affects careers, livelihood, social standing, family relationships, your own kids future. Maybe if genocidism was a word, we could have a counterbalance! I like your idea to take the good from all isms and use to structure society but unfortunately, isms are used for evil.

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i think the uyghurs in china are doing just fine. there's also quit a bit of nostalgia for the ussr.

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This: China: Religious Regulations Tighten for Uyghurs-https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/31/china-religious-regulations-tighten-uyghurs

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alas, hrw doesn't fly anymore (mixed bag at best). i couldn't find the part about the organ harvesting though, should i try a site of falun gong? and poor maya wang has to work two jobs, she's also working at cnas (center for a new american security). try some daniel dumbrill: https://www.youtube.com/c/DanielDumbrill/videos

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Thank you Caitlin for keeping us sane in this dystopian political culture. Judging by some of the posts here - either they don't have a clue, or are wilfully ignorant. Or their world view is bordering on fascist. I cannot believe that the communist bogey is being trotted out again. When Trump says " .. .. you will be thrown into a communist system .... where everybody gets health care ... " what does his devotees take out of it - that the simply moronic assumption that healthcare for all is a bad thing; or the subtext that even 'the other' will be entitled to healthcare. Either way they are morons.

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More like evil influencers.

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One afternoon, in December 2002, while I was walking from the checkpoint to Ramallah (the Israeli taxi had stopped a kilometer before the checkpoint), I met a Palestinian girl who asked me in perfect English why I was going to Ramallah. I told her that I had an appointment at the Muqata and she said: "You will find it destroyed. But in a quarter of a century, after a hundred thousand deaths, Palestine will return to being Palestinians."

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In the nutshell:

'opposing US party which supports the exact same capitalist status quo they support but with tampons in the boys’ bathroom.'

AIPAC was what made Russia Gate so idiotic. It’s been known for years that Israel had captured our government, but because of a few Facebook ads shitlibs blamed Russia for HerHeinous' loss.

It’s amazing how so many people here can function in normal life.

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Honestly, I think the number of actual psychologically and physiologically healthy, functional people are far fewer than many presume. (Just my opinion, or maybe a working theory.)

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I am fearful that the entire hominid experiment is about to end in utter failure. We being the last of the hominid species are seemingly willing to bring it to a close by our own hands. But that’s only true if we let it happen.

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Someone said: there are no healthy people, just under-evaluated ones.

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Many animals can be taught to do certain tasks with great success. Doesn't mean they can perform other functions equally well or at all.

Humans are no different in that regard. They differ in another one - they're vain, they're snotty, they think if they're good at one thing they're so smart they can do anything else. Especially politics - it's a cinch. "I'll get that voting pamphlet and figure out what's what and who's who. Or they'll tell me 10 things to know for this election. Or some such. What am I, stupid?" - Yes, you are!!

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Coming to the US it was a great surprise, that people here consider healthcare for everyone a socialist or communist thing. I thought it was a right of every person to get help when needed. What surprised me even more, was how often people here run to the doctor - for nothing but a check up mostly, or for yet another prescription drug, while so many things are widely available. IMO Americans have a very distorted view of health and healthcare, when leaving Europe there was a trend there too, to get checked every so often- which is a nono for me!

It does not matter who is in the WH and what presidential candidates do or say, the puppet master has already decided who it will be. And whoever it will be has to obey the master or else.

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There is nothing scarier than a clear thinker. Thank you, Caitlin.

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