Yet another example of the mainstream media functioning as the propaganda arm of the deep state. As far from being independent as it's possible to be

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If there are just a few things that I've learned this year, it's that I live in the Matrix.

* My "free country" isn't free.

* The CIA killed JFK.

* They probably removed Nixon.

* They removed Trump.

* Any leader who tries to give this nation back to the people and says, "The American people come first!" and "These wars are pointless!" gets removed.

* Our media can't be called news; they are propaganda outlets.

* In history class, we condemn Joseph Goebbels put we embrace his methods.

* Large corporations act like communist dictatorships: if you work for one, they end your freedom of speech, and they want to monitor you 24/7. I have a friend who managed several Target stores, and even though she made $250,000 a year, they had a camera on her and everyone else all the time.

* The boss in the corporate monopoly or communist dictatorship is always a humorless, angry, personally miserable, shallow control freak

* Without a spiritual side, people are shallow, brutish, and cruel;

* And all of the above means any truth teller--or person striving to be honest, like Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, etc.--will get endlessly targeted.

I've studied a lot about communism, fascism, and monopolies, and they are all the same. You can call one left wing or right wing or "that's just business," but they all suck.

If I founded a political party, it would support:

* Families

* Nature (I believe in evolutionary psychology)



Anything that supports families and human nature, I am in favor of. Anything that undermines families and goes against evolutionary psychology, I think makes people mentally unhealthy.

The best resource to learn as much as possible is a site like Caitlin Johnstone's, Yuri Bezmenov's, and The Academy of Ideas YouTube channel.

God bless you.

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

To be fair, Trump could invent a cure for cancer, and the MSM would insist that it doesn't work and besides, the cure that doesn't work will leave millions of hardworking doctors without jobs.

Edit: also, lRussians get cancer. The MSM will duly note this.

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The problem isn’t the corrupt government or the lying media. It’s the huge numbers of people who an actually give them credibility.

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`A proxy war against Russia on Ukraine soil isn't enough for the West- it wants to go full spectrum proxy, or no-holds barred crazy, so long as it doesn't involve "the homeland". Does anyone care what ordinary Taiwanese -the majority -think? Last I heard they're fine with China, and want American proxies - I think I spelled that word wrong - out.

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We Don't need all these hi tech chippies and their technology. We can't even feed, cure, house or govern ourselves and it's 2023. The Elitists are the ones that need all this hi tech cyber shit in your food, medicine, airwaves, and brains, the rest of us can easily live without it and get back to the Basics that the Elitists have destroyed. Cancer, diabetes, polio, etc. cures were at a high time roll in the 50s and 60s { written about in the medical journals even } until the big Pharma shut down the simple medicines to cure much of it. Does Ivermestin come to mind. Does hi tech cure anything that the common man needs to live - yes , some of it does, but not most. They want you to think like we can't go on without Taiwan , or Ukraine, or your next nRNA jab. Sabe' ?

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Your reporting in this post is a perfect example of the American Propaganda Industrial Complex doing its job of covering for the American Military Industrial Complex.

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So very weary of the continuing stupidity in US Foreign Policy. And other countries actions. Enemies are a choice. Whatever happened to the Formosan people? I have no wish for the US to go to war with anyone. I don’t know any American that does. I do know that many of us would like to see a leadership change in America, neither Democrat or Republican Party offer moral credible candidates, sad to say. Sorry world!

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If Trump had won a second term in office, would the oligarchy have decided that now was the proper time to take on China and "liberate" Taiwan once and for all from its evil clutches? Or were they waiting for a president like Biden--a clueless, possibly Alzheimered warhawk--to be the fall guy? Let's not find out what they were planning--let's just shut down all this war talk and bring all parties to the peace table. #NoMoreWar

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Taiwan once independent. As victor in First Sino-Japanese War in 1895, Taiwan became part of Imperial Japan's Empire. Taiwan was used a jump off from station for war on China. After end of World War II, in 1949, Japan's Imperial Navy in partnership with U.S.'s moved fascist Chinese war lord, Chiang Kai-Shek and entourage across China's Sea to Taiwan along with China's Treasury and state treasures. 500,000 imperial Japanese occupiers of Taiwan changed their names to Chinese and held their Taiwan ground. As Ukraine is now being used as bloody tool to reduce Russia, as N.A.T.O. created in 1949 stimulating U.S.S.R.'s creation of The Warsaw Pact, in self defense, and the big lie told to Russian government that agreed to unified Germany with verbal promise that N.A.T.O. would not expand into Eastern Europe. POTUS Nixon agreed Taiwan part of China. Following POTUS Trump's lead, current POTUS Biden, would have Taiwan as sovereign state. Useful to remember "South" Korea still under Japanese influence with renewed permission granted to U.S. Navy to port U.S. nuclear submarines there for offenses against China, from continuing role of electronic listening posts as well as launching nuclear missiles when ordered.

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".....incendiary provocation of extreme aggression that it self-evidently is." A highly accurate description and it's beyond my understanding that so many Australians can't see past the right wing, warmongering propaganda, to understand that. After all, if a bunch of bikies move in next door and set up 50cal. machine gun, I'm sure they would see that as an aggressive threat.

Meanwhile if Amerika loads up Taiwan with the latest in US killing tech, the Chinese might be interested in getting their hands on that - if only to find out how to defend themselves against it.

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This example of media madness is a perfect validation of Orwell, who anticipated exactly these absurdist propaganda campaigns to support permanent war.

Another good one is the coverage of Nazi's in Ukraine before and after the "unprovoked invasion to restore the Soviet Union".

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It is unfortunately obvious that the political delirium in which the United States has been engulfed for more than thirty years could not be maintained and even flourish as it does now without the active support of the media. The big American media (and all the opinion makers such as the stars of the show and the sport) are the accomplices of the deep state directed by the neo-cons. When we see Sean Penn going to support the Nazi Zelensky in Kiev, we can imagine Angelina Jolie (a name taken at random) going to support Ms Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei. And this, under the acclamations of the American (and Western) press. And of course, to return to her bunkerized comfort of Hollywood, well protected (temporarily) from the consequences of her warmongering vanity.

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Apr 29, 2023·edited Apr 29, 2023

Dammit! Those pictures of Rachel Maddow are going to give me nightmares for the next week.

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Spot on as usual Caitlin. Thank you for staying on top of this issue.

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In a recent interview with Chuck Todd, Rep. Michael McCaul, who just visited Taiwan, said the quiet part out loud (https://youtu.be/Kr6DPvzZRG0, at about 5:20 into the interview):

CHUCK TODD: “Make the basic case for why Americans not only should care about what happens in Taiwan but should be willing to spill American blood and treasure to defend Taiwan.”

REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL: “The case for Taiwan, that's a very good question, about 50% of international trade goes through the international straits, but I think more important is that TSMC [Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company] manufactures 90% of the global supply of advanced semiconductor chips. If China invades and either owns or breaks up, we're in a world of hurt globally.”

TODD: “Congressman, that almost sounds like the case that would be made in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, [and 90s, 00s, and 10s] for why America was spending so much money and military resources in the middle east. Oil was so important for the economy. Is this sort of the 21st century version of that?”

[Then McCaul snaps out of his inadvertent truth-telling and spouts the usual talking points.]

MCCAUL: “You know, I personally think it is about democracy and freedom. And we need to stand up for that, like we're doing in Ukraine.“

In other words, if WWIII breaks out over Taiwan, it will be over iPhones, Xboxes, and smart TVs.

In some way, that seems like a fitting reason to end our species.

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