Looks like Politico could use a fucking union.

States like Israel claiming non-existent rights for themselves inevitably do so at the expense of people. It's just one more reason to detest Zionism, as if we needed one.

Twenty six individuals control as much wealth as half the planet. I'd be fine if we changed this. Before you yell "Marxist!", tell me that what we have now isn't already a planned economy. (Rigged might be the better word.)

For those still thumping about within the dank confines of partisan politics, I look forward to the midterms when the republicans will no doubt recapture the Congress, ushering in a Golden Age of reform, where Assange goes free, all injustices are rectified, and a rainbow unicorn flies out of my ass.

Stop voting for the usual suspects.

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I live in a swing state. I'd vote for your dog's fleas before I risk another Trump presidency.

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The purpose as near as I can tell for people like Sanders and AOC is to siphon whatever revolutionary energy percolates among the blue masses into the democratic party where it can be quietly smothered in its sleep.

But you'll still get wonderful Tweets about all the great stuff they'll do if only Manchin, the Parliamentarian, or the Easter Bunny would let them. And all this dreamy goodness is always only one election cycle away! So please give generously.

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What's that? Israel monetizing a global-spanning intel network in the service of authoritarian elites? Shocker.

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Here's where things get interesting. You appear to believe along with Caitlin that the elites are crouching, sweat-drenched, against citadel doors, shouting incoherent orders into old-fashioned telephones. I remain skeptical.

I see them pondering all the shit they've gotten away with and continue to do so while gazing over streets still empty of protesters; Facebook posts still gutted with krazy kat videos; breathless Tweets of a stunting William Shatner. Yes, some Aussy troublemaker manages to put out cogent posts but in the big picture she's no problem at all. These people appear to know how to keep the frog just below boiling.

P.S. You asked why the Israel airstrikes against unarmed civilians? That's simple: It's what well-armed racist do; not out of fear, but convenience.

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Cognitive warfare. The brain is the new battlefield.


"Now, NATO is spinning out an entirely new kind of combat it has branded cognitive warfare. Described as the “weaponization of brain sciences,” the new method involves “hacking the individual” by exploiting “the vulnerabilities of the human brain” in order to implement more sophisticated “social engineering."

"A 2020 NATO-sponsored study of this new form of warfare clearly explained, “While actions taken in the five domains are executed in order to have an effect on the human domain, cognitive warfare’s objective is to make everyone a weapon.” https://www.innovationhub-act.org/content/cw-documents

Of course it's not, NATO, or the deep state, or the empire that's most responsible for all this. It's the global oligarch families and billionaires. They have names and faces. Like Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont . . . Bezos, Gates, Koch, Soros . . . and all the ones we never hear of like this German robber baron buying Politico.

Props to Caitlin for calling him out. We must start standing up to these people. They are literally attacking our minds.


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Here's a better link to: Monopoly - Who owns the world? A documentary by Tim Gielen 2021


(Thanks again for sharing this Timothy.)

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Will anyone quit over this? Probably not since they were sold out before being bought out.

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'cause the zionists have known for a while now that their propaganda lost its magic. they have been playing pure muscle flexing for a while. the only tool of theirs is fear-mongering, including calling the disillusioned "veterans", euphemism for volunteer killers for $$$$ from criminals wars, "domestic terrorists."

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But Germans were among the most avid supporters of Zionism - before and during the Second World War. They wanted the Jews out of Europe.

And this guy's position on how his employees are supposed to toe his line is right out of Hitler's playbook: that's just how German industries were run during the Third Reich.

What rock did this guy crawl out from under? He's 80 years late.

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Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary (it's not what you think) and read From Dictatorship to Democracy the book.

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I don't think that the youth have enough wisdom and perspective to write successfully about the decline of the American empire. It has to be done by the old.

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My son makes fun of my bursts of optimism, since he was born in the 90's, this downward-spiraling sewer version of America is the only one that his generation has ever known.

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My sons too: '84-93. They're not buying these huge gifts to Israel. They'll put a stop to the plague of Zionists.

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