The bold title of a-hole Thomas Friedman's column in today's Times defines the denial and delusion: "Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race."
A good man participant in genocide overseas and the immiseration and environmental toxification of his own people at home. A good president whose administration routinely defecates on the Bill of Rights and the separation of powers and daily surrenders its nation's autonomy, wagging its tail any time Israel shouts "heel, bitch".
He'd be acquitted for the same reason Reagan escaped impeachment for Iran Contra - dementia is a good defense. In fact, Biden already was exonerated for it in the special investigation of his secret documents crimes.
Well, the Nuremberg Tribunal wasn't exactly a part of the US government, but imagine having to stand up in court and argue that the President Of The United States (all rise!) is too senile to know what he's doing?
He already got away with taking classified documents that he’s going after Trump for. Why! Because his brain is too adled to help in his defense. Reminds of Comey letting Hillary off because he couldn’t prove intent. BS! She decided to break the law of using a government server and she destroyed emails that were under a subpoena.
Nope, age and other factors did not mitigate the fate of Nuremburg convictions...age ranges from 22 to, I believe, early 50s. The point being, your age and mental abilities at the time of the crime will not save you from the gallows.
Feral: Is it Biden who should be in the dock or some unknown faces? Guess this is ample proof that voting is not going to save us, no matter who we vote for.
In fact, U.S. presidents are dispensable.. look at JFK, he ended up with his brains blow out. Literally. By the empire managers. No accountability till now.
Well, in my comment I meant that Americans don’t care if their deep state assassinates their own president if he gets in the way hence, they’re dispensable .. I couldn’t care less as I’m not American..
No. It should be all the people who are actually pulling the levers of power. But really it’s all academic. The slaughters will continue and get worse.
Too long, too long, have felines and cats have been denied a place at the dinner table, a sunny spot in the early afternoon for naps, a clean litter box.
People in tech used to routinely comment on The late Steve Job’s ability to create a “reality distortion field” where he could hypnotize an army of workers and customers into believing what he wanted them to believe. This pales in comparison to the MSM where they manage hypnotize half the world with distortion and outright lies… so far.
They may support a ceasefire in the current holocaust (which they would never name as such, having learned their roles in our current "democracy"), but I seriously doubt they would contemplate removing support for Israel, no matter how ugly it gets. The propaganda campaign has existed before most of them were born, and they are thoroughly "juiced in it".
I think you have a point there.. just imagine if the roles were reversed and the 40 thousand plus dead were Israelis. I think every U.S. citizen would be out in the streets wailing for a ceasefire and you wouldn’t need AIPAC to nudge/coerce them. The U.S. would nuke the Palestinians into oblivion and feel morally justified for that and every U.S. citizen would applaud it. Right now, the demonstrations in support of Palestinian Lives Matter are fringe. Powerful but still are nothing compared to if the Israelis were being killed on an industrial level..
You're right. Nobody gets the real message here - every important organization is captured. Everyone who "matters" has known Biden has dementia for years. They've just covered it up and lied about it. This makes one think: If they are lying about something this important, what else are they lying about? The answer, of course, is "everything."
FWIW, I've written at least 7 "Biden-has-dementia" stories on my Substack in the last 21 months. I think I win the trophy for covering this taboo topic.
This article - my eighth on the topic - simply summarizes all my other articles.
I would argue that most Americans were well aware that the president is not at the helm for a long time, but, I agree that the cognitive dissonance about how elections don't matter is only starting to sink in. Is it possible that RFK JR or Trump could have any say in important decisions regarding America? Just asking the question shows that I have my own cognitive disonance. And the truth is terrifying.
The other thing we're not supposed to talk about is that, by now, it's impossible to "drain the swamp."
Who would (or could) really drain it? The Necessary Purge would take out 99 percent of the "leaders" in 100 percent of the country's important (captured) organizations.
The problem is that the deep state is not a bunch of low level bureaucrats. When they get purged when Trump takes office, the entrenchment of the fascist wing/MIC will be cemented. If you want to know who. Look to the CIA and NSA first. The top deputy directors are the most obvious.
And the truth is that there was a coup. It happened in the 60’s when JFK was killed. And further cemented when RFK followed. Dulles and Paperclip, look it up. Ask yourself, why are those JFK files still sealed?
respectfully, what makes you think the "deep state" will be purged when or should Trump take office. He didn't seem to last time, and many of his cabinet positions were as deep staty as they come, or am I wrong? Help me understand your view, please.
Now you have no excuse, Realist! Gypsy joined you and she has a Kalashnikov. The thing left for you two is to show up someplace and demand: "Deep State - identify yourself! You coward you, step out, with your hands up!" Then gypsy would work her slide a few times so the Deep State knows it's not a joke.
But do not fail to check first with Jeano "The Astrologist" re Jupiter vs Saturn positioning. Do not use GPS, use GLONASS instead for verification.
I have written several articles about RFK, Jr. and make posts all across Substack telling people that RFK, Jr. shouldn't be treated like a potted plant in this campaign.
I guess I could work some sentences about RFK into my "Biden has dementia" stories ... but this doesn't have anything to do with RFK on the surface.
I do think Biden's dementia might have accelerated because of his many vaccine shots and boosters. That's a commonly-reported "vaccine" side effect.
RFK, Jr. probably wouldn't discount that possibility.
Alright. So, are you saying there are no alternatives? Because most of the broken and corrupt agencies etc...are made up of people who , at least some, have been duped and taught that their behavior was acceptable. Some should be brought to the guillotine, don't misunderstand me, but there needs to be retribution...because many on this side of the fence are not too different from those on that side. They need proper and humane guidance. But the rest can hang from trees as far as I'm concerned.
Trump went after Assange hard. Was the one who got him into Belmarsh. Promised he would free him when he left office and never did. The guy lies about just as much as Biden - if anyone was paying attention to the debate for example last night, yes - Biden was lying through his teeth through about 80% of the debate, but so was Trump.
What's even worse, in the debate last night showed Trump continually harping away at Immigrants - as if Immigrants are the cause and therefore scapegoats for all the problems we Americans have right now. This is an age old blame game used by demagogues - to divert the anger and suffering of a populace being oppressed by the Elite Establishment toward another group of people. Trump also bragged about how he reduced taxes for "businesses" - so we're right back to supply side, trickle down economics bullshit - if we just give more money to the people who are already obscenely rich, it will all trickle down to the rest of us. The only people who believe trickle down economics works today, are the wealthy billionaires soon to be trillionaires sucking the life out of the rest of the country. Who have legalized bribery of American politicians and have destroyed our Representative democracy. These people with all the money are the one's calling all the shots in the US, not the immigrants.
In the realm of military and foreign affairs, all major decisions are made by the Deep State and the MIC. However, on domestic affairs, the President and the two major political parties call the shots, at least insofar as their major donors are not made unhappy. One could argue that lobbyists and PACs are the ones really in charge there.
That's my great hope - just detonate one "truth bomb" and then see if everyone gets the main lesson from that jolt to their senses. The main message is that these same people and organizations lie about everything. It's hard for people to accept, but one event (like we just had) might get the process started.
Peace was never mentioned Palestine was never mentioned nor a hundred other pressing issues because…neither geezer cares about peace uplifting American quality of life ending corruption and undoing the empire. Do you know who does? Who is fighting for all of this? @jillstein2024. It’s time to turn away from the duopoly…
"Palestine was never mentioned"... Could it be because both moderators in the room have a Jewish parentage and have received marching orders that would exclude the word Palestine. ?
I'm on Jill Stein's email list and she mentions Gaza almost every time, and has extremely articulate and well considered views. She really looks and sounds like the real deal to me. Check out her website maybe?
I'm in a solidly blue state so my protest vote carries fewer risks. If Stein doesn't sit right with you, consider Cornell West, he is also brilliant and anti-zionist.
I really don't know what you're trying to say here Ela but I agree "saying genocide and torture or (sic) toddlers is bad is the absolute bare fucking minimum" and neither Biden or Trump are willing to do that absolute minimum.
Also check out the video of Dr Stein being assaulted by police at a Pro-Palestine protest.
I do encourage you to listen to her many videos. She has supported Palestine freedom and an end to the apartheid for many years. This is not a new position. I do think many of us as well in the world are wounded and flabbergasted that ANY group, nation, can do the things Israel is doing. It may be that she didn't use the forceful language you would like. The sentiment and I have heard her speak many times, is the same as millions of us around the world: we still find it so difficult to believe such evil exists. It doesn't mean we don't believe it exists, we're just reeling from the reality that this much evil does exist. Stein does not take corporate donations and is opposed to AIPAC and any foreign lobbies as well.
They need 2 candidates to keep up the pretense that elections matter. They have 2 candidates, and couldn't be bothered to try to find one on either side with more charisma or apparent competence; these two will do. As Caitlin says, a Labradore retriever or a bottle of tabasco sauce would serve the purpose just as well.
Absolutely spot on the money. Both "candidates" are fully committed to supporting the military industrial complex and the "Federal Reserve" so nothing whatsoever will change. I just pray the psychopaths don't kill us all.
I was reading about who would replace Biden as the nominee and the image of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (LA) popped into my head.
Was this a deep intuition speaking or just random processing?
Don't ever recall hearing LA speak, probably doesn't sound like Mickey Mouse, but why
does he always seem to be just a prop standing there with Blinken, etal?
Lloyd Austin (LA) checks important boxes and would reverse the tide of Black voters leaving the Democrats.
And then there is the Military Industrial Complex, they would be 100% for LA.
Did I mention Raytheon? The board of directors at Raytheon would be standing on the
table dancing the Hava Nagila!
Would someone investigate his "consultancy"? Please!
Raytheon bought itself a Secretary of Defense (SOD).
Did you know that Raytheon, before Lloyd Austin became SOD, handed Lloyd Austin (LA) a basket load of assets?
Lloyd Austin had retired from the Pentagon as a multi-star general.
He then opened a shell of a company, a "consultancy".
Where? I wish a reporter would track this down, I wouldn't be surprised if it were little more than a mail slot in some obscure back alley in Kansas. I don't know.
Well, Raytheon was so bowled over by this critical "consultancy" that it merged it
- yes, merged it - into Raytheon. Merger means that they handed Austin a basket full of stock,
so much stock that he was now on the Board of Directors at Raytheon.
Austin was so pleased that he decided to become Secretary of Defense in Raytheon's honor (snark).
The lobbyists of Washington got to work and plied their rolodexes, contacting all the right people.
Lloyd Austin was to be nominated for SOD.
But there was a problem. The law says that one cannot become Secretary of Defense until one waits several years (four or is it five?) after retiring from the Pentagon. This law was enacted so as to control abuse of the Washington "revolving door". No matter, Congress voted an exception for Lloyd Austin.
"Power to the Rolodex and NOT the People".
That is how it is done in Washington.
That is how Raytheon bought itself a Secretary of Defense.
"I would think that Harris has, if nothing else, accumulated "insurance" as a way to get what she wants."
I mostly tend to agree with your comments. But Harris is a goddamn idiot; she is incapable of getting 'insurance.' Besides, it is not possible to get insurance from the Deep State. They are in control and are in it for all the marbles.
Ambition joined to the measure of giggling stupidity she embodies can only serve her well in the Idiocracy we're now prisoners of. So . . . I suppose she might 'go far' after all.
You are correct. I've been saying this for a year now. She will step aside, Biden will name newsom as his VP at the convention. Newsom will do all the campaigning and then after the inauguration Joe will step aside and we all get president Gavin. He is exactly what Americans want. And she is only VP because the deep state chose her. She will do as told. She's not that bright and ambitious. She's a follower with no power or charisma.
In 1944, Democrats, knowing FDR's time was short, overrode the sitting VP and forced Harry Truman onto the ticket. That gave the world two atomic bombings, Israel, McCarthyism and the as yet never ended Korean War. Could Harris do all that?
If we have learned nothing else from the last four years (although it was evident long before that) - it doesn't really matter who is in nominally charge.
I had wanted to know about that shell of a company that Raytheon thought was so awesome that it
was worth merging with. Someone helped out:
Austin Strategy Group, LLC, Great Falls, Virginia
Here is what I have found thus far about Austin Strategy Group, LLC, Great Falls, Virginia.
It is the nothing burger shell we all expected it was.
After he retired, Austin joined the board of directors of Raytheon Technologies, one of the largest Pentagon contractors. He is also on the board of Nucor, the largest American steel producer, as well as health care company Tenet.
Public records show that he runs his own consulting firm, Austin Strategy Group, LLC, located in Great Falls, Va.,[!!!] but the firm has little public presence and its client list is not publicly available.[!!!]
I seems not only Biden but any commentator who deals with the elections demonstrates a form of dementia that looks a lot like simple stupidity. The elections are a circus of diversion. They mean nothing. The politics of the empire bulldozes its way downward regardless of the performing clowns. It's make believe. And champions of change shouldn't waste their time mentioning it.l
"any commentator who deals with the elections" - you probably mean those actually believing in them. Quite a few of them simply do their job. It's their salaries they believe in.
America has had this puppet show going for decades. Not with dementia (except Reagan) but with the president being a figurehead and nothing more. You're dead on about unelected powers running the show and agenda. My question is, since we've learned about the Zionist power in America, is it running our country? We seem to be Netenyahu's flunkies en masse. 😒 Yes sir, no sir... on everything 🤬 I realize I'm "blood libeling" now, but hey, look at this mess... Unlimited weapons for genocide, total support for WWIII! We're unwitting lemmings running wildly towards the cliff 😢 The long arm of Zionism stretches way back in the US. President after president has had this kowtow to the sacred cow (red heifer) of Israel. It's finally out in the open. We need to extricate this country from it's grip in order to reclaim our nation.
Anyone actually voting for Trump because they think he should be president again is just as delusional as anyone voting for Biden because they weirdly believe he should be reelected. Voting for either of them as a vote *against* the other doesn't overcome the same delusional mental trap. Either outcome in the coming electoral sideshow, Trump or Biden, will lead to utter disaster, for the US and the world it desperately seeks to own and control, by ceaseless wars, economic seizure and the hegemonic totalitarianism imposed thereby.
Don't vote, or "throw away your vote" on Jill Stein or Cornel West. Nothing else makes a bit of fucking sense.
The bold title of a-hole Thomas Friedman's column in today's Times defines the denial and delusion: "Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race."
A good man participant in genocide overseas and the immiseration and environmental toxification of his own people at home. A good president whose administration routinely defecates on the Bill of Rights and the separation of powers and daily surrenders its nation's autonomy, wagging its tail any time Israel shouts "heel, bitch".
Biden deserves to be in the dock at Nuremberg.
He'd be acquitted for the same reason Reagan escaped impeachment for Iran Contra - dementia is a good defense. In fact, Biden already was exonerated for it in the special investigation of his secret documents crimes.
I'd leave that for the court to decide.
The US doesn't recognize the jurisdiction of the Court with respect to US affairs.
And then there's The Hague Invasion Act
"I'd leave that for the court to decide."
The courts are as corrupt as the rest of the government.
Well, the Nuremberg Tribunal wasn't exactly a part of the US government, but imagine having to stand up in court and argue that the President Of The United States (all rise!) is too senile to know what he's doing?
The US doesn't recognize the jurisdiction of the Court with respect to US affairs.
And then there's The Hague Invasion Act
"Well, the Nuremberg Tribunal wasn't exactly a part of the US government..."
The United States government was a dominant part of the Nuremberg Tribunal; it ruled over all of Europe and still does.
Since most courts in the US/UK are corrupt I would forget this idea.
I used the word "deserve" not "will".
He already got away with taking classified documents that he’s going after Trump for. Why! Because his brain is too adled to help in his defense. Reminds of Comey letting Hillary off because he couldn’t prove intent. BS! She decided to break the law of using a government server and she destroyed emails that were under a subpoena.
Sorry, Nancy. Some people ARE above the law.
Yes some truly are above the law.
You know that Mueller didn't indict Trump because he concluded that he could not prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt, right?
Nope, age and other factors did not mitigate the fate of Nuremburg convictions...age ranges from 22 to, I believe, early 50s. The point being, your age and mental abilities at the time of the crime will not save you from the gallows.
Feral: Is it Biden who should be in the dock or some unknown faces? Guess this is ample proof that voting is not going to save us, no matter who we vote for.
For sociopaths learn only from reward and punishment. But they are capable of learning.
In fact, U.S. presidents are dispensable.. look at JFK, he ended up with his brains blow out. Literally. By the empire managers. No accountability till now.
I don’t think you care, right? You’ll love it if it is Biden’s brain being blown out even now as we speak
Well, in my comment I meant that Americans don’t care if their deep state assassinates their own president if he gets in the way hence, they’re dispensable .. I couldn’t care less as I’m not American..
Trump will save you and the Palestinian people
trump will save the only thing he cares about. himself
The new narrative of the left. If Trump only cared about himself he'd be settled at Mar-a-lago with multiple nublile consorts.
And you are, among other so called leftists like you, saving Trump now as we speak. Expect to receive a Thank-you card from Trump if he wins
Undoubtedly, but unlike Goering, he'd lack the mental acuity necessary to lie his way through a fallacious defense.
Considering the roster of criminal U.S. political apparatchiks ahead of him, he would need to take a number.
No. It should be all the people who are actually pulling the levers of power. But really it’s all academic. The slaughters will continue and get worse.
There is no reason it cannot be both.
Feral, it’s long past time that we have a cat as a candidate. I nominate you.
My part-bobcat, Peaches Bob, would gladly accept the vice-presidential nomination.
That being said, the bottle of Tabasco sauce would be far superior to the individual who is purported to run this country at present.
Too long, too long, have felines and cats have been denied a place at the dinner table, a sunny spot in the early afternoon for naps, a clean litter box.
And yet he will be #47 while
the bombastic bawler is still individual #1 in many indictments.
And yet he will win with 91 million votes over lying demented felon who is going to prison if he lives long enough
When you've lost that vacuous ass Thomas Friedman....
People in tech used to routinely comment on The late Steve Job’s ability to create a “reality distortion field” where he could hypnotize an army of workers and customers into believing what he wanted them to believe. This pales in comparison to the MSM where they manage hypnotize half the world with distortion and outright lies… so far.
The majority of Americans support a ceasefire. Don’t conflate the peasants and the Proconsul of Empire; we are not the same.
They may support a ceasefire in the current holocaust (which they would never name as such, having learned their roles in our current "democracy"), but I seriously doubt they would contemplate removing support for Israel, no matter how ugly it gets. The propaganda campaign has existed before most of them were born, and they are thoroughly "juiced in it".
That makes most Americans Zionists whether they know it or not.. and they are.
I think you have a point there.. just imagine if the roles were reversed and the 40 thousand plus dead were Israelis. I think every U.S. citizen would be out in the streets wailing for a ceasefire and you wouldn’t need AIPAC to nudge/coerce them. The U.S. would nuke the Palestinians into oblivion and feel morally justified for that and every U.S. citizen would applaud it. Right now, the demonstrations in support of Palestinian Lives Matter are fringe. Powerful but still are nothing compared to if the Israelis were being killed on an industrial level..
Why did Hamas start this? Why did they prepare? They are committed to genocide. Who whines when they lose?
Why did Hanas start what exactly? The illegal occupation? The nakba? The stolen land? You’re not clear about this..
BS. There are also Christians dying in Gaza. Why did Hamas start this?
Bullshit. You think Trump gives
Two shits about the Palestine’s the Israelites or the Ukrainians. No he doesn’t give two shits about you. He will bomb what’s left. Himself
You're right. Nobody gets the real message here - every important organization is captured. Everyone who "matters" has known Biden has dementia for years. They've just covered it up and lied about it. This makes one think: If they are lying about something this important, what else are they lying about? The answer, of course, is "everything."
FWIW, I've written at least 7 "Biden-has-dementia" stories on my Substack in the last 21 months. I think I win the trophy for covering this taboo topic.
This article - my eighth on the topic - simply summarizes all my other articles.
I would argue that most Americans were well aware that the president is not at the helm for a long time, but, I agree that the cognitive dissonance about how elections don't matter is only starting to sink in. Is it possible that RFK JR or Trump could have any say in important decisions regarding America? Just asking the question shows that I have my own cognitive disonance. And the truth is terrifying.
The other thing we're not supposed to talk about is that, by now, it's impossible to "drain the swamp."
Who would (or could) really drain it? The Necessary Purge would take out 99 percent of the "leaders" in 100 percent of the country's important (captured) organizations.
The problem is that the deep state is not a bunch of low level bureaucrats. When they get purged when Trump takes office, the entrenchment of the fascist wing/MIC will be cemented. If you want to know who. Look to the CIA and NSA first. The top deputy directors are the most obvious.
And the truth is that there was a coup. It happened in the 60’s when JFK was killed. And further cemented when RFK followed. Dulles and Paperclip, look it up. Ask yourself, why are those JFK files still sealed?
respectfully, what makes you think the "deep state" will be purged when or should Trump take office. He didn't seem to last time, and many of his cabinet positions were as deep staty as they come, or am I wrong? Help me understand your view, please.
The answer is to destroy the Deep State...through force.
Agree Realist!
Now you have no excuse, Realist! Gypsy joined you and she has a Kalashnikov. The thing left for you two is to show up someplace and demand: "Deep State - identify yourself! You coward you, step out, with your hands up!" Then gypsy would work her slide a few times so the Deep State knows it's not a joke.
But do not fail to check first with Jeano "The Astrologist" re Jupiter vs Saturn positioning. Do not use GPS, use GLONASS instead for verification.
Good luck! We're all watching.
Pogo was right.
“We have met the enemy and it is us.”
Bill, I've appreciated your coverage of RFK JR, and I am confused why you don't bring him up here. And everywhere that you discuss this.
I have written several articles about RFK, Jr. and make posts all across Substack telling people that RFK, Jr. shouldn't be treated like a potted plant in this campaign.
I guess I could work some sentences about RFK into my "Biden has dementia" stories ... but this doesn't have anything to do with RFK on the surface.
I do think Biden's dementia might have accelerated because of his many vaccine shots and boosters. That's a commonly-reported "vaccine" side effect.
RFK, Jr. probably wouldn't discount that possibility.
Thanks for reading my articles, Laura.
Alright. So, are you saying there are no alternatives? Because most of the broken and corrupt agencies etc...are made up of people who , at least some, have been duped and taught that their behavior was acceptable. Some should be brought to the guillotine, don't misunderstand me, but there needs to be retribution...because many on this side of the fence are not too different from those on that side. They need proper and humane guidance. But the rest can hang from trees as far as I'm concerned.
Certainly not weak, stupid, easily manipulated Trump.
I disagree with your appraisal of Trump. Especially when compared to Biden. Well, compared to me even, Trump is a genius.
Need I remind you, to give one example, of how Trump twice cucked out of leaving Syria?
I get it. We disagree. And that is ok.
Trump went after Assange hard. Was the one who got him into Belmarsh. Promised he would free him when he left office and never did. The guy lies about just as much as Biden - if anyone was paying attention to the debate for example last night, yes - Biden was lying through his teeth through about 80% of the debate, but so was Trump.
What's even worse, in the debate last night showed Trump continually harping away at Immigrants - as if Immigrants are the cause and therefore scapegoats for all the problems we Americans have right now. This is an age old blame game used by demagogues - to divert the anger and suffering of a populace being oppressed by the Elite Establishment toward another group of people. Trump also bragged about how he reduced taxes for "businesses" - so we're right back to supply side, trickle down economics bullshit - if we just give more money to the people who are already obscenely rich, it will all trickle down to the rest of us. The only people who believe trickle down economics works today, are the wealthy billionaires soon to be trillionaires sucking the life out of the rest of the country. Who have legalized bribery of American politicians and have destroyed our Representative democracy. These people with all the money are the one's calling all the shots in the US, not the immigrants.
Trump is a genius in the same sense that Biden doesn't have dementia.
In the realm of military and foreign affairs, all major decisions are made by the Deep State and the MIC. However, on domestic affairs, the President and the two major political parties call the shots, at least insofar as their major donors are not made unhappy. One could argue that lobbyists and PACs are the ones really in charge there.
I think this is an accurate assessment.
The mic are major donors. And gvt people own stock in the mic.
Lying Trump has dementia and is going to prison. So there is that. Biden is old. That’s it.
Or you have dementia
So is Obama in charge?
"The black mascot of Wall Street.". This got Cornell West fired from Harvard.
That's my great hope - just detonate one "truth bomb" and then see if everyone gets the main lesson from that jolt to their senses. The main message is that these same people and organizations lie about everything. It's hard for people to accept, but one event (like we just had) might get the process started.
Peace was never mentioned Palestine was never mentioned nor a hundred other pressing issues because…neither geezer cares about peace uplifting American quality of life ending corruption and undoing the empire. Do you know who does? Who is fighting for all of this? @jillstein2024. It’s time to turn away from the duopoly…
"Palestine was never mentioned"... Could it be because both moderators in the room have a Jewish parentage and have received marching orders that would exclude the word Palestine. ?
The P-word is never mentioned.
So true.. so sad..
Agree about the duopoly but how about Justin Amash?
None of us can guarantee anything unless we're one of the 1%.
We have to trust someone based on their actual actions, not just their rhetoric.
Dr Stein has at least openly protested against the genocide. There's no likelihood of Trump or Biden doing that.
I'm on Jill Stein's email list and she mentions Gaza almost every time, and has extremely articulate and well considered views. She really looks and sounds like the real deal to me. Check out her website maybe?
I'm in a solidly blue state so my protest vote carries fewer risks. If Stein doesn't sit right with you, consider Cornell West, he is also brilliant and anti-zionist.
I live in a fire-engine red state, but at times like this, I wish I lived in a swing state so my vote could hurt Team R and Team D more.
Hi Feral
I’m in THE swing state, Michigan.
I’m kickin’ the R/D team in the nuts.
Me too! Please vote for Justin Amash. Senate.
I'm not eligible to vote in the US although I wish I was...
Do you wish you lived here? Or you just not a citizen?
I really don't know what you're trying to say here Ela but I agree "saying genocide and torture or (sic) toddlers is bad is the absolute bare fucking minimum" and neither Biden or Trump are willing to do that absolute minimum.
Also check out the video of Dr Stein being assaulted by police at a Pro-Palestine protest.
I do encourage you to listen to her many videos. She has supported Palestine freedom and an end to the apartheid for many years. This is not a new position. I do think many of us as well in the world are wounded and flabbergasted that ANY group, nation, can do the things Israel is doing. It may be that she didn't use the forceful language you would like. The sentiment and I have heard her speak many times, is the same as millions of us around the world: we still find it so difficult to believe such evil exists. It doesn't mean we don't believe it exists, we're just reeling from the reality that this much evil does exist. Stein does not take corporate donations and is opposed to AIPAC and any foreign lobbies as well.
Dr. Stein has been arrested protesting against Israel.
That is not proof, but it is than most here can boast.
They need 2 candidates to keep up the pretense that elections matter. They have 2 candidates, and couldn't be bothered to try to find one on either side with more charisma or apparent competence; these two will do. As Caitlin says, a Labradore retriever or a bottle of tabasco sauce would serve the purpose just as well.
Two cheeks one arse...
Absolutely spot on the money. Both "candidates" are fully committed to supporting the military industrial complex and the "Federal Reserve" so nothing whatsoever will change. I just pray the psychopaths don't kill us all.
I was reading about who would replace Biden as the nominee and the image of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (LA) popped into my head.
Was this a deep intuition speaking or just random processing?
Don't ever recall hearing LA speak, probably doesn't sound like Mickey Mouse, but why
does he always seem to be just a prop standing there with Blinken, etal?
Lloyd Austin (LA) checks important boxes and would reverse the tide of Black voters leaving the Democrats.
And then there is the Military Industrial Complex, they would be 100% for LA.
Did I mention Raytheon? The board of directors at Raytheon would be standing on the
table dancing the Hava Nagila!
Would someone investigate his "consultancy"? Please!
Raytheon bought itself a Secretary of Defense (SOD).
Did you know that Raytheon, before Lloyd Austin became SOD, handed Lloyd Austin (LA) a basket load of assets?
Lloyd Austin had retired from the Pentagon as a multi-star general.
He then opened a shell of a company, a "consultancy".
Where? I wish a reporter would track this down, I wouldn't be surprised if it were little more than a mail slot in some obscure back alley in Kansas. I don't know.
Well, Raytheon was so bowled over by this critical "consultancy" that it merged it
- yes, merged it - into Raytheon. Merger means that they handed Austin a basket full of stock,
so much stock that he was now on the Board of Directors at Raytheon.
Austin was so pleased that he decided to become Secretary of Defense in Raytheon's honor (snark).
The lobbyists of Washington got to work and plied their rolodexes, contacting all the right people.
Lloyd Austin was to be nominated for SOD.
But there was a problem. The law says that one cannot become Secretary of Defense until one waits several years (four or is it five?) after retiring from the Pentagon. This law was enacted so as to control abuse of the Washington "revolving door". No matter, Congress voted an exception for Lloyd Austin.
"Power to the Rolodex and NOT the People".
That is how it is done in Washington.
That is how Raytheon bought itself a Secretary of Defense.
How much does it cost to buy the Presidency?
Interesting, but I cannot see Harris stepping aside, much less Newsome or HRC.
"Interesting, but I cannot see Harris stepping aside, much less Newsome or HRC."
My money is on Newsom. He is young, handsome, and a fast talker, just what the mostly stupid populace wants.
Harris will step aside if the Deep State tells her to. She has no say. She is VP by the grace of the Deep State and will do as told.
Maybe, but she is nothing if not ambitious, not to mention she is *this* close.....
EDIT: the other thing that occurs to me is that Harris may be young, but she will probably never have as much leverage as she does right now.
"Maybe, but she is nothing if not ambitious, not to mention she is *this* close....."
Her ambition means nothing. The Deep State doesn't care about someone's ambition. But again, it doesn't matter who is 'elected'. The Deep State wins.
I would think that Harris has, if nothing else, accumulated "insurance" as a way to get what she wants.
"I would think that Harris has, if nothing else, accumulated "insurance" as a way to get what she wants."
I mostly tend to agree with your comments. But Harris is a goddamn idiot; she is incapable of getting 'insurance.' Besides, it is not possible to get insurance from the Deep State. They are in control and are in it for all the marbles.
Ambition joined to the measure of giggling stupidity she embodies can only serve her well in the Idiocracy we're now prisoners of. So . . . I suppose she might 'go far' after all.
You are correct. I've been saying this for a year now. She will step aside, Biden will name newsom as his VP at the convention. Newsom will do all the campaigning and then after the inauguration Joe will step aside and we all get president Gavin. He is exactly what Americans want. And she is only VP because the deep state chose her. She will do as told. She's not that bright and ambitious. She's a follower with no power or charisma.
idk, dude looks like a used car salesman
HRC? Feral, whaddya tryin to do, give me nightmares?!
We need to consider all possibilities, no matter how terrifying.
And HRC is basically a dime store Lady Macbeth.
In 1944, Democrats, knowing FDR's time was short, overrode the sitting VP and forced Harry Truman onto the ticket. That gave the world two atomic bombings, Israel, McCarthyism and the as yet never ended Korean War. Could Harris do all that?
If we have learned nothing else from the last four years (although it was evident long before that) - it doesn't really matter who is in nominally charge.
Woodrow Wilson's wife executed the last years of his presidency after his massive stroke in October 1919.
As addled and foggy as Biden is, Austin in full possession of his faculties is even dumber.
Learned more since I posted the above.
I had wanted to know about that shell of a company that Raytheon thought was so awesome that it
was worth merging with. Someone helped out:
Austin Strategy Group, LLC, Great Falls, Virginia
Here is what I have found thus far about Austin Strategy Group, LLC, Great Falls, Virginia.
It is the nothing burger shell we all expected it was.
After he retired, Austin joined the board of directors of Raytheon Technologies, one of the largest Pentagon contractors. He is also on the board of Nucor, the largest American steel producer, as well as health care company Tenet.
Public records show that he runs his own consulting firm, Austin Strategy Group, LLC, located in Great Falls, Va.,[!!!] but the firm has little public presence and its client list is not publicly available.[!!!]
That sure sounds like a "gotta have it" company for Raytheon! No wonder Raytheon paid a bundle for it! (snark)
*****The article has a lot more about Austin's connection to the Biden family.******
That connection is another big plus in his favor and a reason we should
believe that Lloyd Austin is on the short list to replace Biden.
Is anyone surprised that a guy connected to the Biden family is dirty himself?
I seems not only Biden but any commentator who deals with the elections demonstrates a form of dementia that looks a lot like simple stupidity. The elections are a circus of diversion. They mean nothing. The politics of the empire bulldozes its way downward regardless of the performing clowns. It's make believe. And champions of change shouldn't waste their time mentioning it.l
"The elections are a circus of diversion."
Yes, bread and circuses win the day.
Yep Realist, fake debate and fake election, but very real threat to 18-26 year olds and every other age for that matter ...
If everyone debating the debate and the potential candidates would see this and focus on stopping the heinous military draft, we might have a chance.
Best of luck friend,
~~ j ~~
"any commentator who deals with the elections" - you probably mean those actually believing in them. Quite a few of them simply do their job. It's their salaries they believe in.
"It's their salaries they believe in".... .....and long-term employment.
Joel... You could elect a mongoose as president, and in the end there would be little difference in the overall perspective of the human condition.
Well John, there might be fewer cobras 😉
America has had this puppet show going for decades. Not with dementia (except Reagan) but with the president being a figurehead and nothing more. You're dead on about unelected powers running the show and agenda. My question is, since we've learned about the Zionist power in America, is it running our country? We seem to be Netenyahu's flunkies en masse. 😒 Yes sir, no sir... on everything 🤬 I realize I'm "blood libeling" now, but hey, look at this mess... Unlimited weapons for genocide, total support for WWIII! We're unwitting lemmings running wildly towards the cliff 😢 The long arm of Zionism stretches way back in the US. President after president has had this kowtow to the sacred cow (red heifer) of Israel. It's finally out in the open. We need to extricate this country from it's grip in order to reclaim our nation.
Anyone actually voting for Trump because they think he should be president again is just as delusional as anyone voting for Biden because they weirdly believe he should be reelected. Voting for either of them as a vote *against* the other doesn't overcome the same delusional mental trap. Either outcome in the coming electoral sideshow, Trump or Biden, will lead to utter disaster, for the US and the world it desperately seeks to own and control, by ceaseless wars, economic seizure and the hegemonic totalitarianism imposed thereby.
Don't vote, or "throw away your vote" on Jill Stein or Cornel West. Nothing else makes a bit of fucking sense.
At this stage you are correct and it’s the choice. Democracy or autocracy. This isn’t difficult.