The turd in the toilet bowl of American politics that just won't flush.

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so sorry that your favourite daughter

led the poor lambs off to slaughter

laughed at her own witty jape

Gaddafi’s death by anal rape

we came, we saw, he died, she cried

she laughed so hard she almost died

that bayonet must have caused some pain

but, hell, I’d do it all again

the saudis paid me very well

our armaments to them we sell

I’m your choice, it’s plain to see

who else will give you world war three?

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Thanks again Caitlin, for saying so well and powerfully what I'd like to say to all those vapid Hillary fans; the ones who were in her corner simply because she is female.

I used to try to remind them that there have been plenty of sociopathic (or possibly, psychopathic, given how happily murderous they were) women as well. Thatcher comes to mind, and Hillary's predecessors, Albright and Rice; all possibly to be outdone by Victoria Nuland.

When identity politics is the cover, though, it's easy to get her listeners to forget such things and to pretend that its simply testosterone that produces war- not naked greed and imperialism that drive it. Hillary has no compunction about such pretenses- even though her suggestion that women are 'less equal' in war-mongering is itself an example of sexist stereotyping.

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The Wicked Witch of the West

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Hilary may be the worst of our female politicos, but she's not alone. Warmongers like Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel, Ursula VDL, Liz Truss, and feral Americans like Nikki Haley come to mind.

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The history of the Empire is the history of warmongers and rapacious capitalists. We may call ourselves a Democracy but it has been a long time since the public had a voice in running this obscene Empire. But despair not. All Empires have an rise and fall and currently the American Empire is on the downward slide and all brakes have failed. Prepare for the trainwreck because it will not be pretty.........

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She is revolting

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Brilliant Caitlin! The truth about Killary is so repugnant that it beggars belief. In my opinion you left out the worst thing this POS has done—I believe to the core of my being that Assange is currently being held in Belmarch solely because he took on Killary and all her perfidy. I don’t have evidence for my belief but the SMELL of this ongoing horror is just the kind of thing she’d do. BTW, she laughed at Gaddafi being sodomized with a knife—that’s who Killary is. 🤢🤮

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Shes been getting around, like a new mutation of Covid. Her "deprogramming" of the MAGAs comment on CNN was the most outrageous. The DNC should shut her up if the want the senile old man to win, but, then again, she and Bill are the DNC.

Notice how you never see her standing and walking these days? Something happened.

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Women must have equal opportunity to start wars.

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She’s the textbook example of the danger of Identify Politics 😱

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Thanks Caitlin for highlighting the warmonger. There is nothing more Orwellian as the Hilary Rodham Clinton award for peace & security. Oh, the hypocrisy, the irony, the hubris, and wickedness of it all.

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The nerve of this woman. Libya would love a word.

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I cannot believe the audience laughed at her quip. They should have stormed the stage. And her tongue should have fallen out. From the bible, which despite its connection to religion, has some fine quotations:

Bible Verses About the Tongue: Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

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Hitlery is proof that women can be serial killers also .

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

100% correct ! This nonsense that Hillary was the best candidate when she ran for POTUS sickened me at the time and it sickens me to this day. Let us not forget Berta Cáceres assassination in 2016. That's on Hillary's resume. She a neo liberal warmonger of the highest order. That chortle drives me to the brink. I don't care that she has a high IQ. She is despicable

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