So let me get this straight- Putin moved children OUT of a war zone so they wouldn’t get murdered by NATO bombs? And that made him a war criminal?

How many times over is Netanyahu a war criminal for bombing refugees? 5000+ children?

I don’t do math very well but the number is bigly.

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Not only that. The people who live in the war zone are Russian speaking. Most of them consider themselves Russian. So Putin was evacuating children in an ethnic Russian region to safety in Russia, where they were treated very well and went to school. The West says that this is a war crime. The West also claimed that Russia was shelling the Zaporhyze nuclear power plant which was in Russian held territory. As if Russia was going to shell its own nuke plant. Everything they say is a lie.

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Israel was founded on terrorism.

- UK opens secret files on 1940s ‘Jewish terrorists’ in Palestine and beyond - https://www.timesofisrael.com/uk-opens-secret-files-about-jewish-terrorists-in-1940s/

- Palestinian prisoners were used for organ harvesting. - https://www.counterpunch.org/2009/08/28/israeli-organ-harvesting/

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https://www.globalresearch.ca/planned-us-israeli-attack-on-iran-2/5615443; Like Netanyahu said, "Animals". Reminds me of my non- Jewish siblings, the thought pattern is the same. Obviously, whatever humans, or their lookalikes prefer to be called; totally unsuitable for mass survival. If there was no such thing as a so-called Western Civilization; would the species live happily ever after? Although, Communism wasn't perfect, it's obvious that it's a thousand times better than a capitalist system run by wealthy psychopaths.

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Socialism wins on ideology every time, Gaddaffi make it work.

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That’s why the US tore his system down and had him murdered.

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I'm not ruling it out - generally even though the US isn't a Democracy the US only ever considers a nation to be democratic after all state owned assets have been privatized. [Strange logic]

Then there are sovereignty shredding trade agreements this is interesting as they're designed to grant corporations up with more power over a member government than the ICC.

But there's another angle Gaddafi's only ever speech at the UN exposed Western hypocrisy. that not all nations are equal as stated in the UN preamble.

Here's a short video with him at the UN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOOLywzN6IE

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@Pauline P Schneider

I am sitting here looking at the various non Zionist sourced (ranges in estimated # of) dead Palestinian children.

And considering a famous poets words, re: Who kills a person destroys a whole world (I am taking that statement metaphorically, for us meat sacks, "the world" = the VERY approximate & TOTALLY personal map of our world we all carry between our ears).

And then I've remembered that rule of thumb about how many meaningful relationships a human has, on average, extrapolating from this that every single destroyed "world" impinges and meaningfully damages ca. 150 "other worlds". And thinking about how ONE death in my circle feels.

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That's not by a famous poet but by the Quran: Whoever kills an innocent person it is as if he has killed all of humanity.” — [Quran 5:32]

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Restatement perhaps, need to dig out the attribution. Some Suffi, can't remember his name.

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Does it matter, the message is clear. Israel is a terrorist, murdering, genocidal state.

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If Putin was moving those children like the Olena Zelenska foundation has been doing he would be a Hero!

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There is no justification for this, none.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

If Israel even bothered to answer such a charge, it would merely say that ALL deaths are the fault of Hamas, just as Ukraine says ALL deaths are the fault of Putin. The usual facile murderer's excuse.

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"Look what you made me do to you! This is ALL YOUR FAULT!!!"

-Every abusive partner ever

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Correct, Billy; I’ve experienced it .

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My commiserations. After you've seen this theme close up, you'll recognize it anywhere.

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Adolph Hitler Was Financed by Wall Street, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

US Investments in Nazi Germany. Rockefeller Financed Adolf Hitler's Election Campaign

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....along with General Electric, too.

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The ICC and every European institution are a joke. In total collapse mode. Bye bye European globalists.

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I shall not mourn their downfall

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I saw your Post sometime ago and I was wondering how to respond.

You are showing your ignorance BIG time.

Try taking time to look at who contributes to the IIC.

USA is nowhere in the first ten Country's. Why?

Because the US is terrified to be indicted for war crimes. Yet they are the country who has contributed more crimes than any other nation...of course they won't.

Jack Smith (who you are all relying on to convict Trump) is from the IIC

How do you equate this with your grossly stupid statement?

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What are you talking about? Neither USA or Russia have signed onto the ICC. Aside from that, you sound like you are a little confused. Focus please.

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Just a little???

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My point exactly!

If you don't sign on then you will be not indicted.

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Looks like you don't know your current history, the ICC has "indicted" Putin, that's the joke.

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The US bully boys.

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Don’t forget aggressive American Imperialism- 23 military Garrisons surrounding China and nuclear aircraft carrier Fleets sailing 5k lies off shore. What if another Soverign nation. Started building bases in South America, Canada and Cuba and sailing attack fleets off of Florida and around Hawwai because that’s what America is doing to China.

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And your plan is....????

I don't mean to put you down for your sentiment -- obviously I share it. But other than writing comments on Caitlin's blog, what do we do? Vote? Seriously.

Luann's comic strip today is perfect for this situation. We're just role-playing Bets: https://www.seattletimes.com/comics-universal/?amu=/luann

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Voting is one step that can be used to eliminate these goons in office. But more is definitely required. First, you need more independent people running for office and fill Congress with people who can side step AIPAC's and corporate money. There are an increasing number of such people running and winning office nationally, not just in Congress. Second, people to organize and stop the Left-Right divide. They need to really become better educated which means listening to and reading independent journalists, writers, whistleblowers. Stop wasting time on MSM which is all propaganda on both sides of the divide. Third, hit the streets. The change in support for Israel is seriously in part due to the millions that marched/demonstrated against this war, Israel in particular and the US funding of this genocidal catastrophe. The reason Hamas is so successful is because they are of the people and relate to them Read the other day the support for Hamas is very high among Palestinians even tho so many are being killed. Every revolution occurs when people are completely fed up with the oppression and feel dying for the cause is better than trying to keep living under the insane abuse of slow genocide. And make no mistake Israel has been waging slow genocide with starvation, toxic chemical assaults, disease carrying water supplies, etc for many decades, ever since 1948 to be precise. These people have the right to defend themselves just as we do. But in the US most people are uneducated (even with graduate degrees) and live comfortable lives so believe they will continue to receive these tools of comfort that are designed to buy off people.

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Brilliant comment !

I don't think if the matter can be resolved by voting but by introducing accountability.

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Perfectly said Tanya!

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Build alternate decentralized systems to fill the void. Simple really, but hard work.

As for me personally, check out my CensorTube (YouTube) Channel. Since education is one of our main battle grounds, I have been creating math educational videos since 2007, for the last 15/16 years, and have helped thousands of people learn math the decentralized way. That's what I'm doing:


- ASMR Math: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxk8C_ZQHCjY5XrQS9SYkEBD

- Trigonometry: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxmSHtqSPAHfjNYu0OpIFWhp

- The Language of Mathematics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFA0678B6777BA250

- Math in Real Life: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE313AE0850B34951

- How to Study: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxllvFO3yJEI3Yt_GrroR882

- Math, Drop in Tutoring Sessions: One-on-One Online Math Tutoring Sessions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9sfzC9bUPxlFJNFdLdmMZlELYjZA094Q

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Maybe you would have done better teaching History and World History to uneducated Americans.

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Looks like you need a little math education. Logic goes a long way, and without it, history loses it's meaning.

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Learning to be "less wrong" is the end state desired.

History provides background information. Logic (maths sister discipline) provides a framework for predicting future outcomes based on such data.

And there was a damned good reason few of us prolls got taught to think that way in USA high schools since some time around the mid 1960s

If your children are bored over these holiday breaks, here is some entertaining reading- Start them at this paragraph:

"Beneath the moonlight glints a tiny fragment of silver, a fraction of a line...

(black robes, falling)

...blood spills out in litres, and someone screams a word."


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Caitlin's writings are opening eyes to the corruption around us.

I'm going off the deep end here. If One looks at the mountains of evidence of child trafficking by Ukraine, US, UK and Israel. Along with the Jeffery Epstein blackmail island as well as the jewish,Zionist connections to Media,Banking, military and other corporations of the west, and the ADL,AIPAC control of US Congress, and courts a very disturbing series of coincidences appears. What is always denounced as Conspiracy Theories have constantly been found to indeed be Conspiracies and Facts. The Empire of lies is falling, 60 years since the murder coup for the presidency, and the closing of the Gold window at the Treasury. 100 years since the creation of a private central bank and theft of Americas personal gold. The building of a 'nineteeneightfour' style espionage, propaganda, war machine that requires an enemy. Those countries China, Russia ,Iran that refuse to kneel to The Empire are the purported enemies. Question Everything, Do your own Honest research.

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@Just sayn

You left out North Korea. Not that I would care to reside there in the conditions they have been reduced to, but they HAVE been "refusing to kneel" more consistently and far longer than any other country could claim.

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You are correct. I should have included N.Korea.

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We can give "honorable mention" to a few others who tried in the past couple of decades and were regime changed/totally destroyed for resisting as well. Just to make sure our friends and relatives think we're anti American and total nut bars.

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The CIA have been publicly found to be behind 50 coups on independent sovereign states since WWII. who knows how many went undetected. Now the proxy war in the Ukraine means the US war machine owns a huge chunk of farmland bordering Russia and the Ukraine ceases to exsist as it would never even pay the interest on the debt for military ‘aide’ and the rebuilding of the countries infrastructure by U.S. conglomerates- the American business plan. Again and again.

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I seriously considered that. But it's long and off topic.

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Just Sayn, please don't leave out Cuba. Cuba the indomitable; standing steadfast against being embargoed, sanctioned in every which way and called a terrorist state by the US.

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Cuba is also Forced to host US Guantanamo Gulag and torture center. I can only imagine the crimes commited there in .

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Get lost! You are a troll trying to paint Caitlin and the people who follow her as antisemitic with your b.s. Zionism is not Judaism. How much they paying you?

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I did not read it that way.

I agree with everything that "Just sayn" posted.

We're all aware of "Jewish Voices for Peace" and Norm Finkelstein, but a few mostly censored voices can't counter the ADL and AIPAC propaganda. Those organizations and Israel's actions have totally robbed the accusation of being anti-Semitic of any meaning. What the "Jews" did to Jeremy Corbin with their false accusations was unconscionable. No "Jews" stood to defend him.

Michael Hudson: Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic? https://scheerpost.com/2023/11/21/michael-hudson-were-the-biblical-prophets-anti-semitic/

Jews spent the last century speaking of their hardships and the discrimination against them. Those of us who listened now look at the horror this brought to the world. I acknowledge that "All Jews" are not responsible, but then "All Muslims" were not responsible for 9/11 and look how they were treated. Not saying it's "right". I am saying I'm not listening to your accusations any longer.

It is a problem the Jews have to work out amongst themselves.

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check out Chris Hedges report today at The Real news network on the incredible censorship program underway!

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It might be the same article but you can read it on ShearPost: "Israel's Culture of Deceit"


The ADL and AIPAC have so thoroughly taken over the narrative of what it means to be a Jew and have hurled the anti-Semitism slur so freely, that all Jews have a problem that they need to address. Pretending (or believing) that the world hates you "just because you're a Jew" is a falsehood.

The Michael Hudson article I posted earlier reviewing Biblical history on how Israel was destroyed over and over again because it did not follow God's commandments shows this pattern is being repeated yet again.

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Talk about censorship while putting up a paywall.

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I have no problem accessing the article on substack. But it is all over the place. This copy is on ScheerPost: https://scheerpost.com/2023/10/18/chris-hedges-israels-culture-of-deceit/

You should have no problem.

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i vaguely remember there being some labour jews standing with jeremy corbyn, but they were not spared in the cleansing operations (again jews accused of being anti-semites).

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Mossad agents working as black ops gave the CiA plausible deniability for blowing up the twin towers. Ask any demolition engineer or military expert - they only came down by strategically placed shaped charges on key structural points. A plane hitting such a structure would be like sticking your finger in a trifle. Follow the money and the American Defence sector, Americas cash cow, gets another 12 years of war with the support of the duped American public. Smoke and mirrors.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Dont drag the great Michael Hudson into this nonsense. If you dont see Just sayns antisemitic buzz words and implications then thats on you.

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I don't care. I do care about the 6000 Palestinian Children who have been murdered by Israel. Your insistence that I'm anti-Semitic because I agree with Norm Finkelstein and Michael Hudson just reveals your hatred of Islam and acceptance of US Oligarchy propaganda.

Ben Norton and Hudson describe why the US supports Israel. It has nothing to do with establishing a homeland for Jews. All the arguments about Israel having the right to defend itself are moot because Israel does not exist to provide that homeland. It exists to steal the resources from the Middle East. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AeAfFfTqMk

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Yes. Everyone should read Ben Norton.

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Spot on. Ever wondered why the local oil is not valued in Dinars or Gold but Dollars?

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Are you fuckin’ nuts?

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The US ships military hardware and ordinance to Israel so they can be seen to be keeping their hands clean whilst Israel has no scruples and has sold them on to despot regimes such as Bosnia and Columbia.

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Funny thing too, but the civilians being killed in the Ukraine war - some of them are being killed by Ukrainian artillery and strikes in the Donbass/Luhansk/Crimea regions. And Ukraine has done a couple strikes inside Russia that have killed civilians. So the civilian and children dead in the Russia Ukraine war aren't even all 100% victims of Russian bombs.

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In fact, many if not most of the Israeli citizens killed were from the IDF rampantly and murderously "shooting anything that moves!"

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At one point Putin reached out to join the West ,but it quickly became clear the West's intentions were hostile and he knew he was on his own and quickly aligned himself with China as a defense against Western belligerence. It is Western belligerence that forced these two countries into the powerful alliance they are today. While the West has been waging endless wars these two countries have been leading the way to the multipolar world where peace and prosperity prevail.--needless to say none of this is reported in the Western media.

Putin is despised by Western elites, as is Xi Jinping, as their two countries are blocking Washington's delusional ambition of running the world. Where these two leaders want peace and prosperity Washington knows only war.

The ICC is a Western stooge and a long way from having the judicial independence and impartiality a world court needs. Even the vaunted Nuremberg war tribunal was a show trial as thousands of prominent Nazis were exempted and accepted into the US and Canada.

Another famous piece of war propaganda the West likes to dwell on is Putin never took Kiev as the capital city of Ukraine-- it was never his intention. His SMO(Special Military Operation ) had the stated goal of liberating only the four Eastern provinces. The reason Ukraine lies in ruins is because NATO escalated the SMO and its real intention was to weaken Russia which of course back fired horribly . Western Europe is an economic causality of the war as NATO puppet states, in their utter stupidity, allowed themselves to be duped into a very pyrrhic war .... treason comes in many shapes and sizes in these times.

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Russia and China are not really natural allies. They have been thrown together by Western aggression.

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"natural" becomes a very contentious term in geopolitics as the two countries share and dominate the Asian heartland. The alliance has already shown itself beneficial to their mutual economic interests and this indicates it will be a lasting relationship. Unlike the USA, both countries are builders not destroyers. They have fought too many wars and revolutions and know too well war is a loser's game, as history shows us ad infinitum.

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Russia and China are also two great powers united by the fact that just a generation ago they were both violently attacked by foreign powers intending to colonize and dominate them (USSR invaded by Nazi Germany, China invaded by the Japanese). They suffered horribly with millions killed and utter devastation to their cities. And they won glorious victories against the invaders. It is unusual in world history to have two great powers on the stage, both of which are recent victims of colonialism. We can hope they will be wiser world leaders than the US and European great powers, who spent the last 200 years pillaging and dividing up the entire globe for resources, labor, and profit.

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Right. Now we can have leaders that want all those things - and revenge. Seriously, it's not a movie.

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I think a key point is that both Russia and Chinas military are on ‘defence footing’ to protect their borders whilst the good olde US of A is on permanent attack footing and proudly boasts it can fight two world wars on two fronts at the same time. The ultimate projection of destruction in foreign fields is the nuclear aircraft carrier and its associated 20 battle group ships. America has 24 of these whilst China has 2! The us has 23 military Garrisons surrounding Chinas borders alone. China and Russia have Zero. The US Fort Knox and UKs Bank of England gold vaults are empty, they cannot underwrite their currencies. America cannot even pay back intrest on loans from China and continually defaulting- wouldnt a war be a great way to cancel debts and feed the American Defence Complex - its cash cow.

Russia and China have been investing in gold and can fully underwrite their currencies without printing more and more paper and crippling interest rates. The U.K. singing ‘rule Brittania, ruler of the waves has two new nuclear aircraft carriers, one returned to port in Portsmouth after failing sea trials last year and hasn’t left again. The other is steaming around the Med. It’s all a bit moot anyway as the U.K. retired its only operational aircraft carrier planes ‘the Harrier jump jet’ two years ago. So the Portsmouth hulk has no aircraft and the second white elephant has a Squadron of American F-35s, well 8 not 9 as one fell in the drink. These are consider like racing a London bus against a Ferrari when compared to a Mig in a dog fight!

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Sadly, it looks like the US is determined to hit bottom while the rest of the world moves on. Endless war is a death sentence for any country.

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Sadly the American economy is based on the Military Defence Complex and it has been at war for every year, part from five, since its inception. I agree things don’t look good for the American economy. I still can’t get my head around a country that allows its own cities to go bankrupt. I sadly believe that American policy to repeatedly try to kick start the Cold War shows that when it goes down it will try to drag as much of the free world with it as possible.

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"Natural" in the sense thst each has what the other wants and best can get through cooperation.

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Whatever it takes, Feral 😉

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"Natural allies" of corse they are not.

The US has always needed a Gorilla in order to keep the lies going.

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Yup, the Nuremberg Trials, a travasty of justice, if everyone was human, which of course they weren't, so that makes it all right in a sort of way in some peoples' minds

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That's just what's happening now. If you persist in your arguments, your encouragement to really look at the history of Israel/Palestine, you'll eventually wear away the catch phrases and name calling and both-sideisms and you'll hear it: all Muslims are scum. It happened to me yesterday - someone I'm very close to. It's numbing, all the way through.

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I know, I read some child's website years ago; they were fretting over how they were going to get rid of all the Muslims in the world; there were so many of them. Sad!

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Government funded website supporting the curriculum no doubt.

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Isn't it all? When I make a comment on a website that I know to be CIA, etcetera; I know who and what they are, but I make the comments anyway just to let them know that I don't approve; the same with the ADL, and other such hate groups.

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Yeah, just step back and take in all this "peace": A Glance at Russian Journalists Attacked or Killed.


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Keep speaking truth to power Caitlin and I will keep sharing your work.

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I respect Putin and Xi, not Biden or the Obama stooges running his foreign policy, namely Blinken, Sullivan and Austin

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@Daniel Beegan

Biden, Obama, both Clintons, both Bushes and Ronald Reagan were and ARE the "Stooges" of the permanent state cabal those other names you mentioned are minions of.

Learn to tell a tail from the dog's rear end wearing it... One changes position rapidly, the other remains in place and and keeps on shitting the same old same old.

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You respect a guy that makes tea with plutonium? There are no heroes among the overlords...

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Now now! Israel has a right to defend itself, and children can throw stones and rocks that can scratch helpless tanks!

Whereas Putin's unprovoked full scale and full scale unprovoked invasion of a democratic nation that IS democratic, ie democratic Ukraine which had an unprovoked and full scale invasion which WAS unprovoked and full-scale, was against a poor little democratic country, and he also probably ate some of those children and replaced them with Russian clones! Or identical robots, if you can make them out of shovels and re-purposed washing-machine chips.

If you weren't such a Russian bot/troll Caitlin, you would easily understand this difference, and it wouldn't need explaining to you.

It's simple. Gazan children are Nazi concentration camp guards reborn, and the Zionist concentration camp guards killing them are simply implementing 'Never Again'.

Now, stop filling your followers heads with these outdated notions of 'Universal Human Rights', and stop finding all these 'Moral Equivalances', join the Rules Based Order, and we can all get along.

If I get Poe'ed on this one I'm quitting the planet. <_<

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I do hope everyone here appreciates good sarcasm!

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Difficult to tell exactly what your position is in that garbled post - but one thing is for sure, you do not know the recent history of Ukraine. Ukraine's current government is not democratic - it was the result of an orchestrated coup against the elected government by violent nationalist right wingers, with the connivance of European and US leaders and secret services.

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Oh dear Chris…that post was meant to be facetious.

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Maybe Caitlin's Community has a suicide-troll? Even the most spectrumed person could hardly have failed to notice the Poe reference, Shirley?

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well - nowadays it is difficult to tell sarcasm from trolls - needs a smile emoji

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never forget that is was coordinated with the CIA which Victoria Nuland-Kagan at STATE Dept managed...she is a ruthless neocon war monger who has pushed for confrontation with Russia and China for decades...is married into Kagan family another bunch of psycho war mongers part of the PNAC/JINSA crowd that got going under GW BUSH and PUSHED for invasion of Iraq...according to YINON plan for Greater Israel..REMEMBER THAT? YINON PLAN was to invade and destroy 7 Muslim states and decimate their structure to the smallest sectarian component...Consider IRAQ, SYRIA, LIBYA, etc..read YINON plan (as translated in late 90s by Dr Israel Shahak a brilliant honorable man since passed.) or view here:


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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Great post. And I don't think I've heard Poe's Law mentioned in conversation since Roger Ebert was alive. I thought it had gone the way of Godwin's.

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Good. Off you go.

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I have my towel, toothbrush, and a packet of peanuts packed and ready, next to the Hitchik Guide. Now I just need some hyperspace bypass engineers with bad poetry.

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The ICC is a farce. An ugly hoax. A weapon against US opponents.

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@Penelope Prill

So are most Western Federal/state supreme courts, if you have interfered with their owners programs/profits.

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Absolutely 💯

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Possibly but it wasn't.

If you look at who pays for the ICC you will see that IF the US pays anything it is negligible.

The donors I saw were about the first 10

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The US neutered the ICC with threats more than bribes.

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Take a look at the Country's who support the ICC?

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Everything We do is good.

Everything They do is bad.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

1. Even if post 1991-Russia really were guilty of every bad thing it is accused of (it isn't, but work with me), that would be but a pimple on the ass of the War On Iraq alone.

2. Of course Western leaders are roaring hypocrites, affecting a touching sympathy for the plight of people living in countries they don't like while themselves committing far worse crimes without a care in the world. Something about a "mote" in the neighbor's eye and a "lumberyard" in one's own eye.

What does anyone propose to do about it? Moral arguments are ineffective on sociopaths.

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At some time or other quite few of us have been called "Russian troll" or 'Putin lover.' and it's still going on on the mainstream press.

I have no idea how anyone is going to get Netanyahu or Biden or Putin to the Criminal Court in the Hague! As you rightly say this only happens in small Country's and predominantly black people except for Slobadan Milosovich.

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I actually am a Putin lover, Jenny. He came to the rescue of his own people.

What a statesman he is, compared to our corpse in the White House, and the whiny, demanding, petulant ZelBoy!

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This is ridiculous. Putin lover?

He is a sociopathic monster.

I agree that he was put in a place (UN Nations) surrounding Russia but he is NOT a nice person. Is he someone who you wish to run for the US Presidency. I think not!

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Sorry Jenny, but I couldn’t agree less.

I hope you’re not buying into the propaganda that Putin is trying to reinstate the Soviet Union.

And yes, I’d prefer him as POTUS over the Genocider-in-Chief currently residing in the White House. I thought he exhibited extraordinary patience before his special ops to release the Russian ethics of Donbass from their Ukrainazi tormentors.

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Absolutely would prefer Putin as our president compared to any we've had in my lifetime. If all western presidents were in a room with Putin, Putin would be the only adult in the room. He's a great leader, beloved by the Russians because he genuinely loves the Russian people. He brought 70 million people out of poverty and into the middle class, after the disaster of the Soviet Union's Stalin. Have you been to Russia in the past few years. You write as though propagandized by US media. I've been there recently and it's a far better place to live than the US. Free education and healthcare that's excellent. We can't claim that. [Cuba has it too and it's far superior to our generally shoddy and expensive health care (thanks to greedy insurance companies)].

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"sociopathic monster" - if I ask you for specifics you'll come up with "info" from the same MSM that you appear to despise. If not, then share.

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betcha wouldn't be a Putin lover if you were a member of Pussy Riot

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Pussy Riot is on the level of Kasparov, i wonder if they are financed by the west.

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Pussy Riot would be jailed in just about any European country.

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and many US states!

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They’re repugnant, Feral!

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I think some of what was reported such as masturbating with a dead chicken in a supermarket is really weird, senseless and sick and some of the other stuff was also weird, but it seems to be mostly related to sexual expression. I don't think jail is the right place for them.

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Apparently Putin was not the party that put them there.

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I read Diana Johnstone's article where she says it is the church that wanted them in jail.

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How are you going to get people's attention?

Everyone in the US keeps asking 'what can we do?'

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Well , NOT by being over-the-top vulgar.

If you did what they do in the US, you’d be a registered sex offender.

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Are you suggesting putting chicken in vaginas in grocery stores?

For men it would putting it up their asses. Guaranteed to get people's attention. And stink on chickens.

Are they doing it in France, Jenny?

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Since they have been here in France and I think the UK.....they are not in Prison?

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Were they to interrupt church services and otherwise act like a public nuisance, they would be arrested.

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Were they sticking up chickens in their vaginas in grocery stores? In some Carrefour or Auchan? Maybe in Monoprix? What would be the safest grocery chain in France to find chicken a home, Jenny?

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You would need to have a look at what Diana Johnstone has to say about Pussy Riot (their 'shows' would disgust a lot of people in the 'good' democratic West if they would be HONEST, but as we have Russophobia Putin is the obvious devil or Hitler or ...) - see her book Queen of Chaos (Hillary Clinton). I did not know the facts either because our 'good' MSM NEVER tell you these!! How convenient ...

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I'll look for that book.

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while looking for that book, i found this


which had details about the case and Pussy Riot which I did not know.

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Thanks for that article. I had not realized much of what it says. It makes sense though. I was always surprised that the church tolerated Pussy Riot while Putin did not. I was mistaken. The Christian church in Russia is just as repressive as the Christian church anywhere else.

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Well, I’m NOT a member of Pussy Riot now, am I? 🙄

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It's a riot!

Or are you serious?

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Poor Slobodan was "White", but he was an opponent of the US, which made him sort of not quite White. The quality of pure Whiteness seems to require abject subservience.

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He was a big red-faced man. Probably coming off Vodka!

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Please add Manuel Noriega to the list of non Africans. Refused to facilitate the invasion of Sandinista Nicaragua, imprisoned/incarcerated for the rest of his life in USA, France and Panama.

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Noam Chomsky said Slobadan appeared not to be guilty. He conveniently died in prison.

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I've been called a Russian bot. Oh, wait...

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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A news update: the Metropolitan Police in London, England have issued a list of what cannot be chanted and done at pro-Palestinian marches. This includes a prohibition on promoting acts of terrorism which is defined as killing innocent people. Isn’t this what Israel has been doing since 7 October?

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so what are people allowed to chant? That would be interesting to know

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Hard to say! There are all sorts of restrictions. This is because of criticism of The Met. I can’t find the article now but I’ll continue looking and post a link. It’s very difficult to protest in the UK since various bits of legislation prohibited a lot of free speech/democratic rights. Anything which complains about the government is a problem.

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I can see what they are not allowed to do and what they are allowed to do in certain situations, but, of course, nothing is really clear giving the police free reign to arrest whoever they want to arrest.

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Screw England. Ran away from it 60yrs ago.

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