"Be the direct military involvement you want to see in the world." Brilliant. If the warmongers got a one way ticket to Kiev, that would actually bring about world peace. Also willing to wager that Zelensky is not in Ukraine, he's just Zoom acting to milk more taxpayer funds to give to the military industrial complex.
Oh be civil, Caitlin. It's your potty-mouth that's the real problem here ;-) Not Zelensky, who's willing to sacrifice his country to his vanity. We certainly can't let Putin get away with requiring Ukraine to keep international agreements, not allow foreign military bases, not join military alliances explicitly against their neighbor, not harbor foreign labs breeding internationally banned biological and chemical weapons, not rent space to nukes that could obliterate everyone by intention or accident in 5 minutes. If Putin got away with that, where would he stop? All of Europe could be turned into neutered Switzerland. <shudder>
Well said Tereza. One should add the addition of one or two "whatifisms", always worth mentioning at times like this as they are such a rational and unquestionably factual weapon against the arguments trotted out by the USA and its worldwide mindless, ‘sanction-free' stooges. (Look how quiet Israel is these days when you do a direct comparison with their 50 years of murderous apartheid)
“The Zelensky Show” coming to a theatre (parliament) near you.
Finally, don't be surprised if eventually we will see the truth regarding the so-called criminal murders and mass burials sheeted home to the well organised Nazi elements in Ukraine, supported of course by the US MIC elements and their thousands of well paid mercenaries trained by the CIA, the real frontline troops from America. Such mercenaries have been seen in every battle since the end of the Vietnam war. This is the kind of well organised propaganda that adds fuel to the fire and encourages the likes of Zelensky to organise his Zoom sessions throughout the world. All just too well organised in my book and designed to add fuel to the US/NATO fire promoters and feed the once respected media sources and international agencies with bucketloads of colourful data to distribute to the masses, either through the tame media owners or the White House Press Office in Washington with all the now very tame journalists absorbing every word for the next likely colourful fictional article, as demanded by the owners, the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard in the case of the New York Times.
That way they keep their jobs. As for their consciences, they’ll worry about that some time in the future. Scruples? Sorry. They’re for other people, not journalists.
Tereza you sound like those horny reporters that keep asking stupid repetitive questions is all this warmongering affecting your hormonal balance that is causing your brain fog, well join the collective western hysteria.
Ignoraba que se podía ser sarcástico, con las vidas humanas desde que las guerras modernas de nuestro maldito mundo existen para nuestras generaciones.
Yo sé que soy un agresivo ciudadano, contra toda la maldad que transmitimos a una plebe, que es utilizada como carnaza humana desde su nacimiento, forzado o, no, puesto que quienes nos gobiernan, hasta prohíben el aborto en casi todos sus extremos, porque, repito que, solo desean que nazcan, para el fin deseado, carnaza. Y heme aquí, yo soy plebe, y enemigo a ultranza del Imperio que representa en el mundo al auténtico carnicero del Mundo Vs. Hiroshima y Nagasaki, los indios aborígenes de América del Norte y resto de atrocidades anglo americanas y resto de carnicerías humanas, repetidas en el resto del Mundo por todos los diferentes países en el Mundo, incluido el asqueroso pais mío España. incluida mi Madre y resto de familia. Mi Madre, murió desangrada en 1949 (En la posguerra porque la Guardia Civil y resto de fascistas, se reían de mi padre por en fusilamientos de su padre en 1936, porque había descubierto al chivato de su padre y cuando mi Madre me dio a luz, prohibieron al médico atenderla. Mi padre andaba 20 kilómetros cada vez que tenía muchos dolores al médico, y este, también se reía, por la mañana cuando se despertaba el medico bajaba y encontraba a mi padre durmiendo en su puerta, y así transcurrieron 8 meses hasta que mi Madre falleció. Yo pase una infancia terrible de acosos y con 14 añas salí a ver mundo, con 16 me metieron en la carcel, con 18 me escape de España, con 21 llegue a parís, y vi por primera vez la bandera republicana española y comencé a recordar el pasado y supe también del motivo por el que ingrese tan joven en la carcel del dictador, supe que siempre me habían mentido mi familia. Desde entonces, coincidí con gente politizada, yo no era culto, pero aprendí y más tarde ingresaría en el PCE.
Regrese a España cuando el dictador murió, me integre en la sociedad, también fui industrial autónomo, diseñador y fabricante de gafas, hice de cobaya sin saberlo para una mujer que amaba mucho, cuando tuve dos hijos, se separó de mí, me lo pasé muy mal, desde entonces, no volví a ver a mis hijos, ellos tampoco se interesaron por mí y así transcurrió el tiempo entre crisis económicas del sistema
A los 68 años 2016 un gran incendio, todavía en la crisis de Leman Brothers, cuando me refugiaba con mi segunda fábrica en un polígono industrial, este, fue incendiado a propósito, era un polígono industrial antiguo, con una parcela enorme. El incendio, lo destruyo todo, también vivía en la fábrica por culpa de la crisis económica heredada de LB. desde entonces, vivo de ocupa en las montañas cercanas a Alcala de Henares donde me refugiaba en espera del fin de la 2ª crisis económica, que arruinaría por segunda vez mi 2º negocio, ambos por las crisis sistémicas de los diversos sistemas. La primera vez, cuando ingresamos en la CE, y la destrucción del tejido industrial 1986, caída del muro de Berlín, Globalización, Etc. y, con el parido del gobierno, financiado por la CIA, el PSOE, supuestamente socialista.
En 2016, después del incendio, el Deep Estate se ocuparía del asunto, yo a pesar de ser marxista, seguía ignorando lo fundamental y básico, la mentira (Fake) sistemática, los Estados Profundos, Etc. desde entonces jubilado por deducción lógica estudio Geopolítica en directo, tengo un Laptop, una mínima pensión, mal vivo de ocupa y mi única compañía, es el recuerdo.
Dicho todo esto, odio el sistema, odio las religiones y el refugio en que se amparan la mayoría de gente que apoya las guerras, como en ee.uu. y gracias a que gustaba, dedique la mayor parte del tiempo al amor y olvide mucho, pero desde que cumplí los 50 años, me dedico solo a mis asuntos y al pensamiento, ya nunca más, tengo deseos de suicidio. Ahora soy un hombre más serio, sigo siendo hiperactivo, TDHA. tengo siempre mucha ansiedad, pero más tranquilo, menos marginado por la gente, vivo solo, y solo dependo de mí mismo como siempre. No me gustan las guerras, las odio, odio las religiones, odio las mentiras, odio al poder, y ahora bajare a desayunar son las 11,30 y quiero olvidar este deseo de contar cosas de mi vida que nadie tiene porque aguantar. Yo soy también como Teresa, pero, responsable de mis actos y sus consecuencias. Ha, también odio a Facebook… 11h30 ahora que termine con usted, bajare a desayunar. Si en algo la moleste, la pido disculpas. Vfg.faranduleromarxista
Perdon por mi incursion Tereza, pero es que tu solo tienes una idea en to cabaza, y es que te debieron implantar un cerevelo nazi, para que personas cultas, con sentido comun las machaques con tu sentido de la ignorancia obtusa y negacionista. Todo el mundo a podido ver videos imposibles de negar a estas horas. La no rendicion de Zelensky, es porque esta defendiendo por primeravez en su vida de payaso un monton de dinero que posee por primera vez en su vida y guardado a buen recaudo, ademas de haberse muy bien integrado en el papel que mejor sabe hacer, engañar. desde España.Vfg.
These people are Satanic. Imagine lying like this and then going to bed at night. That gives a sense of the twisted nature of these people. They are not normal. They are not exhibiting signs of normal human Behavior. These are very sick individuals. Their main talent is lying and not being able to feel. That lies at the heart of all their ability and success, not Intelligence or creativity or cleverness, just pure sociopathy.
I thought the Pentagon was the sane part (sic!) of the US administration, trying to restrain the hot-headed from triggering a nuclear war that is in nobody, not even the MIC conglomerate, economic interest, with the State Department and the media being the insanest! So now they are all insane... well maybe they envised a way to make money out of nuclear ashes, perhaps
there are "good" nuclear wars and there are "bad" nuclear wars. Trump's were the "bad" ones, Biden's are "good". This is actually how these monsters think.
These people really are bonkers. It seems so many of us have been brainwashed to accept more violence as the one and only way to fix humanity's problems. That only more "violence" is what Putin will "understand". There is very little focus on finding ways to de-escalate, with the underlying assumption: only more war will lead to peace.
It's a miracle Biden, given his addled brain seems to have been able to say no to direct confrontation so far. But how long this will last seems to be just a roll of the dice.
The world should be much more alarmed at the possibility of a nuclear conflagration. It's as if humanity is sleep walking into mass death.
Just picture, Jen Psaki working at ComCast for considerably more than Maddow's millions; basically to ensure DNC™ LLC fracked LNG pyramid scheme releases enough methane to trigger run-away AGW (probably already WELL underway, if you've been ignoring all media's distraction and noticed arctic mid-winter temperatures, Rooski LNG tankers plying where icepack used to be, firestorms & tornadoes in MARCH and like, y'now NOT being able to drive your 25yr old Honda to your virtual share-cropping gig?
Watching from Australia - on the other side of the world and relatively protected in the southern hemisphere - this is still pretty scary stuff. Our PM announced a few days ago that we would be sending 4 bushmasters to Ukraine - in response to Velensky's impassioned request to our parliament (which got a rather better hearing than our few brave politicians called for enquiries into vax injuries). This is in addition to a total of $116 million in military aid (and a mere $65 million in humanitarian aid) over the past month.
This is not in any way our war - Russia has never been any sort of direct threat to Australia. Yet we seem to have inherited the general western hysteria about Russia, and completely buying all the war propaganda put out by Ukraine, including the most recent egregious propaganda effort about the supposed Russian massacre in Bucha. (Never mind that nobody mentioned this until well after the Russian withdrawal from that area & incursion of Ukraine battalions, confirmed by the mayor, at least 2 days before any reports of bodies in the street.)
I'd say I find it hard to believe how people are just blindly & unquestioningly accepting all this - except after watching how the past 2 years have unfolded, and seeing the complete takeover of mainstream and social media by whatever official narrative is being rolled out, I can see exactly what is going on.
They are setting the stage for all-out war, probably nuclear if they get their way.
If only others used common sense, it's clear the motivation is escalation at MSNBC where all the deep state hide. Of course they'd be the first to shit their pants in a war yet push to kill young American soldiers.
Unfortunately so many of the stories coming out of Ukraine are false flags intended to pull us into World War III.
NEOCONS have ruined America and will be our demise.
There are others. I hope many are finding good sources of news so that the truth has a repository of minds - a critical mass one could say - that it is not forgotten and prevails as we all always hope the truth will. For if the "truth" does not prevail - it will only prove that humanity is a failed species.
Anyhow, Lew Rockwell and sott.net are good places for journalism as well. The Rogue Journalist seems lately is the only one speaking the truth.
And consider this....really. Why do so many waste so much time watching propaganda? Are they addicted to it? Because it has been proven time and time again how many times we have been lied to - hells-bells, I've been lied to by the mainstream media and the gubment in my country since before the day I was born. They killed Kennedy in '63, so now you know about when I was born. Since then the lies have only gotten bigger, but guess what? Some of us know and we have known for a long time and we have a plan.
Recently, somebody posed the idea about the best way to win the "psy-ops" war? I said, how about this tricky approach - how about just tell the truth? I think that is a winning proposition and the Western countries would be advised to get on board before it is too late for them.
Have you read Caitlin's article titled "The Left Will Never Achieve Its Goals Until It Confronts the Establishment Propaganda"?
I have been waiting for 50 years for the American public to wake up and see that they are being played for suckers. That article was the only thing that explained why we are all sitting around and waiting: waiting for some "leader" to arise and tell us what to do; waiting for "It to get *bad enough* "; waiting for their votes to mean something, waiting, waiting.
Thanks for remembering Paul Wellstone. We miss him very much.
Those calling for more war always seem to be the most sheltered from its horrific results, and the most unwilling to actually die for their acidic beliefs. Imagine that.
Yes, war crimes are upsetting. But why are Russia's war crimes more upsetting than Ukraine's? There are generals in Ukraine trying to argue that Russian soldiers aren't entitled to Geneva convention protections because Russia never declared war. This in response to a video showing Russian soldiers being tortured and murdered. It's hard to buy the moral high ground argument when they have officials defending this behavior.
I saw a story that Ukrainian civilians poisoned food they gave to Russian soldiers, and that two Russian soldiers died. It's war. It's horrifying. Between the prisoners in the Ukraine that Z Man let out to fight and I'd guess a number of brutal Ukrainians, despite how this is being portrayed in coverage, I'd guess there's no shortage of brutality, given that more than 14,000 Ukrainians had died between 2014 and the start of this war in their civil war. Again, it's war. Horrors are going to happen until this madness is ended.
And it's a war that should not have happened, but the West seemed committed to letting it happening.
Do we even know yet if these were acts committed by Russians- and not false flag idiots acting in Ukraine to start playing war games and getting money for their weapons used against Russia with Ukraine at ground zero? Who is doing what? It was not clear at first that the chem attack in Syria was staged to blame Russia. Is that criminality in play again? The death we saw in the streets resembled a mass casualty practice event. Too organized and distributed to look real to me. They want to rush in. The US does this wet work to gain sympathy and support for egregious action. It should be examined by those who are trustworthy. Highly suspicious to use this as a pretext for nuclear devastation which they are too power mad to care about. Stop the mad men at work in the US and Ukraine. Give Putin an exit strategy.
Likely we can't believe 75 percent of what we're being told in U.S. media. I don't say that lightly. I've watched the dissolution of the media here in the U.S. over several years, along with that of many of our institutions.
I generally assume that the corporate media are simply emitting propaganda, in which truth is used when it happens to advantage the propagandists and not otherwise. Thus 75% seems optimistic absent corroboration. I recommend the Biblical "Believe nothing until it has been officially denied three times."
Right off the bat, the idea that Russia would commit atrocities - tied hand behind backs of individuals and shot them, and then mined the bodies - is an insane accusation of no merit driven in its extremity by the insane sanctions and prohibitions that include orchestra conductors and long dead artists.
It's a no holds barred field, and its trajectory into Spender's mad propositions is almost inevitable. Had the Russians any such intent and the mindset that enables it they would have cleaned up by now- much faster and easier - and at least 14,000 Ukrainians would be dead, the number of Russians killed in Ukraine by Ukrainian Nazis because of incipient "Russianness."
But where are the psychiatrists that wanted Trump deposed for mental instability? Trump, as opposed to Biden and his predecessors, the Bushes I and II: Clinton before him who ruined the former Yugoslavia, bombed it mercilessly for 87 days without stop, inevitably increased fascist tendencies in the new republics formed, wrenched Kosovo into the hands of what were identified as terrorists only a short time before, and the noble Obama who ruined Libya for no good reason and in the process ensured the enslavement, once again, of black workers. If this world and its perceptions, judgments and decisions isn't crazy, then crazy is surely redundant.
As for Bucha, the evidence is by no means in, and what I've seen, though I've had to dig for it within the constant stream of Russophobic propaganda, is that it is much more likely a false flag, i.e. a staged atrocity committed by Azov Ukranians and made to look like the Ruskies did it. Common sense if nothing else tells us that the Russians would have everything to lose by this and the Ukrainian Nazis everything to gain, since it helps them get NATO on board. For the evidence see https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/04/the-bucha-provocation.html?fbclid=IwAR0sfuZYGhv-ATbBncC65xQnSIAcIwoeaGge5UVxq50L1vp55Vr2RPMYN4Q#more.
How does one discern the truth? What are the solutions? Is there any way to come to an agreement when the various factions are focused on their self interests? What is human nature and what is learned behavior? Are we to be stuck on this hamster's wheel ad infinitum?
The first step is to recognise you are being lied to, and not to accept everything unquestioningly. We may never know 100% truth - and that applies to scientific investigation, historical investigation, criminal investigation, and political investigation. Science (my own area of critical thinking) tests by forming hypotheses that can be tested. They all test by consistency, evidential support or otherwise, and logic. The practice of law includes training in testing evidence.
As rational adults, perhaps not trained in any of these, we should at least be asking critical questions, and looking at the answers we are given, as to whether or not they make sense.
"How does one discern the truth?" - by following the established processes. That's why they exist. Only when that work is completed, which assumes significant efforts of many disinterested parties and passage of significant amount of time as a result, can one try to make any sort of conclusions.
And even then the interpretations may vary wildly. Just look at the material available in regards to the WWII and how some bend it towards their ends.
"Be the direct military involvement you want to see in the world." Brilliant. If the warmongers got a one way ticket to Kiev, that would actually bring about world peace. Also willing to wager that Zelensky is not in Ukraine, he's just Zoom acting to milk more taxpayer funds to give to the military industrial complex.
Oh be civil, Caitlin. It's your potty-mouth that's the real problem here ;-) Not Zelensky, who's willing to sacrifice his country to his vanity. We certainly can't let Putin get away with requiring Ukraine to keep international agreements, not allow foreign military bases, not join military alliances explicitly against their neighbor, not harbor foreign labs breeding internationally banned biological and chemical weapons, not rent space to nukes that could obliterate everyone by intention or accident in 5 minutes. If Putin got away with that, where would he stop? All of Europe could be turned into neutered Switzerland. <shudder>
Well said Tereza. One should add the addition of one or two "whatifisms", always worth mentioning at times like this as they are such a rational and unquestionably factual weapon against the arguments trotted out by the USA and its worldwide mindless, ‘sanction-free' stooges. (Look how quiet Israel is these days when you do a direct comparison with their 50 years of murderous apartheid)
“The Zelensky Show” coming to a theatre (parliament) near you.
Finally, don't be surprised if eventually we will see the truth regarding the so-called criminal murders and mass burials sheeted home to the well organised Nazi elements in Ukraine, supported of course by the US MIC elements and their thousands of well paid mercenaries trained by the CIA, the real frontline troops from America. Such mercenaries have been seen in every battle since the end of the Vietnam war. This is the kind of well organised propaganda that adds fuel to the fire and encourages the likes of Zelensky to organise his Zoom sessions throughout the world. All just too well organised in my book and designed to add fuel to the US/NATO fire promoters and feed the once respected media sources and international agencies with bucketloads of colourful data to distribute to the masses, either through the tame media owners or the White House Press Office in Washington with all the now very tame journalists absorbing every word for the next likely colourful fictional article, as demanded by the owners, the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard in the case of the New York Times.
That way they keep their jobs. As for their consciences, they’ll worry about that some time in the future. Scruples? Sorry. They’re for other people, not journalists.
Tereza you sound like those horny reporters that keep asking stupid repetitive questions is all this warmongering affecting your hormonal balance that is causing your brain fog, well join the collective western hysteria.
She's being sarcastic
Ignoraba que se podía ser sarcástico, con las vidas humanas desde que las guerras modernas de nuestro maldito mundo existen para nuestras generaciones.
Yo sé que soy un agresivo ciudadano, contra toda la maldad que transmitimos a una plebe, que es utilizada como carnaza humana desde su nacimiento, forzado o, no, puesto que quienes nos gobiernan, hasta prohíben el aborto en casi todos sus extremos, porque, repito que, solo desean que nazcan, para el fin deseado, carnaza. Y heme aquí, yo soy plebe, y enemigo a ultranza del Imperio que representa en el mundo al auténtico carnicero del Mundo Vs. Hiroshima y Nagasaki, los indios aborígenes de América del Norte y resto de atrocidades anglo americanas y resto de carnicerías humanas, repetidas en el resto del Mundo por todos los diferentes países en el Mundo, incluido el asqueroso pais mío España. incluida mi Madre y resto de familia. Mi Madre, murió desangrada en 1949 (En la posguerra porque la Guardia Civil y resto de fascistas, se reían de mi padre por en fusilamientos de su padre en 1936, porque había descubierto al chivato de su padre y cuando mi Madre me dio a luz, prohibieron al médico atenderla. Mi padre andaba 20 kilómetros cada vez que tenía muchos dolores al médico, y este, también se reía, por la mañana cuando se despertaba el medico bajaba y encontraba a mi padre durmiendo en su puerta, y así transcurrieron 8 meses hasta que mi Madre falleció. Yo pase una infancia terrible de acosos y con 14 añas salí a ver mundo, con 16 me metieron en la carcel, con 18 me escape de España, con 21 llegue a parís, y vi por primera vez la bandera republicana española y comencé a recordar el pasado y supe también del motivo por el que ingrese tan joven en la carcel del dictador, supe que siempre me habían mentido mi familia. Desde entonces, coincidí con gente politizada, yo no era culto, pero aprendí y más tarde ingresaría en el PCE.
Regrese a España cuando el dictador murió, me integre en la sociedad, también fui industrial autónomo, diseñador y fabricante de gafas, hice de cobaya sin saberlo para una mujer que amaba mucho, cuando tuve dos hijos, se separó de mí, me lo pasé muy mal, desde entonces, no volví a ver a mis hijos, ellos tampoco se interesaron por mí y así transcurrió el tiempo entre crisis económicas del sistema
A los 68 años 2016 un gran incendio, todavía en la crisis de Leman Brothers, cuando me refugiaba con mi segunda fábrica en un polígono industrial, este, fue incendiado a propósito, era un polígono industrial antiguo, con una parcela enorme. El incendio, lo destruyo todo, también vivía en la fábrica por culpa de la crisis económica heredada de LB. desde entonces, vivo de ocupa en las montañas cercanas a Alcala de Henares donde me refugiaba en espera del fin de la 2ª crisis económica, que arruinaría por segunda vez mi 2º negocio, ambos por las crisis sistémicas de los diversos sistemas. La primera vez, cuando ingresamos en la CE, y la destrucción del tejido industrial 1986, caída del muro de Berlín, Globalización, Etc. y, con el parido del gobierno, financiado por la CIA, el PSOE, supuestamente socialista.
En 2016, después del incendio, el Deep Estate se ocuparía del asunto, yo a pesar de ser marxista, seguía ignorando lo fundamental y básico, la mentira (Fake) sistemática, los Estados Profundos, Etc. desde entonces jubilado por deducción lógica estudio Geopolítica en directo, tengo un Laptop, una mínima pensión, mal vivo de ocupa y mi única compañía, es el recuerdo.
Dicho todo esto, odio el sistema, odio las religiones y el refugio en que se amparan la mayoría de gente que apoya las guerras, como en ee.uu. y gracias a que gustaba, dedique la mayor parte del tiempo al amor y olvide mucho, pero desde que cumplí los 50 años, me dedico solo a mis asuntos y al pensamiento, ya nunca más, tengo deseos de suicidio. Ahora soy un hombre más serio, sigo siendo hiperactivo, TDHA. tengo siempre mucha ansiedad, pero más tranquilo, menos marginado por la gente, vivo solo, y solo dependo de mí mismo como siempre. No me gustan las guerras, las odio, odio las religiones, odio las mentiras, odio al poder, y ahora bajare a desayunar son las 11,30 y quiero olvidar este deseo de contar cosas de mi vida que nadie tiene porque aguantar. Yo soy también como Teresa, pero, responsable de mis actos y sus consecuencias. Ha, también odio a Facebook… 11h30 ahora que termine con usted, bajare a desayunar. Si en algo la moleste, la pido disculpas. Vfg.faranduleromarxista
Perdon por mi incursion Tereza, pero es que tu solo tienes una idea en to cabaza, y es que te debieron implantar un cerevelo nazi, para que personas cultas, con sentido comun las machaques con tu sentido de la ignorancia obtusa y negacionista. Todo el mundo a podido ver videos imposibles de negar a estas horas. La no rendicion de Zelensky, es porque esta defendiendo por primeravez en su vida de payaso un monton de dinero que posee por primera vez en su vida y guardado a buen recaudo, ademas de haberse muy bien integrado en el papel que mejor sabe hacer, engañar. desde España.Vfg.
These people are Satanic. Imagine lying like this and then going to bed at night. That gives a sense of the twisted nature of these people. They are not normal. They are not exhibiting signs of normal human Behavior. These are very sick individuals. Their main talent is lying and not being able to feel. That lies at the heart of all their ability and success, not Intelligence or creativity or cleverness, just pure sociopathy.
I thought the Pentagon was the sane part (sic!) of the US administration, trying to restrain the hot-headed from triggering a nuclear war that is in nobody, not even the MIC conglomerate, economic interest, with the State Department and the media being the insanest! So now they are all insane... well maybe they envised a way to make money out of nuclear ashes, perhaps
there are "good" nuclear wars and there are "bad" nuclear wars. Trump's were the "bad" ones, Biden's are "good". This is actually how these monsters think.
These people really are bonkers. It seems so many of us have been brainwashed to accept more violence as the one and only way to fix humanity's problems. That only more "violence" is what Putin will "understand". There is very little focus on finding ways to de-escalate, with the underlying assumption: only more war will lead to peace.
It's a miracle Biden, given his addled brain seems to have been able to say no to direct confrontation so far. But how long this will last seems to be just a roll of the dice.
The world should be much more alarmed at the possibility of a nuclear conflagration. It's as if humanity is sleep walking into mass death.
Just picture, Jen Psaki working at ComCast for considerably more than Maddow's millions; basically to ensure DNC™ LLC fracked LNG pyramid scheme releases enough methane to trigger run-away AGW (probably already WELL underway, if you've been ignoring all media's distraction and noticed arctic mid-winter temperatures, Rooski LNG tankers plying where icepack used to be, firestorms & tornadoes in MARCH and like, y'now NOT being able to drive your 25yr old Honda to your virtual share-cropping gig?
Watching from Australia - on the other side of the world and relatively protected in the southern hemisphere - this is still pretty scary stuff. Our PM announced a few days ago that we would be sending 4 bushmasters to Ukraine - in response to Velensky's impassioned request to our parliament (which got a rather better hearing than our few brave politicians called for enquiries into vax injuries). This is in addition to a total of $116 million in military aid (and a mere $65 million in humanitarian aid) over the past month.
This is not in any way our war - Russia has never been any sort of direct threat to Australia. Yet we seem to have inherited the general western hysteria about Russia, and completely buying all the war propaganda put out by Ukraine, including the most recent egregious propaganda effort about the supposed Russian massacre in Bucha. (Never mind that nobody mentioned this until well after the Russian withdrawal from that area & incursion of Ukraine battalions, confirmed by the mayor, at least 2 days before any reports of bodies in the street.)
I'd say I find it hard to believe how people are just blindly & unquestioningly accepting all this - except after watching how the past 2 years have unfolded, and seeing the complete takeover of mainstream and social media by whatever official narrative is being rolled out, I can see exactly what is going on.
They are setting the stage for all-out war, probably nuclear if they get their way.
If only others used common sense, it's clear the motivation is escalation at MSNBC where all the deep state hide. Of course they'd be the first to shit their pants in a war yet push to kill young American soldiers.
Unfortunately so many of the stories coming out of Ukraine are false flags intended to pull us into World War III.
NEOCONS have ruined America and will be our demise.
We should immediately ship Rachel MadCow over there to the front line.
Moon over Alabama is a good source for accurate reporting.
There are others. I hope many are finding good sources of news so that the truth has a repository of minds - a critical mass one could say - that it is not forgotten and prevails as we all always hope the truth will. For if the "truth" does not prevail - it will only prove that humanity is a failed species.
Anyhow, Lew Rockwell and sott.net are good places for journalism as well. The Rogue Journalist seems lately is the only one speaking the truth.
And consider this....really. Why do so many waste so much time watching propaganda? Are they addicted to it? Because it has been proven time and time again how many times we have been lied to - hells-bells, I've been lied to by the mainstream media and the gubment in my country since before the day I was born. They killed Kennedy in '63, so now you know about when I was born. Since then the lies have only gotten bigger, but guess what? Some of us know and we have known for a long time and we have a plan.
Recently, somebody posed the idea about the best way to win the "psy-ops" war? I said, how about this tricky approach - how about just tell the truth? I think that is a winning proposition and the Western countries would be advised to get on board before it is too late for them.
Seems as such to me.....
anyhow, false-flags are a dime a dozen lately....
Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary and read From Dictatorship to Democracy the book by Dr Gene Sharp.
OK, maybe I'll watch that. Seriously though false-flags are a dime a dozen.
Some of us already know and we are fedup.
I also know that false flags are common as sand on a beach and I'm fed up too. That's why I am giving people a resource to help them create change.
OK, false flag ranking with time taken into consideration.
1. Burcha or whatever that place is called.
2. Syria when they did the "chemical" attack.
3. The insurrection on 1/6
4. The whole russia gate ridiculousness...
5. I could go on and it doesn't stop at 9/11
6. JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, and Paul Wellstone and so many others.
7. How many effing false flags need to be climbed before the nefarious ones get their due?
Time will tell.
The Bay of Tonkin
Have you read Caitlin's article titled "The Left Will Never Achieve Its Goals Until It Confronts the Establishment Propaganda"?
I have been waiting for 50 years for the American public to wake up and see that they are being played for suckers. That article was the only thing that explained why we are all sitting around and waiting: waiting for some "leader" to arise and tell us what to do; waiting for "It to get *bad enough* "; waiting for their votes to mean something, waiting, waiting.
Thanks for remembering Paul Wellstone. We miss him very much.
Here is a sweet song. Land of Plenty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvPUBwU9nTI
Doublespeak: Clamoring for war and calling it peacekeeping.
Those calling for more war always seem to be the most sheltered from its horrific results, and the most unwilling to actually die for their acidic beliefs. Imagine that.
Yes, war crimes are upsetting. But why are Russia's war crimes more upsetting than Ukraine's? There are generals in Ukraine trying to argue that Russian soldiers aren't entitled to Geneva convention protections because Russia never declared war. This in response to a video showing Russian soldiers being tortured and murdered. It's hard to buy the moral high ground argument when they have officials defending this behavior.
I saw a story that Ukrainian civilians poisoned food they gave to Russian soldiers, and that two Russian soldiers died. It's war. It's horrifying. Between the prisoners in the Ukraine that Z Man let out to fight and I'd guess a number of brutal Ukrainians, despite how this is being portrayed in coverage, I'd guess there's no shortage of brutality, given that more than 14,000 Ukrainians had died between 2014 and the start of this war in their civil war. Again, it's war. Horrors are going to happen until this madness is ended.
And it's a war that should not have happened, but the West seemed committed to letting it happening.
Do we even know yet if these were acts committed by Russians- and not false flag idiots acting in Ukraine to start playing war games and getting money for their weapons used against Russia with Ukraine at ground zero? Who is doing what? It was not clear at first that the chem attack in Syria was staged to blame Russia. Is that criminality in play again? The death we saw in the streets resembled a mass casualty practice event. Too organized and distributed to look real to me. They want to rush in. The US does this wet work to gain sympathy and support for egregious action. It should be examined by those who are trustworthy. Highly suspicious to use this as a pretext for nuclear devastation which they are too power mad to care about. Stop the mad men at work in the US and Ukraine. Give Putin an exit strategy.
"The first casualty of war is the truth." This proverb should be applied to _all_ reports from a war zone, especially atrocity stories.
Likely we can't believe 75 percent of what we're being told in U.S. media. I don't say that lightly. I've watched the dissolution of the media here in the U.S. over several years, along with that of many of our institutions.
I generally assume that the corporate media are simply emitting propaganda, in which truth is used when it happens to advantage the propagandists and not otherwise. Thus 75% seems optimistic absent corroboration. I recommend the Biblical "Believe nothing until it has been officially denied three times."
Right off the bat, the idea that Russia would commit atrocities - tied hand behind backs of individuals and shot them, and then mined the bodies - is an insane accusation of no merit driven in its extremity by the insane sanctions and prohibitions that include orchestra conductors and long dead artists.
It's a no holds barred field, and its trajectory into Spender's mad propositions is almost inevitable. Had the Russians any such intent and the mindset that enables it they would have cleaned up by now- much faster and easier - and at least 14,000 Ukrainians would be dead, the number of Russians killed in Ukraine by Ukrainian Nazis because of incipient "Russianness."
But where are the psychiatrists that wanted Trump deposed for mental instability? Trump, as opposed to Biden and his predecessors, the Bushes I and II: Clinton before him who ruined the former Yugoslavia, bombed it mercilessly for 87 days without stop, inevitably increased fascist tendencies in the new republics formed, wrenched Kosovo into the hands of what were identified as terrorists only a short time before, and the noble Obama who ruined Libya for no good reason and in the process ensured the enslavement, once again, of black workers. If this world and its perceptions, judgments and decisions isn't crazy, then crazy is surely redundant.
As for Bucha, the evidence is by no means in, and what I've seen, though I've had to dig for it within the constant stream of Russophobic propaganda, is that it is much more likely a false flag, i.e. a staged atrocity committed by Azov Ukranians and made to look like the Ruskies did it. Common sense if nothing else tells us that the Russians would have everything to lose by this and the Ukrainian Nazis everything to gain, since it helps them get NATO on board. For the evidence see https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/04/the-bucha-provocation.html?fbclid=IwAR0sfuZYGhv-ATbBncC65xQnSIAcIwoeaGge5UVxq50L1vp55Vr2RPMYN4Q#more.
How does one discern the truth? What are the solutions? Is there any way to come to an agreement when the various factions are focused on their self interests? What is human nature and what is learned behavior? Are we to be stuck on this hamster's wheel ad infinitum?
The first step is to recognise you are being lied to, and not to accept everything unquestioningly. We may never know 100% truth - and that applies to scientific investigation, historical investigation, criminal investigation, and political investigation. Science (my own area of critical thinking) tests by forming hypotheses that can be tested. They all test by consistency, evidential support or otherwise, and logic. The practice of law includes training in testing evidence.
As rational adults, perhaps not trained in any of these, we should at least be asking critical questions, and looking at the answers we are given, as to whether or not they make sense.
"How does one discern the truth?" - by following the established processes. That's why they exist. Only when that work is completed, which assumes significant efforts of many disinterested parties and passage of significant amount of time as a result, can one try to make any sort of conclusions.
And even then the interpretations may vary wildly. Just look at the material available in regards to the WWII and how some bend it towards their ends.
My only response to the Warmongers is this quote from Michael Jordan, "Stop it. Get some help."