"Gonna go get a degree from an Ivy League university and become a senior fellow at a prominent think tank so I can make extremely intelligent observations like "Vladimir Putin is Adolf Hitler and Ukraine is Poland" and "Xi Jinping is Adolf Hitler and Taiwan is Poland".

Variation: "Gonna go get a biomedical degree from an Ivy League university, so I can "rise" to the level of feckless federal bureaucrat or greedy corporate-pharma CEO."

As someone who spent 9 yrs at an Ivy League University, I can safely say that they are simply more-prominent and better-funded (billions in endowment) vehicles for inculcating the white Western (Euro-American) dogma of market capitalism, including diverse apologies for colonialism. And sure, as a grad student, I managed to do some fascinating research, while mostly learning that I loved teaching and vowing that I'd never be a high-handed robotic lecturer and would instead be available to my students. I assure you that in the Ivy scheme of things, this path is frowned upon, not the route to either notoriety or enrichment (wanted: millionaire alumni to further increase that endowment). People like me are supposed to use the Ivy degrees & connections to become a good science capitalist like the CEO/ upper management of Pfizer. Or bureaucrats like the FDA drones who lied us into mediocre vaccines after grossly incomplete assessment in clinical trials, and who ineptly mismanaged this pandemic.

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Wish I could 'heart' this a hundred times. Amazing points, especially the last one

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John Stockwell, who ran CIA operations in Angola, among other things, remarked that the CIA would routinely fabricate communist atrocity stories out of whole cloth, complete with purported eyewitness testimony and faked action photos, then feed those stories to friendly news sources, knowing that US news outlets would pick those stories up and publish them.

He also said that the CIA ignored the laws forbidding it to propagandize inside the US whenever it felt like it.

Anyway, anyone who thinks that propaganda isn't real has never heard of the advertising industry.

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Caitlin, you and I disagreed about Carlson recently, but I see nothing to criticize here. You even wrote, "Sure Carlson might say true things I agree with sometimes...." I don't get all my "information about the world from Tucker Carlson," as you seemed to think previously, but I do find myself agreeing with most of what I see of him on YouTube.

On reflection, I think that has a lot to do with YouTube algorithms on what to recommend. I see a lot of Fox News segments in their recommendations. The ones that are recommended tend to be ones I agree with related to Trump (or Republican) Derangement Syndrome (Orange man bad and any Democratic criticism good) or some of the more idiotic policy positions Democrats have made, especially those that are falling out of favor with independent voters. I can't recall seeing any recommended videos supportive of anti-China sentiments, probably because my history indicates I wouldn't agree. I think the algorithms are intended to keep people glued to YouTube by catering to their implicit biases within a narrow Overton window. They have the effect of intensifying the political polarization. You are correct that Carlson is tolerated because he supports at least one faction of the elites and their narrative, but he's no more "odious" than Brian Steltzer, Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper. He's also used as a sheepdog to lure in those disgusted by the Democrats, but that doesn't mean all of us watching and cheering "get our information" from him or Fox or will vote Republican. I think the AI has become more and more confused because it suggests more and more videos that are not current, which is indicative that most of the current content that might attract me has been censored or devalued.

I admit that after a lifetime of "leans Democrat" voting, I've become polarized against the Democratic Party during the last 5 years. This occurred long before YouTube algorithms started placing Fox or Tucker Carlson in its recommendations tailored to my history, and it was 100% caused by Democratic Party behavior since 2015 as well as party bylaws enabling that behavior. I find both major parties to be part of our problem but the Democrats to be far more corrupt than the Republicans. My opinion started moving in that direction when the Democrats purged Dennis Kucinich, and have grown more pronounced over time, culminating in the dirty tricks played during the 2020 Presidential election, first by smearing Tulsi Gabbard during the primaries, then doing all they could to "fortify" the election, including massive, illegal ballot harvesting.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Not to turn this into the Tucker Carlson fan club, but I really can't compare him to Maddow, Stelter, or Cooper. Have either of those had Glenn Greenwald or Jimmy Dore on to push back against establishment agendas? Have they questioned administration COVID restrictions? Have they held party establishment figures accountable for their ties to Raytheon? Does Maddow ever have a cross word for Nancy Pelosi?

In this regard Carlson is far, far less odious than any of his counterparts, either elsewhere on FOX, or on DNC-pandering networks like MSNBC or CNN. I don't follow him religiously; I don't believe anyone should. I applaud when he broadcasts ideas which I believe to be worthy and ignore the rest. As I said, I'm glad he's there to give Caitlin-like messages to large audiences who otherwise would never run across a Caitlin Johnstone column. Doesn't popularizing anti-war and anti-establishment messages have merit without believing he's a knight in shining armor?

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Agree 100% with all. Note that I did mention he has certain sheep dogging qualities, but people often forgive that in Bernie.

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Bernie may be good in the Senate but as Democratic candidate he's another fluffer. His consistent caving is all that needs showing. Peace

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A recent question to my dyed-in-the-wool democrat family-member was how come there isn't one progressive version of a Krysten Sinema or Joe Manchin who can single-handedly threaten to grind proceedings to a halt and get whatever they want yanked out of pending legislation? Bernie or members of The Squad should be this person, but they instead cave to the wishes of Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer and then go on twitter and complain about it. To me, it's all Kabuki theater, but my family-member's complete silence and their inability to provide an answer to a mighty obvious question was telling. I'd say it was a learning moment but I believe the denial is too great for that to have taken place. As you said, Bernie was nothing but a fluffer.

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They shouldn't; Bernie was and is an insufferable "team player" whose "revolution" never seemed to include the rotten fixtures of the democratic establishment. He could notably rail at republicans all day long, however, as if they alone represent the totality of the problem.

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Time to name the "Who". Saying MSM is a cop out. Pointing fingers at Carlson and Maddow is a waste of time. These guys are getting paid. Who's paying them?

NPR was talking about all the Coal Mines in Wyoming closing and the power plants being shut down, then they dropped the "bomb" that Bill Gates is going to build a Nuclear Power plant -- and it is "green"!

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I find myself gravitating to your Tucker Carlson snippet, trying for perspective, and I can't quite believe I'm defending him.

He's against the current warmongering with Russia, and said that Jimmy Dore changed his mind regarding Julian Assange. Where else do Average Joes hear this? His audience included President Trump when he was in office and Carlson is currently wildly popular with the republican base, which regards the Washington establishment as captured and non-representative, mirroring much of the grassroots left.

Do I agree with Carlson's take on China? On American supremacy? On arming Israel? Probably not. But is it not a good thing that other decidedly counter--blob arguments get put out where the largest number of Americans will hear it, or should purity of message cancel that out?

There's a thing with yoga that goes "start where you're at." I'm combining that with your comment about yelling truths into a hole accomplishes nothing, and I come to the conclusion that I'd rather have Tucker Carlson on the air than not.

Your mileage may vary.

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This is some of the most blatant propaganda I've seen. And the comment section is a sad collection of biased misdirected rants. Where's the logic? US healthcare system is profit over people. US produces a vast amount of air, water and soil contamination for the entire world. Wealth disparity is beyond comprehension. Blaming the powerless is the game. Profit over people is the culture. No wonder things are fucked in the US. It correlates logically. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/02/01/science/covid-deaths-united-states.html

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Sorry, I choose to no longer follow a link to The NY Times because I refuse to subject myself to propaganda, psychological terrorism, Stockholm syndrome, or mass formation.

Hopefully, if the article is heinous enough—and most are—Caitlin, Taibbi, Greenwald or Jimmy Dore will excerpt it to use as an example in their ongoing online Official Narrative Toxicoloy classes, where I will consume it along with their antidotes of illuminating critique.

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You said the same thing that Caitlin did. Yet you're accusing her of propaganda? I'm confused.

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Accusing her of propaganda? Huh? I was accusing the NY Times article of propaganda! Comment section in the Times, etc.... Gee sorry for triggering you! Smile, you're on Candid Camera!

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You need to write more clearly then. There is no way this sentence can be interpreted as being about the NYT.

"This is some of the most blatant propaganda I've seen. And the comment section is a sad collection of biased misdirected rants."

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Yes sir, I will try to be better in the future and I humbly thank you for this exchange. However, did you even notice the link at the end of my comment?

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In fairness the "This" confused me at first as well, thinking that it referred to Caitlin's article and not to the link at the very end of your comment, which is clear upon further examination. I've done this myself, feeling like the "this" or "that" that I'm using is perfectly clear to the reader since it appears crystal clear in my head. I'm going bald, but my skull has yet to reach the transparent stage.

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It hardly helps that a link to a paywall is suppose to provide evidence of anything. Following a paywall is a waste of time.

"Everyone knows" that if you put archive.is/ in front of the link you can avoid the paywall.

Of course, then we have to ask ourselves, "WTF does COVID have to do with this?" There are so many "experts" on COVID that provide completely contradictory stories, I don't listen to any of them.

Thanks for wasting my time Josh.

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Is this death from COVID or death with COVID? In a genuine pandemic there wouldn't be a need to stoop to such obfuscation. Something else is going on here.

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May I just suggest a book for the bookworms out there, on propaganda.

"Propaganda", by Frenchman Jacques Ellul, 1973-English version. Forget the sexist second half of the title and see how we get manipulated. Like from shortly after birth onward. You'll never watch another TV show or movies the same; or read corporate(MSM) media news, for that matter. Oh, and the Ivy League schools just charge more to inculcate the elite for US capitalism, "the captains of industry", as they say. Peace

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whatever money changers touch turns into sh;t in a hurry.

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Two random thoughts:

I wanted to write a sci-fi story about a paranoid executive at a marketing agency who is so excited about how his team is about to deliver perfect, irresistible, marketing. And and the payoff is he sits at his desk and slowly realizes his competitor has already achieved this. Now I hope somebody else writes it better than I would have.

I think reading is a vaccine of sorts against propaganda. Of course it needs to reach beyond the pool of propaganda. But the classics of literature help. The classics of sci-fi help. And purposely finding that annoying, edge of your ideology text, and reading it like you would eat vegetables, helps.

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So speaking of Propaganda, I hope folks will listen to Scott Ritter this time: https://consortiumnews.com/2022/02/02/americas-putin-psychosis/

We all know the American Oligarchy only cares about immediate profit. Ritter names names and tells us exactly who is selling us out. Unfortunately, I'm not a "names" kind of guy -- hell, it took me years to finally figure out who Ritter was. Caulk it up to being on "the spectrum" or whatever. Maybe that's the problem with most of us. We can't keep track of that secondary level of policy makers who are destroying us. They hide in the shadows so that when the Presidency moves from Republican to Democrat (or visa versa) they are still there controlling foreign policy for the benefit of the Oligarchy. American == ADD.

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From the linked article: "Every American citizen should realize that they have been poorly served by these slavish servants of propagandized conformity, and the potential consequence of their collective failure — war — stares us all in the face."

If only.

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Well, most of today's comments centre on US news commentators, good and bad, all of whom mean little to me in a distant country. We don't see those programs just hear about the comments like today. But when they mention Scott Ritter, he does strike a pleasant chord.

Now I do not know all that has happened to Mr. Ritter since he first emerged during the Iraq war, but at that time he was the first man that raised the spectre of a war under the criminal control of Bush and Cheney, commencing without cause, based on lies.

I live in a country that has an ownership of probably 65% of media by Murdoch, better known in your country as Fox. He seems to be able to influence governments easily and while we are in the middle of a cricket season with a tennis Open event just concluded and with football just around the corner, no one here pays much heed to Russia, Ukraine, the CIA, all the civilian criminal contractor organisations doing their dirty work for your country, (contractors of death). We even allow the odd ex-miliary General to do his dirty work in UAE uniform as they and Saudi and the US and Israel and the UK continue to kill and destroy Yemen and its starving people.

But Scott Ritter. He deserves respect in my book. Always will. I am sure that the slippery powers that be in the corridors of Washington (called neocons in my day, some now fulfilling a further function on the other side of the road for the feeble but dangerous Biden/Blinken duo) have found ways to make him pay a price for his honesty.

Keep safe, Mr. Ritter. You've earned your stripes..

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Propaganda mixes lies into truth. If it was all lies, you'd reject it. The propaganda double-agent (Trump, imo, Alex Jones) mixes the truth into obvious lies, causing people to reject it. I talk about this on my YT, Conspiracy Theorist as the New Heretic: https://youtu.be/UJI1X7l48vM.

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If hairless monkeys could understand the massive, yawning gulf between the world as it actually exists and the narratives we've been fed about it since childhood, human society would immediately collapse into nothingness. The real world is far more different from gregarious narratives feeding human herd instincts, than it is from any work of fiction.

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Feb 2, 2022·edited Feb 2, 2022

Maybe that is how it works for hairless monkeys, but I am a Cat and I have a very nice full-length striped fur coat.

As a feral cat, confusing one's wishes with reality is a good way to wind up dead or an experimental subject.

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