The pier story will go like this:

US builds it,

Israel bombs it with the US bombs, says it’s Hamas without any evidence,

US government and media hysterically run with it.

Result: pro-palestinian voices shut down, no more pressure on Joe, congress is free to do AIPAC bidding… or maybe we’ll just start WWIII and everybody dies…

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Thanks for calling out that stupid pier idea, Caitlin. How about the USA turns off the money and weapons tap instead? They just can't seem to do it, can they? Genocide seems to be no big deal to Biden and friends.

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If I were in Gaza right now, I’d be fearful of anything coming from the sky

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When you give weapons with one hand to Zionist and insufficient aid with the other to Palestinian civilians. I can't help but reel from the sadism. Here child have some food while that person murders your people and then you.

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Good article, Caitlin. Just had a discussion with a guy in my jewelry making class who seemed genuinely upset that the Republicans won’t vote to send more money/weapons to Ukraine. I said that I don’t think U.S. should send weapons to Ukraine nor Israel and that the U.S. shouldn’t be the policemen of the world. I don’t think he quite got that. I mentioned about Palestinians being slaughtered in Gaza and U.S. shouldn’t be sending weapons to Israel. He said it’s just hate, but really didn’t want to engage. I think he is a Biden supporter. I don’t support any of these two political parties. They are the uniparty when it comes to these interventionist wars.😢

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"It just says so much about the state of western civilization that even genocide has been turned into another vapid culture war wedge issue for people to masturbate their tribal identity constructs on." So fking true, and so sad. Divide & conquer rinse and repeat.

I think the pier has probably got to do with oil or gas reserves that Israel wants access to?

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The endless lies and massive gaslighting campaigns on all fronts will not stop until they are stopped

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"As though “don’t starve children to death or rip them to shreds with military explosives” is some kind of ideological position that only makes sense through a specific political lens, instead of just the normal human default perspective for anyone who isn’t a psychopath."

Face it, psychopaths are the only ones who are voting for the status quo parties/candidates. There the only ones who will since they don't have any sort of conscience and see nothing morally wrong with starving and blowing up children anywhere at any time.

Human beings with a conscience will protest and speak out against the genocidal maniacs in power with every ounce of strength that they have. Aaron Bushnell's soul calls out to us all to keep up the fight.

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One article I read said the plan is to turn the pier into a “commercial” pier once Israel is done. That could be why the US has chosen this method and why Israel might allow it. It would then be the beginning of a port for the new Israeli settlements and loading facility for oil and gas, not to mention another base for the US navy. I think it very unlikely that its only reason is to feed Palestinians.

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Like the pointless Ukraine war, the US can not stop now because to stop would mean admitting "We made a terrible mistake and ruined another country and killed a whole load of people for nothing but arms deals".

If they forced Israel to stop and open up to aid it would be an admission: "Yeah, we could have done this before the genocide, but we are a bunch of greedy psychos".

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I’ve read that the tailbacks of Lorries is literally miles long. The aide and relief is there but I believe the Israelis halting it distribution is part of its plan to increase the death toll in its genocidal agenda. Not only will people die of starvation and treatable wounds but the malnourished are easier to bully and control. Words fail me to describe how they are committing genocide when they know first hand what it does. I doubt those who died in NAZI concentration camps would wish this on there worst enemy. This blood stain will not wash off Israel. Our own governments are shamefully complicit and openly too! From the U.K. they have sent their only working Aircraft Carrier and now have boots on the ground. Disgusting, but we see where the governments loyalties are not with the people, International law or human rights. I guess Israel will return the favour as people protest in the U.K. over rising poverty, unemployment, even those working having to rely on food banks

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I have felt for a very long time Washington's aggressions against the rest of the world are because it refuses to accept that ultimately it will have to accept being a minority and part of a much larger majority. To avoid this they wage perpetual war and chaos to avoid their fate. For them it is a bitter pill that they do not control the Eurasian heartland. Controlling Europe(NATO) is a foothold when they want to carve up Russia and China as their own .

The Gaza genocide is the first step in taking over control of the whole Middle East and choking off China's belt and road initiative.

The crazy part of it is that the US is letting in millions of refugees diluting its own population already

beleaguered by decades of war. It is cannibalizing its own homeland for the cause of its delusional hegemonic ambitions. Like all the other collapsed imperialist countries it will end up a pale shadow of its former self -- just like Britain is today.

The aid now going into Gaza is no more than a distraction trying to cover their bloody tracks.

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Here's an apt quote from Laurent Guyénot — the capitals are mine extra stress:


Note the word **parasite**.

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"A bunch of bleating human livestock..." - and that's fine as long as that livestock votes blue.

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I don't think it is equal; left and right. There isn't a left, is there Caitlin?

The only choices we're given is between neoliberals and the far right.

Support of Gaza isn't part of either of them.

Gender identity and green issues have been painted into the neoliberal corner, exemplified by Trudeau, who makes sure he gets LGBTQ+ right and pays lip service to net zero (though he still supports the oil industry with massive investment and subsidises) and claps Nazis who kill Russians whatever their identity.

The neoliberals have served their purpose, rubbishing anyone who points out that the climate crisis is already a major issue for the Global South (with the 2022 floods in Pakistan devastating the lives and homes of 35 million people, hardly making it onto the news, nor onto Substack, at all; very unpopular) and now the West is swinging right with hardening of immigration (important to get in place before any more migration North).

I think the majority of people are pro Palestine. Pro World. But you're right; online we're herded and divided into groups. Best to get off social media. Good for information. But a very effective tool for the military industrial complex.

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Trump was all about that "Build a Wall" thing, but Biden's got to get out of the polling dumps and do something, so now he's into the "Build a Pier" thing. Maybe the Old Man could have pointed to a Palestinian in the Chamber during his State of the Union, except that's not the constituency he's going after. It is truly extraordinary how people, to this very day, get labyrinthed in to the fake Left/Right binary, like they don't know any better. I want to quote Rene Magritte: This Sugar-Cube is not a Sugar-Cube...

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