A corporate military Mafia runs the nation and the public is blissfully unaware or prefers not to dwell on the issue. Land of the free, home of the brave........

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So criminals and warmongers who are obvious officers of three-letter agencies, keep showing up in US govt, regardless of which party is in office and yet people claim that:

- there is no deep state

- both parties are not serving the same masters

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When Omar made that statement, I was starry-eyed--I remember Iran-Contra and the whole evil war against democracy in Latin America,, including Elliot Abrams' role, so I thought it was fabulous to see a Congresswoman call him a war criminal. But I just watched the clip and was appalled not so much at his responses as when he says the whole thrust of US policy vis a vis Venezuela is to help the people restore democracy, and she says no one disputes that. WHAT? Can she really not know better?

I also note that people refer to what the US did in Central and South America as furthering US interests. They should be made to explain why removing an elected leader determined to use the nation's resources to help he nation's people in favor of an imposed rich white man who will make deal with US corporations to use those resources to enhance the wealth of the corporations and the local elite, while violently repressing any who object...how does that serve US interests? Not the interests of the US PEOPLE, just some US-based corporations that own the US government and its media.

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Go on, tell us some more about how Biden really really is working for peace and so totally isn't an imperialist. Maybe throw in that quote from The Godfather about keeping your enemies closer.

Actually, I think Team D nuthangers have given up making excuses and have simply internalized neocon imperialism, although they like a bit more self-serving human rights talk.

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Elliot Abrams did 100 hours of community service for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal. (Check out the Tom Cruise movie "American Made". Great film.)

I wonder what Elliot Abrams did for his 100 hours of community service. The story is always in the details.

Was Abrams wearing an orange vest while sweeping the streets?

Was Abrams picking up trash?

Was Abrams reading books to the hospitalized?

Was Abrams doing anything for his community service?

Does anyone know?

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The Biden Team should be tried at Nuremburg.

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Elliott Abrams the perfect choice for a War Criminal.

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When I finally got my body and mind steeled for the holiday morning news, the headline from your very welcome and terse essay was the first thing I saw. The first silent reaction in my head was something like denial- a split second hope that your report was going to be that the Empire is so evil that it might as well hire Elliot Abrams. But, I dashed that hope myself before you did. Of course Biden brought that ghoul on board. His evil spirit has been there from Day 1. Enjoy the fireworks, everyone!

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And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air...

Happy 4th everyone

And just when you think things can’t get worse.

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There is nothing more useful to autocratic regimes than felons with "respectability". Abrams fit the bill. He was, after all, funding anti-Communists. Giving Abrams a sentence of "community work"

was essentially subversive: he was bound to pollute everything he touched. As Whitney Webb has documented, US history is replete with "respectables" who are led on a leash by state actors who have the goods on them. Such is the nature of our vaunted "democracy."

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You can bet Bidumb himself didn't elect Abrams, he was anointed and will most-likely be appointed to this warmonger role by the Nazi-Fascists Globalists. Watch for the real fireworks between America and Russia when he's in place.

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He's going to be a busy boy.

Russia, Iran,north Korea,China, Israel, Syria,France, Brazil, Mexico , probably the whole planet and most importantly the good ole USA. Everyone needs their fair share of cluster bombs. It's the best way to spread freedom and democracy in the world. We supply the bombs and then the humanitarian aid. I don't understand why people have issues with the US supporting the Nazis in Ukraine considering we're being led by Nazis. Birds of a feather flock together. Neo-Nazis is probably a better term. They've made astounding improvements over the last 50 years. Kudos to Henry K. The US does a wonderful job of convincing people they kill that they are better off and being protected. The Feds probably need some assistance with the economy, and another war will give it a shot in the arm. With a few booster shots following.

Lying to Congress gets you probation, community service and a pardon. Being homeless is a felony with 20 years time. God can't help you if you steal food from a dumpster.

Yes, we have a sick society.

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Hilary's male counterpart, they gleefully display their inhumanity. May they be cast into the pit.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Did you hear one bit of dissent from any republican? No they love this piece of filth just as much as any blood thirsty democrat. The other bit that gets me every time is the out right admitted crime of their purpose for being there is to over throw the duly elected president! Who do these Mass Murdering Sociopaths think they are! The last bit is a real laugh to as to why anyone would think (when it is a well known fact they unconstitutionally don't!) that the CIA just stops at our border!

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Our government officials have been recycling the same evil idiots since Nixon. Transformation is required...

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Is it sheer arrogance on the part of the Biden administration to promote such an evil person to a position of authority, or is it just sheer stupidity on their part? A little of both? Either way, obviously the DNC feels Mr. Abrams will be of benefit to their cause and Biden's chances of winning the presidency again in 2024. (That is, if he's still among the living and hasn't gotten lost wandering off a stage somewhere and into the distance, shaking invisible hands and calling out, "God save the queen!")

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