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Dead Heads too!

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You are a teacher in the best sense of the word. As someone whose most-rewarding years were as a college teacher of biomedical science, I'm struck by the parallels. One does not relish teaching for the financial or celebrity rewards. The reward is intrinsic to the excitement about the prospects for instilling in others both a clearer view of the miracles of scientific discourse and a desire to investigate and think critically about the unknowns. In your case the subject areas may be different, but the intrinsic motivation is similar. In a society drowning in the sometimes barely informed opinions of celebrity talking heads, your attitude is essential to rekindling a populist agenda. And just as this attitude spontaneously elicits love -- incubated in gratitude -- from one's students who recognize the genesis of a mental attitude that well serves their lives, I'm certain that many of us love you in our own clumsy ways. For one should always exhibit that gratitude to truth tellers, gratitude being an untainted love-currency available to us humans.

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That is very kind of you. I pledge the same. Any writing and memes that chip away at the regime are of the people, for the people.

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This is radical “free speech." I'm adding it to my personal constitution.

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Thank You! How I wish that more people would follow your example.

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It's ironic (but maybe inevitable) that the most human, most individuated, most independent journalist is a gestalt.

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Epic love in action!

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As a prolific creator myself, I am in 100% agreement with you. I feel like creativity should just naturally be shared. We should just want to birth it into the world and have it reach anyone and everyone it can because we are inspired and empowered through the act itself and know that others will be empowered and inspired by it as well.

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anti-copyright, i can dig it

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I've never actually quoted Caitlin, but have mentioned her name and support her generally because she is uncompromising in condemnation of fascism and injustice, and knows it when she sees it.

I don't adulate anyone or anything, and believe overpraise can be condescending, but she is obviously intelligent, discerning, informed and human. She also has a sense of proportion, and a no-bullshit style. It doesn't get much better than that. I try to comment in the spirit of the essay offered, which is what most commentators seem to aspire to.

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Fascism is freedom's greatest enemy these days, and few even can discern its nasty presence.(it's pervasive) Peace

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Fascism is pervasive, and right, very few are aware of it. It has origins in far right-wingism but starts to clearly take shape when the benefits of the system are grotesquely uneven, and when attacking sovereign countries thousands of miles away, and of no threat - especially if they are fairly dealt with - is accepted as "democracy." It is also evident in systems where 98% of court cases are plea-bargained, and a huge prison population is integrated in the economics of the country. But most people think it's about high salutes and jackboots, or maybe being against having your country inundated with millions of refugees - all at one time, caused by the aforementioned policy of attacking sovereign countries. Arbitrary execution and rough-handling by militarized police is largely overlooked or justified. And of course an unfree press is typical of fascism, one that supports and parrots government - no matter how instinctively nuts the official line is, as in the demonization of Putin, Russians, and anyone with anything positive or reasonable to say about them.

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Fascism is a left wing ideology. Fascism requires strong statist authorities to enforce their will on freedom loving individuals such as libertarians or benign anarchists. There is nothing in the origins of fascism similar to the USA's constitutional republic. Fascism is only called right wing extremism because the left wing education system says it is.

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i always found it funny that you can arrange words in a certain order and claim them as owned

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The legal definitions of copyright were introduced to privilege people doing certain kinds of work and therefore encourage those kinds of work. Later this expanded and evolved and eventually we wound up with the idea of intellectual property as a thing. "Western Civilization" likes to legally define property and then protect it with the coercive force of the state, so you can see how engineering that meme has paid off bigly for some. This has clearly brought us to some seriously perverse outcomes, hilarious, tragic, and a lot of other adjectives.

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The first 'right and freedom' that was enshrined in Western Civilization was the Right to Own Property. All other rights derive from that.

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I've often been impressed with the revolutionary brilliance of your thinking, Caitlin, but this takes the cake. You're incredible, and wise, and fantastic! Can I please worship you? And can we somehow make you our egalitarian, no-centralized-control, collective-socialist-democratic-grassroots-anarchist LEADER? lol!

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If I were a journalist, this is exactly how I’d think about my work! You’d just hope that passing it on was good enough.

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I appreciate your generosity, but I just feel better giving your name when quoting your articles, etc. I was taught that was correct procedure and to try and tell others that your words are mine or someone else's is just impolite. (But please, everyone, come and read what I've quoted of Caitlin's at www.therevolutioncontinues.com and sign up for my Substack here. Thank you.)

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The US is winning the propaganda war but the truth will get out one day, Russia should invite Amnesty International who did investigate Ukrainian Neo- Nazis and the killing of civilians in Donbass from 2014. Unfortunately kept quiet by the Western media but still on the record. Certainly need an independent observer to open the closed minds of the West. We could do with a hundred more Caitlin's to expose the hypocrisy and double standards of the West.

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