I've woken up to the extent that I recognize the organized sham that voting for either democrats or republicans represents, which leaves me gaining 2% representation, which is none at all, or joining the largest political party in the country -- those who don't vote at all.

So it's phase two time. General strike, anybody?

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Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary (I believe that it's back on YouTube) and read From Dictatorship to Democracy the book

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Thanks. I'll check it out.

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"You get freedom by letting your enemy know that you'll do anything to get your freedom." -- Malcolm X

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Yes, this is the framing.... the oppression/domination/ enslavement we fear is already happening...and it starts with our inner oligarch/ dominator (the ego) which is a reflection of outer oligarchy/ domination.

Aligned with our essence we are already free.... identified with our mind content we are already dominated and controlled, before the oligarchy piles on with additional oppression and manipulation.

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"democracy" in the USA has long been the choice between pepsi cola and coca cola. "Freedom" has long been the "freedom" to buy 15 different types of toothpaste ...... as long as you have money which fewer and fewer Americans have enough of with each passing year.

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The Academy of Ideas has several excellent videos on how to break free of the mental shackles.

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For the 'land of the free', America is really only as free as, say, Russia is. Your president is a mere puppet for the wealthy ruling élite, who actually govern your country. Your government spies on you just as much as Putin does on his people. Regrettably, it is exactly the same in every Western democracy. Democracy is used by the plutocracy to control the masses, not to liberate them. Our only value to them is how hard we work to bring in money for them. Which makes work indentured servitude. For a supposedly intelligent lifeform, it disappoints me greatly that the majority is so poorly educated that it cannot see it lives in a gilded cage, rented from some rich person. We're the only form of life which has to pay to live on our planet, and we destroy the very thing which keeps our species alive, because we need the money just to keep body and soul together. It is this captivity to money and control by money which will ensure that we don't survive as a species in the longer term.

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I thought the idea of the abuser using psychological means was a cute slight of narrative because now we brush alongside the narcissist and the empath narrative, as well as the Stockholm Syndrome, where the abused sides with their abuser. Then look at how the US lost their Revolution against Britain. American idiots were told that they won the war because the colonies were too far away, but really what happened was that the British played possum because of that very fact. The 6,000 defeated British surrendered under very generous terms and because of 'technicalities' ended up , 'stuck', in America, LOL.

We hear all the time of someone being, 'groomed, for abuse; isn't that infact what being happily married ever after is? It's all narrative wickedness just like Romeo and Juliette. So they tell us that love is hate and hate is love.

For some reason I always thought that the two biggest crimes that one could commit is murder and to take away one's will.

But, the last one is also called, 'true love'; anyone who has been in an extremely abusive relationship knows that this abuse will only get much worse.

Read, the history of Eastern European countries, during the Enlightenment. Lovely essay I thought because it goes right to the very essence of what it is to be human.

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Love this.

Always saying same; you're *already* chipped (phones, computers, etc), already filed away, already property.

You've touched on it before but we can't have too much examination of humans' remarkable - really, objectively quite striking - enchantment with money.

We must do away with this matrix.

It may take climate meltdown to prompt this, sadly.

The monetary system embodies the problem you described in "Our Gods Have No Heads".

Humans make tools then, always, become tools of their tools.

Institutions same.

Money god of all.

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To escape the conundrum the system must completely collapse. That will NOT be pretty. Many will not make it to the other side.


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Yes, we are trapped. That is what 9/11 was meant to tell us. Don't blame Big Brother. He couldn't have made it any plainer (no pun intended). The message was and remains perfectly transparent and has had exactly the intended effect. Who wants to feel trapped? Eckhard Tolle won't save us. David Ray Griffin might. The words "woke" et al. are foolish, meaning anything and everything, from QAnoners and MeTooers to Antivaxxers and CovidHoaxers. How vacuous all that noise is becomes clear when compared to the comparative silence about the real problem, which is the GOF (Chinese and American) research that produced the virus.

Do you see the pattern here? There is 9/11, and then there are 20 years of war and a lot of noise about that war and how terrible and useless it was. There is corona, produced by biowarfare research, and then there are massive protests and "rebellion" against preventive measures and the "lies" perpetrated by the Great Covid Hoax. This is how we are played -- by just missing it, because we don't really want to get it right. See 9/11 for what it really was (and is) and corona for what it really is, and everything is clear. There is no need for "enlightenment." We just have to get out of the trap, and I'm afraid the only way I can think of at the moment to try to do that is write this.

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It’s hard to believe that the US and China cooperated on a bio weapon.

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I watched a video of Senator Rand Paul - and I was never a fan of Rand Paul - confronting Dr Fauci about the CDC funding the gain-of-function "research" that created the Covid virus. The US government paid for it, and Fauci admitted that they moved to Wuhan because it wouldn't be permitted in the US.

It's a win-win: they can create a bioweapon in secrecy in another country, and that country just happens to be the one against which the government is ramping up distrust.

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It is a fact. They don't call it biowarfare research but gain-of-function research intended to discover vaccines and antidotes against possible viruses that might confront us either from Mother Nature or an Enemy. See https://nicholaswade.medium.com/new-routes-to-making-covid-19-in-the-lab-f94318cad4de.

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To use another metaphor, the Discordians and the Illuminati have always worked together.

Thank you R.A.W.

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I find this argument fallacious and full of faulty assumptions and pure ignorance. Like everyone is just blindly doing the bidding of the powerful because they've already hijacked our executive function through century of propaganda.

Well it actually hasn't worked on EverYONE so speak for yourself.

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Though I will say you get close to the mark in the section about facebook data harvesting but you clearly have no idea what they plan to do with all the data if you think it is limited to electoral dog-wagging shit.

That's fing hilarious and adorable.

Try harder.

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you have one thing right though. the facts tell nothing to those who only listen to the narrative. in this case when the language of facts and reason fails to halt the calls for state violence against those who are peaceful what then is left?

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What is left? Try talking to others about what they believe instead of attacking a viewpoint with which you disagree. Possibly then we could come together and do something about it.

Also, I don't think that you are as free from the manipulation as you'd like to think: Caitlin's next article is on dividing people into "us" and "them" groups, and you've clearly fallen into the trap.

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Sorry, Caitlin's article on October 8th is on "us" vs "them."

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Ms. Johnston, you're onto something! Soon you'll be writing about the global surveillance state aka the global zersetzung state that we all live in now. We now either become secret police perps. Or else. Targeted Individuals.

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Yes. If I want to live in a remotely just and healthy society—and I do— then contributing to the complete and bloodless subversion of organized mega-malice is my responsibility.

Kind of a big ask, given present superpredator assets and disposition, but there it is.

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Watch The Academy of Ideas for some pointers on how to do that.

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Thank you, Susan. I know how, it’s the doing that wipes me out. ;) Props to AoI!

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Well, that's the plan, isn't it? Or, that's Their plan: keep us so busy and frazzled with making a living that we don't have the energy; keep us so divided that we are exhausted with hate; keep us so fearful that we cower; and keep us so impressed with their might that we don't even want to try. This is why I suggest that we all look into the work of Dr Gene Sharp, because he gives us the antidote to all of this and shows us that we can fight and win.

Please watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary and read From Dictatorship to Democracy the book.

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