Jul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022

It's far worse than that. There have been an entire series of color revolutions where a set of elite puppet masters manipulated people into "rising up like lions" only for them to meet the new boss, same as - or in many cases worse than - the old boss. France 1789, Russia 1917, Arab "Spring" 2010, Ukraine 2014, and the list goes on. There's a saying, "those who refuse to be governed from within shall be governed from without" and we've spent the last century learning that lesson.

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In the case of Ukraine, the "revolution" and the events that followed were largely orchestrated by the CIA.

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Well, to be pedantic (sorry), it was more the NGOs financed by the NED. The theory being that the CIA sucked at doing the job. Brian Berletic had a great video on it that showed that using NGOs, Billionaires like George Soros could pursue his goals that may not actually align with CIA policies.

I believe it was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYSzaZQyro

The CIA, IMHO, has been relegated to ensuring the supply of illicit drugs to keep the poor down.

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No worries, LOL.

I suspect that all of the above were working together. Supposedly, the fourth floor of the Hotel Ukraina overlooking Maidan, was CIA headquarters, although that's just scuttlebutt.

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Do you have some support for this idea that the CIA sucks at this? Asking because the CIA has been doing this shit since they were an agency. It's been repeatedly shown, to those who can find the information, that they're quite accomplished at the job.

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Depends on what "sucks" means.

They kept getting caught at it (I understand) so they turned things over to the NED and NGOs.

But, yeah, I didn't mean to suggest they didn't overthrow governments.

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Isn't the NED just a front for CIA? Certainly they work hand in glove. My sense is that CIA is leaning more to the sexy work of training killers and arming terrorists.

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I understand that the NED is a CIA cutout, sort of like "Freedom House" and many other institutions.

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All unelected, elite bureaucrats, what C. Wright Mills alerted us to in "The Power Elite."

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A "front"? No more so than the Secret Service is a "front" for the FBI.

Different agencies with different agendas and different secrets.

But sure, they cooperate with one another at times.

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??? Can you show why you think that?

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Probably Gonzalo Lira and Brian Bertalic and The Duran.

Can't point to anything specific other than to suggest the "deep state" is about as coordinated as the mafia is in carrying out crimes. Once in a while they converge, but I don't think they are all controlled at the top.

Much like I don't believe the Oligarchy is one monolithic thing. There are certain ideas that unite them (Greed) but how they pursue that goal is unique to each of them.

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they're all fingers of the same glove

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They are -- and they aren't, at the same time.

You're kind of doing a "vote blue no matter who" kind of thing in "reverse".

Get too high level and you miss the action.

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Agreed... And maybe a bit of setting people at each other, kind of like what happens on Facebook... ;)

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NED is a 'cutout' directed by the CIA. It's not that the CIA couldn't do it well. For one, everything they do in the way of coups and much else is illegal, according to US as well as international law. In addition, they were already getting a pretty bad reputation among Americans; JFK wanted the CIA disbanded. It's a front for CIA operations that can be referred to in media stories with a benign sounding name. NED is basically a euphemism for the CIA.

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The NED is one of the “servants “ of “the deep state” of course.

But what exactly is “the deep state”?

It isn’t “just” the CIA.

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I'd suggest that the Deep State can be defined as the mass of permanent networks embedded within the state that can operate covertly without regard to law or formal direction from the executive. The most senior strata of the Deep State is fully integrated into the oligarchy and fulfills a cybernetic function across public and private sectors. It functions as an enforcer of private power within the state, can use state power within the private sector and can act in its own interests at the expense of the state and its nominal citizens. The Deep State is a crime family operating under an unacknowledged license.

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If it were "just" the CIA, why wouldn't we simply call it "the CIA"?

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Again, well said.

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Rest assured that George Soros is, or was, an asset of the intelligence community, possibly first recruited by MI6 when he was getting established in London and most likely not all that active now beyond writing the cheques. The operation in Ukraine 2014 would have been a joint project: civilian and military intelligence agencies from across key NATO members (US, UK, Canada, Germany at a minimum). The CIA would have been very heavily involved in coordinating the whole thing. The NGOs are merely grassroots level instruments. They provide cover for assets and operatives alike. The CIA would play a major role in setting policy and directing the money. They do the 'analysis' (psyops applied to decisionmakers) and media-management. My guess is that the drug cartels manage the dope under licence, no doubt, from whoever is most relevant (mostly national police agencies).

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https://www.globalresearch.ca/heroin-dealer-in-chief-afghanistan-source-of-90-of-the-worlds-heroin/5502813 ===== Heroin Dealer In Chief, a classic now .... the cia has been doing drug dealing since the french connection in the 1950s ...... the cia drug dealing gives the cia a 'more reliable' source of money for black ops than congress .... the cia is the largest drug cartel on earth and the dea exists to drive cia competitors out of business

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Sorry, but the CIA took over the DEA decades ago. Douglas Valentine covered that story and related material in THE STRENGTH OF THE WOLF: THE SECRET HISTORY OF AMERICA'S WAR ON DRUGS. https://www.douglasvalentine.com/

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the devil has many names .... and the cia too has many names ..... don't be tricked by any of the thousands of front company / front agency / other assorted front group names the cia makes up to try to trick people that the cia is not the cia ..... when the cia is the cia ...... just as satan, the devil, belzebub, the prince of darkness, antichrist etc etc etc are just a few names the devil has to try to trick people that the devil is not the devil ..... in GM's heyday it had several names, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Cadillac etc. etc. to trick more people, to get more money .... to get stupid people to think chevy was not gm when chevy was part of gm ..... and pontiac was not gm when pontiac was a part of gm .......... don't get too caught up in the many many different names that the cia operates under, don't be tricked, don't be fooled.

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While a view from 60,000 ft this is true, but when you get closer there's a lot of nuance that comes into play. The NED isn't really a "front" for the CIA, it has its own agenda, but sure they coordinate tightly on the goals laid out for them by the Oligarchy (or the Deep State if you prefer).

The important point is, lots of places will have it on their web site that they are funded by the NED, but no one says they are funded by the CIA.

Then too, lots of Oligarchs contribute to NED sponsored NGOs. But not all Oligarchs contribute to the same NGOs.

A firebird was not a camero. just like a Mustang was not a Cougar.

I mean carry your point too far and all you have are car companies as if they are one amorphous entity.

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to be more to the point, all the alphabet soup of us govt agencies ..... they're all fingers of the same glove

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As well as the State Dept. (but I guess they're one and the same with the CIA). Victoria Nuland played the leading role. And don't forget the "Big Guy" who got his 10%.

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It's my understanding that the CIA has "agents," and then they have "assets." Assets work for the CIA, but are not the same as agents, more like "tools." ANYBODY can be an asset. And blackmail works on sooooo many people with any kind of naughtiness in their past.

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And there are many kinds of assets: young people can get internships at the CIA and there are legacy assets (the children of agency employees).

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Hand in glove.

Or "hand in glove puppet".

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

.....and still are, Feral. My feeling is that the reason the US generated "war" is still in progress is that based on history and culture and language, the Ukrainians are still seen by so many Russians as still part of the old empire. It is hard to generate the level of enthusiasm required to kill half-brothers.

The interference in 2014 by the US in that geography has always been a major crime and the Israeli-controlled Nuland Neocon should go to hell for her dirty deeds. #2 on the list of evil women, next to Clinton, both American.

When you think that even after 1932-33, following The Holodomor, in which millions of Ukkrainians died due to Russia's policy of taking all the Ukrainian grown food for their own use, heartlessly, they still remained closely associated with the old empire. It took an evil minded Jewish deviate like Nuland to bribe and corrupt the then government into becoming just another tool for the US to use in its never-ending plans for world hegemony, this time to become a plaything for the ever expanding US controlled NATO misfits, now trying to spread their North Atlantic US-funded philosophies into South East Asia.

I consider that if Ukraine had been any other country, Russia's war would have been over in three months. It is the Russian people, therefore including the military as well, who cannot find the motivation to kill for the sake of it, even with yet another Jewish stooge dancing weekly on the word stage at America's bidding, or on a TV screen near you, or wining and dining with his military / industrial benefactors as he asks for weapons to delay the end of the war and monies to fund his future plans.

What a comedian will do for a Nuland doughnut.

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France 1789 is a bullshit example. Funny, we only note the rolling heads of elites, not the eating grass by the starving masses, the crushing taxes on peasants for absolutely everything. including pathways, drinking water from natural sources, and everyday, normal fishing rights. The peasants did all the work, uncompensated, and supported the clergy and nobility on their backs. Well yes, the clergy and nobility were on their backs much of the time, but in a different sense. Have you heard of the chief method of execution for felons before the guillotine was invented? They were strapped to a wheel until their backs were slowly broken. The French to this day are less apt to accept authoritarian BS than any other nation on earth. The Revolution was not in vain.

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Excellent. I was scrolling down looking for this comment so I didn't have to make it. Although I didn't know that "breaking on the wheel" was the chief method of execution prior to the guillotine.

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Good points all.

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Agreed. The Russian revolution was similarly not in vain.

How many documentaries are there now out about the killing of the tsar and his family? Most of them focus primarily on how cute the girls were and how in love the parents were, with only passing mention of the thousands starved and killed by the tsarist regime. The deaths of millions in WWI, because of a family feud by the inbred Austrian family that took over most ruling families of Europe, is also given naught more than a glance, if mentioned at all. Russia was invaded by the ‘allies’, in order to fight the Bolsheviks and put the tsar back in power, so they could use Russia’s army to defeat the kaiser, who was not punished, by the way. They killed the tsar, not because communists are inherently evil, but because they knew if he and his heir lived, they could be reinstalled some day. Look at Spain, post Franco. Are we supposed to believe the Spanish incapable of self governance?

Russia was vilified after WWII, despite losing more people to defeat Hitler than any other power, because why? Because of Stalin? A thug like Stalin could not have come to power if Russia and her revolutionaries had been treated fairly by the other countries of Europe. Russia was vilified, in my opinion, because ruling elites feared to lose power to collectivism. Expecting Russians to continue living under a barbaric, totalitarian ruler in backward feudalism, even after they successfully overthrew them, was a crime of international diplomacy.

Why is Britain still clinging to an expensive and garish public display of monarchy? Harry was too stupid to realize dressing like a Nazi is not a joke, let alone a funny one, but he’s invited to speak at the UN, because of his blood line? Collectivism isn’t crazy. The idea that one family has the right to do literally nothing but procreate and stand around waving, to live in the lap of luxury, is much closer to certifiable.

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I'm not even willing to call Stalin a "thug": the label suits dozens of Brit and American leaders much more . Truman, as one example, killed horribly at least 200,000 ordinary Japanese people with no power over events at all, as an object lesson for Russia. The US is still lying about it with claims that, despite all evidence, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were actually military targets. Stalin was tough, but he was no thug. He kept it all together by power of will, knowing that Nazis would never give up the objective of enslaving Russians and taking over Russia. The same slander is now used against Putin, who won't give in for the same reasons.

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Well said. I stand corrected.

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This is why knowing something about history, and knowing something about protest and all the various means of doing so, is important. If we have discovered one thing from Covid, it is how much we have been LIED TO, repeatedly, over decades and decades, with one thing in mind: to keep us down. I think there's a New Dawn, and when those who are told to beat us back decide to JOIN us, and PROTECT us, then we win. This time, I think big changes will come after that.

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Dr Gene Sharp spent his career studying forms of resistance and came to the conclusion that nonviolent civil disobedience was the most effective way to make changes to one's own repressive government.

Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary and read From Dictatorship to Democracy, one of the books he wrote.

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I do very much agree with that. I also think the very thin and not expensive book by Roger Hallam is worth a read...

"Common Sense for the 21st Century." I'll see about that documentary, thanks!

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I'll look it up, thanks

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I agree with your premise, but the French Revolution was instigated by elite puppet masters? The French aristocracy of that time was as corrupt and oppressive as any elite society has been. When people are driven by seeing their children die of hunger, they don't need a whole lot of pushing to revolt. Ukraine's coup was hardly driven by such things.

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All true as far as it goes, but will you please address the following?

The few times this has actually happened, a few talented, motivated, charismatic leaders have risen to the top or the forefront of the mass movement. Others do not have that particular passion or interest or talent; they do not want to be burdened with power. They simply want to live their lives in non abusive conditions.

The leaders take over the palace, put on the deposed leader’s finery, loot his (usually) treasuries … and become him. it may take a few years, but meet the new boss, sane as the old boss. If not worse.

This seems to be an archetype in the collective human psyche even deeper than propaganda. You’ve said it yourself: mass enlightenment or forget it. What are the odds?

Put psilocybin in the water supply? (Only mostly tongue-in-cheek.)

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"...there's really nothing they could do to stop us if we decided to replace them with a system which benefits ordinary people"

Aye, there's the rub. What will that new system look like? I hear a few faint voices but tenuous and hardly in harmony.

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We will only know when we get there. The point is to persist. It is pointless trying to figure out imponderables in advance. New elite or old is irrelevant...what matters is that whoever rules should feel under constant pressure to pursue the common good, as established by ordinary people.

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When I tell people to eliminate government and they ask and replace it with what ?

I ask them what do you replace cancer with ?

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Absolutely, but no-one should forget the second part of it either

Cancer only goes away reliably the way it came - diligently, quietly and with slot/the same patience anyone has "brought" it upon one's existence.

Hot headed rushed silver bullets are for gullible people the same way a used car salesman will sell them a "lemon".

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And yet... sometimes cancer can be overcome quite quickly! But that doesn't mean cutting it out and harming or killing the host... The best way to make change is via MASSIVE, peaceful, civil disobedience. And when you have the law and the law enforcement on YOUR side, it can be almost easy peasy. Check out the US Sheriffs, those guys ROCK... They take an oath to uphold the Constitution, as do soldiers, but NOT police. Interesting, eh? Look up Sheriff Richard Mack... the Sheriffs are gearing up.

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Jul 10, 2022·edited Jul 10, 2022

Yeah absolutely, I am as lazy as any other HUMAN MIND AND HAND for that matter. No offense intended nor taken.

Did not want to go on and on as volumes ARE BEING written about it as we "speak". Evolution, i.e. God, writing its own story about HIS CREATION through THE EXISTENCES OF HIS SPACE AND TIME.

Cutting out cancer cells DOES NOT mean THE CANCER is gone.

It rather means THE DECEPTION goes on if not realized.

Let me explain. THE HUMAN MIND (BIG PHARMA, BRANDON OR ANY OTHER DECEIVING HUMAN MIND FOR THAT MATTER) convinces the "victims", or the "victims" happily cooperate in THE DECEPTION OF SATAN (I might explain later) about THE FACT that the removal of "cancerous cells" - ONLY the IMAGE of THE CANCER ITSELF - has been removed temporarily from THE HUMAN MIND'S VIEW so to speak. THE CANCER ITSELF, THE SICKNESS of THE HUMAN MIND - SATAN (again) - about its own existence is still there.

Like with any ailment of human existence in any walk of life - medical, political, economic, scientific etc. pp. - it is ONLY A SYMPTOM/REPRESENTATION IN THE REALM OF MATTER about THE ONE AND ONLY REAL SICKNESS - THE HUMAN MIND'S REBELLION AGAINST LIFE, THE SOURCE OF ALL EXISTENCE, EVOLUTION - GOD, THE PROCESS OF CREATION ITSELF!

This is why St. Paul says in scripture - We don't fight FLESH AND BLOOD - THE MATERIAL - BUT POWERFUL HIGHER FORCES OF THE SPIRIT.

Whatever he "saw" or meant. But it becomes more than apparent to me by the day that he MUST have meant THE REBELIOUS UNFAITHFUL HUMAN MIND trying to get hold of GOD, THE ETERNAL PROCESS OF CREATION in order to become GOD himself. Out of its lack of FAITH in THIS VERY PROCESS THAT CREATED THE HUMAN MIND making up DEATH - in its "own mind" - as THE HUMAN MIND cannot - for obvious reasons of quantum mechanics - enter the realm of GOD, THE ETERNAL SOURCE OF ALL EXISTENCE considering its own perishing from SPACE AND TIME.


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Okay, that's your perspective. I don't share it, but I don't say it's wrong.

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That's only half of it and not the most important half. It's who owns government and benefits most from it who needs to be eliminated. The oligarchs and their sycophantic minions. The Marc Cenedellas of the world.

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If there is no power vested in government then no one will want to own it. It is the folly of slave minded people that think that fighting over who controls the rest of society is a noble endeavor. No leaders. no owners. no cancer.

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Have you never been to a meeting without a chairman?

Perhaps my imagination is just not grasping your point.

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No "rulers," more like a parliament, but without the "representation," just everybody has a voice. Obviously, it doesn't work in vast numbers, but... why should we HAVE TO HAVE vast numbers? Local is good.

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You're talking about anarchy? That could work, if the community is agreed in how it works.

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I think we have a big group of voices and good minds that have some EXCELLENT ideas about how to fix the system... I see evidence of that all over SS, and in the public eye, as well... People like David E. Martin, for example. If we call them, they will come. And I've also seen a LOT of great ideas all over the Internet, some American, some not. And I see a great number of citizens, like you and I, who would chime in with ideas... It's something that I think people would be energized to contribute ideas for, and to be part of creating a better future without the abuses of power that the Wealthiest Parasite Class have always been able to BUY. It seems to me that is a KEY part of this whole thing... Stop allowing MONEY to undo the Commons and the Power of the Common People.

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psilocybin? thats crazy...this calls for ayahuasca

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Good ol LSD.. like in the ol MK Ultra days.. Tasteless, odorless....

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The Iron Law Of Oligarchy.

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Yes. The Iron Law of Oligarchy! This should be examined by everyone. It explains how the new boss becomes the same as the old boss even though the new boss is 100% opposed to the old boss at the outset.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

Perhaps "Term Limits" may be a good place to start.

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Term limits would accomplish nothing, all it would do is accelerate the corruption because the criminals would have less time to enrich themselves.

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And de-centralization.

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Do you trust your neighbors 100%?

That's where I would start the litmus test of such ideas.

Not in order to discard them but check on the RIGHT timing.

A lot of ideas look great on paper but they have not materialized. BUT NOT because they are stupid but because they are premature for THE FICKLE EASILY SCARED HUMAN MIND.




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I hear you, but I would counter that with the idea that for THOUSANDS of years, oligarchy has pounded on the rest of us and trained us, with ideology but also with the weaponry that their wealth affords them, that we are supposed to be "fickle and easily scared," and that we are stupid and lesser creatures than they, and that we have to play by their arbitrary rules because God, or whatever it is at the time... We are poised on the brink of a new step into our evolution, and we can re-imagine and re-define, and re-build ourselves using fairness, cooperation, and equality, as in worthiness as life forms, and just toss all that bullshit about some people "deserving" to be superior because they happened to be born into wealth. Sooooo first millennium!

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As of now I am not able to detect any evidence for the notion "we are supposed to..."

Without recalling everything from my previous comment I can only reiterate my view that there are "more capable" and "less capable" creatures for any situation within SPACE AND TIME.

Why SPACE AND TIME one might ask but this eagle's view is absolutely necessary to get a grasp what I am trying to explain.

I cannot see any "progress" being made by looking at the world from the perspective of up/down, rich/poor or powerful/powerless. It's a fruitless attempt to justify one's own mistakes, blindness and cowardice. Fruitless in a sense of not succeeding of being able to detect one's own mistakes and putting them right. Not in a moralistic sense but from a very pragmatic and practical point of view.

For that one needs to give up first the notion of FREE WILL. There is no FREE WILL it is all conditional on a TRILLION FACTORS that represent from my point of view God.

I am not aware of any EXISTENCE, however you want to define this term, that is capable of having any jurisdiction over where it comes into or goes out of existence, when it comes into or goes out of existence, nor can it assure itself its next breath and on and on and on...

Hope this makes clear where this train of thought is going. In the same way NO HUMAN MIND HAS ANY CONTROL over what ideas popp into existence nor how the carrier acts upon its ideas it perceives.


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The Iron Law Of Oligarchy and its corollary, The Iron Law Of Institutions, further explain why systems, even those founded with the best intentions, become sclerotic and eventually sociopathic over time.

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Poor planning?

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More like power is to sociopaths what catnip is to cats.

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I'll go with that.

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Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy: https://www.jerrypournelle.com/reports/jerryp/iron.html

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Yea, verily.

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I think some of that is just psychological... calling things "Iron" implies nothing can stop it. Iron ain't as strong as Human Ingenuity.

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I dunno, the word "law" doesn't imply inevitability?

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Of course not. If laws were absolute, we'd not be in the hell we're in right now... And a lot of things would be very different... Laws are almost like waving a red cape at a bull, if you're an oligarch... Sez I.

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Even iron can be melted...

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I think the Singularity, the melding of humanity and its technology, is coming in another two decades or so (extrapolating from technological trends) if we don't exterminate ourselves or lose our civilization somehow. When that happens people everywhere will communicate as though they were a single gigantic organism. While the intelligence of a single bee or ant may not be impressive the ability of the entire colony to act as one enables amazing undertakings.

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That's Arthur Clark's "Childhood's End".

So where are the aliens to help us through the transition?

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If they're out there, it's likely that they're waiting until we either succeed or at least make the attempt, at our current level of development we would be a waste of time for a spacefaring species. It would be like us trying to aid the cultural development of Norway rats..

Even though it's over a decade old I would still recommend Ray Kurtzweil's 'The Singularity Is Near' (at least the first half, the second half is mostly documentation of the first half.) The technological path that he lays out seems to be fairly close to what we're following, although AI has turned out to be easier and nanotech more difficult than originally projected. I found his arguments quite convincing.

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Wasn't that the dream of the internet? Seems these systems can be manipulated.

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Can they be? Of course, but trying to manipulate public perception when everyone can directly access the observations/discoveries/thoughts of everyone involved it's going to be immensely more difficult to do so. I highly recommend Ramez Naam's 'Nexus' trilogy for an examination of its likely trajectory.

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I'd dose the water supply in DC with thorazine.

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Biden doesn't need it

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Biden is only nominally in charge.

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Complete puppet, if ya ask moi.

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Thorazine in the Washington, DC water system.

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And in the Ottawa water system too please

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> Put psilocybin in the water supply? (Only mostly tongue-in-cheek.)


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As much as I love the thought of people rising like lions, there is something much deeper going on in the world right now. Problems are never solved at the level of consciousness with which they were created in the first place.

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That's exactly why the Justin Trudeau Liberal party had to shut down the truckers with the emergencies act. They literally saw the people rising up against them. We were so... close...

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This time, it's a HUGE coup, a global coup, and it's likely gonna take time to clean it up. But I do think once we crash the main wagon, it will be a lot less tyrannical...

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People? That's being awfully generous. I don't think I would call them people.

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I don't think we should call you a person

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"Kindness & Truth" Too funny!

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No, but you're pathetically trying to be

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While inspiring, it does nothing at all. Give us Barrabas they shout and they get Barrabas. That will be the end result as it always has been. It will not matter so long as the oligarch, actor, sports star, CEO, gets another bigger or better yacht. A talking head supports one and the other talking head supports another. Confusing reality.

The children are getting smarter so they make them dumber.

Instill fear, hate against another group. Play it over and over. Bomb the poor guy. That guy in Pakistan who is fighting for his piece of dirt.

Take a tour someday of Miami harbor and the people humanity idolize. JLo. To hard for the drooling masses to say her name?

A small yacht to get to the bigger yacht in multimillion dollar mansions. All because they can memorize a few lines. Depp and Herd was a shitshow for the ages. How many people give a shit about suffering people. More people know about the courtroom play. People starve.

And it will never change. Wasn't this the Philipines not so long ago?

Love the poem. It inspired me to get a couple of punches in before they start kicking my ass again.

Good article.

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"It will never change"????

Not with thinking like THAT. The fact that you count off all this problems is a testament to people being able to ADVANCE, via knowledge. The problem isn't the PEOPLE, it's the SYSTEM, imo.

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States it right in the article. No hope, unless. You gonna take away JLo's yacht? How are you proposing to stop BlackRock or Halliburton, Schwabb? A sit in? The media will paint you as a violent racist and the people will support the lie so long as they are offered candy bars.

The MSM is ignoring world wide protests.

There is only guillotine to stop this. A violent purge. No negotiations. Then it will be the next sociopath.

How about a sociopath personality test? It is in human nature.

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I'm pretty direct, too, so I understand what the fuck that means. ;)

I disagree with everything you're saying, lol, except for maybe the last one. But do we need a TEST for these psychopath oligarchs? I think we're all pretty clear that they're INSANE...

You want a violent, bloody uprising? Think about that. These people have a shitload of money and access to incredible weaponry, armies of merc's, and obviously, they're already using a lot of these weapons, for decades.

What is needed here, in my opinion, is a combination of creativity, non-compliance, back-door sabotage, working around them, and MASSIVE numbers of peaceful disobedients, if that's a term. This has been shown repeatedly to WORK. Sorry if you don't know about that, but check out the French, they've been at it almost weekly, forever.

This is NOT TO SAY that I don't think the criminals responsible should not be PUNISHED. Uh, hell, yeah, they should. Genocide is not okay. Nor is spraying toxins all over the Earth, nor poisoning people, sterilizing them, and so forth. I'm just as pissed off as you are, but I also want to see as few dead bodies as is possible.

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Great lines, but never forget after a while to take out the lines of despair.

Time is and always will be on the side of THE TRUTH. And it NEVER takes prisoners - so ANYONE can return at ANYTIME to join the THE TEAM OF TRUTH again.

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Ian Welsh correctly teaches the masses that, whatever else the rulers do, they must keep the security services obedient and on-side.

Once they stop following orders, the regime will imminently fall.

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Dr Gene Sharp said that too.

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Absolutely! Makes one wonder if the People of Sri Lanka spend as much time as Americans ONLINE and/or in front of the TV...

I support the People of Sri Lanka! And ALL the People of Earth. We want DECENT LIVES!

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I cheer on the brave citizens of Sri Lanka who have stormed the Presidential Palace. Yet when unarmed American citizens questioning a presidential election were allowed to enter our Capitol, many have been subjected to inhuman conditions and have been rotting in DC jails for over a year without the benefit of trial. But they are Hillary's deplorables, so are getting what they deserve.

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Regardless of the superficial rhetoric and ideology involved, the underlying dynamic is the same. We need to support demands for change on behalf of working people wherever they are.

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Hillary's deplorables?? Where do you get that?

I watched the entire thing on TV, live. Those were Trump supporters. They wandered around for hours, quite peacefully, until they were ALLOWED to go into the House, whereupon buses were then driven up, and agents provocateurs were the cause of ALL the hullabaloo... I don't know if Hillary was involved, but if she was, it was with those on the buses. Talk about a set up... And no, I'm not a Trump supporter, nor a Trump fan, but I do think he got the shit end of the stick from TPTB. My take on him is he was/is an outlier who got a few things right, such as trying to bring back manufacturing and energy sovereignty to the US.

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Word Herder, my comment was meant to be sarcastic. I guess you didn't pick up on that.

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Unfortunately one of the patterns that emerge from history is that whatever replaces what has gone before tends to be just as bad if not worse. A case of the oppressed becoming the oppressor. Read this classic from PAULO FREIRE: https://ia600204.us.archive.org/24/items/PedagogyOfTheOppressed-English-PauloFriere/oppressed.pdf

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TLDR; youTube has several summaries that may illustrate Freire's thesis, but it does not show the oppressed becoming the oppressor.

This is one of them.


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I disagree. Look at the American Revolution. The US was great for a while, but what happened is what ALWAYS seems to happen, partly because people want to just live a decent life, and they let down their guard. As Mad-Eye Moody said, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" (Yeah, he was someone else at the time, but the idea is correct! lol)

For a while, after the end of the AR, there was an astonishing time of productivity and strong citizen engagement, growth of a small country (yes, on the backs of the Natives, unfortunately, but it doesn't have to be that way)... We could do it RIGHT this time.

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The US constitution was a major achievement and was supposed to safeguard the people and democracy. But it's now being largely undermined by the forces it was meant to guard against.

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So true. And it was a lot undone waaaay back there, in maybe the 1830's, or so? by basically trashing the Articles of Confederation, which severely limited the Federal Govt. The oligarchs were scraping at the Republic from before it was one... The People of the new US wanted DIRECT DEMOCRACY well before the Revolution started, but King George had his minions planted from the git go, and they continued with their oligarchic style of push-back... until this very day.

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The US was great? Killing off indigenous people and having and treating slaves abominably? Women had no rights. Even the revolution was fought to steal land and wealth from British aristocrats for the new American aristocrats. Are you kidding?

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Well, there's an old saying. The worst thing that ever happened to America was Christopher Columbus. Much of the 'new world' was settler colonial, i.e. the settlers ethnically cleansed the countries that they settled in so that they could call them their own. Slavery emerged from that culture, especially in Africa. How many American's understand that legacy about their country, particularly when they celebrate Thanksgiving?

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I saw a cartoon depicting a Native American speaking with a maga. "You want to make America great again? You mean you want to go back to before 1492?"

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Okay, it was horrible. You know, things don't all just fall into place all at once.

I totally agree about the slavery. AND the lack of rights for women... we're still working on those, by the way! I don't know where you're getting this idea that "the revolution was fought to steal land and wealth from British aristocrats for the new American aristocrats"... more like stolen from the NATIVE PEOPLES. How are you thinking that ANY of the land in what is the USA belonged to British aristocrats? Anyway. The point was supposed to be, and I'm sorry I didn't go into several paragraphs about the history of this country, maybe I should have, but THIS WAS THE VERY FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT that a group of people put together a Constitution saying what it said. It's been copied the world over, and honored all these years. Did they make EVERYTHING PERFECT all at once? Well, no. It doesn't work that way, except in fairy tales. Things take TIME. And a lot of effort. So no, not kidding, just left out some things for the sake of brevity, which I have now abandoned.

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A constitution is a set of precepts for governing. The first document called a constitution happened in San Marino in the 1600s. Before that there were written rules and codes for governing going back to 2500bce and that is what we know about.

George Washington and others became filthy rich off the land they stole from the British and in some cases they did not even pay their soldiers.

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It feels like you really want to pick a fight with me, over things I haven't said. Just because I haven't said something, it doesn't mean you can assume WHY I haven't said it.

I'm tired, going to get offline, and perhaps we can come to some sort of understanding another time.

FYI, I have a very strong appreciation for a book called "The Unknown American Revolution" by Gary B. Nash. And I know NOTHING about the author aside from his name. This book is full of accounts from people usually left OUT of history books... women, slaves, foreigners, soldiers, etc. You might enjoy it. It's along the same lines as Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," which has the same kind of theme... the little people's stories. Cheers.

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Actually I love a good debate and do not take it personally (though I used to). I am a seeker of truth and do my best to always speak and write it, and will usually respond when something doesn't seem correct. I apologize for any misunderstanding I caused. Peace.

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Like the Russian Revolution, for instance. Didn’t work out so well for the kulaks, and millions of others.

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Yeah, because Putin's idol, Stalin the psychopath, turned it into his personal dictatorship murdering tens of millions of Russians in the process before he finally kicked the bucket and left his acolytes holding the bag of shit.

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You are skipping ahead quite a ways from when the oppressed under the Romanov Tsars become the oppressors. Stalin was no Marxist (wasn't a Russian either); talking about Stalin, let alone Putin is a major digression.

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He/she/it/whatever has a habit trying to force every conversation into a particular narrative.

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What is PDS?

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Putin if he had an idol, was Aleksander Solzhenitsyn

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Now that is funny. Are you from the future, may I ask? I ask because you typed "if he had" which is past tense thus indicating that in your reality Putin has already passed.

If Putin has an idol, it's likely J. Edgar Hoover.

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There are reasons to believe this is the second or third term Putin avatar.

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See, that's an interesting take. This Putin scarcely resembles the Putin of the late 1990s and early 2000s. It's been attributed to botox. I don't know. It could be a doppelgänger — one of several since the REAL Putin was "removed." The Russians did give the world the Potemkin Village afterall, masters of deception that they are.

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These articles are always hard to square with the ones where Caitlin talks about greater consciousness and connection to a field of infinite love being the way out of our current mess. Violent revolutions always play into the hands of the rulers, if one properly understands our rulers not as specific people, but the patterns of domination, power-over, trauma, and violence that have enslaved humanity for thousands of years. These patterns are the true barrier to progressing to the next evolutionary stage, where humanity steps into its latent nature as manifestations of divine, unconditional love.

Non-violence is not meekness. Love is strength.

This isn't to say this article is entirely wrong. You're correct to state that the ruling class fears the majority, and a lot of the narrative management and propaganda is there to keep people from realizing that together, we are strong, that we needn't comply with our ruling systems. That our greatest joy is found in freeing ourselves.

That said, the true rulers of humanity (the emergent structures of domination) are not at all threatened by violent revolutions. The elites in power are, sure, but one must realize even they are puppets of larger powers that can only be confronted by unconditional, universal love (which does not mean complacency!).

This is the truly revolutionary message that religions and governments have been attempting to suppress for thousands of years. Not some nonsense about rising up like lions to ransack a capital, which itself serves to inflame hatred, a force the powers that be are experts in harnessing for their ends.

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Good response! Gandhi, MLK, Jr., Tutu, the Dalai Lama, Jesus and Buddha are right and correct. Right action, love and cooperation are power. Everything is waves of energy in constant motion vibrating at different frequencies. In every moment we are a force for good or not. Our choice.

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Breathe. Relax your mind. How does unconditional love feel? Now, how does hate feel?

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Dr Gene Sharp said that non-volence is not meekness in his book From Dictatorship to Democracy. You can find a representation of his ideas in the DVD documentary How to Start a Revolution.

He found through his studies that nonviolent civil disobedience was the best way to overcome one's own repressive government and is better for the society that replaced it.

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Disagree, even if not entirely!

Agree, even if not entirely!


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"Love" or "luv," is a vague concept and can be interpreted in very unloving ways, according to common understanding. True love is fairness, is everyone at the table concerning ground rules and methods of application. We have never had that, and there are strong lobbies and elites against the recognition that we have never had that, and should have it.

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Ultimately, you're right. Love is a word that can be easily misunderstood. That does not mean that love (properly understood) is not the answer, it just means we need to get better at communicating. It is difficult to communicate love purely through words exchanged online. The true work of love happens in community through relationships of care, understanding, compassion, and solidarity. That work naturally leads itself to collective power and liberation.

Love (the relationships, feeling, and action that forms the basis of the beloved community, grounded in the deeply felt connection to a field of universal love that we all have some access to) has to be centered though, in my opinion. If we center anything else (whether it's fairness, justice, or liberation) then we ultimately risk losing sight of the force that actually moves us to pursue fairness, justice, and liberation.

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It is the field of universal love that is accessible to all that is unconditional love. Loving is being present with people in an open neutral state. It is real and authentic. It creates a healing space of acceptance, as long as one ignores ego projections, assumptions, expectations and judgement. It is a practice that emerges from knowing, being, loving and trusting oneself.

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All very vague and hypothetical. Can you prove any of this? Sounds like something that makes you feel good, but does nothing for the object of your "luv". So far as I can tell. And I would not respond with "luv" to anyone attacking my children, when they couldn't fend for themselves. Or towards those who stand for unfair, elite government and policies.

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It is my experience and it is testable. I have felt the energy in the streets protesting. The only thing we can change is ourselves. We can know, be, love and trust ourselves. Trusting in our own intuition or inner guidance is the most trustworthy and this is testable, too. Everything is waves of energy in constant motion vibrating at different frequencies. There is no separation other than what we create in our minds. We are energetic beings connected to all other energetic beings. Love may be the highest vibration and the most powerful agent of change. And yes, it feels way better than fear and hate.

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What you "feel" may not correspond to what exists. In any case, if it translates into fair play I accept it as "love".

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So, if you want fairness and work for it, you defeat your own purpose? You ask for the impossible in order to obviate the possible. Sounds like the "unintended consequences" bullshit. There are many people I don't like at all and have nothing in common with, but I would insist on fair play and equality for them as for myself

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Perhaps I need to take my own advice about being a better communicator, because that was not my intended message. What I am saying is that I believe in centering love as the motivating force.

You work for equality and fairness, even for those whom you dislike and.have nothing in common with. Fantastic! What motivates you to do so? What inner feeling impels that commitment?

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What impels you or anyone else is neither here not there in itself, unless it is manifested in outward behaviour. If you are about fairness toward everyone, even those you may not particularly like, then we are on the same page.

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Yes, I have an unwavering commitment to fairness. I don't believe anyone motivated by love could be otherwise. What I am saying is that it springs from my connection to universal love. Love is the author of my commitment to fairness, because all beings are equally worthy in the light of universal, unconditional love.

I suspect it is the same for all, only sometimes we lose our connection to love. Which is why it's so important to maintain it. Which isn't to say that someone can't act rightly when they're not "feeling the love," but that over time they will likely burn out or become embittered by struggle.

I don't mean to come off as some kind of enlightened being though. I still struggle to maintain my inner connection to love on the daily. That doesn't mean I don't continue to struggle for justice and fairness, even on days I'm not feeling connected to that transpersonal force, but I can tell I'm less effective as an agent of change on those days.

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I define love as accepting people as they are without expectations, projections, judgments or assumptions. Love is kind.

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Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: "Poverty is the parent of crime & revolution". Aristotle said that a couple thousand years ago & it was true then and even more so now. Bring on the revolution. #EndTheEmpireOfLies

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That's great but were the U.S. neocons and the NED lurking in the background anywhere?

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I thought I saw Putin and some of the FSB on the rooftop with sniper rifles.

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All political problems of bad socio-culturo-economic effect are curable in *willing* clients by massive super doses of English leveler-commonwealthman literature, John Locke, Algernon Sidney, John Milton--Areopagitica; "Cato", John Taylor of Caroline--Tyranny Unmasked; Frederic Bastiat, Herbert Spencer, Franz Oppenheimer--The State; William Graham Sumner, Ludwig von Mises, Louis Bromfield--A New Pattern for a Tired World; Frank Chodorov, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Garet Garrett, John T Flynn, Zora Neale Hurston, even Robert Welch--the original pointed text of The Politician & The Blue Book of the John Birch Society; & Sophia Totterman--yes, the notorious "Soph" herself.

If the direst political issues people debate consist of innocuities such as how far apart to put lamp posts, whether the governor gets a line veto, may a politician subject to term limits seek a full last term if he entered office to finish a predecessor's term & if any one jailed for contempt of a domestic subversion investigating body can be required to prove nominal grasp of Henry Hazlitt's book Economics in 1 Lesson for a lower fine the polity is spared tumult & agitation over any statist contrivance regarding matters smart people already know are beyond political jurisdiction per natural right imprimis.

I confidently anticipate the cry "O mean police riot junky, that is HARD & neglects children--how so ever benignly for their ultimate own good--treats our pet under served constituencies as self responsible adults with volition & agency, hurts the en-VIRRN-ment, lets us get away with living well instead of nannying poor doltish non-westerners & validates the paradigm of crass flinty egoists & individualists who would make us look bad by actually living the demanding stoic virtues of hardihood, perseverance, self reliance, stark realism, intent focus, persistent striving, excellence & valor.". I have heard more than my share of it since fall 1968 in second grade.

So far from being the start of any thing significant the roil in Ceylon is a symptom of a carefully planned cause already activated for purposes that if at all tracking Miss Johnstone's hopes & aspirations they are quite unintended & may even be judged counter productive by the activators. I will believe such events are locally spontaneous & worth taking prima facie after the end of the western implementation of the will of the Bank of England.

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PoliceRiotJunky, your recommendations (John Milton, Algernon Sidney, Fritz Oppenheimer) are superb. Can't express my joy and relief when I see such stuff being appreciated. So long as people still read and think for themselves, we have a chance. Victory for all who think for themselves!

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Credit for any thing wherefor I can be praised is owed my parents who taught me cause & effect when I was tiny.

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"cause & effect" - seemingly such a logical concept. Yet astounding numbers lack it nowadays. Doesn't even occur to them.

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The education system is designed to dumb everyone down. Add cannabis, sleep deprivation, social media and infotainment. The combined effect is pretty toxic.

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Jul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022

Considering such description pretty darn smart people here.

Let's (THE HUMAN MIND) not despair, it's only a question of time. Evolution or God for that matter (as they are interchangeable according to my understanding and the topic concerned) does not have to rush anything. If it or HE brought it that far anything that's left is nothing but one step.

Even though THE HUMAN MIND will have a hard time to believe it at least the way it looks right now.

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Jul 9, 2022·edited Jul 9, 2022


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That's great but everytime I see something like that happening I have to wonder if it's because the government has done something the U.S. Neocons don't like and was inspired by their National Endowment for Democracy. It also looks a little like D.C. on Jan 6th, 2020. Of course it could just be because Sri Lanka is collateral damage from one of the neocons other schemes.

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"Religions that have been around for thousands of years because the powerful endorsed and promulgated them are full of passages extolling the virtues of obedience, poverty, meekness, and rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's. From the moment we are born our heads are filled with stories about why it's good and right to consent to the status quo and why it would be wrong to take back what has been stolen from us by a predatory ruling class..."

Can't miss the allusion, though if this description does purport to characterize Christianity, it's about as accurate as the Western media's illusion of a heroic Ukraine.. In truth, were men to actually know, understand, and apply Christian principle and power in their lives, we wouldn't be writing about a governing elite being able to brutally lord over the masses.

What we're seeing today is a Mt. Sinai redux.. where God's people were given a choice of men to believe.. either 2 that faithfully followed Him, and 10 that were cowards, and unbelieving. Guess who 100% of His people chose.. Same deal today, (remember the churches that closed on command in 2020?..) and God gets the black eye because of the frailties of men.

Like the prophet said..'Is there really anything new under the sun?'

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