I'm rereading Chris Hedges' "The Greatest Evil is War" and I'm once again struck by the testimony of ex-officers like Spenser Rapone who tells us that "the (U.S.) military's inherent function is the abuse and degradation of other people". And "I was inflicting violence on the poorest people on earth. How is their any morality in that?'

Rapone's testimony and that of other U.S. service members goes a long way toward explaining why the US is so strongly committed to Zionist Israel's violence against Palestinians. After all, as our acolytes, Zionists learned it from the masters of violence, of genocide --- US. Thank you Uncle Sam. Genocidal maniacs stick together.

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I am shocked that Presidents of Harvard, MIT and U Penn could not make it clear that a student holding a sign, calling for a Palestinian Intifada is not the same as calling for the genocides of Jews. In particular they should have made it clear that the threat of actual genocide comes from those who have the power to carry it out, ie. Israel. The context of an angry child telling their mother that " he/she is going to kill her versus a man who is pointing a gun at the mother with his finger on the trigger says he is "going to killer her" are the same words in different context. This is a good analogy because Palestinians are incapable of killing all the Jew, while it could be said that over a long period of time the Israelis are actually committing genocide. Most nation states capable of genocide don't talk about it, they just do it, although one could read between the lines and conclude that genocide is a stated policy of the( Lukkud) sp? party in Israel

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Western governments are shamelessly trying to cover the hideous crimes of the empire, and disgracing themselves in the process. Both democracy and morality in government are in full collapse. We are seeing the utter devastation of an empire seated in Washington cannibalizing its own country and all other Western/NATO countries. Empires are loaded with hubris and no remorse, and most likely will go into full collapse.

Whether or not they go nuclear will be a measure of how crazy they have become.

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And this is also why this week, the American public is being bombarded with fear-porn about the waning support for Ukraine, and the supposed likelihood of American troops fighting Russia if we withdraw financial support for Ukraine.

Like the magician's slight of hand, they no longer want us seeing the atrocity in Israel, so pivot back to Putin.

This is no longer a fight we can sit out. It's us against them. Us being the world, and them being the military-industrial complex led by the U.S. State Department and Congress. They all need to be out on their asses. Time for a real change, and I don't mean more politicians. They are all complicit.

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“Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.”

― H. L. Mencken

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“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.”

― H.L. Mencken

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This can be ended in a minute. All that is necessary is for people to RISE UP and PROJECT their power against the Evil Regime that is Washington DC and to Demand immediate withdrawl of any and all support to the TERRORIST state of Zionist Apartheid Israel. If a few hundred thousand can get together in UK, WashingtonDC, and a few to every county city and state governmnt office this will end despite The ADL, AIPAC. Despite the Television Propaganda and lies. Boycott government, and Israel on every level. Do Not look away Rise up and be counted.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Somehow, those with less power have to find a way to stand up to those who take unearned and undeserved power. It is painful that the US could veto what most of the rest of the world supports. The US has become a Frankenstein.

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Zionism is the disease. Speaking TRUTH is the cure!

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If you want to see how extreme the pressure is to obliterate truth, look at not only the spread of lies by government murder of journalists, but also the Biden administration latest move.

Now the Biden regime is targeting STUDENTS in America to silence them for speaking up In favour of truth and accountability :


When the government EDUCATION department are doing this, you should understand how deep the mess is.

And how exactly can Biden win a close election while alienating young people? He can’t.

With moves like this, I suspect they have no plan to hold an election this year. They plan to suspend the election - probably by triggering war with Iran, using this genocide in Palestine to manufacture a reaction from someone- then blame Iran. Watch this space.

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Amen sister.

I feel the same way about factory farming and what happens in slaughter houses being brought into the light.

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We are the Evil Empire now.

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Bel Trew, whom I know well, is a wonderful journalist striving to publish the truth within a machine that makes that increasingly hard. Thank you for highlighting her work and thank you for continuing to expose the hypocrisies at play

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As a clinical psychologist (R) I’ve never seen such an accurate description of humanity stated as clearly as in this posting.

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Somehow every where I look, objection to Israel's bombing is conflated with virulent anti-semitism. Turning a story around is such a bully tactic.

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I keep on finding your articles in my spam folder, so I started to check there too.

The horrors happening in Palestine must end.

The US must say stop.

Stop the Gaza holocaust and the ethnocide of the Palestinian people now.


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