In C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy, the first human to meet the king of Mars is listening to the king describe the heavenly realms. At one point, to paraphrase. the king corrects the earthling, saying, “Heaven does not exist out there, it exists everywhere, including right here. This is the fundamental error in Blue Planet culture.”

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Love that trilogy and Narnia!!!

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Caitlin's view of evolution is tinged with a false notion of progress.

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I don’t agree Bill. Real progress is on a non-linear continuum. Life is like a cha-cha; a variety of steps forward, back & to the side. Eventually one gets around the dance floor...

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Here's a classic for you, by Christopher Lasch:

The True and Only Heaven: Progress and Its Critics


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Would that I had 32 bucks to spend on literature

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The concept of progress is a myth. There's no such thing.

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Progress DOES happen. I think you mean to say, “progressivism is not progress.” If so, of course. Progressivism is just oligarchal meddling dressed up as a social good.

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what is missing are the 'waves'.

i believe we are at the brink of a wave and will plummet back into the dark ages soon, we may recover and take another route to the future of discovery or we may die out and another species will eventually take our place

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"The human brain is the most complex matter in the known universe..."

Orca brains are more complex than human brains.

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That may well be so but I dont see Orcas rescuing us from Klaus Schwab, Nuclear War, Afghani Genocide or Joe Bidens wandering pedo hands

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True. Unfortunately they are all problems created by stupid humans' monkey brains!

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Agreed, not to go forward is to go backward. But what is it we should be conscious of? Particle physicists push their discoveries as "reality": so, if I don't know too much about particle physics , which is the case, then I am out of touch with reality? I don't think so. Certain things to me are outrageously inappropriate - wrong. There is a movie on Netflix, like so many others, in the setting of late 19th century gross social disparity. The subject isn't wealth/status disparity, but that is a sub theme: royalty and the suffering masses, which is at that time accepted by many as a given: the masses are supposed to suffer because their lack of elevated consciousness regarding aesthetics indicates and promotes their insensitivity to suffering. Unlike the elites. Nuts? I think so. I don't buy it, ignorance on particle physics or the workings of the universe notwithstanding. We live here and now, and there is plenty of evidence - going back hundreds of years - that we are way behind where we naturally should be as human beings, based on evidence easily available to all of us non- particle- physicists. That lack of humanity will be our downfall if we don't recognize and adjust it on a large scale, rather than merely throwing fish at the problem.

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To me the highest degree of consciousness that I can inhabit at any particular moment is opting for humanity when my senses are all bracing for pain. I was ordered by ultimatum to attend school and get good grades...by any means necessary. Then I was presented with what was called “reality.” Get a job or live in the street...no pressure. Along the paths upon which we all find ourselves, if we are lucky, there will be visceral reminders that personal conduct and integrity are the only markers of the self that resonate with the vast universe. Sacrificing humanity for any perceived material gain is what we are taught makes us “successful,” but why should we heed the words of successful predators, accomplished liars, or bitter pugilists?

The social system that prioritizes physical, material domination will, by definition, market in deception, and promote dysfunction. The way to counter the control of cretins, is to stop accommodating them. Call the liar a liar, name the traitor, speak the truth...no matter how much it costs you.

It’s obvious to me that the raucous supporters of DJT are comfortable with the mendacity, rationalize the blundering indifference for the deprived, enjoy the vitriol that he directs at figures they revile. They are in a pretend world where their emotions are sated and their fear of the other is coddled.

But they aren’t the only ones pretending. Our whole social system is a construct that offers no redress for injustice, punishment aye, social justice nay. I think many of the Trump supporters take as a given that the system is irredeemable, but don’t believe a new system will recognize their worthiness as well as the Flim-Flam Man. And the people who end up writing off Trump because he is a lying con man, are defacto defenders of a crooked system, unless they go all in and consciously acknowledge that the criminality of the enterprise dictates non-cooperation.

I have persuaded myself to cease consuming corporate news. It is really hard to separate spin and hyperbole and exaggerated emphasis from wholesale lying and misinformation. It isn’t worth it to me to try and parse the words. In the best of times and even in the pristine purest of intentions, truth is ever a precious product of professional communicants. We all have to be participants in propagating true stories.

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Beautiful essay, no doubt it will be remembered just as the Rhine of the Ancient Mariner, the Our Father and the Hail Mary are today. Let us all learn this art, so that it is never lost again to charlatans and secret societies.

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The bedtime story is a wonderful vehicle for recognizing every being's exceptional role in the world.

Good night, Caitlin, sleep tight.

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nice, succinct summary...

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Strange how she forgot to mention “Presently, consciousness is fully prepared to destroy itself. The burden of fear from the illusion of separation from the Creator is just too overwhelming!”

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Absolutely wonderful. Shades of Carl Sagan, but I think expanding and in some ways better.

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The last three paragraphs were excellent in my opinion.

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Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

My disagreement is that it is a linear progression and that humans are at the pinnacle. Everything is waves of energy in constant motion vibrating at different frequencies. Everything is part of Consciousness and knows this on some level, the simple and the complex.

Since humans have existed there has been the more and less aware. There have always been seers and mystics.

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The Universe is teeming with life.

Even on earth there is so much more than what meets the eye. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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Have you read The Romance of Reality by Bobby Azarian? It's a new book that came out this summer - this essay could be a summary of that book . . .

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Excellent. And note that the arc toward self awareness began before 'life' could be defined. See:

Could Consciousness All Come Down To The Way Things Vibrate


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Yes, every living thing on earth and then some vibrates at approximately 7.8 Hz

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The human brain is the most complex matter in the known universe, and once it arrived on the scene the telescoping of complexity went from happening on the scale of millions of years to thousands of years, to hundreds of years, to tens of years. Humanity's ability to perceive and understand the universe with unprecedented depth and complexity allowed for more and more rapid leaps of innovation which have shaped the very face of this earth. ..sorry, WE know nothing!!, as soon one human knew something garbage chromosomes took over(by design!!, off so called creator)...obvious semple NIKOLA TESLA.!!! ... IF ''humans'' one day(before arma-shmoogadon) bay pass faulty chromosomes, .....actually! I DO NOT BELIEVE in this utopia !..... WE ARE BOXED IN STUPIDITY!......see History books, same after same, same,than same, over same stupidity!....> NARCISSTIC PSYCHOPATHIC GREED, SELFISHNESS !! ... progress? , all we ''know'' still not able to replicate GRATE PYRAMID ! ..I wonder(not) if they have cell phones to 'search' for stupidity?..... nothing personal, YOU VERY GOOD! ..

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Yeah, so we left the stone age and entered the bronze age and then the iron age and so on and so on. So, if you've ever read a Christian version, or even a Jewish version of the Gospels, there is mentioned the end of an era or the end of an age. We just crossed it the other day, so you don't notice a change, but two days ago we were all going to die, and today not a word. In comparison we've just left the stone age and are crossing over into a full blown non-polluting industrial age. Humans will still be humans, but as I've said here before, it may take several centuries for mankind that something really did happen because the trajectory that we were on would never have gotten us to where we are going. In other words whether you realize it or not, you've just left the twilight zone and are now in the Kingdom of God. My guess is that just as we lost democracy we will all have to work to not loose heaven, though, at the moment it may still not seem like heaven.

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hmm, to many lies!, ''humans'' where given few faulty chromosomes!..kingdom of god( or this,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC80JjqPzIU&list=WL&index=170, who where in front of us.) screw up! ''humans''.....''humans'' can't get out of 'kingdom of god' BOX!!..

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LOL, no big deal, a simple multiple choice question that most answer with a true or false, LOL.

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...sorry, ''humans''+simple Q= fat 0......total lies!......100%....I am not on cnn or msm Q to Putin : yes or no!.....

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Sorry, I don't read either Russian or Hebrew, maybe next time. You had a problem with what? That the universe was flat, Or that time travels in circles?

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A few years old but still astounding:


An hour I believe you'll appreciate.

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