Sean Penn appears to possibly be snorting depleted uranium. With an after-cocktail of extreme narcissism, of course. Or else, celebrity of that magnitude must confer some extraordinary prescience that us lowlife can just never comprehend, but should aspire to if we wish to reserve our spot of enshrinement within the pantheon of war criminality. Thanks, I'll pass.

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Sean Penn should be shot out of a clown cannon on the Western front.

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I second you on that wholeheartedly. Sean Penn is an idiot and his buddy Ben Stiller as well.

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"Sean Penn appears to possibly be snorting depleted uranium." - he looks it too.

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"Sean Penn appears to possibly be snorting depleted uranium"

LOL :-)...

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He is compromised, the war machine has blackmail evidence on him and pull his strings !

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"...are we going to let a gangster with nuclear weapons dictate the way we live?" I think that's the way most of the world views NATO.

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Being part of the rest of the world, I approve of this message.

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That was my first thought: "Dude! You are talking about the fucking USA!"

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indeed, this was almost the path the world's history was taking since the us dropped the first a-bombs (mostly exactly for this racket-reason).

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Fuck Sean Penn and Bono. These idiots have lived in their super-privileged fantasy bubbles for way way too long. Why in the world do they think they know anything? More importantly, why does anyone ELSE give a shit what they think or say?

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Too many people afflicted with the manufactured mental disorder Russophobia listen to them and buy their BS hook, line and sinker.

Penn capitalalizes on the misery of others.

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It's not because they're "celebrities", famous actors. It's because they're willing to go along with the CIA/Pentagon/HS line--so THEY get a megaphone, where any famous actor or actress who questions this insanity will not have access to "mainstream" (corporate) media. Now let's take apart the idea of "mainstream"--is this the viewpoint that represents the most Americans? Not necessarily, but the corporate media are able to MANUFACTURE consent, to drag public opinion in a desired direction, and THIS IS WHAT THEY DO ALL DAY. All of them. If not meddled with, surely public opinion would not endorse every war, flirt with nuclear war, pretend every NEW war is just while acknowledging that the last one was based on lies and was "a mistake." There is a misinformation complex, a propaganda complex, that includes corporate media, PR agencies, and the interests they tie into--a key reason for the endless wars is simply that they're profitable for the MIC. Which the big media corporations are invested in, tied to. They're also connected to oil and gas companies, so we van only have bullshit and greenwashing, no real solutions to the environmental crises of which climate change is just one. This state of affairs is bad for virtually all humans, never mind other life forms--but that doesn't matter, because corporations are in the driver's seat. What people don't understand is that not only are corporations not people--everyone knows that--but they are not LIKE people. They are like machines. Achieving their objectives according to their programming (maximize profits) will lead to human extinction, or at least the end of civilization, which will lead to the end of corporations--but this will not discourage them, because they can't care about anything, they'll march on toward a cliff just like a car would do if pointed in that direction and the gas pedal wired to the floor. Megacorporations are taking us with them over the cliff.

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Its not that they "go along" with CIA propaganda, they are compromised and being blackmailed. The CIA runs many honey pot operations to entrap people, once they have video evidence that would destroy their career they will do anything the agency tells them to do. That evidence likely results in lifelong servitude to the state.

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Well put! Agreed -- corporations are the problem engine driving us all straight to oblivion.

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As an Irishwoman I can't stand the pontificating prick called Bono. He doesn't even have an Irish accent any more, he's so up America's bottom (he writes probably shitty poetry for warmonger Nancy Pelosi.)

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Do you remember Penn's adventure in New Orleans after Hurricane Catrina?

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Ah yes, the humanitarian US military. The military that called the invasion of Iraq a “turkey shoot”. The military that refuses to be audited. The military in which 1/10 female soldiers have been raped by one or more of their own colleagues and if they report it the armed service ends their career - army data.. The military of My Lai, Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and Diego Garcia. Dripping with kindness and human empathy. Well I give him a failing grade for Pennmanship. Who is he grandstanding for?

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And that is just the female soldiers... there is plenty of that going around with male soldiers. And none of it is a "sex" thing. All of it is a "power" thing.

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Yup. There is a sadistic element too, I think.

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Dear Sean Penn: go to Hiroshima.

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Excellent advice, this man is a MORON.

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On an oblique note, Johnny Depp's 'Minimata' was definitely underrated - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9179096/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_5_act

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Nothing will change his position because he is compromised, my bet is he went to Epstein island or another honey pot and was filmed doing some horrible things. Now he does and says exactly what his handlers tell him too !

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Well said, he is a fool.

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And thank you for recognizing that there are a lot of other species who will suffer in the event of a nuclear war.

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That matters more to me than the fate of an overpopulated (human) species of blind followers. It is the one thing that prevents me from thinking that nuclear annihilation would be the best thing for the planet.

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I got tired of people worrying about only the human race killing itself off. We will have brought it down on ourselves, as you seem to agree.

I have to think about all of the other living beings who unfortunately have to share the planet with us, and who have no say in what we're doing to endanger us all.

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Proof again that ideology is stronger than evidence. It doesn't matter whether the ideology is religious, political, economical, or culinary; for true believers it is the ideas and ideals that matter. Sean Penn probably settled on his thinking in late adolescence, like a lot of us. He wants to believe that the US is a force for good in the world, which is also true for a lot of us. The facts don't support that idea, but it's tough to change an entrenched attitude. It's just hard to change minds.

But why is Sean Penn so glib about nuclear war? That baffles me. He talks as though the nukes in the US are so powerful that Russia will cow to the US threat. Which, in his own gangster analogy, is just one gangster (US) bullying another (Russia) into submission. Maybe that makes sense in the Marvel Multiverse in Hollywood, but I don't get it. Even gangsters would see the hazard there: that the other guy just may call your bluff. And such things happen.

The US is an empire in steep decline, but still powerful and dangerous. With a bit of luck, it will collapse, like empires before it, but without dragging the rest of us with it. That's my hope.

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The downward slide is happening in slow motion in real time. Clinton hastened the ideological shift in the DP by promising that Democrats can be trusted to defend corporate privilege. From there it was a brief moment before “Morning in America” and the institutionalization of “government is the problem.”

Then Gorbachev unplugged the communist threat narrative, and, after Clinton, with the help of his bank-donor benefactors, completely tanked the Russian economy, the dropping of the twin towers facilitated a pivot to Islamic extremism, a trillion dollar windfall, the passage of a draconian Patriot Act, and the rise of the Security / Surveillance State.

All of the above serves as the prologue to our current through-the-looking-glass moment. Now we get celebrities defending fraudulent pretenders and their inhumanity, while truth speakers are de-platformed, censored, and deprived of an income. Money has successfully transformed the consumer culture into a Hatfield-McCoy opera with ignorance being the currency both sides exude. There is only one antidote, one medicine for this malaise. Honesty.


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On the point about the US being in decline, this is absolutely correct and the reason for the way the US behaves. There is no animal more frightened than one held in a corner. Sooner or later another area of world will have greater economic strength (probably China) and that is something the US cannot countenance, hence this constant war-mongering. Aside from anything else, counteracting US aggression is extremely costly so uses up those other countries’ resources and wealth for no purpose.

The problem with Penn and his like are they believe the Hollywood outpourings of films by which the US saves the world.

As I have said previously, the US just loves killing people. It is how it acquired the US from its indigenous people and it continues on the same path.

US wealth is only illusory as most is based on share prices which are set by manipulators of those prices, not on the true value of the companies, which is the value of its assets, less its liabilities.

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You are deluded if you think celebrities believe the horrible things they promote, they are compromised and being blackmailed by government. Penn is selling the lies that his handlers tell him to sell, I would bet the evidence on his is so damning that he would do or say anything to avoid being prosecuted for his crimes.

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"...Are we going to let a gangster with nuclear weapons dictate the way we live?”

Yes, Sean. It seems we are going to let a gangster with nukes dictate the way we live. That gangster's name is the USA. It dropped A-bombs on Japan in 1945 and has built the biggest collection of nuclear death machines imaginable since then. So, we should be cowards, Sean. We're playing Russian Roulette with the entire planet and warmongers like you want to pull the trigger--repeatedly.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

It's basically letting your mouth write checks that your ass doesn't have to cash. Keyboard courage, internet tough guys, but this time on-screen.

If Penn and Massaro really were so brave, they could sign up. The nazi paramilitaries supporting the Kiev regime gladly accept foreign volunteers.

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From what I hear, they don't have much of an age requirement either.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

Sean Penn not only has the brains of a fried oyster, he has the brains of a fried oyster that's fallen out of a food basket at a New Orleans oyster shack so crowded someone walked away with it on the bottom of his shoe.

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Perfect for the inscription on his grave.

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I could swear the CIA just promised Penn a lifetime supply of coke (and no indictments for his crimes) if he'd parrot their bylines.

Piece of shit wife beater that he is, of course he took it.

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You get it, Penn is compromised and will do and say whatever his handlers tell him too just to avoid a public trial and prison sentance.

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“Putting aside all the fancy words and academic doubletalk, the basic reason for having a military is to do two jobs --to kill people and to destroy.” - General Thomas S. Power ..I would add theft!..

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Ah, remember the good old days when the "left" were against war? Whether one agreed with their political philosophy they did have a moral one of betterment for the poor and anti-war. The current fake left platform would be too extreme in the era of Sodom and Gomorrah.

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The "Left" (if by that you mean Democrats weren't too much against war in the good old days as to fail to get the war in Vietnam started. Before that the Kennedy administration ran off the Cuban Missile Crisis, of which we may be seeing a rerun in our own times. The Cuban Missile Crisis actually cooled out the death-and-destruction fans in both parties for several years, leading to a kind of detente in the great-power world and a turn to colonial wars (such as Vietnam) as a substitute for World War 3. Something similar may be coming up. Instead of the death and destruction desired by our great leaders, peace may break out -- temporarily, of course. It happened in 1962, and it can happen now.

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Does Sean Penn live really close to his underground bunker or something?

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Thank you for the laugh! (we need it in these times)

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Something tells me he liked the occasional island getaway

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It's not Vlademir Vlademerovich Putin who is a bully. It is the feeble minded, corrupt, marble mouth pedophile FJB and his minions. They, their entire administration, our military, the Neocon Nazis, Neocon Zionists in control of my country the USA. They have turned my beloved nation into a nation I hate, the world's foremost terrorist state.

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