Your article today is the proverbial light turned on in the dark kitchen revealing so many cockroaches that one does not know upon which one to stomp.
Perhaps the Zionist-laden PNAC -- wishing to transform the Middle East to assure Israel's regional dominance and thus America's, and the rank misery which continues to flow from the members of that 9/11-era organization -- deserves the first footfall.
That a dim husk such as George W. Bush asks us to pray merely gives me cause to celebrate my atheism.
Once again Caitlin, your words and instincts are both vital and golden.
But really. Wouldn't you like to be part of a crowd intending to throw shoes at Dubya as he chimp-sputtered at a lectern. With apologies to my close simian relatives.
I've never bought into the narrative about Osama's assasination in 2011. Too clandestine & unprovable, for a populace that should always assume they are being lied to.
Even his guilt, I'm not completely convinced about.
Note how many times a quote or a recording was 'purported' to be from bin laden. Too many plots holes.
Also, significantly, on January 19, 2006 bin laden allegedly warns the U.S. to get out of Afganistan and Iraq. Somewhat analagous to the choices we had with the Japanese before bombing the fk out of civilian populations, bin laden (assuming it was him) was offering a truce. Telling us to stop doing something we shouldn't be doing in the first place.
A tape purportedly recorded by Bin Laden appears more than a year after the last one. The audio recording - part of which is aired on al-Jazeera - warns the US that a fresh wave of terror attacks are in preparation. It also offers a truce to the US if it withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq so 'we can build'.
Saddam Hussein would not allow al Qaeda into Iraq. I would assume that al Qaeda had no more love for Iraqi leadership than Iraqi leadership had for al Qaeda. So something doesn't quite resonate about bin Laden asking the U.S. to leave Iraq so that Iraq could rebuild. He was solely focused on Afghanistan. Intelligence all too often puts words into the mouths of those they wish to bring down.
This is what happens when we fail to get accountability for 9/11. The same people that hood winked us, in order to get their wars to remake the maps of the Middle East, are now called upon to give their expert opinion on a problem they created. And so the atrocities go on.
Really, we have a severe plastic pollution problem to deal with that is poised to alter gene expression and the DNA of every living thing on the planet. We have global climate change to deal with that is poised to destroy agriculture and every ecosystem on the planet. We have a pandemic raging that desperately needs to have therapeutic protocols made available to people to reduce their symptoms so that we can quickly put this pandemic behind us so that we can deal with the before mentioned pending disasters. Yet we are still playing these 18th century games of conquest, completely unbelievable. Oh yes, the are trillions of dollars of mineral wealth in Afghanistan, just waiting to give rise to the next group of billionaires.
On the German news tonight it was lamented that the Germans are not evacuating as many Afghans as the US. Nothing was said about where they would be evacuated to. I'll bet they won't end up in the USA. That is where they should be, at least the great majority, since the US has been the major driver of the war. If the Germans learn anything from this it should be to finally stop kissing the ass of Big Brother. But I doubt that will happen.
Accomplished nothing. Simply an untruth. Rendering the rest of the article as something that does not need to be read. 20 years of being able to live in an approximation of the 21st century is very certainly not nothing. And Osama Bin Laden with a bullet in his skull courtesy of the Obama administration and the Navy Seals....that's not nothing either
Imagine having "the gall" to criticize the man who was the leader of the free world during the taliban's (pronounced: shit on a stick) largest attack on USA soil for having "the gall" to issue a statement on the current situation. Also, stating the obvious situation and then exclaiming "THE GALL!" is not an argument in any way, rather more of a poorly worded statement of disbelief, which I doubt was your intention. You need to actually follow that up with logical reasoning for why you believe bush issuing a statement is "gall" as you describe it....
Additionally, "plot-hole ridden 9/11 narrative"? Now you're a "Loose Change" believer too eh?
Proof that bin Laden is guilty? What are smoking? Osama Bin Laden is on camera hundreds of videos claiming responsibility for 9/11, he was hiding in Pakistan for nearly a decade, does time deceive your memory?
Taliban tried to surrender? Although this clearly is not what happened, I would argue that under no circumstances would you allow an enemy terrorist organization to surrender after taking 3,000+ American lives, You do not allow terrorists to surrender, you stomp them into the ground (again, they clearly failed in the past decade on this front, but the principle stands true)
Bush is a major war criminal who installed a torture regime and murdered and displaced a couple million people based on LIES. His administration kidnapped and tortured innocent people... to death in some cases. He destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan. There are people in GITMO right now who were tortured and will never be free. They will never have a trial.... even in a Kangaroo court. You are the one who who supports terrorists, you miserable piece of shit. The #1 terrorists on the planet are The American death cult, the Israeli death cult and the British death cult.
According to every person that has immigrated from these war torn countries, the USA military being present there the past 20 years is the only reason 90% of my friends from that region are still alive to tell the tale. So my experience speaks otherwise.
Fuck off. I will waste no time providing sources for war crimes apologist assholes. You are a sadistic and disingenuous troll and there is no amount of proof that would change your stupid and mean little cheese brained fascist mind. Bye.
For what it's worth, according to Robert Fisk -- a reporter I trust -- in a face to face in Afghanistan, bin Laden admitted that he was inspired to plan the attack after seeing high-rises destroyed by an Israeli airstrike on Lebanon.
Clear, thorough critique that deserves the widest possible exposure.
Your article today is the proverbial light turned on in the dark kitchen revealing so many cockroaches that one does not know upon which one to stomp.
Perhaps the Zionist-laden PNAC -- wishing to transform the Middle East to assure Israel's regional dominance and thus America's, and the rank misery which continues to flow from the members of that 9/11-era organization -- deserves the first footfall.
That a dim husk such as George W. Bush asks us to pray merely gives me cause to celebrate my atheism.
Once again Caitlin, your words and instincts are both vital and golden.
But really. Wouldn't you like to be part of a crowd intending to throw shoes at Dubya as he chimp-sputtered at a lectern. With apologies to my close simian relatives.
I've never bought into the narrative about Osama's assasination in 2011. Too clandestine & unprovable, for a populace that should always assume they are being lied to.
Even his guilt, I'm not completely convinced about.
Note how many times a quote or a recording was 'purported' to be from bin laden. Too many plots holes.
Also, significantly, on January 19, 2006 bin laden allegedly warns the U.S. to get out of Afganistan and Iraq. Somewhat analagous to the choices we had with the Japanese before bombing the fk out of civilian populations, bin laden (assuming it was him) was offering a truce. Telling us to stop doing something we shouldn't be doing in the first place.,12643,839823,00.html
"January 19 2006
A tape purportedly recorded by Bin Laden appears more than a year after the last one. The audio recording - part of which is aired on al-Jazeera - warns the US that a fresh wave of terror attacks are in preparation. It also offers a truce to the US if it withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq so 'we can build'.
'Bin Laden' tape threatens new attacks on US"
and don't forget the classic U.S. Intelligence M.O.: the porn on the laptop.
Saddam Hussein would not allow al Qaeda into Iraq. I would assume that al Qaeda had no more love for Iraqi leadership than Iraqi leadership had for al Qaeda. So something doesn't quite resonate about bin Laden asking the U.S. to leave Iraq so that Iraq could rebuild. He was solely focused on Afghanistan. Intelligence all too often puts words into the mouths of those they wish to bring down.
It's not gall, it's sociopathy.
Thank you for this. I just wish people would/could understand this, could somehow start driving the myths of our society out of their heads.
This is what happens when we fail to get accountability for 9/11. The same people that hood winked us, in order to get their wars to remake the maps of the Middle East, are now called upon to give their expert opinion on a problem they created. And so the atrocities go on.
Really, we have a severe plastic pollution problem to deal with that is poised to alter gene expression and the DNA of every living thing on the planet. We have global climate change to deal with that is poised to destroy agriculture and every ecosystem on the planet. We have a pandemic raging that desperately needs to have therapeutic protocols made available to people to reduce their symptoms so that we can quickly put this pandemic behind us so that we can deal with the before mentioned pending disasters. Yet we are still playing these 18th century games of conquest, completely unbelievable. Oh yes, the are trillions of dollars of mineral wealth in Afghanistan, just waiting to give rise to the next group of billionaires.
Thanks for posting this Caitlin.
Is this guy still alive?
Still around, and just as irrelevant and ineffectual as before.
Here is a gem. RAWA lives still!
On the German news tonight it was lamented that the Germans are not evacuating as many Afghans as the US. Nothing was said about where they would be evacuated to. I'll bet they won't end up in the USA. That is where they should be, at least the great majority, since the US has been the major driver of the war. If the Germans learn anything from this it should be to finally stop kissing the ass of Big Brother. But I doubt that will happen.
Accomplished nothing. Simply an untruth. Rendering the rest of the article as something that does not need to be read. 20 years of being able to live in an approximation of the 21st century is very certainly not nothing. And Osama Bin Laden with a bullet in his skull courtesy of the Obama administration and the Navy Seals....that's not nothing either
Imagine having "the gall" to criticize the man who was the leader of the free world during the taliban's (pronounced: shit on a stick) largest attack on USA soil for having "the gall" to issue a statement on the current situation. Also, stating the obvious situation and then exclaiming "THE GALL!" is not an argument in any way, rather more of a poorly worded statement of disbelief, which I doubt was your intention. You need to actually follow that up with logical reasoning for why you believe bush issuing a statement is "gall" as you describe it....
Additionally, "plot-hole ridden 9/11 narrative"? Now you're a "Loose Change" believer too eh?
Proof that bin Laden is guilty? What are smoking? Osama Bin Laden is on camera hundreds of videos claiming responsibility for 9/11, he was hiding in Pakistan for nearly a decade, does time deceive your memory?
Taliban tried to surrender? Although this clearly is not what happened, I would argue that under no circumstances would you allow an enemy terrorist organization to surrender after taking 3,000+ American lives, You do not allow terrorists to surrender, you stomp them into the ground (again, they clearly failed in the past decade on this front, but the principle stands true)
Bush is a major war criminal who installed a torture regime and murdered and displaced a couple million people based on LIES. His administration kidnapped and tortured innocent people... to death in some cases. He destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan. There are people in GITMO right now who were tortured and will never be free. They will never have a trial.... even in a Kangaroo court. You are the one who who supports terrorists, you miserable piece of shit. The #1 terrorists on the planet are The American death cult, the Israeli death cult and the British death cult.
According to every person that has immigrated from these war torn countries, the USA military being present there the past 20 years is the only reason 90% of my friends from that region are still alive to tell the tale. So my experience speaks otherwise.
Sources for your claims? I'll even accept all Jazeera at this point and we all know they are funded by the terrorist quatari government
Fuck off. I will waste no time providing sources for war crimes apologist assholes. You are a sadistic and disingenuous troll and there is no amount of proof that would change your stupid and mean little cheese brained fascist mind. Bye.
Lol aw don't cry too hard now you commy
That's "commie" to you, half-wit.
Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. That was proven to be Saudi, Zionist, CIA. Bin Laden was none of that. Tora Bora was his masterpiece.
For what it's worth, according to Robert Fisk -- a reporter I trust -- in a face to face in Afghanistan, bin Laden admitted that he was inspired to plan the attack after seeing high-rises destroyed by an Israeli airstrike on Lebanon.