NATO is a terrorist organization, plain and simple. Its aim isn’t peace.

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Right on the money!

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its primary purpose is power, and the money that secures it

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Don't you just love this insane upside down world we live in!? If only someone would stop the train long enough for us to get off before the wreck!

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Everyone knows that the US and/or UK blew up the NS1 and NS2 pipelines, regardless of any absurd and convoluted attempts to pin the blame on Russia.

The problem is that nobody of influence and authority in the West can say so in public, at least not after Radek Sikorski said the quiet part out loud.

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They might have gone overboard with this one. They got away with all the previous shit accusations - poisonings, shooting down planes, electing Trump, etc., but this might turn even the thickest ones. Not to mention possible repercussions.

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The Yanks were in the area.

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I have a feeling “the Yanks” have also “secretly” been on the ground in Ukraine. It’s pathetic that the citizens of some countries (like the USA) are at the mercy of these sycophants in the government. I still remember seeing the support from Lindsay Graham and John McCain for Ukraine years ago. It’s absolutely pathetic. May God’s Will be done.

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The bombing of the pipelines was the United States government taking the mask off. I mean, Gonzalo Lira was right on the money when he said no one else on the planet had both the means and motivation to do this. Moon of Alabama thinks it might have been Poland, kind of a welcome to the Baltic Pipeline, but the US has proved this capability before with undersea data cables. Does anyone else remember the USS Jimmy Carter espionage sub?

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"Former Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski thanks US for damaging Nord Stream" - https://tass.com/world/1514367

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This: "Being an American liberal means wearing a "Punch Nazis" t-shirt while cheering Biden as he arms Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine and Hillary Clinton as she praises Italy's election of a fascist prime minister."

One wonders if neoliberals' brains aren't pretzel-shaped with all their freakin' pretzel logic!

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How to take Caitlin's sentence? Is she saying that Italy's new elected PM Meloni is a "Fascist?" If so, I totally reject her accusation. Putting one's country first does not make one a fascist. Much better than Brandon, who puts his country last.

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Let's say that she actually does think, to this day, that Il Duce was just the most awesome leader ever, but that she ends up being less tyrannical than other governments around the world during this time. For example, if she does NOT throw her unvaccinated citizens into camps the way Australia has.

If she doesn't do that--hell, even if she does a whole lot of other awful things like throwing Italy's support behind the proxy war in Ukraine that could get us all killed, which she likely will--then I would argue that Australia is far more fascist than Italy. I mean, really, are we at the point where a government can do all kinds of things that the Nazis did and leftists will say "OMG, they're monsters for doing those things! BUT! At least they never actually said that they liked Hitler or Mussolini, so I'll save my maximum level of outrage for somebody who says that, even if the person saying it doesn't throw people in cages for failing to blindly obey the state."

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Caitlin, why do you drink the koolaid about Meloni being a fascist? I disagree with her statements about Ukraine, and she'll have to scrub hard to remove the stain of Hillary's endorsement, but she plans to investigate the handling of Covid, and that's got the real fascists and neo-feudalists pissing their pants.

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Meloni joined a fascist youth group as a young woman. She's an actual fascist. Sorry to burst your bubble. Even if Mussolini got the trains running on time, it doesn't alter the fact that he was a friend of Adolph Hitler, does it?

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What a person does or joins in youth does not define them for the rest of his/her life. People grow and change. I once ran for office as a Libertarian, but today I criticize their blindness to the Statist creation of limited liability entities and giving such entities the same rights as biological persons.

Today, she supports individual rights. Fascists do not.

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I'm sorry, but people do change. IF as you claim (which I doubt) she joined a fascist youth group as a young woman that doesn't mean that she would always hold all of those views.

I personally consider the f word largely as a cheap leftist smear these days. Liberals should be bigger than that.

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It's been used too often to refer to people who are NOT fascists at all. Like, antifa says Glenn Greenwald is a fascist and they'd punch him unprovoked if they could like they do to so many others, because that's how their brains (such as they are) work.

There are undoubtedly genuine fascists who want to make laws which actually qualify as fascist in the world, but people have cried wolf too often. So I instinctively roll my eyes whenever somebody says "This person is a fascist!" just like I do when somebody says "The reason Kamala Harris didn't get to be president is because everybody is sexist!" or "Literally every single last person who ever voted for Donald Trump is a racist!"

At this point, in order for me to take any of those claims seriously, you've got to show me more proof than "Look at what she said when she was fifteen years old!" Because, as we all know, none of us change even a little bit between our mid-teens and our mid-forties.

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I think she WAS a fascist when she was quite young. And Ronald Reagan was a Democrat. I’m not even the same person I was when I was younger. So much has changed...for the BETTER.

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That's a pretty damning, arguably defamatory accusation to make.

There are lots of references about her in western media tossing around the accusation of 'fascist' in the same breath as 'right wing', 'far right', 'populist', etc. This is much the same way western media describe US republicans who voted for Trump. Interestingly, many of these people are the working class/middle class people who for decades were the core of the Democratic Party in the US. Now, they're seen as low brow, under educated reactionaries by the elite ruling class. So, it's difficult to take all of these insulting characterizations at face value.

As a writer here on substack, it's fair to expect that you have recent, documentary evidence of her associations with avowed fascists and documented evidence of explicit beliefs or policies of hers that are unequivocally fascist. I would very much like to see this and my mind is always open to change with better facts and evidence.

If anyone is interested, below is a link to a recent piece by Pepe Escobar, who always has an interesting perspective.


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"he was a friend of Adolph Hitler" - yet from reading up on history he didn't seem an eager or a diligent "friend". Certainly I haven't learned of any atrocities he set up in Italy or any occupied by Italy lands similar to Germany's. Even though Italians did register prominently with their participation in invasion of the Soviet Union. Along with many other "enlightened" Europeans.

Unless somebody points me to it. From what I know so far fascism is not nazism. Not anywhere close.

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Italian Jews were sent to the concentration camps and exterminated. Check your facts

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Most European countries did that (rounding up) and not necessarily after they were occupied. The extermination part was done in German controlled camps. I couldn't find any oven or gas chamber references for Italy per se.

From https://www.wmf.org/project/world-war-ii-concentration-camps-italy

"Risiera San Sabba, in Trieste, a national museum since 1965, and the only restored Italian concentration camp, was actively managed by Nazi Germany from 1943 to 1945. Unlike Fossoli, the San Sabba camp was an extermination camp for antifascists and Jews. It was the only camp in Italy engaged in systematic murder."

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“Only an authoritarian government, firmly tied to a people, can lead the people over the long term. Political propaganda, the art of anchoring matters of state in the broad masses so the whole nation will feel a part of them, cannot therefore be a means of winning power. It must become a means of building and keeping power.”

Joseph Goebbels, Nuremberg, 1934

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At least Goebbels was up front about it, unlike the Western authoritarians of today.

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people are unaware that we stand on the precipice, and we are no different from the people of that era

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Many in the US have this cartoonish conception of America as some sort of Justice League country straight out of Marvel Comics, a team of superheroes with a mission of righting all wrongs in the world, with Russia playing the Legion of Doom. Since the breakup of the Soviet bloc the US has invaded Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria (along with NATO in some cases) while selling the Saudis arms to kill and starve Yemenis, belligerent acts causing the deaths of millions. Yet the folks who have tacitly accepted all this killing by the US will work themselves into a high moral dudgeon over Ukraine, believing that the US can somehow set things right over there, when it is the US that has created the problem. That the US has no moral standing or magical superpowers to do so means nothing to people who have set off on what they tell themselves is a virtuous quest. Denial runs deep. It allows the user to deny his own country's history of criminality while projecting it onto the designated villain, a feel good exercise for those who practice it.

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This is a little ironic: although I wouldn't count on finding anything in present day Marvel comics that goes against the establishment narrative, back in the '80s Captain America was told that since the US government created him and sent him to serve in WW2, he was technically obligated to do whatever they ordered him to just like any other soldier. So he was given a choice: he either had to obey any and all orders from the government, or no longer be Captain America.

In that issue, one of the things Cap wonders about while making his decision is whether they'd send him to Nicaragua to help the Contras. That's happens when he's weighing the cons, and none of the pros, behind each option, so it's implied that it's something he would rather not do. In the end, he chooses to quit rather than put himself in that position, and for a while we had somebody else as Captain America while Steve Rogers continued to fight crime on his own terms in a different costume and with a different name.

So even Captain America wasn't willing to trust the United States government to be ethical back in the day.

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Nah, Marvel Comic's Justice League's been Israel, sneeringly propagandandized into ALL boomer kids planted in front of TVs or lurnin' racist 'Murikan exceptionalism and inebriate grandiosity from comic & Hollywood

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Russian law I am told is only use of nuke when Russia threatened...with her very existence.

Now Russia got bigger, so that gives more to for the west to claim is a threat.

English seeems to be a language of war and mirrors more than love and peace.


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Cursory search of English translations of the official military doctrine yields at least a couple:

- https://thailand.mid.ru/en/military-doctrine-of-the-russian-federation

- https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2000-05/russias-military-doctrine

The crucial section there: "The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it and (or) its allies, as well as in response to large-scale aggression utilizing conventional weapons in situations critical to the national security of the Russian Federation."

It's been out for a few years, published, and for sure well-known to the people at power in the West. Everything stated recently by the Russians just reiterates that.

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Russia wins or , we all fall down.

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This is the way of _Realpolitik_. Another way of putting it comes from American football culture: "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing." It is a bit delusional, but the boundary between delusion and sanity is highly permeable, especially among the bigdeals of the world, but among the proles also.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

If somebody cares for the original it doesn't look like kremlin.ru is accessible right now. The emergency ministry's site is though: https://www.mchs.gov.ru/dokumenty/2940

"27. Российская Федерация оставляет за собой право применить ядерное оружие в ответ на применение против нее и (или) ее союзников ядерного и других видов оружия массового поражения, а также в случае агрессии против Российской Федерации с применением обычного оружия, когда под угрозу поставлено само существование государства.

Решение о применении ядерного оружия принимается Президентом Российской Федерации."

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All of the above is provided for the people to realize - it is no fucking joke!

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America's stated policy is they can employ nuclear weapons in response to any 'significant' threat, including those posed by conventional weapons.

I wonder how America would respond if Russian saboteurs blew a massive hole in the trans-Alaska pipeline.

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The USA wouldn't care to refer to any policy to use nuclear weapons if they knew they'd not get a response. They showed it in Japan. And they would manufacture a pretext - no adversary action required. In fact, they are working on something like that - claiming Russia would use nuclear in Ukraine. If Russia uses nuclear it won't be in Ukraine. If something happens in Ukraine - that's the US' false flag.

How many people know they bombed (non-nuclear) the USSR during the Korean war?

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English is not a language of war.

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NATO choppers staffed and killed civilians in Libyan cities in order to give them an excuse to invade. I know because my friends were in the ground there when it happened. During the chaos that ensued, the US govt deserted them even though they were US citizens. Afghanistan ring a bell? It was the Russian ambassador who made sure they got out to safety.

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Watching my brothers perform the mental gymnastics that you described about Russia blowing up their own pipelines was very amusing to watch.

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Would they like to buy a bridge?

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Giorgia Meloni is a fascist as much as Biden is a coherent, moral, anti-war Democrat. In short she's a socialist by American standards and if she is able to truly do what's best for the Italian people, to carry out their will, not the will of the WEF, she is a giant step forward for Italy.

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I wouldn't have minded Meloni had she not made a point of contacting Zelenskyj indicating that she was right behind him.

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Exactly. I predict that all the worst things she ends up doing will be things that other countries and the heads of those countries are already doing. In which case I don't get what difference it makes whether one sees her as a fascist, a communist, or a stack of blueberry pancakes: she's pretty much the same as all the rest.

So I have trouble understanding why Caitlin and others (I already mentioned Hedges, but there's also Ron Placone and I think Ben Norton too) are freaking out just as much about this "fascist prime minister" as the shitlibs are. Why they're repeating MSM claims when they of all people ought to know that the MSM is full of shit.

But if she actually is a fascist, what can she possibly do that is more fascistic than what the countries composing the US-led empire have already done, hmm?

Put people in internment camps? Another world leader's already done that.

Imprison people for saying the wrong things or for protesting? Other world leaders have already done that.

Commit mass murder? I'm pretty sure that Italy doesn't have the resources to slaughter more people than the United States.

Make abortion illegal? Already been done.

I'm *begging* everybody making a big deal out of this, name something a fascist in a position of power is likely to do that nominally non-fascist politicians haven't done already. I almost said "genocide" but whoops, look at that, the United States is committing two of those at the same time right now! So even that doesn't count.

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Or perhaps "Giorgia Meloni is a fascist as much as Biden is."

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I think the f word is generally a leftist smear.

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Didn’t the Russians create acne in a lab?

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That was PepsiCo

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If more conclusive evidence comes to the surface that the US sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipelines, what will Russia's response be? Will this cause Russia to use hypersonic missiles on US targets? They don't need to use nukes because their hypersonic weapons are unstoppable by US NATO missile defense systems. Would a Russian hypersonic missile attack trigger a nuclear weapons response from the US?

Is this intentional damage to the pipeline, not only a crime against Russia & it's EU customers, but an environmental crime to the ocean & the planet as well? This has released tons of gas into the ocean. The guilty party must be held fully accountable and pay for their crime.

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There will be no "conclusive evidence". The truth will be prohibited.

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Indeed. According to numerous wise guys, the attack was not against Russia but against Germany. The Russians still have their gas and can rebuild the pipeline if they want (although they might want to build an alternative pipeline elsewhere, if they haven't already.) Germany can't. Germany is down. Remember the purpose of NATO: "To keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."


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By golly I’m so glad I have removed myself from all social media. Getting nuttier by the tweet, post and snap!

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What do you think this is?

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