Over 30,000 people have been butchered in around 120+ days.

There is no 'complexity' here. This is Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing.

If one 'gets this wrong,' then they stand on the side of the Antihuman Whackjobs. Simple!

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Israel ironically the 4th Reich.

Entwined hopelessly in a Stockholm Syndrome.

The Holocaust survivors have become the holocaust perpetrators

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Gaza is a red line for me too. I can agree to disagree on a lot of things, but not this one. And you're right. It isn't "complicated" at all, OMFG. What is complicated about 29,000 people killed in 4 months, half of them children?

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Feb 19Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Thank you for being a voice for the correct side.

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"Whenever I’m sad about a musician I like having died before their time, I comfort myself with the thought at least they didn’t live long enough to become another Bono..

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The current witch-hunt called antisemitism is the new McCarthyism.

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I also say the same thing about the plandemic and 9/11.

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There are two major reasons that people accept the genocide happening in Gaza. First is that they want money more than they care about who has to die so that they can have money. Those people are just flat out disgusting. Second is that they were brainwashed since kindergarten to believe that Israel is the promised land and it is the right of all Jews. But many Jews inside and outside of Israel have seen that brainwashing and more see it every day. Watch the doc, Israelism if you can.

Whenever I hear of anyone dying these days, I think that at least they won't have to go through the demise of our world, which is what seems to be happening. Many of us are not sitting by and allowing this to happen. But most of us have little or no power to stop it. Small victories sometimes. The Jewish Children's Library here agreed to put a book back on the shelf after removing it because the author had criticized Israel on social media.

"Already we’re seeing the Biden administration’s attacks on Yemen, Iraq and Syria receiving way more pushback than such aggressions normally would".........maybe. I have been in some really big demos against various wars and none of those wars were ever stopped because of people pushing back. They were stopped for financial reasons, usually. I remember in the 70's and 80's many of us thought that things would improve from there. They didn't.

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Do let me know when that pompous ass Bono says Gonzalo Lira’s name, much less that of Ed Snowden or Julian Assange

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Well said Caitlin. I totally agree with you that Gaza is a red line regarding any credibility. I am totally with you on this and feel disgusted every single day by what the Western Govts and Anglo Saxon nations are doing. D I s g u s t e d!

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Thank you for allowing me to be in good company (yourself) dear Caitlin.

Gaza is a redline for me as well. I have (so far) cut off three in-laws over this subject. I won’t be attending hubby’s nephew’s wedding this summer because they’ll be present, and if I had my way, things would get ugly 😉 Don’t wanna ruin anybody’s happy day!

I’m also distancing myself from a longtime friend who says she “doesn’t like the war” but is nevertheless an ardent Genocide Joe supporter. I won’t say I’m angry with her; just extremely disappointed.

If I end up with no relationships whatever over this, it will still be worth being on the correct side!

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I was born in the 1950's and educated (indoctrinated in many respects) in the 1960's and being axiomatically anti-war and anti-imperialism and anti-authority and skeptical of media based on the Vietnam war, I never really delved into the details of US foreign policy (with limited exceptions like central America and Iraq), so I plead guilty to not paying attention, especially to the Middle East. I was fed - and largely swallowed uncritically - the post WW II line on The Holocaust, never again, and Israel as a socialist kibbutz based western liberal progressive country. Being bombarded with that and having zero information on Palestine contributed to an irresponsible ignorance on my part (and almost all my peers).

So, while my gut was correct on strongly opposing recent Biden administration disasters in Ukraine and Israel, this time I drilled down on the details and I was and continue to be astounded and appalled at the lies, hypocrisy, and downright evil of the US empire (and media, and academic institutions, and .... everyone targeted in Chris Hedges's classic "Death of the Liberal Class").

I still often reflect: "it was never this bad", but I'm coming around to the view that it always was this bad, and that I was just not paying attention. These kind of reflections create a sickening in the soul.

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You can't close your eyes after you've seen what's really going on. Thank goodness. Now what will we do about it?

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I can't even call friends,"friends" anymore. I thought it was so very clear. They refuse to see.

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It is all by design. the increase in propaganda and the increase of aggression are directly connected. What's wrong with people's internal navigation systems? The inudation of manipulation has throroughly corrupted their thought proccess as intended. These people are the idea citizens in the dystopian society, they are exactly what the government wants. To consume so much propaganda that you are disconnected from reality.

They can't have informed intelligent responses. That's not possible with propaganda as it is its anti-thesis. So they have oneliners from propagandists to create thought termination, that results in the end of discussion. You see this in politics with party loyalty to the point of blindness. The issue of Gaza is an issue both US parties agree on...or is it bomb on? That's because war in the US will always ultimately be bipartisan and you only achieve that through manufacturing consent with propaganda. What you see with people getting wrong on Gaza is the whole purpose of what the government seeks to achieve en masse.

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"I try to cultivate diverse and heterodox information sources, but not so diverse and heterodox that it thinks genocide and ethnic cleansing are fine. Keep an open mind but not so open your brain falls out, as they say."

Same here. At first I was a bit sad to say good-bye to people whom I thought were my friends. But as the genocide has continued on and they've yet to say anything indicating that it even exists, I've come to turns with our parting. If a person is okay with thousands of civilian deaths and casualties--especially little children-- then obviously they're a sociopath. It's safer to stay far away from them. I just hate the idea that there are so many sociopaths in the US.

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