Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

And the actual, confirmed and admitted fact of Trudeau and the entire Canadian Parliament cheering for a bona fide volunteer in the Waffen SS is deemed "Russian disinformation".

It's like these words, "Russian disinformation" are a magic spell that can make logical contradictions and pesky facts just disappear. Or perhaps just "our support for self-confessed Nazis makes us look bad, so just don't go there!"

Look up the words "thought terminating cliche".

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Thinking is something that politicians don't want people to do, not for themselves, anyway. "Russian Disinformation" is a thought terminating cliche that they use to avoid scrutiny. I mean is the Canadian parliment so fake that they won't admit they will applaud like seals because they are told to?

Despite claims of Russian voter interference, no votes were effected in the 2016 election. Russia ran an advertisement campaign online to influence voters to vote for one of the two major parties, truly terrifying! ;)

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There is no evidence linking the Internet Research Agency to the Russian government. In fact, the DoJ had to dismiss Mueller's indictment of the IRA under threat of judicial sanctions when the IRA attorneys called Mueller's bluff.

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A lot of Canadians (and Americans) hold MIC stock in their tax free retirement plans, a double dip sucking off the working poor as they get a tax write off from the money misappropriated by Parliament/Congress. Updating Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get a man/woman/it/thing/etc. to understand something, when his/her/they/donkey/dog/etc... salary/retirement fund/investments/PE fund depends on not understanding it.”

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Imagine how a Canadian Whistleblower who came out in 2018 revealing Trump & Mulroney's (along with the known rest) connection to the "Original Motive" for 911 has been treated. I still can't believe my fellow Canadians with soccer style Ukrainian flags on their cars, cheering on this meat grinder willfully ignorant of the facts - not only of History, but of what goes on right before their eyes in the spectacle we call "Politics". And Americans, listening to Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High emotionally rant about wanting to turn his Oscars into bullets for Zelensky or state emphatically that we shouldn't be afraid of using nukes. Then the Trumpsters - dressed like they are attending an NFL game, completely ignorant of History and having civics removed from education in the early 70's, leaving them clueless as to how the Politicos actually feed on the rest of us will state ridiculous nonsense like if the Donald was in power everything would be different. Dark Times indeed and something wicked this way comes!

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I wish I could take that as comedy but .....

Certainly an incident of great embarrassment for the Canadian Parliament.

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There is a meme out there of four bananas arrayed to form a swastika and the words "these are three apples and if you see anything different, then you're a Putin puppet!"

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They hardly take it as such. Externally - yes, internally and globally for their ultimate causes - they've moved their agenda forward.

In a short time Hitler himself will be rehabilitated.

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We're getting ever closer. We have headshots of David Frum, G. W. Bush, Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol already displayed in the shitlib hall of fame. Surely Hitler is not too far down the queue.

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Comedy is pretending to play the piano with your dick, another way to guarantee a standing ovation with the right audience.

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Of the trucker's strike Trudeau responded that they were all misogynistic racists. I didn't see what that had to do with vaccinations. I guess that shows I'm a political dinosaur.

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Another example of such is "whataboutery", the clarion call of the hypocrite.

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When I first viewed a video of Canadian parliament applauding the idea of someone fighting against Russia during WWII, a Wafen SS murderer, no less, I thought my brain might fall out. I know that there are folks, at best historically uninformed, at worst pure anti-Russia shills, who refuse the FACT that without the sacrifice of millions of Soviets, WWII would've taken quite a different course. But I thought: Canadians elected to parliament? No knowledge of essential history? Really, it blew my mind. Read any accurate history -- the German Nazis, the Waffen SS viewed their COLLABORATORS, the Ukrainian Banderites and the Croatian Ustache as efficient and admirable murderers of Untermenschen -- Jews and Poles (Slavs). To see these bloody morons in that Parliament cheering for extreme war criminality struck me as emblematic of everything that's wrong with the Western psyche, a sickness so deep and vast that I want to hide in a cave with sane living beings, imagining a pack of wolves who might befriend me as having rejected my membership in the genus Homo.

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They did not have 'No knowledge' at all. This speaker of the house knew exactly what he was doing, as did all those in attendance (including the Jewish MPs). They knew who fought the Russians in WW2.....and specifically in Ukraine, home of some of the worst atrocities of the holocaust...Babi Yar, Lvov pogrom, etc... They are so full of hubris and contempt they believe they can get away with anything, because they have so far.

German saying: "If ten people are at a dinner party and one is a Nazi, there are ten Nazis".

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It is quite simply impossible that a guest of the Canadian Parliament was allowed into the same space as the Prime Minister of Canada without a thorough background check by Canadian intelligence, which body would have certainly informed the PM in advance that this guy was a verteran of Waffen SS. I don't guess we've heard the last of this scandal.

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At least the wolves will eat you or befriend you but they won't bullshit you or gaslight you.

And I don't even like canines.

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I like canines, including wolves. Not to play favourites but they're among the most intelligent species on the planet.

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Hey, watch yourself there, feral one!

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I would be very interested if this guy could be factually linked to any one of the Einsatzgruppen death squads. If so, it could hardly come as a surprise.

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"If you think the US government has been doing evil things in Ukraine, wait til the information becomes declassified in a few decades about the real nasty shit they were up to behind the veil of government secrecy. "

I'm reading this right now, although I have to put it down out of rage a lot. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Kill_Anything_That_Moves/PeFK5dkYZsEC?hl=en I thought I knew what Vietnam was all about, but this is disgusting. Yes, it takes time for the truth to come out, if it ever does.

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Nam was soooo ugly... Still sick.

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Um, and then the Western, American, Canadian (Five Eyes) citizens are surprised that we Eastern and Central Europeans see them sometimes as stupid, undereducated, uncultured people ? Ignorance is not a crime, but the complete lack of historical knowledge is ! Over there, the angry naming of different sexes and genders goes on, while they have no idea who played what role in the Second World War ? What an unfortunate people, they are proud to know who played for the Miami Dolphins team in 1965, but they don't know what the role of the Battle of Kursk was in the Second World War ! Seriously ? The idiot von der Liar is the dumbest leader of the European Union (who really put this stupid goose in that position ?) a few days ago she said that it was the Soviet Union that dropped nuclear bombs on Japan (Jesus Christ in heaven!!!) no, you don't need that to be ashamed, this dirty war crime was committed by the USA ! Orwell is turning in his grave ! Today Trudeau and the Speaker of the Canadian Parliament canonized a dirty war criminal from the Galician division of the Waffen SS ! Congratulations Canada ! One by one, all of them were Ukrainians, they committed the dirtiest war crimes and mass murders jews, polish and russians , which made even the butchers of the Gestapo upset, and this criminal has now been canonized by the Canadians ! Disgusting !

Well, if you want to see a film about these times, watch Elem Klimov's film Come and see ! Shocking ! Hey, this movie doesn't have an American hero who defeats an army by himself!

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Hi Bela, you're correct in seeing US people as you do- uneducated, uncultured, etc. And I would NEVER defend Americans who hurt other people, whether here, online, in Russia, in your country- anywhere.

I just want to emphasize that the historical ignorance was cultivated by our rulers, on purpose. Our education system is terrible. At best, only 25% of Americans can afford to pay tuitions for good schools. Our state schools are really bad. It's not the fault of the teachers or the students- it's our rulers. Our rulers stopped paying for schools.

We do NOT elect our rulers- they're forced on us. Every election is between 2 corrupt, bribed candidates. Then a huge propaganda operation ensues to trick our uneducated population into thinking one of those idiot candidates is worthy of office.

One of the many ironies of the US- the majority of us are barely surviving economically. We work two jobs, 60 hours per week, and we still cannot afford to pay for food. The constant stress and work means that the majority of Americans ignore major news channels.

Most Americans don't have time to turn the news on and watch the propaganda that tells us "Russia bad, Ukraine good". That means that most Americans do NOT support arming Ukraine. Most Americans know our entire government is corrupt. We may have gotten a terrible education, but we know what rotten smells like.

Just wanted you to see a different perspective on Americans- when a nation is deliberately dumbed down, made poor, made ill, withheld health care, worked to exhaustion for poor wages- it's unrealistic to expect that population to know anything about history. But the common people are generally good people. We just don't know how to change anything- we feel powerless, and we work so many hours per week that we are too tired to try to change things because again, we don't know how.

*NOTE I'm NOT excusing any bad or evil conduct committed by our rulers or the military they command.

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Hi Rachel!

It is difficult to convey to the other person in a few sentences an exchange of ideas that requires a long conversation! I understand exactly what you want to say, and I would like to clear up a possible misunderstanding right from the start, I have been visiting the USA regularly for half a century now, since the majority of my family lives there, as a doctor, teacher, Green Berets captain, or doing engineering work. I see how the great country that I once looked up to has changed since the eighties ! And yes, I have quite a few friends over there with whom we understand each other very well. I see how the former American Dream is increasingly turning into an American Nightmare. I see American education, which I consider pathetic and malicious, because the goal is no longer to teach people, but to influence them! I would not have wanted my child and grandchild to participate in such an education! I see the decaying factory industry where hardworking people once earned their bread, but now weeds are growing in the factories' place and the workers are on the streets! I see that the average American has fallen into the trap set by the former Roman Empire, which is called "Panem et circenses", meaning "Bread and Circus", if the citizen is given enough income to be satisfied and have some entertainment, then he will not rebel! But this cannot last forever, just as the Roman Empire or the British Empire did not last forever !

PS: so, once again, I had no intention of offending the hard-working American people whom I respect, how could I do it, because quite a few of my relatives and friends are, but rather I wanted to shock them so that they don't believe the television, but educate themselves, acquire the knowledge, the it's harder to fool a smart person !

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Hey, don't worry, I didn't think your comment was offensive. And if there's any upside to us actually not making enough income to afford that bread you spoke of.... then we will see it very soon. The last 2 years have spiraled out of control. Unfortunately that coincides with Trump leaving office, which makes some people come to the wrong conclusion. But the point is, they've pushed this Way Too Far. The system will not hold because the governed will no longer consent to it.

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For the sake of myself and the planet, I really hope that in the USA people of good will will finally be in charge of government and offices, not those who want to bleed the world and cause a nuclear apocalypse irresponsibly !

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I would say that it's easier for the average frustrated American to simply go along, because once you stop going along, you face consequences. Try not paying your taxes and see what happens. "Bartleby, the Scrivener" it ain't. If nothing else, you will be potentially ostracized, or may just suffer a guilty conscience.

On the other hand, if you go along, chant the approved slogans, cheer for the approved good guys and boo the designated bad guys, you can avoid any consequences for the time being, and you can always tell yourself that you just did what every other Good German did under the circumstances.

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Sometimes I wish I could go along like that. It's not fun being a leftist right now.

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The best thing I ever did for my own intellectual honesty was to go from being a rather doctrinaire Team R ideologue to an independent. Because then, I no longer felt duty-bound to defend the indefensible Because My Team, Because My Tribe.

*However* it can be hard, getting stones thrown at you from all sides.

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Yeah Democrats keep calling me Republican. When you're out of the duopoly-mode-thinking you realize how crazy the duopoly adherents actually are. It's like, you're either an apple or an orange. NOTHING ELSE IS POSSIBLE.. Lol.

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If you're not for Coke then you must be for Pepsi. It's easier to argue with strawmen.

How about "there's got to be something to drink other than nasty colored sugarwater."?

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For not paying taxes the consequences will be prison.

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All the people who spend effort to follow “influencers” and fourth rate “celebrities” can easily spend that time to learn history. They are lazy and brain dead.

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The movie is free on Youtube on the official Mosfilm channel: https://youtu.be/zjIiApN6cfg

Watch while it's still available. That should give you an idea why Russia will prevail in the end.

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I saw it decades ago, I bought it not so long ago ! Although I muster up the courage to watch it again, it was one of the most shocking movie experiences of my life ! I consider it one of the defining cinematic works of the 20th century !

I would recommend it as a must-see in Canada !

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It's been recently restored and is out on blu-ray too: https://www.amazon.com/Come-See-Criterion-Collection-Blu-ray/dp/B0863FG2VH/

Something to keep in mind - it was released in 1985 when it was still Soviet Union and the policy of suppressing the roles of various Soviet republics, specifically Baltics and Ukraine, as Nazi collaborators was still in place.

Even though, the movie reflects Ukrainian nationalist roles in those events. Odessa massacre of 2014 showed the Nazi skills are alive and well.

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My wife is about a quarter Ukrainian and half Russian by DNA. She is very into genealogy, and I've always loved history. It was natural that I seriously read up on Ukrainian history and...fortunately 30 years after her ancestor left Ukraine...there was this Galician Waffen SS Division thing and massacres so awful they disgusted Heinrich Himmler.

We found out about that well over ten years ago. Now, thanks to the Canadian Parliament of all people, she gets to think about that again.


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Unfortunately, real history is often more terrible than what we see in the most disgusting horror films! And a significant part of this happened in Eastern Europe, we still remember it here ! Every historical minute was written here with blood flowing in streams, Ukrainians, Poles, Russians, Jews, etc. with his blood, those who lie about this like Trudeau and his speaker are none other than the former bloodthirsty butchers who murdered masses of people with the help of Hitler ! By the way, when will Trudeau resign ?

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Capital cheering fascism. Nothing unusual here. Move along, peasants.

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It’s exhausting staring at this amount of insanity. In every direction.

Even so, despite all our best efforts, the world is still amazing.

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Caitlin,what happened in the Canadian parliament with the Ukrainian Nazi was not an oversight. It was deliberately platforming and normalising of a Nazi

Note that this happened simultaneously with Canadian government framing the Indian government for supposedly eliminating a dissident in Canada ( this is a repeat of what NATO had the British govt do with the dubious claim of poising someone ).

And it’s not a coincidence that the framing of India comes right on the heels of the G20 summit where the Indian govt refused to turn the event into marketing of war and refused to platform Zelensky.

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I theorize that the internet, primarily its algorithmic patterning, has divided the left and right sides of the brain (right being wholeness without self awareness - left being egoic self-awareness without wholeness) thus creating a dominance in left brain that leads to an addictive and fundamentalist worldview. It's possible that either accidentally or by design, the left brain (the meaning making, story telling, narrative making side) is overloaded with signals making it the top-heavy hemisphere of our being. Ideally, the two sides of the brain need to cooperate in order to achieve a higher level of consciousness. The problem is that the more repetitive patterning that occurs the more we remain stuck in left brain perception…. The key is integration. Or re-integration. Both sides are equally important for a balanced and nuanced view of the world. It's possible that we are experiencing an overabundance of signals creating a neuro-imbalance that is simply making us delusional. Julian Jayne's book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bi-Cameral Mind hinted at this but was largely dismissed in theory. I wonder if any neuroscientists have studied the effects of how the internet's repetitive messaging has tampered with our basic brain function in regard to perception.

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I think Iain McGilchrist has much to say on this very important matter. Great comment Josh.

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Will look into his work. Thanks!

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Great input, Josh. I wonder this too.

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i'm sure that the cia has done extensive research on that since they seem to be using it so effectively. mk ultra, years of research. listen to ed snowden who obama called a "hacker". the answers are right in front of us hidden by the veil of "conspiracy theories". to hide the truth just label it a conspiracy theory and put it in the genre of bigfoot, the flat earth and space aliens to name a few.

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You should really humble yourself a bit.

"the fact that you think that’s a wise expenditure of your political energy tells me you don’t truly understand the gravity of those other issues and only have a very limited perspective."

This is a multi-front war Caitlin. If everyone is watching just the nukes and the GAE , they will sublimate all signs and symbols in our absence into one's that promulgate their agenda. This has been repeated over and over.

You call it limited perspective, I call it your blind spot. That and climate of course.

I am enjoying the second edition of my physical copy of Johnstone. You should consider putting edition/month on the spine. Keep up the good work.

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Personal social issues like trans rights, or even legitimacy as human beings- sometimes disputed by idiots- are not political: I don't knowingly vote for or against them, they aren't on the ballot or agenda: they simply have all the rights of any other Canadians. They don't constitute the usual refugees or immigrants, and they are a tiny, tiny, domestic minority. Associated medical care/treatment, is an issue that should be guided and ruled by a politically neutral agency. As for the unfortunate Trudeau who was probably planning to curtail his political career anyway and let the deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland take over very soon, his name will go down in ignominy. But how did the speaker get to introduce an SS Nazi to parliament? His responsibilities are strictly clerical and procedural. He is apolitical and not associated with any political party. He doesn't choose who is introduced. Isn't that convenient: he takes the fall and no party is disgraced. Politics may proceed as usual.

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The control of information, the control of acceptable thought allowed(Chomsky reference) and the control of popular opinion creates this situation. They get confused because the truth doesn't make sense to the narrative they are given. How can you support pro Nazi Ukrainian forces and oppose Russia? The polarity is to ignore the neo nazis because there is no justification in supporting them. Even with Nato's admitting its expansion provoke Russia the narrative of an unprovoked war seems fitting out of the average person's ignorance...because the US does not want it known that NATO provoked Russia. Controlled media and controlled information.

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The Russian obsession by our leaders goes back to Hillary and her loss to Trump. Please read the book "Shattered", written by 2 WaPo reporters who covered her campaign. In the book, they state that, the morning after the election, HRC wanted an excuse to push for her loss. She suggested Russian interference. Her campaign manager, Robby Mook, replied that it was too implausible to work. It did. Spectacularly.

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No it goes further back than that. Clinton is not a leader. Just a front woman for rabid billionaires and spooks like Nuland.

When you thought Hillary was running state dept and Nuland and Power were under her….it was the complete opposite. They run her. Just like they run Biden.

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I'm just reporting the incident recounted in the book. Whether blaming Russia for her loss came from the WEF, I don't know.

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It's interesting to reflect on the true story of how Canada came to protect Ukraine's Nazi collaborators, including this scumbag Hunka.

Trudeau and his thugs have no principles and are pathological liars. They are amoral people and an abomination. Their only interest is power, and they know full well that the Ukrainian community is a powerful political lobby group in Canada, that must be kept inside no matter what.

In fact, there are over a million Canadians of Ukrainian descent living in Canada. Trudeau is well known as bootlicking to them, as this official press release from 2018 attests : https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/statements/2018/08/24/statement-prime-minister-ukrainian-independence-day

They also know (but again, don't care) that many of the most influential Ukrainians in Canada are descended from Ukrainian Nazis, including members of the Waffen SS, who came to Canada after WW2.

This includes members of the infamous Ukrainian 14th Galician Waffen SS.

Let's get out of the way that westwen governments 'didn't know' they were harbouring Nazis after ww2. It's always been total nonsense. In fact after WW2 it was easy to identify SS members, in particular because of their distinctive tattoos, in particular the blood type tattoo that every Waffen SS soldier had under his arm.

The entire story about how these SS psychopaths were able to flee to the West and successfully gained protection in it, is in itself fascinating, while also deeply disturbing. Interestingly, most of the surviving 14th Galician Waffen SS managed to find safety in the UK, with others moving onto Canada and Argentina, see https://www.ukrainiansintheuk.info/eng/01/former-e.htm

It's sad and a revealing insight into western decay, that most people are unaware of the Canadian government's history of harbouring and indeed whitewashing the horrific war crimes of these Nazis, including specifically the Ukrainian 14th Galician Waffen SS.

This goes back decades. In fact, a Canadian government enquiry (Deschenes Commission) whitewashed the unit's activities back in 1986, despite knowing full well that the Waffen SS had been singled out and listed as war criminals at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal in 1947, see http://espritdecorps.ca/history-feature/whitewashing-the-ss-the-attempt-to-re-write-the-history-of-hitlers-collaborators

The lie that descendants of Ukrainian SS members tell to themselves is that Ukrainian Waffen SS members were in fact 'patriots', because they fought against the Russians to protect 'Ukraine' (which didn't even exist) and were seeking refuge from Russian captivity.

Sadly it's a lie that western governments also use today, including of course Canada's pathological lying and amoral politicians.

It is utter nonsense, of course - these Ukranian SS officers didn't give a damn about their homelands. They were devoted and proud Nazis, loyal to and fighting for Hitler's Reich, keen to be part of a future Greater Germany.

As a result and just like German SS officers, the 14th Ukranian Waffen SS murdered as many Jews, Poles, Slavs and anyone else the Nazis deemed as untermenschen, that they could get their hands on. In fact, the commander of the 14th Galician Waffen SS was Oberfuhrer Fritz Freitag, a fanatical Nazi, was directly involved in the mass murder of Jews.

Another officer was Ukrainian-born SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Heinrich Wiens, who served with the Einsatzgruppen D murder squad and personally took part in mass executions of Jews. Another division officer, SS Obersturm-bannfuhrer Franz Magall, was also a seasoned killer of Jews.

But again, Jews weren't the only victims of the 14th Galician Waffen SS.

By the time the 14th Galician SS was formed in 1943, the German SS had already murdered most of the Reich's targets in eastern Europe, so the lowlives in the 14th had to resort to killing what they could find- mostly innocent women, children and men in villages, including many Poles. They must have been effective, as they were visited and praised by none other than Heinrich Himmler himself in 1944 - this vile Hunka man was almost certainly present at the event, by the way.

Turns out these scum weren't great soldiers, though - against real men, they got beaten hard. The Red Army hammered the 14th Galician SS in successive battles on the Eastern Front. Cockroaches like Hunka managed to somehow survive and flee West, ending up in Canada.

Anyway, the depraved spectacle we witnessed in the Canadian Parliament the other day is just confirmation of what has been official government policy, since 1945.

The policy is as follows : Russia must be destroyed as a culture and as a nation. Russians are inferior scum. As long as you fight and kill Russians, it doesn't matter what you did or what you believe, even if you were a member of Hitler's SS.

Notice how the policy of western governments in 2023, is exactly the same as the policy Hitler & the Nazis had back in the 1930s/40s? We need to think about that horrible truth a little bit more, in the West.

It is a despicable and disgusting policy, that every western citizen should be ashamed of, and disown.

A reminder once more: the Russians lost ~ 7 million soldiers (and over 27 million of their people) destroying Hitler's military forces on the Eastern Front. It was the Russians, not the Allies, also liberated Berlin in April 1945.

Without this tragic but astonishing Russian sacrifice, it is extremely doubtful that the D Day Landings and offensive would have been as successful (if at all), that war in Europe would have been over by 1945, or indeed that Hitler would have lost.

In 2023, western leaders should be honouring and thanking the Russians for what they did in those horrible times.

Instead, they give standing ovations to Hitler's Waffen SS officers. There's no more revealing insight into the state of the West in 2023, than that.

My apologies for the long post. I hope that if you got this far, you found it worth your time.

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The irony in this piece could prop up a skyscraper.

- "non-socialists are just distracted, and don't have any really robust arguments that i need to refute. Otherwise they'd see that capitalism and the left are murderous regimes and socialism definitely hasn't led to hundreds of millions dead, and degenerated into tyranny immediately every time it was implemented."

- "The kids maimed by bombs are important, but if you care about the kids maimed in the name of trans indoctrination, you lose my interest and respect. You clearly don't understand the gravity of those issues."

- Not linking the woke, lgbqt agenda to a defined plan of the same monsters starting wars is just as delusional as clapping a nazi. (To see the body of work this claim ignores, start with Thomas Sowell, James Lindsay, Douglas Murray and work your way to the U.N.'s current agenda.)

- I am not attacking socialism's attractive points. I'm saying that presenting those points out of context is deluded or disingenuous.

- There is no evidence Caitlin reads comments, but for anyone who does read this, Caitlin is still a treasure! However once you see it, you cannot unsee the blatant hypocrisy of reporting on meaningless divisions such as political left and right, then highlighting those divisions with her next post. I hope to see this improve.

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Canada is what happens to a country that gives up its sovereignty and democracy to become a totally shameless lapdog to the empire next door.

The claim we are the richest country in the world is a monstrous fable because like our American neighbors our country is being sucked dry morally and fiscally by the empire's wars on the world--it has no chance of winning.

The empire is so retarded it only speaks the language of war and barbarism.

Canadians are frustrated by the eccentric behaviors and incompetence of our politicians, but that is only because they are bought and paid for, working for the vested interests controlling them. The Canadian reality is we are suffering the ruinous price of colonization, as are American citizens by the Empire seated in Washington.

Empire's die violent deaths and we are the witnesses.

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Can't make this stuff up.

Go Real WW-2 SS Nazis!


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