“The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other - instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals.”

~ Edward Abbey

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It takes very few men to send millions to their death. WE allow that, WE empower ‘them’! WE have the power to stop this, don’t we?! 🤨😔

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A good place to start is refusing to ever vote for any of them again. Voting only emboldens the warmongers, and currently there are only warmongers on every ballot. Fuck voting.

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I have so many left leaning friends and family completely on board with the war narratives. These people are smart, well meaning, and dear to me. I realize I can’t wake them without losing them. It seems hopeless to argue with them but here’s what I would ask them to ponder, ‘If the law required that people that vote to support a war are also required to sign up their children to go fight, would they take more than a moment to explore peace? Would they be so quick to cheer for supplying military aid if they also HAD to personally supply soldiers to go die for the cause. Sometimes I wish it was the law so people would work harder toward peace & making wars an absolute last resort. Institute a draft, and you’d see war protests suddenly.

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If China wanted a war with Australia, Australia's best bet would be total capitulation, and nobody in his right mind would blame it: because Australia could be dispatched like a rock in a bucket of water. But China has no such intention because 1) China is a reasonable and humane country with an operating rule of law- unlike the West's patchy approach, and 2) because there would be nothing to gain but world war, and China's operating principle is lasting peace and prosperity for all, not just a self-limiting run at it for the military industrial complex - and hangers-on.

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I am anti war and anti imperialism and anti totalitarianism and since I question everything and know little about China, my question is how do you KNOW China is reasonable and humane? I have seen some evidence to the contrary... Tibet, the border with India, Falun Gong, the "suppress your desire for freedom" and surrounding screams, protests in Hong Kong, state meetings with many uniformed old men and almost no women...

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Falun Gong is a cult, just like the Branch Davidians were in the US. The latter were a small number but still posed so great a threat to the state , apparently, that they were tracked , and all were soon burned to death - by the state. That hasn't been the Falun Gong fate. Tibetan monks under US influence have caused problems for China: many used violent methods, even against their own, in opposition to the state. No country is perfect: all have human rights problems. Canadathe good, has treated the indigenous abominably, and there is much bias against them. They are judged in white communities by juries where they are underrepresented - with dire outcomes: the Bushie trial is one example. No effort has been made to discover and apprehend the murderers of at least 600 indigenous women over the past 40 years. Who has the greatest number jailed and imprisoned, in relative and absolute terms- a great many for the smallest of offences? The US.

You overlook all kinds of Western injustice in the biased effort to condemn countries of which you have no real knowledge.

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You did not answer my question. And, I do not overlook Western injustice at all. We are talking about China and your "reasonable and humane claim", not comparing the US and China.

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If no country is perfect, and all have rather serious moral and ethical imperfections, comparisons are very reasonable: "look to the beam in thine own eye", first, or at least include the good with the bad in assessing other countries.

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My question was, How do you KNOW China is reasonable and humane?? Still awaiting an answer, not comparisons. BTW, I am in agreement with Caitlin about the evils of the US centered empire. I want to learn more about China and Russia.

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What wars has China started? There is no way to judge the morality of any country without making comparisons. China's military spending is a fraction of the US's. From all reports, it has great technology and infrastructure. It is reportedly very peaceful. It is now generally seen as an economic challenge to the foremost economy, the US. But, no, I haven't been there personally and my personal testimony would have little value in any case.

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Are there no libraries near you? You obviously have internet so you can easily research these things for yourself.

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As the planet burns, all these mother fuckers want to do is kill other human beings. Someone let me off this merry-go-round.

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""We have made our choice. If the United States goes to war with Taiwan, we are going to support them one way or the other," says Mick Ryan." So Mick, the "We" in your statement is the general Australian populous as they voted in a referendum? Oh, nope, it was a bunch of mainly faceless men in suits, somewhere, maybe not even in Australia, possibly, likely in Washington DC, telling our men in suits how to vote.

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An old negotiating tactic is to act as if agreement in principle were already reached and now we just have to talk out the details.

Used car salesmen are especially well-known for doing this.

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Very true. Here's another example: the gas industry wanted to build a string of petrochemical plants along the Ohio River, in part to improve their bottom line by selling the natural gas liquids to the chemical industry for this. There was a rash of articles in local papers whose theme was, the governors of Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania are cooperating to bring this wonder to us all, don't worry there won't be competition between the states that might drive these marvels away, they're going to COOPERATE! So we can ALL benefit! Pretending that the issue is whether the states will compete, taking it as understood that of course we all WANT to become the next Cancer Alley. Which is probably more effective than arguing about why we want them.

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Because one Love Canal just wasn't enough.

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Ohio is one big Love Canal. Tainted water in the River and tainted water in the Lake.

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The fact that those “journos / commenters / experts are so one-sided in their comments is not only because they work for organisations that are committed to wars, such as those mentioned in Australia by Caitlin, but because they know that there will be little if any criticism by either part of our government, one party being the mirror image of the other in 2023. Yes, in 2023, similar to the USA with the Democrats, currently in charge of carrying out Israel’s long term instructions, seemingly even more warlike and irresponsible than the political party of someone like a Bush or a Trump.

Something of a surprise to all Democrat voters, I’ll wager. More warlike than a Republican? JFK would turn in his grave.

The so-called Australian party of the people in this once respected country, the Labor Party, has a Defence (Defense) Minister who is so sold on the idea of American exceptionalism that he is really of no further use to Australia. He is in reality a little American. We have a Chinese/Australian Foreign Minister who was seen to be a voice of reason but who has succumbed totally to the US war objectives and finally, a Prime Minister who has sold out his country, lost his credibility in allowing these two to sign away common sense and national pride and independence recently on the foolish notion that AUKUS will allow us to be an independent source of military power in 2040 +.

These three have passed their use-by-date in just 11 months in government.

They have lost the support of so many middle-of-the-road voters and lifelong members of their party, and they don’t even know it.

One wonders where they get their stupid ideas, other than from their US masters.

Why has Australia tied itself to the warlike USA? It started in 1945, WWII being the trigger point for the USA, isolated as it was from any form of military action on their own lands, to take up the weary reigns of a Britain whose economy relied on foodstuffs from Australia and assistance from others around the world. They had experienced a hard time in that war and had become a dependent and worn out state for such a long time. From then, always having been accustomed to being a vassal state for the UK, we changed horses midstream, but kept our subservience to the English royalty yet taking our military orders from the USA, then on the prowl for world domination. This meant WARS, such as Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and now being directed to be a part of an eventual war against China, all at the pointy end of America’s battle for power.

The AUKUS dilemma

Readers of these worthy columns by this exceptional writer Caitlin, may not be aware of important details about Australia. We are 25 million people…China is 1.4 billion people. We have not long reached out first trillion dollar foreign debt figure at 1.3 trillion with 25 million people.

The US sits at a foreign debt of 31 trillion and with a mortgaged population of 330 million. Not by any measure are we a world power but as seen and as used by the US in their search for total world ownership and control, represent a very convenient source of land for military bases and a source of feet-on-the-ground military personnel to add something to US credibility with expendable military servicemen. The million people killed by the US in Iraq clearly indicates that humanity just doesn't register with them in any way. Just "collateral" damage as are all ......but the exceptional USA.

Australia is viewed as just a step different to the NATO US puppets but still totally compliant to the dictates of the likes of a Bush, a Trump aor as now, a feeble Biden, all as disturbing examples of US Presidents.

We once were a young and proud country, performing well above our weight. Now just one more appendage to a very, very sick USA, the greatest criminal in the history of our world.

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...and now you're just another one of our many bitches around the world.

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Very well put. A few very important wars I'd add to your list, Korea and Kosovo, aka the Yugoslavian war where they set up Europe's biggest military base... convenient, much?

Then there's the Economic Free Zone in China, a little engineered Opium War secured that one giving the US it's entry into the exploitation of the vast, untapped cheap labour, and writing that word reminds me that I lost faith with the Australian Labor Party when they changed name. It was hugely significant I felt at the time that they had removed (yo)'U' from 'their' Lab-'our' party.

Australia is a base for Pine Gap and Exmouth all part of the Five Eyes network and most likely one or even both of those has a HAARP like machine too.

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The UN recognises Taiwan as a province of China . The US State Dept still documents Taiwan is part of China. To think that the US gives a proverbial fig for the lives of those people in Taiwan, is to continue to believe they actually give a fig for the lives of those living in Ukraine. “”We will fight the Russians to the last Ukrainian “ is the often repeated mantra of senior US politicians.

The real question, is why the US state is now sanctioning around 30% of the world’s countries, is seeking to undermine and intimidate many others and has actively ran numerous war game scenarios where it provokes a war with China.

Finally, Julian Assange wrote, that the purpose of government was to extract money from taxpayers and give it corporations. Australians, you have to ask yourselves, isn’t this article by Caitlin, a chilling example of that very fact ?

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Yes ,”let China sought out China 🇨🇳. “ Australia has just opened positive dialogue with our best trading partner after years of hostility under a coalition government.

We have no business getting involved with the US jargon and war mongering.

I’d like to see Taiwan 🇹🇼 and China 🇨🇳 coordinate a diplomatic agreement.

We didn’t get involved when China regained control of Hong Kong 🇭🇰 why would we start now.

Many Australian politicians are weak minded imbeciles

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It becomes more and more apparent that the people of Australia do not have control of their government either! In fact when I see elections across the world it seems to be the exact copy of the US elections as in you get to choose between the two parties (both as criminal as you can get) and never a 3rd party to vote for! So this brings a logical conclusion in that the whole system is rigged against us! Or the whole planet has been brainwashed?

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We may be fighting a losing sum game.

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It’s amazing how some humans will sell out the lives of their loved ones for a paycheck and a slim chance to make it to the underground bunkers in time.

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I have an idea! Let's We The People send these warmongering whores to war! Even the old fucks like Biden! Give them some island like Boca Raton and let them have at each other.

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I was thinking, rusty oil barrels, rusty medieval weapon of choice, gladiator helmet. They can play a big game of bumper cars and murder each other until a typhoon hits. Then we get the rest of them.

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And put it all on YouTube.

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I was thinking live. Using drones to buzz them while it is being done. Create some currents to force them into a tight circle. Lol

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I was thinking something like "Survivor Island! Palm Beach Death Camp!"

My secretary and I originally came up with the idea of shipping HRC off to Libya so that she could see her handiwork and be welcomed by the locals there. Colorful tribal costumes and vibrant folk dances will be featured, as the people rip her bodily to pieces with their bare hands, right there on the airport tarmac.

The footage and her last flight all to be featured on YouTube. This is not because I am so bloodthirsty, but to make good and sure that the other sociopaths get the message,

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Kind of like the video for Frankie Goes to Hollywood's song Two Tribes.

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Of course it doesn't make sense for a puppet to volunteer itself for someone else's war. That's why the puppet is a "puppet"..

Note the way the debate is framed. Not "should we commit suicide at master's behest and is that really such a good idea?" but "Guns or knives? Which is the more effective way for us to off ourselves?"

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Yes, a corrupt puppet run by the most corrupt sociopathic money ADDICTS, the US, which built a corruption cartel taking over countries to EMBEZZLE from their governments. They took over the UK, Australia, Canada and NZ in the 70s-80s.

Here is the MINIMUM we need to know in order to end their reign, end the wars they lie us into, and take over to create a humane and cooperative system:

Remember Henry Ford said that there would be "revolution before tomorrow morning" if the people know how the money system actually worked?

Well, the corrupt sociopaths in power know that government money can be issued IN ANY AMOUNT for anything that is physically possible, and they have arranged scams for decades to EMBEZZLE that money!

The major one is "privatization", where they pretend they will run something better than the government and "like a business", but this scam is designed so they can bill the government ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. Wall Street firms fall over each other to invest - so do most Congress (or Parliament) members - when these entities are put on the stock market, because they know that profits are guaranteed via fiat government money.

The US has been taking over countries since WW2 to do this embezzling scam and has built a corruption cartel of many lapdog countries; the liars demonize any leader who does not submit, and will manipulate public opinion so we go along with the coups, invasions, assassinations, etc. We need to see the BS and FIGHT the lunatic money addicts and their inhumanity.

They lie us into wars & then embezzle most of the war money through "privatized" war companies, incarcerate people to enrich themselves via "privatized" prisons. "Privatized" healthcare enriches insurance companies and related companies & investors, another corruption scam where they get torrents of government money but do NOT spend it on the healthcare people need.

Vax companies and the digital ID systems to subjugate us are also privatized! The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many governments FOREVER while ensuring we could not rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. (Pretending there is not enough energy, oil, food is how they will try to force us to get those digital IDs - they will say it is so we can get our "rations" to try to survive.)

They use cloaking terms like "private" prisons, "for profit" healthcare, "public-private partnerships", etc, because they know that there is public backlash against privatization; we should always push back and use the CORRECT term when they do this. Currently, public education is being privatized by calling it "school choice" and "charter schools".

The lunatic money addicts in power lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, violating the Nuremberg code, war crimes and more.

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Yet, Ukraine is painted by many media outlets as having done just that, by covering far right militias and the neoliberal puppet, Zelensky, as freedom fighters. It seems Oz is being prepped for a similar fate.

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SMH = Sydney Morning Herald? More like Shaking My Head...

Armistice Day was a worldwide celebration, because people used to value peace, even if they rarely experienced it for long. Now, war is a video game or a Jerry Bruckheimer movie to most citizens of the Western countries waging ww3 on the 2nd and 3rd worlds.

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Thank you for this, I can't see China is threatening war at all with Australia and if the US is continuing to provoke China and Russia, the sane man would not join in. We need to learn to live at peace with our neighbours not making war on them. I feel very much the same about the hatred for Russia that is being driven by the western media.

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Sociopathic money ADDICTS do not want peace, they can embezzle trillions when they lie us into wars, and they are dysfunctional lunatics who want more "money fixes" of government money no matter what. They are not sane, not reasonable, and are totally unfit to govern! And the US crazies have been doing multipronged sabotage of the BRICS coalition since 2006 because BRICS was helping countries tries escape the clutches of the corrupt money-addicted embezzlers! THAT is why the demonization of Russia and China was done. Also, the US took over the UK , Australia, Canada and NZ in the 70s-80s, making them part of the US corruption cartel.

Here is the MINIMUM we need to know in order to end the reign of corrupt sociopathic money ADDICTS who have been embezzling government money for decades:

Remember Henry Ford said that there would be "revolution before tomorrow morning" if the people know how the money system actually worked?

Well, the corrupt sociopaths in power know that government money can be issued IN ANY AMOUNT for anything that is physically possible, and they have arranged scams for decades to EMBEZZLE that money!

The major one is "privatization", where they pretend they will run something better than the government and "like a business", but this scam is designed so they can bill the government ANY AMOUNT, providing massive exec salaries and insanely high profits. Wall Street firms fall over each other to invest - so do most Congress (or Parliament) members - when these entities are put on the stock market, because they know that profits are guaranteed via fiat government money.

The US has been taking over countries since WW2 to do this embezzling scam and has built a corruption cartel of many lapdog countries; the liars demonize any leader who does not submit, and will manipulate public opinion so we go along with the coups, invasions, assassinations, etc. We need to see the BS and FIGHT the lunatic money addicts and their inhumanity.

They lie us into wars & then embezzle most of the war money through "privatized" war companies, incarcerate people to enrich themselves via "privatized" prisons. "Privatized" healthcare enriches insurance companies and related companies & investors, another corruption scam where they get torrents of government money but do NOT spend it on the healthcare people need.

Vax companies and the digital ID systems to subjugate us are also privatized! The scheme was to get TRILLIONS from many governments FOREVER while ensuring we could not rise up to stop their corruption, tyranny and inhumanity. (Pretending there is not enough energy, oil, food is how they will try to force us to get those digital IDs - they will say it is so we can get our "rations" to try to survive.)

They use cloaking terms like "private" prisons, "for profit" healthcare, "public-private partnerships", etc, because they know that there is public backlash against privatization; we should always push back and use the CORRECT term when they do this. Currently, public education is being privatized by calling it "school choice" and "charter schools".

The lunatic money addicts in power lie, destroy and KILL for more "money fixes". They are totally UNFIT TO GOVERN and should face charges of dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, embezzling federal money, crimes against humanity, violating the Nuremberg code, war crimes and more.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Australia’s roles as mini me wannabe to the US and as its main fartcatcher are sickening. Wasn’t the shame of Iraq and Afghanistan and the exposure of their covered up SAS war crimes enough to make them pause at least, before saying “how high” every time they’re asked to jump?

Guess who leads the Western world for rape? Yup, your fair bunkum Aussies. Guess who is a very close second? Their embarrassing Uncle, Sam. That’s not including what they do in invaded countries. Coincidence?

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Being an American, and not an Australian, none of the names are at all familiar to me. However, your descriptions of who they are and how they are presented is eerily familiar. Just kidding. Identical to the MSM here. I’m sure that I’m imagining that. Don’t want to be one of them nutty conspiracy theorists./s

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Thankyou so much for condensing this propaganda into a 2 minute read. I would have been sick on myself if I had had to go on a mainstream site!

Who is going to be using Xi's 2million strong unpoisoned ( they took traditional vaccines) standing army after the internal chaos in the west is in full swing?

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Did anyone read The late Jim Molan's ' Danger on our Doorstep' ?

He raised some possibilities that might be part of a bigger picture during the coming info blackouts. The first chapters pretty much summarise the plan. I would ask him if he was alive. Not funny that he is not.

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Australia should invade Taiwan just to confuse everyone.

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