Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

And at risk of overstating the obvious, the increasingly strident demands for censorship are a sign of weakness and not of strength.

This is someone who knows thst her narrative will not stand up to scrutiny, so she tries thuggishly to silence those who would scrutinize it.

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_"And at risk of overstating the obvious, the increasingly strident demands for censorship are a sign of weakness and not of strength._"

I think that's an important point, but since our great leaders will never listen to it, there is not much hope to change their minds. Since it is a sign of weakness, it predicts the failure of those who promote it. What will follow may be better or worse, but it will surely be different.

Meanwhile, we proles must consider how to preserve our freedom and interests under the present circumstances. I suggest local activism and organization. And although voting doesn't count for much, don't vote for warmongers and police-statists.

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Watch How to Start a Revolution DVD documentary (it's not what you think) and read From Dictatorship to Democracy, the book by Dr Gene Sharp. It's only 5" x 7" and fewer than 125 pages of simple English, no academic talk at all.

You can buy a copy on eBay or from the Einstein Institution in Boston MA.

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Lord knows that many, not all, but many, of the AmCon articles were asinine, but the comments section kept me poking around.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Sure, they lied shamelessly about all the other wars, but you can trust the MSM, the politicians and the spooks using them as sock puppets to tell the truth this time. This time is different. In fact, this time is so different, that we cannot allow any dissent. Going further, dissent must be systematically rooted out.

Oh, and China and Russia are Bad because they don't give you the same freedom we do.

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I'm curious how many Chinese or Russians are in debt for life. Freedom is a highly liquid term these days. Oh, yeah, I'm in debt too, for medical bills I'll never pay. Peace

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

She is right about it being based on a lie, it's just not the lie she is trying to spin! The lies Biden's handler's put forth are the real lies.

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The like button isn't working so... LIKE

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I get that too and have to reload the page over and over! Thanks!

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Women at power were supposed to bring crucial change to the world of politics. Doesn't look like it's made any difference whatsoever.

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Power selects for sociopathy, not gender.

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What, women sociopaths? Really? I thought they were superior in every way. The peacemakers, the negotiators, the, the ... you know what I mean.

Seriously, though. I think women are more dangerous in positions of power since their natural strength is not in physical intimidation but in cunning. The former is obvious, the latter is subtle. Also, they're eager to do whatever it takes so they're seen as capable and achieving. Team players. Hence, easily manipulated by the actual controllers.

As we witness currently - look at how many of them are all over the place in the West and the shit we find ourselves in. The "controllers" are using this to their full advantage. It's a similar trick they played with the racial "inclusion" etc.

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Not a bit. Margaret Thatcher, Madeline Albright, Hillary Clinton....those are the first who come to mind. (Not top of mind like the poor dead Congress woman was for Biden. How long are our self proclaimed betters going to continue this particular charade?)

At any rate Jacinda appears to be suffering from some sort of delusional psychosis. I thought it was us proles suffering such maladies?

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Boris's replacement is an evil witch as well.

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Victoria Nuland

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Power corrupts, and women in power will be as corrupt as men in power.

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What is needed is not women acting like men but to honor the sacred feminine is to honor the feminine in everyone... nurturing, compassionate, cooperative, etc. The women's movement has been about women getting in touch with their masculine sides which has been sorely needed. Now men need to get in touch (everyone really) with the sacred feminine.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Balance and harmony are needed. Yang and Yin. More empowered people who honor both the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. Patriarchy needs to go the way of the dodo.

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Current thinkers promote various third genders. Those might combine things other than yin and yang.

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This is so disgusting it shows what utter contempt these people have towards us and the planet. What is so clearly evident too is how out in the open she is with her statements! So I think it's basically take the gloves off and treat this filth as the garbage it is at every chance! Being kind and nice in how you confront this scum doesn't work! So let's get nasty.

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Lying and stifling information are the hallmarks of fraudulent, illegitimate power. Americans were prevented from seeing flag-draped coffins arriving from Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush told Americans that they are hated for their freedom, Obama, who would have been violating federal law if he did it directly, sold munitions and weapons to Saudi who then gave them to recognized terrorists in Syria. Why are so many Americans okay with being lied to reflexively? McCarthyism was all about punishing people for their political perspectives. The de-platforming of America’s most committed journalists is because they report the truth that exposes the illegitimate, fraudulent state. Governor DeFascist in Florida has a predominantly white, right-wing state legislature, and they together are attempting to legislate embarrassing truths away, out of the scrutiny of students and citizens.

The lie of the benevolent American State is surviving on the fumes of indoctrination and propaganda. Billionaire dollars and endless numbers of charlatan Christian cheerleaders cannot erase the truth that millions of Americans see and know.

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Ardern is the horse fascist of the New Zealand sheep farm. Naturally she spoke at Harvard and bent the knee at Blackrock HQ when she visited America in the spring.

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Jacinda Ardern ... Gollum in drag.

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Speaking as a New Zealander, I think this is just toothy Hitler/Klaus Scwab Barbie auditioning for her next role. She's deeply deeply unpopular here in New Zealand, has an election coming up mid next year, and is obviously planning for her next job, doing something else for the WEF crowd.

BTW the thing that gets in the way of "fighting climate change" in New Zealand is not climate denial, that's not a New Zealand phenomena. The thing that gets in the way of fighting climate change in New Zealand WAS the combined power of the farming lobby, and big business not wanting to reduce their carbon footprints, and the government not wanting to pay for "mitigation" measures. WAS. After 5 years of her government, the green party has sold out completely and just promotes a WEF agenda with an extra helping of woke, and people are waking up to the way that governments are pivoting to use "the climate crisis" to further their WEF/great reset agenda. That is also going to get in the way of being able to force our government to do anything actually useful about climate change.

Things are looking good to replace her at the next election. Unfortunately, every party in parliament is marching in lockstep with her, so their isn't actually any one to replace her with who will actually be better.

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I don't accept the climate change dogma. I'm not anti-environment. If it was up to me not one more tree in tropical rainforest anywhere would be felled and the oceans would be cleared of plastic. I do have a science degree, so I claim some ability to properly understand the issue.

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Okay, but you are not representative of the vast majority of Kiwi's in this respect. The proportion of the population who denies climate change in our country is about the same as flat earthers.

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Excellent. Of course, Caitlin is correct that, "Ardern's remarks are currently getting a lot of criticism in right-wing circles," and unfortunately practically no criticism in "left-wing circles" other than Jimmy Dore. Disappointingly, the ACLU itself has been captured by identitarian ideologues and no longer fights unflinchingly for the 1st Amendment as it correctly did when neo-Nazis insisted on marching through Skokie.

Lefties need to not just tolerate speech they don't like but open their ears and respond if they can. I hear no rational response to observations that 1) the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) of 55 million years ago saw global temperatures 16 degrees C higher than today yet saw an explosion of variety in both flora and fauna, 2) CO2 levels are not a leading indicator of climate change, but a trailing indicator. AGW enthusiasts twist themselves into pretzels to explain that away, 3) the Milankovitch orbital cycles and Maunder minima in solar activity have a far greater effect on climate than CO2, 4) the efficiency with which CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere is not linearly dependent on CO2 concentrations and finally 5) contrary to the fear mongering over methane hydrates in the ocean, there are also forces that contribute to equilibrium such as the ability of plants to grow in more arid regions when CO2 levels are higher (because they have a reduced need for respiration and loss of moisture).

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Well written. I found out yesterday that there are Russian websites that i can no longer access. I think I’m being blocked. I’m in the US.

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RT has been blocked in the UK for months on most media. It may still be accessible on rumble.

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Check your browser's DNS settings and try changing to one of the public ones in case your provider took some initiative and does its own filtering. If yes, then you'll be able to see more. Fewer than before, though.

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Sad and dangerous. Who says tyranny and authoritarianism can't have a pretty face?

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Indeed, I agree, but Ardern does not have a pretty face.

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I've seen livelier looking skeletons!

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the ruling fascists know that the noose is tightening around their neck by the day. their only tool left to them at this point is terrorizing people into submission.

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I believe her speech to be hot air and the internet is already well and truly censored. It tries to make us believe that we have an open and healthy debate on issues online which simply isn’t true. The news and media are owned as are the internet service providers who deny access to sites and information. Before even getting into debate we have tens of thousands of government paid ‘official trolls’ denying access to information as well as spreading misinformation and disinformation that make an informed opinion impossible. That’s before adding the barrage of garbage spewed by haters and extremists. Here Ardern bleats too loudly making us think we have an uncensored internet when in fact the opposite is true. Only a few sites like this one actually seek the truth. Nothing in the MSM does.

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Why are all these "leaders" such cu**s?

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Because otherwise they would never be allowed to be leaders.

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That’s some criteria. I’d like to see the checklist.

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I rarely comment on YT because of shadow banning ... whether criticizing apartheid in Israel or questioning everything about the Covid narrative and the proxy wars ...

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The phrase "I believe climate change is real and anthropogenic" is religious in nature. Climate change is a belief system not a scientific discipline.

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