"A member of parliament from Germany’s Left Party has called for the thousands of US soldiers and nuclear weapons in her country to leave.
“After 78 years, it is now time for US soldiers to go home. All other allies left Germany a long time ago”, said Die Linke MP Sevim Dağdelen on the floor of Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag.
“The US nuclear weapons must go”, she added, in a March 31 parliamentary event on the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan."
Sadly, it's a realization I wish would descend like a warhead on all those "good American consumers" around me for whom that nightmare is lurking just around the corner. But what's sadder is that those of us who've been awake these past four years—who've seen this Gates-foundation-inspired shite-show as a gigantic totalitarian exercise in repressing freedom of thought and discourse—we too will likely get subsumed into the nightmare of our sleeping brothers and sisters. I fight the daily battle of resentment against their unwillingness to awaken. It is a lonely struggle.
Well, Dr. King died today 55 years ago. And I remember exactly where I was—in a grimy little rooming house in Minneapolis sobbing into the radio broadcast, as a soon to be nun friend of mine tried to persuade me to go marching with her mainly to keep “the blacks” from getting mad and breaking all the display windows in Dayton’s department store. Uffda. That’s when I gave up Liberals for good and ever. What a bunch of narci bitches.
King was an extraordinary individual ... living at a particularly extraordinary time in US history. Compared to the kind of leadership we have now - well there really is no comparison at all. Like comparing the Sun to a light bulb.
Ps. There’s a great article at Consortium News about the full spectrum dominance that the Libshits live off of now. By a Red from England I think. He’s very good.
Truly, he was. And when I think of all the others I was privileged to live in the time of—John Kennedy, Pope Paul VI, Big Trudeau in Canada, a real man , not the POS of a son they have now, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez—their art could still lead us today, Malcom X, Cesar Chavez—the leaders today are just Pygmies compared to these leaders, with apologies to Pygmies. In fact they are more than that—when you look at our potential leaders—Assange, Manning, Snowden—our leaders of today are murderous mafia criminals. However, the times they are a-changin’ and Caitlin and Greta are the new bosses. I’m proud to live in their time.
Ps. Not being Catholic and being an old foogy, I got the wrong pope—it was John XXIII. He was so wonderful. Took the mass out of Latin, tried to cross bridges with other religions, then died early in the 60’s—oddly, close to John Kennedy. Believe me, it changes you.
Dear Caitlin. I've been reading your posts avidly for a while, and loving them. I'm hugely impressed by your creativity, originality and courage. I'm in New Zealand and currently organising peace vigils to happen weekly at parliament, calling on our lily-livered government to stand up to the bullies and refuse to participate in anti-China warmongering. Is there peace movement action happening over there? Or are you it?
Fantastic! This should be a number one hit on every radio station in the English-speaking world. (Of course, we know why they won't play it. We see what's going on here, don't we?) #PowerToThePeople
Great poem, captures the sterility, perfectly. In the end it's all so boring, isn't it? Dead. Repetitive.
Like a moron on heavy sedatives trying to sell you a line. We can no longer convince ourselves there's something there. The French know the sound of hollow when they hear it, and Scholz, Baerbok, Macron - the latter in China demonstrating both sides of his mouth work simultaneously- ring hollow. And the EU and Ursula Von Der Leyen: who does she represent, and who is buying that petrified horse sh^t delivered on a silver platter, with supreme confidence and a haughty shrug?
“Exposing the Failure of Empire and Reclaiming the Narrative Creation Process”
Walterville, OR, March 29, 2023 – Publisher R. A. Kris Millegan invites the world to join Roundtable 18, FROM THE CRUSADES TO THE DEATH OF JFK, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? A message to King Charles on his coronation, from a “Birthdate Soulmate,” A FREE Zoom Event on April 5, 2023, from 3:00-4:30pm/EST. Reservations are required at Valediction.net.
Hosts include Paul Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gould and Earth Rights visionaries Alanna Hartzok and Wendell Fitzgerald.
“Alanna will read her letter to King Charles for his May 6th coronation (to be released to the mainstream media),” says Ms. Gould. “Having been born five hours apart on November 14, 1948, they are ‘Birthdate Soulmates,’ a mystical connection of great power we can all access.”
“The letter is packed with deeply researched knowledge on why the time is right for King Charles to get on the Earth Rights bandwagon, the idea that everyone has a right to the planet as a birthright." “When land and natural resource values – Commons Rent – become the primary source for raising public revenue, and the value of Earth’s resources are shared more fairly,” Ms. Gould explained, “economic justice will be created, which will lead the way to lasting world peace and plenty for all.”
Mr. Fitzgerald added, "There are many successful examples of the Earth rights approach to public finance throughout the world. We are using the interregnum from the September 8, 2022, death of Queen Elizabeth to the May 6, 2023, coronation of King Charles – and the June 10th 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Peace Speech – to promote the economics of peace, culminating, we hope, with a musical celebration in Ireland, the home of the Fitzgerald legacy, which runs ‘from the crusades to the death of JFK,’ as our Roundtable title says.”
Earth Rights economics news stories in the mainstream media:
Wall Street Journal, 2/14/23, Detroit Aims to Spur New Housing, Boost Property Values With Tax Change
The New Yorker, 2/20/23, How Monopoly Became America’s Cruelest Board Game
PBS, 2/20/23, Ruthless: Monopoly's Secret History
TrineDay’s Roundtables were inspired by THE VALEDICTION: Three Nights of Desmond, and THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection, by co-authors Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, who also wrote INVISIBLE HISTORY: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, CROSSING ZERO: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, and many articles reporting truths that the mainstream refuse to broadcast.
R. A. Kris Millegan, musician, writer/researcher, publisher at TrineDay and host of THE JOURNEY podcast, has 50+ years of reading, research and “hanging out” in “Conspiracy Theory Land.”
Alanna Hartzok, educator, activist and lecturer on economic justice, land rights, and commons rent public finance, is also the author of THE EARTH BELONGS TO EVERYONE. The FREE pdf is available here. Her presentation on the long history of the Earth Rights ethic, SACRED RULE ECONOMICS, can be seen here.
Wendell Fitzgerald was the Executive Director of the Northern California Henry George School of Social Science 1976-1979 and president of the board until 2019. He was elected from 2019-2020 to the Board of Schalkenbach Foundation, publisher of Henry George’s books.
TrineDay is a publishing house that arose in 2002 to publish many well-researched and well-written books that challenge official history and tend to rock the boat of America’s corporate culture.
I love it! Who the singer and the band? Is that you singing?
Yeah that's me.
Where's my friend feral finster?
It's happening in Germany, my friend!
"A member of parliament from Germany’s Left Party has called for the thousands of US soldiers and nuclear weapons in her country to leave.
“After 78 years, it is now time for US soldiers to go home. All other allies left Germany a long time ago”, said Die Linke MP Sevim Dağdelen on the floor of Germany’s parliament, the Bundestag.
“The US nuclear weapons must go”, she added, in a March 31 parliamentary event on the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan."
I’m tellin ya, it’s the women who are going bring down the good ole U. S. of A. Holes.
cut 'em Off
(from the Sex) &
CHANGE the World.
"You have to be asleep to have a nightmare."
Sadly, it's a realization I wish would descend like a warhead on all those "good American consumers" around me for whom that nightmare is lurking just around the corner. But what's sadder is that those of us who've been awake these past four years—who've seen this Gates-foundation-inspired shite-show as a gigantic totalitarian exercise in repressing freedom of thought and discourse—we too will likely get subsumed into the nightmare of our sleeping brothers and sisters. I fight the daily battle of resentment against their unwillingness to awaken. It is a lonely struggle.
Well, Dr. King died today 55 years ago. And I remember exactly where I was—in a grimy little rooming house in Minneapolis sobbing into the radio broadcast, as a soon to be nun friend of mine tried to persuade me to go marching with her mainly to keep “the blacks” from getting mad and breaking all the display windows in Dayton’s department store. Uffda. That’s when I gave up Liberals for good and ever. What a bunch of narci bitches.
King was an extraordinary individual ... living at a particularly extraordinary time in US history. Compared to the kind of leadership we have now - well there really is no comparison at all. Like comparing the Sun to a light bulb.
Ps. There’s a great article at Consortium News about the full spectrum dominance that the Libshits live off of now. By a Red from England I think. He’s very good.
Caitlin - are they coming after you?
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" ( not Gandhi)
Truly, he was. And when I think of all the others I was privileged to live in the time of—John Kennedy, Pope Paul VI, Big Trudeau in Canada, a real man , not the POS of a son they have now, Bob Dylan and Joan Baez—their art could still lead us today, Malcom X, Cesar Chavez—the leaders today are just Pygmies compared to these leaders, with apologies to Pygmies. In fact they are more than that—when you look at our potential leaders—Assange, Manning, Snowden—our leaders of today are murderous mafia criminals. However, the times they are a-changin’ and Caitlin and Greta are the new bosses. I’m proud to live in their time.
"Bob Dylan and Joan Baez—
their art could still lead us today.... "
We NEED Anthems!
with Awesome videos too.
Thanks Caitlin!
Yay Caitlin!!!! I especially liked the 4th verse of her song. And I love the slightly discordant music accompaniment. Fits the times.
Ps. Not being Catholic and being an old foogy, I got the wrong pope—it was John XXIII. He was so wonderful. Took the mass out of Latin, tried to cross bridges with other religions, then died early in the 60’s—oddly, close to John Kennedy. Believe me, it changes you.
a third of a Million Earthlings
Die every bloody Day.
how come Rupert
Mudroach isn't
one of them?
Hahahahha! My 1st laugh of the day, and I did a spit take! 🫢
stolen from
Oliver Stone's
disturbing 'U-Turn'
from the hapless 'Bobby'*
wondering why billy bob thorton's
character who'd stolen his gun
& disassembled the front end
of his Classic 1966 Mustang
Convertible to 'repair' his
radiator hose.
*Sean Penn along
with Jon Voight, Powers
Boothe, Joaquin Phoenix
Claire Danes and Nick Nolte.
oh and Jay-Lo
I think you should change your name to Rascalfarian. 🤗🥳🥰
thnx! and apologies
to your screen.
Again!!! I just got it wiped off and you did it again!! 🤗😆🤪💜🙏
gonna get
me Banned.
Never!!!! They say laughter is the best medicine, so Doc—keep it up!.
Like we could have a slogan of “A laugh a day keeps the fascists away”. At least it confuses them. So, a toast—🥂. Confusion to our enemies. 🤗🥰🤠
mocking fascists' Absurdities
may be our Best Weapon!
we'll need Slogans & a
Soundtrack something
Peppy -- No funeral
durges tho we'll
need to invent
some for the
Fascists. Tie
the trumpf-
ster to one
see What
Work! Cheers
indeed! Happy
Indictment Day!
🎶🎉🎄🧨🎶 !!
As always, Caitlin, you nail it!
Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
'Til you spend half your life just coverin' up
Born in the U.S.A
I was born in the U.S.A
I was born in the U.S.A
Born in the U.S.A
Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand
Sent me off to a foreign land
To go and kill the yellow man
Born in the U.S.A
I was born in the U.S.A
I was born in the U.S.A
I was born in the U.S.A
Come back home to the refinery
Hiring man says, "Son if it was up to me"
Went down to see my V.A. man
He said, "Son, don't you understand"
I had a brother at Khe Sanh
Fighting off the Viet Cong
They're still there, he's all gone
He had a woman he loved in Saigon
I got a picture of him in her arms now
Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
I'm ten years burning down the road
Nowhere to run ain't got nowhere to go
Born in the U.S.A
I was born in the U.S.A. now
Born in the U.S.A
I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A. now
Born in the U.S.A
Born in the U.S.A
Born in the U.S.A
I'm a cool rockin' Daddy in the U.S.A. now
~Bruce Springsteen
Love it. Thanks for my wake up tune!
Dear Caitlin. I've been reading your posts avidly for a while, and loving them. I'm hugely impressed by your creativity, originality and courage. I'm in New Zealand and currently organising peace vigils to happen weekly at parliament, calling on our lily-livered government to stand up to the bullies and refuse to participate in anti-China warmongering. Is there peace movement action happening over there? Or are you it?
Gratefully subscribed.
Fantastic! This should be a number one hit on every radio station in the English-speaking world. (Of course, we know why they won't play it. We see what's going on here, don't we?) #PowerToThePeople
Great song. Kudos! —Jim Gala, The Gala Report: https://thegalareport.substack.com/
Love it! But! Let’s not get distracted. This is important: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/guide-understanding-hoax-century-thirteen-ways-looking-disinformation
Great poem, captures the sterility, perfectly. In the end it's all so boring, isn't it? Dead. Repetitive.
Like a moron on heavy sedatives trying to sell you a line. We can no longer convince ourselves there's something there. The French know the sound of hollow when they hear it, and Scholz, Baerbok, Macron - the latter in China demonstrating both sides of his mouth work simultaneously- ring hollow. And the EU and Ursula Von Der Leyen: who does she represent, and who is buying that petrified horse sh^t delivered on a silver platter, with supreme confidence and a haughty shrug?
Caitlin - onward to Earth Rights Democracy!
“Exposing the Failure of Empire and Reclaiming the Narrative Creation Process”
Walterville, OR, March 29, 2023 – Publisher R. A. Kris Millegan invites the world to join Roundtable 18, FROM THE CRUSADES TO THE DEATH OF JFK, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? A message to King Charles on his coronation, from a “Birthdate Soulmate,” A FREE Zoom Event on April 5, 2023, from 3:00-4:30pm/EST. Reservations are required at Valediction.net.
Hosts include Paul Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Gould and Earth Rights visionaries Alanna Hartzok and Wendell Fitzgerald.
“Alanna will read her letter to King Charles for his May 6th coronation (to be released to the mainstream media),” says Ms. Gould. “Having been born five hours apart on November 14, 1948, they are ‘Birthdate Soulmates,’ a mystical connection of great power we can all access.”
“The letter is packed with deeply researched knowledge on why the time is right for King Charles to get on the Earth Rights bandwagon, the idea that everyone has a right to the planet as a birthright." “When land and natural resource values – Commons Rent – become the primary source for raising public revenue, and the value of Earth’s resources are shared more fairly,” Ms. Gould explained, “economic justice will be created, which will lead the way to lasting world peace and plenty for all.”
Mr. Fitzgerald added, "There are many successful examples of the Earth rights approach to public finance throughout the world. We are using the interregnum from the September 8, 2022, death of Queen Elizabeth to the May 6, 2023, coronation of King Charles – and the June 10th 60th Anniversary of JFK’s Peace Speech – to promote the economics of peace, culminating, we hope, with a musical celebration in Ireland, the home of the Fitzgerald legacy, which runs ‘from the crusades to the death of JFK,’ as our Roundtable title says.”
Earth Rights economics news stories in the mainstream media:
Wall Street Journal, 2/14/23, Detroit Aims to Spur New Housing, Boost Property Values With Tax Change
The New Yorker, 2/20/23, How Monopoly Became America’s Cruelest Board Game
PBS, 2/20/23, Ruthless: Monopoly's Secret History
TrineDay’s Roundtables were inspired by THE VALEDICTION: Three Nights of Desmond, and THE VALEDICTION: Resurrection, by co-authors Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, who also wrote INVISIBLE HISTORY: Afghanistan’s Untold Story, CROSSING ZERO: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, and many articles reporting truths that the mainstream refuse to broadcast.
R. A. Kris Millegan, musician, writer/researcher, publisher at TrineDay and host of THE JOURNEY podcast, has 50+ years of reading, research and “hanging out” in “Conspiracy Theory Land.”
Alanna Hartzok, educator, activist and lecturer on economic justice, land rights, and commons rent public finance, is also the author of THE EARTH BELONGS TO EVERYONE. The FREE pdf is available here. Her presentation on the long history of the Earth Rights ethic, SACRED RULE ECONOMICS, can be seen here.
Wendell Fitzgerald was the Executive Director of the Northern California Henry George School of Social Science 1976-1979 and president of the board until 2019. He was elected from 2019-2020 to the Board of Schalkenbach Foundation, publisher of Henry George’s books.
TrineDay is a publishing house that arose in 2002 to publish many well-researched and well-written books that challenge official history and tend to rock the boat of America’s corporate culture.
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould
197 Forest Street
Winchester, MA 01890