You never know what you'll find in the latest Caitlin post. Usually it's a narrative dismantling essay, though it might be a tale of a physicist talking with an extra-terrestrial or a touching poem/song of how alienating the dominant culture can feel.

In her willingness to share what and wherever her creative nature leads, she is modeling how the powers-that-be will be ushered into retirement: from all directions and every angle. Their think tanks are no doubt crafting strategies for defeating the resistance they know is coming. But as Sun Tzu said 2,500 years ago, "Preparedness everywhere means lack everywhere."

Thank you Ms. Johnstone. It is a highlight of my mornings, discovering your next helpful, and so often surprising, offering.

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Perfect, except for the unnecessary slander against vultures. I'm a member of the Vulture anti-defamation league and I object to the slur on vultures, who are the "custodians of the land" that you say we should be listening to. When we listen to the land, we realize what benefits the vultures bring. The vulture is considered a "bird of prey" but it does not kill, it cleans up what others have killed or what has dies by other causes. The vulture is my totem bird and is the black robed, bald headed, zen monk of the airways surfing the thermal waves of the empty sky.

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You targeted how I feel every single day in this one song. Going to talk to my friend and see if we can do a version of it. Thank you so much for sharing your art with us. It’s truth and beauty and I cried.

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I've been selected to become rogue, in vogue, with filtered silence as a backdrop..

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It resonates, it resonates!

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Beautiful. Very Lou Reed-like.

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Brilliant 🙏💓

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“Lie with me” has a different meaning for me. Just saying

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Caitlin you are not alone. Kisses from Brazil

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"My culture is a vulture" says a ton about our values. Well said! Thanks. Yet in the midst of this despair, workers (so-called "essential" for a year) continue to struggle for meaning and a tiny slice of cake (let them eat). Here's my "song, a no-CEO Swing tribute to those workers upon whose backs the society is actually supported.


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That line about vultures was the only wrong note. There is absolutely nothing wrong with vultures. They are the custodians who clean up the messes made by others. if only our culture was a vulture, then we would be listening to the land.. It is because our culture is not a vulture that we are polluting and destroying the land.

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Yes indeed, your biology is very sound. But when applied to vulturous hyper-consumers like humans, the connotation is vastly different. Probably, locusts or perpetual cicadas if you want to stretch it, but I'm not one to mess with the rhythm, rhyme or symmetry of Caitlin's lyrics.

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"And scavenger men

Looking for scavenger means

To predate on vulnerable people"

Describes hyenas, not vultures.

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