You are a beautiful human being Caitlin - I love everything you stand for - Knowing that people like you exist amidst this fuckin shit show gives me hope - deep love to you and Tim xxxx

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You just took all those words from my mind. That's precisely what I think. It should there be many more people like Caitlin. Then the world would sure be a better place. Thanks Bernie and thanks Caitlin.

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Good to see you along with your bold poignant 'Crazy' poem. Grateful for your presence.

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I need you and I love you too,...... because you are very kindness, very intelligent and because you tell the truth,.......all my respect, admiration and love for you and your family,.......

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You, Caitlin, be one Hellava Gifted Writer, Poet, and REALPolitik Journalist!!!



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Thank you - just ordered your new book of poems

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Excellent. Once again, congratulations for your great work.

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 “If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can warm me I know that is poetry. If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. These are the only way I know it. Is there any other way?”


To Thomas Wentworth Higginson, c. 1870

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You are the coolest and most inspiring human alive at this time! Thank you for all that you write and share.

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Just ordered ❤️

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Just read the first 30 pages. Great work as always. Your voice makes me feel a little bit sane.

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I tried to read the texts, but I just couldn't. Your fingernail polish is chipped.

What kind of woman doesn't check her nail polish before taking photos? SMDH


JK: Beautiful words as always.

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But gorgeous eyebrows.

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Is that book of yours available on Amazon in Japan?

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Empiradol! I live in the Valley of the Empiradols! Hurray for Lao-Sue and her reality-hacking antidote.

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The more I know. I know that I know nothing..

what a world we living in. So complicated 😫 😪

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I got the notion to copyright a poem disguised as a copyleft. Just me?

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