If there’s any positive that has emerged from this genocide, that it has awakened the humanity that was crushed within millions of souls. That it took the blood of thousands of children reflects the state of our collective conscience.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

My sentiments exactly - for the longest time we had no regard for human life - this changed everything!!

More imperative is that Caitlin has not relented with her reporting while so many others have!

Happy Thanksgiving? Seriously? The way I see it this is a billion times worse than 9-11 ever was

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sorry but 9/11 was a blip in the Oceans of death caused by the US.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

Yes but what I'm saying is what is happening in Gaza is a billion times worse than 911

911 was one shot one day not weeks on end of torture and death - yes the people in the towers suffered but not nearly as sustained as what's happening in Gaza - I live 10 mins outside of NYC

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Not to mention 9/11 was an inside job…

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

Covid was a huge awakening to the massive extent of the corruption. It really shined a light on everything! Now? Thankfully no one believes anything! Look at Gaza and the huge outpouring around the world? The irony being? Ready for this? Netanyahu has brought such scorn to the entire Israel population. I think it's deliberate. First he wiped out how many with the lethal injections while raking in how much profit from pharma? Then on October 7th the Israel Defense Forces murdered how many hundreds of Israel's under the false guise of needing to eradicate Hamas and now this? He is the worst PM in the history of their existence and has prevented the two State solution. Experts are calling for the eradication of Israel and I agree. NOT the people and just Israel itself. They will never recover from this atrocity! Reputation. Not sure if it's on par with Hitler - although it's a great discussion.

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Yes to almost everything you say and here in France we are having some pretty nasty crimes against Arabs and Jews. I don't think Netanyahu has yet realised how he has compromised the good Jewish people.

Take the Ultra Orthodox Jews out of the picture and maybe Israel has a chance.

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Keep drinking the kool-aid.

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Guantanamo detainees might disagree.

What happened on the day served as an excuse to launch a series of attacks against nations which had not even attacked the US.

Remember 20+ years of warfare?

Netanyahu claimed it was all very good for the Israel.

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But it was not about death (which means nothing to these globalist parasites); well not directly anyway. 1. It was a huge wealth transfer and 2. It sparked the "war on terror" ... that has killed how many ?, 3. It installed both fear in people and the divide you see now in ESPECIALLY the US; but this card is now being played again ...

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No it wasn't it was about what came after: Homeland Security!!!!

I think many of us know this Twin Towers episode was planned by the US Government.

What interests me is how many people in the US really know what is going on?

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Good question per se - before all of this? Perhaps none. Now? There's probably doubt! The term conspiracy theorist doesn't have the same impact it once did.

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How many people anywhere really know what is going on?

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Argue as much as you want... the end result WAS the war on terror or whatever it was called.

Homeland security (thanks for reminding me, is again about control).

Regards last sentence; same over here in the UK and EU ... so many do not have an effing clue; because they live in their happy little World, think the government were elected by them and "there to help them"... basically braindead morons...

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Bob you read wrongly. I was agreeing with you. My mistake probably.

Homeland Security now watches everyone...........

If you are talking about England I believe you they are nothing but a parasite on the US ship.

Europe is a LOT more complicated I think.

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and... while it all becomes ‘normalized’... (the new ‘buzzword’ that attempts to makes the current atrocious atrocities currently happening on planet earth all ok.)

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WE? “had no regard for human life? “ Which WE is that pray tell. LOOKING SUSPICIOUSLY at my bot radar

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We, as in society as a whole. People stopped caring! Death meant nothing. Gaza has really turned thing's around! Look at the protests and looks whose in them? That people could truly have empathy again is a miracle! Things happen people protest - end of story. Not this time - this has really resonated.

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Are you about 15? Glad you are glad, but i think you are speaking for yourself and a few others you know. Millions perhaps billions have cared for msny years...If you think this “ resonabce “ is goung to change the actions of the empire you will be very disappointed .

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Oh hell know I'm middle aged in my 60's! I live outside of NYC and have dealt with people my entire life! Customer service, hospitality, etc. and I can tell you first hand we have lost all regard for human life! You not only see it all around you but then you read about continuously! Just when you think you can't be shocked something worse happens!

How to you start wars for profit and send thousands of our service people to their deaths? Every single one of these war casualties are sons and daughters - mothers and fathers - brothers and sisters, grandsons and granddaughters, nieces and nephews, cousins, co-workers, neighbors, classmates, boy friend's and girlfriends. We have always had war but not like this!

Nearly a half million Ukrainian soldiers were all sent to theirs deaths in the name of a proxy war by the USA? Everyone knew what would happen and yet they still did it.

Millions and millions of people throughout the entire Middle East have been killed and or relocated! It was never ever this bad - ever! Back then people actually had consciences - not anymore! Look at the bodies piled in the streets of Gaza like garbage thrown to the curb!

I volunteered for over a month at Ground Zero - do you know three days later, people reverted right back to their usual selves? We ran a make-shift police headquarters and that's all they talked about - how quickly all of it evaporated! It was astonishing and throughout the years it's gotten a billion times worse! No one cares no one has empathy!

I always attributed it to the cell phones and living in the most narcissistic society the world has ever known - "it's all about me".

And then this happened and it just blew me away. Six weeks later and the empathy is metastasizing throughout the entire world! I truly believe no one ever fathomed it which is why Israel is spending a billion dollars on PR! And what shocks me even more is that it's the young kids that are so cognizant!

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Perfect example ok? That Bin Laden letter was on the Guardian web site for 21 years! Gaza happens and the kids started re-tweeting (I don't know if that's the right word because I think it was tic tock which I have no idea what any of this is) until they now removed it! The things they were saying were awesome - "I had no idea the governments lied to me"

How great was this the world was waking up and caring!!!!

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There can be nothing positive about genocide.

Those that didn't know this is the result of 76 years of colonialism is entirely due to their own laziness.

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This is true. Pardon my poor choice of word.

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Wow judgement much? everyone can’t know everything. That’s the reason that we have freedom of the press and freedom of speech -because of discourse between human beings, which educates others. Your stark criticism smacks of inauthenticity.

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Freedom of the Press?

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If this is colonialism, where is the original Colony located?

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You cannot claim local ancestry with religion.

Ancestry and religion are separate.

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wherever the jewish refugees first settled. probably more than one place, but smack dab in the middle of the land belonging to the inhabitants, the Palestinians.

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Go to Wikipedia and search Palestine. Then read the history of the ‘region called Palestine’.

You will then see that this region was first inhabited by the Canaanite’s as documented over 3,000 years ago who were the original peoples of the Jewish religion. Palestine had never been a state in history as explained by. Wikipedia, but has always been a region that historically encompassed several of the current Middle Eastern countries controlled by different entities.

So I ask again, where is the original Colony of the Jewish people if you are now trying to call them colonizers? Given the historical facts of the region, it really doesn’t fit the narrative you are trying to paint, but that’s because it’s a much more complicated issue than what you are trying to express as facts. The Jewish people have had a base there for over 3,000 years, and you are trying to say that it was created in recent history.

Remember, there was something called a diaspora where Jews were forced from their traditional homelands in the Middle East. They were then also forced from them in Europe. So think about it in more complex terms than the simple oppressed and oppressor where you want to call the Jewish state the oppressors. If you compare it to returning America to the Native Americans, then you should want to return just a small region of Palestine, the original homeland of the Jewish religion to the Jewish people.

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One can only hope ... :(

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It has, has it?

After long term consequences from the abuse I received in the Canadian military, I recently started a claim for compensation with Veteran's Affairs; they want me to visit an audiologist and a medical doctor to substantiate that claim. Trouble is, here in British Columbia, the mass murderering Provincial Health Minister Adrian Dix has reinstituted mask wearing in all health care settings! I WILL NOT WEAR A USELESS IF NOT HARMFUL BLOODY MASK!! But if I go into a clinic without? I'll be refused service. If I persist, they'll call the police and I'll be arrested. I'll be looking at a massive fine and possibly prison time and I can kiss my security guard job goodbye. Any protests in this province over this latest insane, asinine policy? Any active resistance? Any doctors have spoken out? Not that I've heard. They're still pushing The Lethal Injections as hard as they can. Vaccine reactions are dismissed as "Long Covid", deaths attributed to "anything but the vaccine."

Thus I can kiss that compensation goodbye. What will it take, to wake the Morons up? Bodies in the streets? Because it's beginning to look like it.

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This is just what I needed to read today. I was "accused" of creating anxiety and tension for posting the youtube video of Stuart Seldowitz harangueing the street vendor...on an anti war list serve!! I am suprised but even more, I am sickened by the depravity of the empire.

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They need us to lose our religion and even for the masses; lose our morality. After that, we are all ignorant, zombified morons that are easy to control.

PS OK; more to it than that, but you get the gist I hope !.

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Unfortunately, some of us went to and covered Salvador, Guatemala, even Mexico.

We've seen the headless bodies in the streets, and forget about the fetuses pulled out of pregnant women?

Raped and murdered nuns? Welcome, Fort Benning School of the Ugly and Murderous Americas.

Babies, pregnant women, aunts, grannies, boys and girl, teens, young college aged folk. THIS IS WHAT THE WEST IS ABOUT.



David Swanson = The U.S. government has a habit of supporting brutal (and comically outrageous) dictators. This book offers 20 current examples, together with some background on historical patterns, some explanation for why this happens, and a proposal to put an end to it.

As documented here, the U.S. government arms, trains, and funds all variety of oppressive governments, not just dictatorships. The choice to focus on dictatorships in this book was not made merely to shorten the list. Rather, that choice was made because the U.S. government so often claims to be opposing dictators through the promotion of democracy. Frequently, the atrocious conduct of a dictator is a central selling point for a new war or coup or program of sanctions.

Yet neither Saddam Hussein’s horrific (though fictional) removal of babies from incubators nor Manuel Noriega’s cavorting in red underwear with prostitutes while snorting cocaine and praying to voodoo gods (as the New York Times solemnly informed us on December 26, 1989) rivals the moral horror or the glorious goofiness of the 20 tyrants described in this book.


Millions mudered thanks to USA, Five Eyes, UK, EuroTrash, Klanada.

Blum’s list of instances of the United States attempting to suppress a populist or nationalist movement (* indicates success), but first, millions slaughtered man, USA go USA:

East Timor

In December 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor. This incursion was launched the day after U.S. President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had left Indonesia where they had given President Suharto permission to use American arms, which under U.S. law, could not be used for aggression. Daniel Moynihan, U.S. ambassador to the UN. said that the U.S. wanted “things to turn out as they did.” The result was an estimated 200,000 dead out of a population of 700,000.

Sixteen years later, on November 12, 1991, two hundred and seventeen East Timorese protesters in Dili, many of them children, marching from a memorial service, were gunned down by Indonesian Kopassus shock troops who were headed by U.S.- trained commanders Prabowo Subianto (son in law of General Suharto) and Kiki Syahnakri. Trucks were seen dumping bodies into the sea.


In 1965, in Indonesia, a coup replaced General Sukarno with General Suharto as leader. The U.S. played a role in that change of government. Robert Martens,a former officer in the U.S. embassy in Indonesia, described how U.S. diplomats and CIA officers provided up to 5,000 names to Indonesian Army death squads in 1965 and checked them off as they were killed or captured. Martens admitted that “I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that’s not all bad. There’s a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment.” Estimates of the number of deaths range from 500,000 to 3 million.

From 1993 to 1997 the U.S. provided Jakarta with almost $400 million in economic aid and sold tens of million of dollars of weaponry to that nation. U.S. Green Berets provided training for the Indonesia’s elite force which was responsible for many of atrocities in East Timor.

China – 1945-49

France – 1947 *

Italy – 1947-1970s *

Greece – 1947-49 *

Philippines – 1945-53 *

Korea – 1945-53 *

Haiti – 1959 *

Laos – 1957-73

Vietnam – 1961-73

Thailand – 1965-73 *

Peru – 1965 *

Dominican Republic – 1965 *

Uruguay – 1969-72 *

South Africa – 1960s-1980s

East Timor – 1975-1999 *

Philippines – 1970s-1990s *

El Salvador – 1980-92 *

Colombia – 1990s to early 2000s *

Peru – 1997 *

Iraq – 2003 to present *

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As a child in my father’s country of Greece I recall the CIA led coup and Junta against our democratically elected prime-minister. I think it was 1973-1974. College students were being shot at from helicopters. I was 9 or 10. My guitar teacher, a Greek patriot who had lived through Nazi occupation and a civil war, was not interested in seeing more bloodshed and fled to Canada. I never heard from that sweet man again.

For years neighbors suspected my dad was CIA because my mom was American. Our school, American Community School of Athens Greece, had ongoing bomb threats. It became normalized for us and our fellow international students who included US Airforce military kids, and diplomats’ kids from around the world.

The US was smuggling guns from Greece to the Afghan Taliban back then in its endless war of attrition against Russia. Don’t ask how I know this from first hand.

My fellow Greeks are still reeling economically from US/CIA meddling.

The goddamed USA has been fucking people’s lives and countries for over two centuries.

No. We never REALLY get used to it, but we learn to adapt or die. Literally.

Yesterday my partner, Guy McPherson, tried again to locate documents in a legal case that a deceased lawyer was helping him with, pro bono. This lawyer died mysteriously by falling on a dock in the Bahamas two years ago. All of Guy’s records in this lawyer’s files have since disappeared. The case was suing the US government for spying on Guy and destroying his ability to work by shadow banning him and vicious defamation.

The lawyer, Gerald Maples, was previously successful in numerous cases against the fossil fuel industry to the tune of hundreds of millions in rewards. He was dangerous, as is Guy’s warning of our impending extinction.

I repeat: The goddamed USA has been fucking people’s lives and countries for over two centuries.

No. We never REALLY get used to it, but we learn to adapt or die. Literally.

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Hi Pauline

I’m part Cypriot myself, as well as other Mediterranean nationalities.

My father was an immigrant who married an American as well.

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Oh, more than two centuries, and of course, the Anglo Saxons pushed that fucking DNA into this land before the 1776 bombs bursting in air. The City of London, Rhodes, the entire British Inbred Empire, part of the formula.

Nazis unite:

Prescott Bush (grandfather of George W. Bush) was a partner in Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. and director of the Union Banking Corporation, closely linked to the interests of German corporations, including Thyssen Stahl, an important company involved in the arms industry of the Third Reich.

The Bush family links to Nazi Germany’s war economy were first brought to light at the Nuremberg trials in the testimony of Nazi Germany’s steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.

Thyssen was a partner of George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush:

“From 1945 until 1949 in Nuremberg, one of the lengthiest and, it now appears, most futile interrogations of a Nazi war crimes suspect began in the American Zone of Occupied Germany.

Multibillionaire steel magnate Fritz Thyssen –-the man whose steel combine was the cold heart of the Nazi war machine– talked and talked and talked to a joint US-UK interrogation team.

… What the Allied investigators never understood was that they were not asking Thyssen the right question. Thyssen did not need any foreign bank accounts because his family secretly owned an entire chain of banks.

He did not have to transfer his Nazi assets at the end of World War II, all he had to do was transfer the ownership documents – stocks, bonds, deeds and trusts–from his bank in Berlin through his bank in Holland to his American friends in New York City: Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker [father in law of Prescott Bush]. Thyssen’s partners in crime were the father and [grandfather] of a future President of the United States [George Herbert Walker Bush]. (John Loftus, How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis: The Dutch Connection)

The American public was not aware of the links of the Bush family to Nazi Germany because the historical record had been carefully withheld by the mainstream media. In September 2004, however, The Guardian revealed that:

George Bush’s grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. …

His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.”

(Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell, How the Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitlers Rise to Power)


History: Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

The key structures that defined the post-war development strategy of the West were the central financial institutions of Great Britain and the United States — the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) — and the associated financial and industrial organizations set out as a means to establish absolute control over the financial system of Germany and its ability to control political processes in Central Europe.

To implement this strategy, the following stages were envisaged:

From 1919 to 1924 — to prepare the ground for massive American financial investment in the German economy;

From 1924 to 1929 — the establishment of control over the financial system of Germany and financial support for Nazism (“national socialism”);

From 1929 to 1933 — provoking and unleashing a deep financial and economic crisis and ensuring the Nazis come to power;

From 1933 to 1939 — financial cooperation with the Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing a new World War.

RE: By Yuri Rubtsov, May 2016


1932 Secret Agreement: Wall Street Finances Hitler’s Nazi Party


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Yes. The Bush crime syndicate replicated much of what Hitler did. No one noticed because very few study history in the US.

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I've gone down that rabbit hole, if you have any lingering questions I'm willing to try answering them.

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What's the matter? Nobody reads your substack so you troll the ones people actually read?

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Well said. Guy has been attacked by TPTB becasue he tells it like it IS.

Although Guy McPherson's timing has been somewhat early, his empirical science based, objective contention that 🚨📢 Human Civilization is a Heat Engine that will cause our extinction, along with that of all other high order mammalian vertebrate species, is irrefutable. Guy McPherson is right.

Where I respectfully differ with Guy is in what the ROOT CAUSE of this species suicide is. I am convinced it is NOT "cheap" energy embracing/comfort seeking by cause and effect challenged humans, though that is certainly the overt deadly modus vivendi that is doing us in. I content that it is the embrace, by TPTB (who have, for over 150 years now, propagandized MOST of the people in the industrialized nations of the world with their ideology) of the environmentally destructive AND morally bankrupt ideology of SOCIAL DARWINISM.

Guy, to his credit, always wishes to focus on ROOT causes, because a problem can never really be solved without identifying the root cause of said problem.

The following is a brief rant on why I believe the ROOT cause of the Human "civilization" Extinction Train is the socially destructive ideology of SOCIAL DARWINISM:

😠 Social Darwinists believe that ethics based principles are 'limitations pretending to be virtues'. To them, ethics are 'feel good illusions' that humans invented to pretend our species has empathy. To Social Darwinists, empathy is irrefutable evidence of inexcusable weakness. To them, all who are guided by ethics are deluded fools that should be eliminated from the human 'apex predator' gene pool for the "good" of our species.

Social Darwinists believe that the dictum, “survival of the fittest” (a term coined not by Charles Darwin but by sociologist Herbert Spencer), means that only the "fittest" should survive. Darwin's book published later ("Descent of Man") made it clear that Darwin completely supported the morally bankrupt views of Spencer.

Enthusiastic converts to Social Darwinism have, to this day, used the language of evolution to frame an understanding of the growing gulf between the rich and the poor, as well as the many differences between cultures all over the world. The explanation they arrived at, and continue to use to justify biosphere trashing profit over people and planet, regardless of any alligator tear filled mendacious claims to the contrary, is that businessmen and others who are economically and socially successful are so because they are biologically and socially “naturally” the fittest. 🙄🤔

Conversely, they reason that the poor are “naturally” weak and unfit and it would be an error to allow the weak of the species to continue to breed. 😡 Anyone paying attention can SEE that Netanyahu's Government, AND ANYONE or ANY GOVERNMENT (i.e. 😈 US) supporting it, IS a 🦖 SOCIAL DARWINIST, whether they consciously carry that label or not.

The ideology of the Social Darwinist is indistinguishable from the despicable ideology of NAZI Germany, clearly exemplified in their brutally enforced morally bankrupt concentration camp law: “Eat your own bread, and if you can, that of your neighbor.”

The "Apex Predators have a DARWINIAN RESPONSIBILITY to BE as PREDATORILY EVOLVED (SEE: Steal everything that is not nailed down.) as possible" WORLDVIEW is the socially destructive tsunami now engulfing human society.

What all the entrenched insiders among the parasitic, predatory (i.e. Social Darwinist) elites and institutions don't dare admit publicly, though they celebrate that privately, is that to protect themselves from consequence, making the rest of us sacrifice everything else is what they-the-Apex-Predators have a DARWINIAN DUTY to DO. After all, Homo sapiens is "just the result of random undirected processes", the more you can "enlightened self interest" DO to get MORE POWER by causing, directly or indirectly, the death of human competitors for the species gene pool high ground, "the better".

Social 😈 Darwinists champion 🦍 Kafkaesque survival olympics. 😠

Frugality and prudence, once accepted by all human cultures as sine qua non, has given way to massive excess by TPTB (and too many of the, brainwashed by the "education system", non-rich populace) and a level of craziness in culture ethical humans never imagined they would experience.

A society whose elites, BECAUSE of their TOTAL embrace of the morally bankrupt SOCIAL DARWINIST IDEOLOGY, are so self-serving, corrupt, unaccountable and devoid of any sense of good and evil is doomed.

It's NOT "the economy, stupid!"

It's the Social Darwinism, stupid!


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Thanks for trusting in the truth that Guy shares. I would simply say about Social Darwinists as you described them that they sound like Hitler’s and Mussolini’s fascist armies. Also, Herbert Spencer did not coin that phrase, Survival of the Fittest, though he may have used it in some context I’m unfamiliar with. (I majored in Sociology and Anthropology) That awful quote was from a right wing writer or journalist in late 1800’s and I don’t recall his name. He was celebrating brutality and bullies.

Bullies show up in every empire and every age. We don’t need to vote for them.

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I am not questioning your credentials. I majored in biology, so I admit my sources on Mr. "survival of the fittest" Spencer may be inaccurate. That said, there is no question whatsoever that Herbert Spencer championed that morally bankrupt phrase. along with all the other Darwinian "primordial soup" intellimorons.

As to "voting", you have got to be kidding.

The American Experiment with democracy has failed.


That said, I think the FIX WAS IN right from the start:

“Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions”

― Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth

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I agree 100% that the American experiment is an abject failure. Especially with voting. It is in no way a “democracy”. Oligarchy is what it is.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

It’s not just about support. It’s about actively stimulating, arming and training perpetrators of genocide:


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"...the U.S. government arms, trains, and funds all variety of oppressive governments, not just dictatorships.". Indeed so! They must have exceedingly understanding [Zionist] banksters when the U$ofA comes to deal out huge piles of [imaginary] money for empire advancement but not for homelessness, Medicare, or infrastructure investments. Access to new [imaginary] money numbers is no easy matter for most. We ordinary folk always get asked how are we going to pay it back with interest... https://www.worldometers.info/us-debt-clock/ https://www.nationaldebtclock.co.uk/ etc., etc., etc. My point is that the Zionist banksters are in control of the vast majority of this agony production. These horrendous confidence tricksters are behind all this. They are the financial muscle. The Hidden Hands of High Finance masturbate Zionists everywhere.

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“Two centuries ago, a former European colony decided to catch up with Europe. It succeeded so well that the United States of America became a monster, in which the taints, the sickness and the inhumanity of Europe have grown to appalling dimensions” ― Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth

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As horrible as all of that is, it doesn't excuse Hamas for much the same behavior. Beheading babies, raping and murdering women, murdering older children, burning people alive, and kidnapping people, including very young children. The CIA didn't train Hamas, did they?

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Of course not! But did they?

IDF shot hellfire misfiles from Apache(disgusting appropriation of a name) helicopters at their own people just to get the Hamas fighters.

Charred remains in cars, incinerated buildings, can’t do that with grenades and rifles. Imagine murdering hundreds of your own people just to get a handful of what are essentially freedom fighters who broke out of their prison for a few hours.

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Excellent piece, Caitlin. you never fail to surprise me with a new, fresh angle that does exactly what you just recommended. Bravo!

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In less than two years we have seen two atrocities , one in Ukraine, one in Gaza. Are there more to come?

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Beginning your pardon, Ukraine isn’t an atrocity. It was a carefully planned, deliberate provocation to draw Russia into a proxy war with NATO led by the United States. If Palestinians had 20 - 30% of the military support given to the ultra apartheid regime, this would be a very different encounter.

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The scale of bloodshed in Ukraine makes it an atrocity. 100s of thousands of lives (probably millions in the final count) were sacrificed to make arms dealers rich. And I'm not even touching the largest act of eco-terrorism in history -- which has also resulted in the de-industrialisation of Europe. Or the suffering caused GLOBALLY by the war's impact on food distribution and economies.

Yes, Ukraine is an atrocity.

The fact that it was completely preventable war which was deliberately provoked by NATO makes it even worse.

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"eco-terrorism"? WTF are you talking about?

You mean when US government blows up Nordstream and otherwise bankrupts European governments to support insane US proxy wars?? (while exporting LNG at huge costs to Europe to greed US energy corporate profits and steal markets that drive deindustrialization of Europe?)

How does that have anything to ecology?

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What the living fuck do you think was released into the ocean and the atmosphere when the Nord Stream pipeline was blown up????

Smarten up, dude.

Also. Thanks for repeating exactly what I was saying in a lot more words, i.e. the de-industrialisation of Europe. I really needed someone who doesn't know about the environmental impact of the Nord Stream sabotage to lecture me on its economic impact.

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Hiya, i'm not contradicting anyone, just interested. The US had already 'persuaded' Germany that NS2 was a threat to US energy dominance and it had already been halted before sanctions in February 2022 , before the SMO, when Russia recognised Donesk and Lugansk. There was no gas running through it. But 2 pipelines of NS1 were also blown up and released a large amount of methane. People talk about Hunga Tonga but NS1 will have had some influence too on the significant rise in monthly temperatures in 2023.

Deindustrialisation of Germany has been happening for years and it's economy can't function without cheap Russian gas. The US has destroyed it. Some people like to blame Germanyy's collapse on its green policies but i think it's clearly US fear of Russia having too much control over US vassals in Europe.

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Here's a pro-trip.

Don't waltz into a conversation and talk to people like they're stupid if you don't want them to push back.

I was fucking *polite*, actually.

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You used the term "eco-terrorism" - That's the same word that the national security state uses to repress climate, environmental and animal rights activists.

That's a red flag term to me and has been for many years, as I've been harassed by law enforcement under its banner, see:


I have no use for your standards of decorum and I instead work with words and ideas, you clueless bastard (and its pretty damn insulting to attack men falsely for not knowing what was released by Nordstream)

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We call Israel a terrorist state, in spite of the misuse of the word "terrorist" by imperialists. The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was precisely an act of state eco-terrorism and your feelings don't change that fact.

And I'd expect a self-proclaimed environmental activist to be aware of the climate impact of the bombing, hmmmnn...

You're very aggressive and free with the insults, but I think you need to take a hard look in the mirror.

Goodbye asshole.

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From where I am sitting it most certainly is an atrocity in Ukraine.

We have thousands of refugees here in Europe not to mention weapons coming into our Countrys.

When the USA goes to war other country's get the fallout. Not so much in the USA except for it's wars in S. America.

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I think getting from where we are to where we want to be -- indeed, to where we need to be if we're going to survive -- was always going to be very difficult. The indifference of the American public is an ominous sign of decay. I think most people now believe there is nothing they can do about anything except suffer.

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The United States is in free-fall and has reached critical mass. It no longer makes any reasonable, rational decisions if it ever did. The system it propagates is now exposed as violent, psychopathic fascism.

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I think that’s because they aren’t suffering, others are. What they think is that they can’t do anything about the suffering of others. O they’ll note it, some will cry big crocodile tears over it, but they won’t try to change it. Change is scary and they are comfortable where they are so it’s status quo all round, with maybe a sigh and a shake of the head before they run off to Black Friday after Thursday’s football and gross celebration of another genocide we committed. We’ve always been in a state of decay.

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Yeh. Shopping will heal all wounds!

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Jeano, I don’t celebrate Christmas and thus don’t “chistmas shop”.

But for those who do, boycott Amerikkkan business and order directly from China , bypassing the middleman ( Macy’s, Target, Gap, et al) which get rich on the 300% markups.

Try TEMU instead.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023

Yes. Support China in becoming capitalist. So they too can be a democracy. Maybe. Let's hope they do a better job at democracy than some of the present democracies have managed.

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What are they going to change, and how are they going to change it? It's not just that change is scary, it's that it seems unavailable and often incomprehensible. The last time we had an idea of change it was on an Obama poster, along with "hope". That, and several big demonstrations that came to nothing.

I'm open to any suggestions anyone may have.

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To quote Prof Richard Wolf, “the sickness is the system.”

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Our with you onto the streets. No idea why people aren't protesting in front of the Supreme Court everyday.

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You ask: "why people aren't protesting in front of the Supreme Court everyday."

It's because liberals and feminist groups, aligned with the Democratic Party, gave up politically before the Court killed Roe and instead adopted a strategy of abortion pills, fundraising for transportation for women in abortion bad states, and a State ballot strategy. In addition, middle class white women don't do the street scene anymore, and they control the "resistance" (me too!).

The Democratic Party cynically manipulated and funded those groups to adopt a lame strategy so they could exploit the abortion issue for electoral advantage.

Worse of all, just like they now attack people who support peace and a cease fire and Palestinian rights as anti-semites, they attacked real radical women's groups who advocated a grass roots street mobilization strategy, instead on inside lame democratic party electoral surrender..

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People have been marching, boycotting, rappelling from ships, blocking traffic, running for office, literally setting themselves on fire for DECADES, trying to stop the march of fascist planet-murdering, warmongers. The entire planet rose up in one great voice of “No invading Iraq!” In 2003.

Those with the weapons of mass destruction make the rules. The rest of us be damned.

Don’t blame powerless citizens for what their psychopaths in charge do. We can’t even arrest Trump, or Clarence Thomas for ethical crimes and blatant treason!!!!

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A street demonstration is based on the assumption that the people have some effect, some input, on the established order -- the government, the important institutions, the media, the bigdeals. But it's evident that we don't. And we haven't figured out what to do about that -- yet.

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Sounds to me like laziness. Much more comfortable in front of the TEEVee?

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sg - see my reply comment above

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They are. 🤦‍♀️

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Really? Where can I find this?


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"What are they going to change, and how are they going to change it?"

Romantic fantasies and Les Miz aside, as long as the 1% are united, revolutions do not happen when the 99% overthrow the 1%, because the 1% will do whatever it takes to retain power.

Revolutions happen when the 1% are fighting amongst themselves and 1% factions start casting about for allies.

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Jeez. We have hundreds of protests here and yes the cops are bad but from one small acorn an oak grows.

Even if nothing comes from a protest it's a record for future generations.

How do you think a Ceasfire is happening in Israel....the people have showed their anger and don't call me naive. Been around a long time.

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There is no ceasefire. People are still being bombed. Today. Zionists do whatever they want.

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Even taking what you wrote at face value, it does not contradict what I wrote.

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No, the revolutionary tipping point happen when the cops and the military won't kill, beat and jail protesters, but are loyal to working class interests over elites.

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Cops aren’t serving the public they serve the elite. Did you miss the memo and 100 years of policing data?

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And when does that happen?

You may recall Jay Gould's famous words about hiring half the working class to kill the other half.

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Fuck them, Bill. It’s every Amerikkkan’s duty to be armed at this point.

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Yes. You've got it.

If thousands came out on the streets how many people can they put away?

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Besides dissident factions, the intentions of the r. c. are often frustrated by physical reality or their own mental limitations.

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These two are the ones getting media coverage. There are dozens around the world right now. Read non-American censored media.

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I hope not Robert but The US hates Iran because they see them as a threat. Crossing my fingers here.

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Yeah, the big one, Taiwan.

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No. I think it will be Iran.

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could be the Phillipines. could be all of them. the US empire is maniacal and totally unrealistic, but it is capable of causing a lot of chaos.

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A friend once told me about an interview she saw with a woman who survived Auschwitz who said the people she felt sorriest for were the guards, because they had lost their humanity. It made a big impression on me.

I wonder about the people who inflict these horrors on others, and if they can ever retrieve that flame of conscience, dignity and humanity. I truly hope so. And I actually feel sorry for them. It's the most precious thing any of us has, and to lose it is tragic. It deprives us of a fully lived life.

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Keep that flame burning, Caitlin! And keep the white hot anger coming!

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So the US, along with Qatar, brokered a ceasefire deal, to be implemented today, Thursday. Only Israel still wants to destroy Hamas anyway and has now decided to start the ceasefire tomorrow and has increased bombing and killing in the meantime. Whoever guessed that would happen...?

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I don't know if the mainstream media showed the death and destruction brought down on Gaza, but it was in plain site on the net, and I can't imagine someone not being repulsed by the sheer savagery Israel brought down on the people of Gaza, Although difficult to watch I'm glad there were pictures, live footage, of all the horror because I doubt few could watch it, and pay it no mind. I think it motivated all those who protested Israel's carnage and hopefully made people see Israel in a new light. I think it brought Israel to the table and a prisoner swap. If we showed the world what war looks like perhaps our elected officials would think twice about the wars they push to enrich a few, including themselves, and you wouldn't have people like Nicki Halley running for president and the likes of Lindsey Graham in the Senate.

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Maybe the people in power do understand what war really looks like but they just don't care, They and theirs will never have to experience it up close and personal.

'Generals sat and the lines on the map

Move from side to side.'

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Oh, of course they know what war looks like, but those in power don't care since they would sell their souls for money and power.

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I would bet that for some of them, it's not even about money - just power. They're purely evil, sadistic psychopaths.

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It's interesting that Biden has lost a lot of his popularity among younger voters, so says a number of articles discussing his chances of winning in 2024. Many who participated in the marches against the killing fields in Gaza are younger and no doubt get their news online rather then reading newspapers which really may change the dynamics when it comes to politics. Older people reference, or listen to the mainstream media and really get a highly biased account that waters down the negative attributes of their candidate of choice. Maybe online media coverage will really impact people's choices and their perception of the world.

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tWell, I'm in my 70s (not the 1970s unfortunately) and the only TV news I watch is Al Jazeera. But while I do get news online, I's very selective when it comes to what or who I read, usually people like Chris Hedges, Patrick Stewart or Prof Jeffry Sachs. And of course Caitlin.

I don't get the opportunity to talk to young people where I live so I don't know what theythink. I do know we've never had any climate protests or SS4C actions here.

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Well, I think most older people do rely on the mainstream media for news which is highly skewed in one direction or another, and they are highly dependent on it as their sole source of information. Younger people grew up computer literate and no doubt get most of their news from online sources that can provide a much more accurate and non-biased account. As I said that's why I thought so many young people marched against the Israeli assault on Gaza, and I think were instrumental in bringing some closure, although so many killed, so much destroyed, and who knows. I also think people, especially younger people, will have a clearer perspective of Israel and speak out against it's many atrocities directed at the Palestinians, both past and present, and how helpful America has been in that regard. From now on I think people will be less afraid of being called anti-Semitic which has kept people's mouths shut for too long.

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Patrick Lawrence worth watching.

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I do wish this 'old people' nonsense would go away. I am an old person. I read books about everything. I don't have a 'phone or TV.

It's calmer.

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I never refer to anyone being old, but when I say younger people, meaning those in their twenties and thirties someone always reminds that they are old. I'm not saying it.

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No. Our psychopaths in charge deliberately wage wars to make money from arms sales. They know what charred babies look like. They dgaf.

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(These monsters have taken so very, very much from the world, and I refuse to let them take that too.}

I don't understand why anyone gives them an ounce of credence? Pays a modicum of attention? It

kills me when I see intelligent people wasting precious time talking about them or getting aggravated.

I watch Glenn Greenwald every night and he gets apoplectic. What does anyone expects from them? A politician is tantamount to a rapist it's all about power and control! They are akin to a child molester. They are the lowest form of human life and as long as people pay even a modicum attention - it's the air they need to survive!

I don't own a TV! I have not nor will I ever vote! I refuse to be part of it and certainly enable them! People need to just walk away and most imperatively stop VOTING - there is no such thing as an honest election! The entire spectacle is nothing more than a dog and pony show. There have been some superlative articles written exposing this fraud - this is a new laptop and I haven't transferred my files or I would include them!

Every political show is a farce a charade - it's nothing more than PR! Who in their right mind takes any of these people with a grain of salt? The lowest of the low - totally pathetic!

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Not voting just plays into the hands of the ruling elite. They don't want you to vote if you're not voting for them. Vote for the least awful party, register yourself as a voter, but not voting at all is a cop-out, sorry to say.

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"They don't want you to vote if you're not voting for them." - and so you end up voting for another guy as a lesser of two evils. Who's as evil as the first guy.

Brilliant strategy! How could I have missed such bright angle? So bright I'm going fucking blind!

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

No no no RB!

There is a wonderful candidate out there by name of Dr. Cornel West. I hope every Amerikkkan on this website votes for him ; he won’t win, but let’s at least SEND A MESSAGE!

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Yes. I would vote for him if I were American.

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True, you are blind. Mostly a bully but yes, blind too.

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Its not true that all voting options are equally evil. Depending on your country, there are alternatives, independents, even single issue parties for whom a vote may be seen as a protest vote. Yes, perhaps by voting, we are choosing the lesser evil, but even this is preferable than not voting against the greater evil. Tactical voting is the only common tool available to disenfranchisement in modern democracies.

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"Yes, perhaps by voting, we are choosing the lesser evil, but even this is preferable than not voting against the greater evil. " - who are these brilliant determiners of the degrees of evil?

When talking globally - yes, there are many third world countries where results are known the night of the election day. That's why they're third world, the dummies that they are. They miss the opportunity to be like the global leader whose election system is so freaking twisted it's perfect. For those who need to ensure results.

And the utterly stupid public is playing along.

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Its easy to be bitter and acerbic and to pour scorn on other opinions, offering nothing bur your derision.. And what are these third world dummies to whom you refer? In my country, NZ, election results are generally known on the night and NZ has a host of alternative parties one can vote for. They have no chance of electoral success, but every vote for them is a statement. of protest.

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Ame here in France and we have more than 2 party's.

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NZ is a US puppet and has no say in anything re global politics. You will do as the master says. Doesn't matter how and what you vote on - your local rulers will submit to the master ruler. The so called "rule-based order", look it up.

Also, you ducked the question of who determines the levels of evil.

The above points are the attempt to get you to try to reason about possible solutions of which voting as practiced proved a sham. The style I use is to stress the stupidity of the public observed in doing the same thing expecting different results. Feel free to not like it.

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I think you’d actually be disappointed if things worked out well.

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Are you directing that to Caitlin?

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Don't overdo the bonobo thing, Jeano. It's overrated.

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We here are Republic.

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Also, you can do a write in vote that could really mess with the political parties if all the people who won’t vote did that.

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Yes. This is the best idea.

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Have always done this it's a great idea.

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I can't find the articles I have saved but just google why voting doesn't matter

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I just spoil my ballot. Jeremy Corbyn was my last vote in the UK.

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No. Trump lost the popular vote. Twice. Which we all know is worthless. Voting doesn’t matter. Trump has never won in an election of the populace. He is hated by most Americans. The “secret” electors decide for us. Just like they decided to pick Hilary when the people wanted Bernie. Bernie turned out to be another Zionist tool.

Voting is crap.

Vote for your local mayor. That’s the best we can do.

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Agree Che.

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Extraordinary claims (stolen election) require extraordinary evidentiary support.

There is none.

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That demented zombie managed to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders, with the help of Obama and the DNC corporate Dems. That's there real theft that is down the memory hole and there is abundant evidence to support it (and Clinton in 2016 too).

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Biden isnt running things, it's physically possible. I think the real theft was the MSM and the intel agencies propagandizing about Trump being a Russian agent and covering up for Genocide Joe's conduct and corruption in Ukraine, including burying the story about Hunter Biden's computer as "Russian disinformation". too many people bought into that.

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Keeping mind that Trump is a real Fascist and his latest statements and actions openly reveal that.

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So the question is, why do we give power to sociopaths?

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"I don't understand why anyone .....pays a modicum of attention"

Because as a great man once said: If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

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Yes but you've a better chance of changing the weather by farting than changing the governments by voting!

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I live in Australia where we do have more minor parties and independents standing in elections - although the previous right wing Govt led by Bible Bashing Morrison, did move the goalposts to make it harder for minors and indies to get funding.

If you live in Amerika I suppose the simplest thing you can do is is help work for campaign of a candidate who promises to at least try to make a difference to the system. Like get corporate money out of politics.

I can only wish you lots of luck.

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Sadly it can and will never happen - the system is too corrupt - they go into politics for one thing and one thing only, the money! As I said they are the lowest of the low. Imagine not having an existence of truth in your entire being? It's like the kid who goes to school with candy so everyone will like them - just so pathetic. They spend their entire lives currying favors - so shallow and superficial.

I'm in NJ (USA) our scumbag Governor spent 20 million of his own money to run and get elected (the first time) - how pathetic and mentally ill could possibly be - why not spend that money to help people? Then he threw the election (altered the numbers) to get a second term


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I agree if a whole 3.4 of a Country don't vote it might say something.

More important is: Get these people off their TV's.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

It's a long story I wish I had access to those two articles - maybe I'll do it later. But here's something few understand . . . . If 40% vote Democratic and 40% vote Republican they wipe each other out leaving 20%. Subtract 3% for margin or error and you're left with 17% of which 15% allegedly vote Independents. My point being - if only 10% boycotted voting it with throw everything into a tailspin! Furthermore, the vast majority of voters haven't a bloody clue about anything and couldn't even tell you which party controls which house.

I totally agree - TV should be banned! I haven't watched one in 25+ years!!

The other side of that coin is The Motor Voter Act which states no proof of citizenship required when registering to vote. There are now probably close to 50 million illegals in this Country of which more than 10% are absolutely voting! Unless an election is contested (less than 1% difference) or someone turns the person in (your voting record is public knowledge) they vote!

People say well they would get deported if they registered and voted - not true. Listen to the rallying cry chanted a billion times a year. No one is ever PROSECUTED for voter fraud - that's the rallying cry to get them to the polls! NOT that it's not rampant and just that no one is ever prosecuted for it! Which is very true!

Keep in mind it's also not the Presidential election that's important but rather the smaller less turnout elections that determine Congress and the Senate which matter most! That's when all those illegals voting REALLY COUNT! I'm pretty sure Menedez has probably never received a legal vote in his life! His entire constituency is the illegals in Hudson County!

I believe Hillary is coming back in 24 and will win! If they could corrupt it so Biden won just imagine what Hillary has planned. She's clearly mentally compromised and I truly wonder what role she may've played in the Israel war! She's done these things before. I could easily see her running as a war time president when you look at the rest.

Something's up with her - hence the expose of Obama's "love letters" when he fantasized about making love to men which were known back in 2006 but deliberately censored until NOW! That's was Hillary's warning shot about not even thinking of running Michelle and then of course you have the dead chef.

That's the way the game is played - remember the scandal about Pelosi's husband and the guy that broke in - and that how it all magically disappeared the second she announced she wasn't running! Election season is the best time of the year It's when all the dirt comes out!

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Here we go with the “illegals” crap.

You mean those “illegals” who pay taxes on their wages/earnings.

The old No Taxation Without Representation!!!

Something tells me you’re an “illegal”.

You ain’t a white boy by any chance, are you?

If so, then you’re “illegal” as hell.

Turtle Island is Indian country.

Anglos is illegal occupiers and genocidal colonizers.

Didn’t know that?

Try a little Howard Zinn, for starters.

Who do you say the illegals are, anyway?

Ever heard of old Mexico?

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OMG please don't say that. Pay taxes on theirs wages? That is the oldest lie in the book! Here's another - when the recession hit they stopped coming! Are you aware that almost one trillion dollars leaves this Country every year in migrant remittances? ONE TRILLION DOLLARS and they're paying taxes?

We have bodegas here that send back thousands of dollars per day. The line in these stores is usually ten deep and each transaction takes about 5 to 10 minutes! You can see the amounts! $1000 $700 $800! OMG That is one of the greatest farces ever told! The construction companies use them as "independent contractors" and pay them by check which they then cash at check cashing stores for a fee!

I live in NJ where the population is now well over ten million. We live in the most densely populated state in the entire Country! There are over a million illegals in NJ probably closer to 2 million nowadays! There are over one million people in the County I live in. NJ is a cesspool of illegals that pay no taxes! They own house and can't even speak English - how is that remotely possible? Oh that's right when you have anywhere from 2-4 adults living in a house that work and pay no taxes you too could afford a house! Their all over my street! Those that actually do work on the books live in squalor which is why they're are so few! I am so tired of hearing this lie!

There were hundreds upon hundreds of illegal men in a town a few miles from me. Now there's hundreds upon hundreds of woman as well. Tell me what happens when men are with woman and why you now see them with 1-3 kids in tow! You see the luxury cars at red light's at night - as soon at the vehicle stops the doors open and a half a dozen will pop out and go on their way - but of course they are all working on the books and paying taxes! The owners of all these companies are just so nice to drive them all home as well!

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I know about New Jersey. Moved there from London.....aaargh.

It's the armpit of New York.

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Ohhhhhhh nononono you give us way to much credit We are the bowels of the USA! This Sate is totally white trash!

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I really don't understand why people get so upset about illegar residents.

Here in our Town (France) we have a huge mass of S. Americans along with N. Africans. I love having these people they are smiley and friendly and doing jobs which the French won't do. Like picking veg. in boiling hot conditions.

Our local Mayor a (right wing bully) one of Le Pen's people, is trying to make life miserable for them. I wonder if he will go and work in the fields. I for one am happy to have them it makes life more interesting.

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You're a good soul Jenny. There was a time I didn't mind but now I have no tolerance!

Allow me to explain . . . . back in the day everyone migrated here but the vast percentage were Europeans. They got down on their knee's and kissed the ground so very thankful to be here. So many I knew personally, came alone - left entire families behind simply for a better way of life! They immediately learned and spoke English and demanded the same from their kids. Never took a dime from the governments! Hard working POLITE and excruciatingly RESPECTFUL! The very finest people you could meet. So appreciative.

Fast forward to today and subtract everything I just said which is why they are so disliked. They are so dishonest (I've worked with hundreds) have absolutely no respect and act as if they own everything! They REFUSE to learn English and demand we learn Spanish instead. This is OUR Country - you come here you show respect, NOT ANYMORE! We are now the minority. I would kill to live in Germany or Austria or Budapest or Denmark but I don't know the language

I know that's sounds boiler plate but it's so true! They have this attitude which is repulsive. We have the Spanish and the Koreans and they're equally as bad.

At the end of my street is a sign that reads DO NOT BLOCK THE INTERSECTION so we can get OUT! All day long all they do is block it. Ohhhh they understand it but it's this attitude they're better and it doesn't apply to them. This is why the Countries they come from are shitholes and now they are doing the same here.

Two weeks ago a guy comes down a one way street going the wrong way. I have my dog and am talking to my friend. I put my hand up and I say SIR (I said sir) this is a one way street you're going the wrong way. He tells me he knows and get the eff out of his way! My old friend and I just looked at each other.

This is all over in this area like 200 mile radius. I drive for a living and get around and I see it all over! There are no words to describe the lack of respect. I live in Bergen County NJ and this entire area is like a third world Country! Everyone left and I intended to do as well! When in Rome do as the Romans do!

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It was Aquinas who noted that if you can live amidst injustice without anger, you are immoral.

Thank you Caitlin, for keeping things in perspective.

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"You can’t let them harden your heart and darken your eyes. We’ve got to keep the flame burning for a sane and healthy world, if not for ourselves then for our children, and for future generations who we will never meet."

It is difficult not to just give in and give up and become like the sociopaths who have orchestrated this genocide. They don't let their terrorizing the world cause them to lose a good night's sleep. Thanks to Caitlin and others we have daily wake up calls and reminders that the terrors still exist and we must continually fight against them for the good of humanity. #FreePalestine

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It's wonderful that we haven't lost our human sensitivity but which empire are you referring to? If it's not the masonic one, then you are clueless about how the world really works:

What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

I'd start with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its foodprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Plllllease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




WARNING! Weaponization of vaccines:

AI exposes zero Government oversight on Pharma





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You really think anyone read all that stuff?

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It's your freedom to remain a slave due to willful ignorance =)

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Oh please -all that claptrap about the Masons. Really, took up a bunch of space with that? Nevermind you are OBVIOUSLY a troll or a bot. Yuck.

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Then please explain to me why World Trade Center Tower 7 free-fell when there were only 2 planes in 9/11. Please watch this, only 10 seconds in the middle of the video is enough:


9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


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You are conflating actual conspiracies with complete nonsense. Which is exactly what psyops do. That techniques makes people question valid EMPIRICAL evidence and then jump to bizarro conclusions.

Please take your CIA psyop somewhere else.

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It doesn't prove it was Masonic, but it's a start so people start thinking that conspiracies are real. Why do mansons need to be a secret society? to hide good or evil?

Many say that the pandemic response was all about bribes from the vaccine manufacturers. Yet, they can’t explain simple questions:

1. What money did Fauci have to gain by funding the military Wuhan Lab from alleged-enemy China to weaponize a COVID in order to release it during the Trump administration as he said 9 days before assuming Trump?

2. Why would the virus be engineered when they just needed the fake PCR test to create a PCR case-demic like they did with Zika in Brazil?

3. Why would they enforce lockdowns in poor countries which couldn't possibly buy vaccines (n.b. Africa)?

4. Why would they profit from the masking, distancing, hack-swabbing and lockdowns, when they could still sell the vaccines without them?

5. Why did they need to shove it down your veins, when in past plandemics, it was enough to sell it to the corrupt governments?

6. Why would they require legal immunity if their product was safe and effective?

7. Why would they mandate their poison to their own employees, managers, directors?

8. How could all private manufacturers collude in worldwide bribery without competing and without a single whistleblower?

9. Why would they rather not sell to a government if “negligence” was not covered in legal immunity, when it was pretty simple to avoid with regular production and quality-control systems?

10. Why would 3 unconnected different manufacturers label some batches as “most lethal”, with a special code, which would prove criminal intent and make void any legal immunity? (howbad.info)

11. Why were hack-swabs enforced instead of cheaper and non-invasive saliva tests?

12. Why did they want to kill the elderly in the nursing homes instead of having them vaccinated?

13. Why did so many countries, even those without much COVID, funnel money for fake-COVID cases, lethal protocols, lethal Remdesivir, forced ICU, lethal ventilators, COVID death handling?

14. Why would the above, plus lockdowns, swabs, passports and vaccines be enforced in countries where the vaccines were produced by national Governments (Russia, China, Cuba, etc.) and therefore, there was no corporate profit?

15. Why would underdeveloped countries be bribed to buy those national vaccines when the corporate ones were not available?

16. Why would they all add graphene/carbon micro/nanotubes and BLE nano-routers? Even the Russian and Chinese haccines and swabs?

Occam's razor: the simplest rational explanation is freemasonry... and there's no other one!

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Try less Alex Jones, more Marx and Lenin.

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Thank you .. This rings so true, a great article keep that fire burning Caitlin

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When Caitlin states: "I see it as a sacred duty to keep a flame lit in myself which knows what a healthy world looks like, which knows what sanity looks like, which knows how things ought to be, and which naturally finds it jarring when the sickness of this civilization reveals itself" How to respond to that which goes on all around you but you haven't the means to do much of anything to change things: What's to be done? Cry for those hurting, cry for the poor, the weak, the wounded. Cry for the homeless person (not a beggar, a human being) on the street corner hoping and praying for a handout so he or she might be able to buy something to eat. But most certainly, do not spit (metaphorically or otherwise) on another human being, even on a Joe Biden. I once met a man, homeless, collecting recyclables at a beach campground here in southern California whereas I brought over to him our recyclables from the previous night. In seeing my LA Dodgers cap, we spoke at length about our beloved Dodgers; a simple conversation between to persons with a common interest. And it is here that one is able to keep one's humanity in check: Treat every person you encounter as you would a good neighbor and speak of those common delights shared in your most sacred place: HOME!

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The vested interests want us to always focus on personalities. That way we will never focus on the corrupt system that every four years brings us the same warmongers, albeit in a different flavor. We have been led to believe that criticizing personalities is the way of Democracy, even if the powers that be forbid us to criticize the system which is the root of all evil. So we go on a merry go round resurrecting the same cookie cutter generated leaders that perpetuate the endless wars of the National Security State. They call it Democracy.

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Well the circus makes money. Then you have a 2yr presidential campaign.

I don't vote for pretty/handsome faces unless they are good politicians.

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