I was 6 years old when my older brother went to Vietnam in 1966. My family prayed and sent tapes to him and letters and held vigil around the dinner table. I accepted that.

Until he returned, and I witnessed the frightened, scarred and inexplicable shell of my brother that returned from that war. Sleeps with a knife under his pillow to this day.

From then on, I never cheered or supported any war anywhere.

Fuck these people to hell.

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George Carlin quote: "War is rich old men protecting their property by sending middle class and lower class young men off to die. It always has been."

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

Amen. One slight addition, old men often want to seize other people's property, which is glaringly true of Netanyahu and the settler movement. It's also apparently true of most Israelis, even most women there.

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We didn’t want to seize any property in Vietnam…communism was a truly evil and malignant force that killed millions of people in a relatively short period. We invaded Iraq to “steal” their oil…but we were going to give them billions of American dollars which the vast majority of people on earth consider valuable.

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Philip, I’m so sorry for your brother 😔

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If all the people who tout war had to go and fight in them, these things would be over before they started.

Instead they send children who have been propagandized and don't know any better.

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In my dreams, Americans amend the Constitution to require members of Congress to fight in the wars they support. I think the threat of spending a few minutes in a Ukrainian trench might even make Lindsey Graham less maniacal.

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And now Congress has even abdicated their responsibility to approve war.

They can just approve budgets for weaponry and make a fortune on the stocks.

A day of reckoning is coming.

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Sounds so horrible. How is he now? What a horrible thing they did to him

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He's still having a life. There are millions who've died, and millions who live who bear the scars that never go away. And yet hatred and war continues unabated.

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Subscribe him to Veterans for Peace.

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Unfortunately there is no righting that ship.

He believes he deserves his hell.

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'Israel' & its genocidal rampage has exposed to the world what many already knew:

The USA is not 'more civilized' than the rest of the world, but rather is more barbaric & inhumane than said 'third world' countries. The Empire of Lies can no longer pull the wool over our eyes.

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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I have not met many people who think the US is more civilized than the rest of the world. They think it is richer, has more power, has a lot of problems etc. And I know mostly ordinary people who think I am a little weird for resisting what the US and Israel are doing. Most of the people I know don't really think in terms of the US being more civilized or any other way. That is the problem. People just don't think.

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So, in your experience, most ordinary people don't think the US is more civilized, and they support what it's doing. They support barbarism, de facto, even if they don't think they do.

As the saying goes: people deserve their governments.

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"Never has the depravity of the western empire been more starkly exposed in the cold light of day." Caitlin

One reason for all the depravity we have seen in Gaza, now Syria, Iran and Yemen and so many other places as well is the MEDIA.

People are not informed any more and this has never happened before. So as we all criticise the corrupted governments of the USA and the inhumane murderers in Israel, remember who it is that has let the people down. Then look at who owns / controls the media.

Well planned, decades ago. The Zionist infiltration into the USA started with the USS Liberty, as far back as 1967. They knew then that they could own the USA

It all adds up. The criminals running both countries have known for decades that without honest and truthful news they could control the thinking of everyone, and they have done it. The sad thing is that the journalists who work for the Jews or their now well controlled associates and who are told what to say and when to say it, in the main have sold out as well. It is called 'keeping your job'. But, even so.......

So as we point the finger at those who have bowed to the pressure from the Biden's and Netanyahu's of this now corrupt world, the outright lies from Israel from which they will never recover as a respected state,(even with the US "at their back") it was all very well planned.

The neo-Nazi Zionists learnt a lot for their mentor, Joseph Goebbels of WWII fame. So to get the world back, that is the first thing that has to change.

The truth.

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The last TRUE investigative journalist was the late, great Peter Jennings.

And the last US president to stand up to IsraHell was JFK, and we all know how that turned out.

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Brovo..you connected all the dots.

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No, that is not what I was meaning. I mean people neither support the barbarism or don't support it because they just don't think much about it. Sometimes they choose not to think about it. I choose not to disparage people because they don't see things the same way as I do, but that does not stop me from trying at least a little to try to get them to see things differently.

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"because they just don't think much about it" - that's why I said 'de facto'.

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I do not agree with your "de facto" conclusion. I do not understand why people behave as they do and clearly, you do not either.

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I suggest you look up 'de facto' in the dictionary.

It might be a novel idea to you, but if you don't understand something it doesn't mean others don't.

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I think you and russian-bot agree, Susan.

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The US is probably the least civilised city in the world, bearing in mind what it does around the world.

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And the Belgian civilian aid agency is, in turn, bombed with impunity by holy Israel for daring refusal to cooperate with cutting off funds to UNRWA. You don't easily get away with resisting the dictates of Massa Empire. Meanwhile, the NY Times online features Butcher Biden hugging every Black person in sight in SC, as if that's the important story. And Margaret Kimberley undoubtedly prepares to lash out at #1 Black Misleader, Jim Clyburn as he cheeks-to-cheek with his own personal Massa Joe because screw the killing, the Times will tell all the country's shitlibs what's really important. Every morning, another basketful of reasons for my breakfast to burn holes in my stomach lining. You suck, America.

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I'm so with you on that naration ..

And to think I thought the covivid vacine was the cause for my gastric issues..oh right that big lie too has harmed us..

Why do they hate us? Because they can..the abuse personality has metastasized into policy.

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Ciao, vecchio cafone !!

Come fa, a sopportare una tale prima colazione negli Stati Uniti, essendoci tanti bellissimi, altri posticini lontani dal'impero USA su questo pianeta ?? ...

Aumenti un po' la Sua impronta di CO2 e p.f., lasci questo maledetto paese al piu' presto possibile. Veramente, c' importa la Sua salute !!

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Ciao e salute, fratello. Diec'anni fa ho mandato qualche email al embassy Italiano a San Francico per ottenere un passaporto Italiano, considerando che i miei genitori sono nato in Italia. Purtroppo non ho mai ricevuto un risposto. Diec'anni fa, la mia salute era molto piu bene. Adesso, sono troppo vecchio di partire mia casa qui in il sudovest dove il fa tempo in generale piu bello. Sono un po' disabile e sto diventando anziano. Peccato, come ha detto mia mamma.

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L'ambasciata Italiana di SF non risponde alla richiesta ?? Niente di nuovo !! Queste filiali della mafia locale (cosidetto governo) non hanno nessun interesse di repatriare persone di origine que abbiano superato una certa eta' perche' le casse pensioni sono VUOTE gia' da molto tempo. Vedi come hanno maltrattato ed uccisi gli anziani durante gli ultimi quatro anni con quelle maledette siringhe piene di veleno... Pura coincidenza !!

Per lo meno, nel sudovest degli stati fa quasi sempre bel tempo. Goditelo !!

In gamba, e tranne il meglio della situazione !

Tanti saluti

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I love the way you write, so clear, to the point and true.

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And yet most people carry on as though there is nothing to see. To me it’s not the tyranny that is so shocking ; our country has a history ..

it’s the lack of revolt.

Don’t fucking vote !

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I'm really at a loss as to what to do either at this point the control martrix is getting more and more psycopath and fascist ..jailing people for simply saying no to war.. Am I really witnessing the new fascism repeating history? But now it's the have and have nots.

Humans have lost their ever loving fucking minds right in front of me ... I used to go protest but it's never once stopped them. And all I got was my head bashed in for it..

The only way I see is stop paying taxs for it..but how when they send the goones in jack boots down on you if you dare?

And I'm relatively in a safer spot on the globe and still you can feel the fear like a thick orange cloud of toxic greed filed propaganda gas floating over every single town poisoning the minds of the prolatariates ..

I have no answer.. Only disgust.

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That is why I say force is the only answer.

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I have observed that psycopaths and abusive personality never stop till they are physically stopped... Or they off themselves when cornered ..its true in the micro domestic as it is in the macro international ...

Sadly and tragically some times they take out the whole family ..

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On a smaller level, the abused person can learn about the abuser and in that way, the abuser loses power. For me it was therapy. I learned to understand how my abuser got that way and my abuser lost all power over me. I could visit and none of it ever touched me again once I learned where to put it. It would be good if we could figure out a way to do something similar with the big time abusers like the US.

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It becomes a lot more difficult for one person to go up against a gigantic abusive systems..but the key as you mentioned was the victims must recognize and understand the abuse dynamic they are in.. but they also have to recognize their own levels of mental dynamics that cause them to become victims. Also the problem of staying in a victims mindset...sort of like Stockholm syndrome .. many hostages take on the beliefs of their captors as a means of survival.. Society does this by brain washing the public to think being abused by authority is their own fault and deserving of it by breaking the many arbitrary and open ended "laws" and policy they create to subjugate the people..

An interesting read is the WSJ *spit* that had a good article *surprise* in it about counting the nations laws and how it was tried three times and failed and conclude everyone is a potential criminal..

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I don't know what you mean by the WSJ *spit*. I think that everyone does have the potential to be a criminal, but I am not sure that means that everyone is a potential criminal. I have not yet figured out how it might be possible to stop corporate and government abuse. That is not quite the same as personal abuse that one can move away from.

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Agree, Realist.

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That's the only way they'll be stopped. And that's a fact. They'll be no more MLKs.

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Realist, and I'm being dead serious here, you and your newly found buddy Jazzy advocate two concrete solutions:

- you: dismantle Deep State via force

- Jazzy: stop paying taxes

Neither of you, when pressed, would detail how to go about it. How about ceasing polluting the forum with your hot foul air until you do come up with something useful?

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Here we go again, with the russian_bot! Bent on insulting.

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Where did you see insults? What did I say there that is not factual?

Put up or shut up!

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Hello russian_bot, with you I will shut up.

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your existence is an insult to the human condition..

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

I have yet to see russian-bot start these hostile exchanges, Indu. It's a phenomenon, kind of like Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). I'll call it "RBDS".

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Now that you have an opportunity to observe your protege performance, would you be able to evaluate the degree of insulting from both sides?

Let's see how prudent you are in your pursuit of civility.

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Be like Trump and dismantle it by farce.

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That's what shitlibs totally fail to grasp.

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LOL and YOU have ZERO solutions except your typical feted vomit out that duplicitous Pie hole you are so very proud of..

Typical douche bag

you are the thick toxic orange cloud i speak of

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I finally understood why you never answered whether you file your taxes even if you don't have to pay any, having no income, leeching off the system.

The answer is simple - you're not of age yet. By age I don't necessarily mean physical.

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LOL...again wrong and again you double down on it cause you have to make false assumptions to cover up the fact you are a mental loser with zero integrity to care about the truth of a thing.....bet you have a nice pickup truck though..LOL you keep displaying that same behavior pattern like the scorpion and the frog...

Ah the proof in the puding ... for all to see... wonderful!

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“Let the (Shee)people bleet—so long as they pay their taxes”, George (Papi) Bush

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It's easier not to see. It saves so much trouble. You can just carry on with enjoying your life. I think this is what the majority of western people wants: pleasure and fun. And you know, all those horror stories they happen so far away, we can simply choose not to look at that. So then, if anyone asked: how could you let it happen?!, we put that sweet puppy face on and say'oh, i didn't know'

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So true..ignorance is bliss even when they know its happening they can play pretend...its the american way..like george Bush "bad intel" they always set it up so they have plausible deniability..same way Obama did with his war crime drone bombings.. they can claim accident... You and i did it we never see outside a jal sellbut government officials can lie us into war and murder millions and they get speaking tours.

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I also find it difficult sometimes not to really hate the people who choose to do nothing. I think it is important not to put more hate into our world. It has to change. I don't know how that will happen. I hope it will, but I am not sure.

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Thanks for writing every day, it must be immensely difficult, but it is immensely appreciated. While I try to post your article on FB, it always seems to disappear before it even appears.

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All social media giants as the public commons in private hands is doing the most fascist censorship and to me are complicit in all these war crimes.

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Chaz, I keep attempting to email Scott Ritter videos to my brother and he says they come through all garbled.

I sense some Ziopaths at work here.

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Do you send the link for the video or the actual video file itself?

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The link, Chang 😕

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Hmm. That's interesting. Here is one suggestion:

(1) it's possible that the app or website or sharing feature of your device is unable to send the "text" of the link correctly to your email app. (usually "garbled" in email parlance means UUENCODED character representation - i.e. the characters are transformed into a non-human readable format).

Solution: copy the link (as in text copy), open your email app, and manually paste the link into the body of the email message and send the message to him.


(1) Is it only happening for "certain" videos that you send to him OR does the same problem occur with all/any videos that you send to him?

(2) Does this happen only with videos you send to your brother OR does the same problem happen with videos you send to others too?

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Hi Chang, thanks for imparting your expertise 🙂

I’m not into the habit of sending videos to many people, so that question I cannot answer. I have sent him some home videos that went through with no problem, as well as many photographs.

I also sent him a Breaking Point video that he was able to view, as well as video from various websites.

It just seems to be Scott, for whatever reason so I’ve told him, just google Scott Ritter videos so he can watch them.

Neither of us are in any way, shape or form tech-savvy, Chang!😉

Again, thank you for your help!

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Scott is a great source too...as well as many others I'm sure you are aware but they are all pushed into the margines on purpose. Suppressed and demonized. ...proof we are dealing in fascism driven by the western imperialist empire ...

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I have noticed and documented the algorythums at work..

If I had more time I would compile alot more of the evidence to expose them.

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Brilliantly on point as always. Down to the shriveled nutsack

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Excerpt from Vaclev Havel, to live in truth:

"… you do not become a “dissident” just because you decide one day to take up this most unusual career. You are thrown into it by your personal sense of responsibility, combined with a complex set of external circumstances. You are cast out of the existing structures and placed in a position of conflict with them. It begins as an attempt to do your work well, and ends with being branded an enemy of society. […]

By breaking the rules of the game, he has disrupted the game as such. He has exposed it as a mere game. He has shattered the world of appearances, the fundamental pillar of the system. He has upset the power structure by tearing apart what holds it together. He has demonstrated that living a lie is living a lie. He has broken through the exalted facade of the system and exposed the real, base foundations of power. He has said that the emperor is naked. And because the emperor is in fact naked, something extremely dangerous has happened: by his action, the greengrocer has addressed the world. He has enabled everyone to peer behind the curtain. He has shown everyone that it is possible to live within the truth. Living within the lie can constitute the system only if it is universal. The principle must embrace and permeate everything. There are no terms whatsoever on which it can co-exist with living within the truth, and therefore everyone who steps out of line denies it in principle and threatens it in its entirety."


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Great ..but why do so many prefer to live in the percived comfort of the lie?

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Because the lie works to their advantage (or perceived advantage). The lie makes them feel safe, secure, protected. The lie (illusion) allows them to avoid dealing with cognitive dissonance. The lie lets them live comfortably in their own perceived reality.

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and if pleasure, fun and personal benefit are the ultimate western ideals, and if the tragedy or horror doesn't affect us, if we need to choose to actively look for these disturbing news and images, then why the heck to bother??? Normies don't do it, common people don't do it, folks just wanna have fun.

Now, if we are on the receiving end, if it's us who suffer, then we demand the whole world to sympathize, cry with us and we call upon these lofty 'western-made' values. We are the kings, guys and girls. The Emperor is our democratically elected legal representative.

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"democratically elected legal representative." nice saying but its wholly untrue .. we don't actually elect anyone..we are presented with a collection of sycophants to choose from and the same shit sandwich will rule..

The only reason that voting is encouraged is so you sign and date the civil contract voter registration legal documents that you agree to abide by the outcome and dictates of whatever establishment installed puppets that you think you had any real say in electing..

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Probably because they perceive it to be comfortable & perceive the truth to be irritable.

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they probably don't know how to get out of it

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I never knew much about this guy and all he tried to do ..But there we have example of the establishments censorship and control of anything shedding a light on the ugly underbelly of american empire..The way the libermen bill tried to hide the war crimes of the USA..and the MSM cover up of it..

Im disgusted with the USA and all its corruption and blindness...its actually been self destructive to the nation from all these status quo cowards..

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This is Paranoid Derangement Syndrome: The Pentagon keeps perceiving threats where they do not exist, attacks mindlessly, and confirms its own derangement. But Derangement Syndromes of many types are plaguing the world today. What is driving humanity crazy? Radiation? Aluminum aerosols? Glyphosate? Microplastics? Dwindling resources? All this and more? It is a phenomenon that needs to be understood.

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I don't think the Pentagon is paranoid at all. I think the Pentagon uses, foments, and creates scenarios that foster paranoia in others - Keeps their power intact and keeps the money flowing. And, perhaps, the Pentagon is just another tool.

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Some hope that the Pentagon will put brakes on neocon drive toward WW 3

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So you think there may be some sanity in the Pentagon? Again, I don't disgree. Just trying to figure this out.

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I know when someone say s sanity in the pentagon i want to spit my drink out...its like asking if anyone saw sanity in Jim Jones cult..innocent victims maybe manipulated into cult beliefs ..the pentagon is a MIC cult they mind control the subjects into the mythology of american exceptionalism and dehumanizing all their enemys.. The sickness is PROFOUND

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Have you worked in the US defense industry? I'm not saying you're wrong.

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Well, no - but I am monumentally cynical. Add in the way our "news" is curated and weaponized.

And then - I had neighbors, a while back, who owned a little company that did work for the military - no idea what they did, when I asked what they did I was asked if I had a security clearance. No, I did not. So they never told me. They did tell me that ordinarily they would be voting for Trump - but they were voting for Hillary because they knew Hillary would keep the war machine going. And growing.

I tend to consider that everything in the world - and universe - is connected in some way, even if forever hidden. Which gave me an amazing Thorndike-Barnhart (I think) test score in high school (eons ago), and causes me to always be digressing and "spacey". So - that is just my opinion!

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Disgusting about voting for Hillary. I worked on base for a defense contractor and the good ol' boys from the military really seemed to believe in these threats. They walked it and talked it like wind-up dolls. Maybe that isn't belief, but just training. Who can understand these mindless killer types?

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CULT mind control of all gangs groups and tribes infected its members like a disease...Jim Jones fruit punch was just as tasty...

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It's mind control sort of. More like greed incitement. From kindergarten on people are taught that success is being rich. Being rich makes one a good person. So it becomes important to be rich to be liked. People want to be liked. That is why social media and making friends that way is so satisfying and maybe addictive to people. They can be whoever they want and be liked. Maybe

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"Boys" would believe, of course, that's the purpose of the rulers - to make them. Some "boys" might be saying it because it needs to be said. Especially to "civilians" or those without the coveted security clearance.

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So, perhaps they talk differently among themselves? I wonder ...

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whats your excuse?

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The ability to make connections is a sign of intelligence, not cynicism. That is one reason why Ms Johnstone’s writing and thinking is powerful.

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I think most of the human race are rotten to the core. I trust no one .

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

I never felt that way until Oct 8, the beginning of the Iraeli genocide. Now I agree. Human nature is beyond redemption, not just because Jews suddenly turned into mass murderers, but also because no one, not even the Arab countries, stopped them.

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Only the Hout’his, from one of the poorest nations in the world, have stepped up to the plate for the Palestinians. What men they are! The Amerikkkan military could only dream of such substance and bravery!

And it took non-Arab South Africa to initiate a claim for genocidal intentions.

Viva Yemen!🇾🇪

Viva South Africa!🇿🇦

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Most of the human race is terrified of something. That some of those conspiracy theories might be true. Even without conspiracy theories there is plenty to get at least depressed about, if not terrified. Climate change and the apparent lack of concern, the conspiracy theories that climate change is not real, the threat of nuclear war, Chernobyl and Fukushima radiating our soil and oceans, the dismissal and hatred of so many groups: women, people of colour, trans gender people, gay people, immigrants. It isn't that people are rotten to the core. They have been twisted and turned and confused. We need to educate people.

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Lots of the woke stuff is also being weaponized and used against good peoples best of them by manipulating empathy and guilt ..like we have said the abuse dynamic in the micro as in the macro

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I am reading Naomi Klein's book, Doppelganger, right now. She talks some about that.

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Shes brilliant..her book shock doctrine is a great but HARD read to realize the truth of it all..

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Doppelganger is just as good, but different in some ways

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the more i know the less i trust...with you man

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"What is driving humanity crazy?" The practice over centuries of **usury** upon loans of imaginary money. It's the bottom line for the Money Empire that is erroneously known as the US Empire. Zionists control those Hidden Hands of High Finance and they play the long game.

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The brilliance (although insidious) of hiding that all behind the persecution of a religious sect and the specter of accusations of antisemitism for anyone who dare expose it or even hint of it has emboldened more of it..

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Absolutely. Antisemitism has been weaponized.

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That's a huge factor. Been going on for at least a couple centuries.

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the existential terror or Neoliberal finance capitalism is the driver.

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It's all in _The Battle of Algiers_, isn't it? That came out in 1956. If I recall correctly, the French general commanding the French side of the war explains to some journalists nominally opposed to the war that atrocity is how you do empire. If you want to have an empire, you do the atrocities connected with it. That's your choice. Almost 70 years later, few seem to have taken the lesson in. It's not just somebody like Biden, although he certain fills the role of atrocity purveyor. It's all the people who support him.

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Oh, those supporters around Biden know full well.

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Good insight.

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Pentagon does not "perceive" threats. It manufactures them.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5

That might have been a more accurate term, russia_bot. I was thinking of it as a subconscious process: perceiving threats that do not exist is essentially manufacturing, but without conscious intent. I'm sure some of their influencers have conscious intent (eg the Rottenchilds), but I've never worked at the Pentagon, so it's all hypothetical.

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Well, your characterization should work in the context of Pentagon being Pentagon. It's their job, isn't it - think up scenarios and work on responses.

So yes, they are not taught and hired to manufacture - that's the CIA's job. See Mike Pompeo presentations...

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Just like you manufacture false accusations on anyone that remotely challenges you .

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You really add entertainment value to this discussion, Chazi_b.

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Have you thought about closer engagement? Maybe you'd be able to understand better.

Now go back to the sandpit - kids are awaiting. You're one of the funniest there.

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"closer engagement" what little code phrase is that you cooked up?

Engagement with who? YOU?.. A duplicitous deceitful lying false accuser??

Make shit up in your simple minded brain that has no basis in reality just to think you can win something?? purposefully manufacture distortions as a tactic? this is your personality you find so appealing? and "grown up"?? Uggg what a fucking laugh...as you are spending your life honing the con artist creed mentality? A zero sense of ethics. how slimmy

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"I wanna rock with you" https://youtu.be/5X-Mrc2l1d0

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Another symptom of douchebaggery is this type of childish response to act condescending when they are exposed.

Its used as a cover up and distraction away from the truth of their personality issues they can't face up to. And yet ironically basically proving the point.

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Mercury has been shown in high image electron microscopes to kill brain cells

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Good one.

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I would say the main PDS neurotic symptom is the worship of money and a MIC and deep state no longer controlled by We The People. Eisenhower warned us of this eventuality.

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deletedFeb 3
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Could not agree more with this well penned narration... manifest destiny (more like Manifest dystopian) created by the neocon Zionist to then inject into the minds of the american people and its allies..

All my life i have witnessed the most cruelty and abuse being justified and loosely hidden behind a religion....

From American military slaughtering buffalo to starve natives.

To Bush on a war ship quoting scriptures after slaughtering Iraqis.

The sickness is Profound

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deletedFeb 4
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Except all abrehamic reliongs are problematic

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God said to Abraham kill me a son,

Abe say man you must be puttin’ me on

God say no

Abe say what?

God say you can do what you want Abe but

The next time you see me comin you better run.

Abe say where you want this killin done

And god say out on hiway 61.

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From the great Bob.

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deletedFeb 4
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Funny bit is if any of them actually believed in any God instead of using the idea of it as a facade to hide behind and commit its insidious acts they would know it can see what they do.

I'm not religious but I think there are people who hold the ideas and good parts of religion up as their way of being as in love and patience and care for fellow men..I have met a few that keep it in that spirit and are truly ethical honest people so I can't condemn them all

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"You might think 16 deaths as payback for three Americans killed by Iraqi militants would be more than enough, but you would be wrong.

There is no justification for any deaths from US hands. All US military bases the world over should be closed; the troops should be brought home and placed on the southern border.

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I do not even agree to that (YES the troops belong home, they can help in natural disasters or similar things, otherwise I HAVE NO USE for these trained killers!) Regarding the southern border: this is just blowback what the crazed Monroe doctrine did for decades to the South! Live with it - they are coming! All what is going on down there is just a consequence of our 'white supremacy' derangement ...

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"All what is going on down there is just a consequence of our 'white supremacy' derangement ..."

Another white-hating racist.

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Yep I am a self hating Jew also (giggle - I am neither, just an old woman who HATES what is going on in the 'rules based international order' which will sooner or later GET US ALL KILLED - you happy now?)

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deletedFeb 3
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If you meant me with your answer: I do not care about 'skin tone', for my taste we all could be green or violet or whatever AS LONG AS WE treat each other and especially ALL living creatures (the real animals) with respect, empathy, compassion ...

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Ya! It was ok to say someone was white until the movement to make white men take some responsibility for their actions. Now it’s just such bad taste! Tsk tsk you mentioners of skin color.

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deletedFeb 4
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Did Biden really manipulate the Elmo stuff on us? If “yes” - absolutemente surreal, sick and patronizing. Ludicrous. Embarrassing. Insulting. How stupid and thick he must assume we are.

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The dumbing down and infintilling of the public has been a slow stead burn for a generation.

Computer games adult cartoons little stickers that say you vote.. Hollywood pushing an agenda of childish woke nonsense ..me too me three me cry,, emasculating men, reducing standards to cater to the dumb and weak.. But at the same time patience and compassion is looked down on..real education instead of indoctrination is not pushed but discouraged .. Gang mentality celebrated with cruelty and bruit force ..military and police turned full on tyrants ..politicians in a race to see who can be the bigger liar ..news media on their knees to the MIC machine while clandestine agencies destroying the rule of real law and the constitution ...

Its a profoundly sick country getting sicker by the day.

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Makes my heart hurt…so encompassing - so many dimensions…were a single causative source be named, the vagina dentata would be toxic free market capitalism …

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Indeed i agree!

My heart also hurts...i have to keep reminding myself of good to not fall into despair..

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Well said. In my view, classical education for the American public would have been the most effective deterrent for this mass insanity and moral decline.

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Absolutely... basics and real civics not the distorted garbage they teach now... eliminating art and practical shop type courses was also a bad decisions...all they want now are mindless drones..

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"We" are, collectively, apparently, "stupid" and


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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

The zombies I see walking in and out Walmart (I don't shop there, just driving by) fit the bill. Thick and beefy from cattle hormones.

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80 percent of the food in stores are carbohydrates with Monsanto trace molecules of toxic chemicals in them that cause gut inflimation resulting in turning to sugars and leading to fat storage And many other health issues..

Sick fat and nearly dead is what America now...make them sick and charge them for the cure but never give it to them and just pills treating symptoms.

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I have come to call the public reverse zombies...live bodies but dead brains..

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I'd be interested to learn about the intern They allowed to write that tweet for Biden.

Young and naive, no doubt. But certainly also giddy at being given the opportunity to pen something going out in the name of the President.

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Interesting take...subversion from within? making him look silly and infantile?

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Projection, Selina, projection.

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US war machine keeps pushing and pushing the envelope toward regional war shortly followed by worldwide conflagration.

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Don't worry it will only sting for a microsecond ... You will be vaporized and In a billion years your molecules will become a new star ...see cheered you right up!

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Whew, thanks for the good news. Thought no one would understand

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A star is born.

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Ha! You reminded me of the Strisand effect...

So perfect for the conversation ..

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Thanks for this. I have spoken to some friends recently who sort of 'support Israel'. I have noticed that one of the reasons that people support Israel, or rather, don't condemn Israel's actions, is not listed here. The people I am talking about are highly educated, highly intelligent, and in a way, that's the problem. They've been brought up to believe that everything is 'complicated' and that things cannot be understood in simple moral terms. They seem to believe that only people who have immersed themselves in the political complexities of the issue have the authority to comment about it. As they do not count themselves in that number, they outsource their understanding to 'experts', in particular, outlets like the New York Times and the Economist magazine. Moreover, these people have been conditioned to think that simple moral judgements are a sign of immaturity, since the world is obviously shades of grey, not simple black and white. The fact that these people are able to denounce Putin's latest aggression, or decide that Trump is a 'lunatic' does not seem to them to contradict this position: the experts have weighed up the evidence and concluded that indeed, these people are bad and must be condemned, but that the jury is still out on issues like Israel/Palestine.

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The people you describe are full of it, of course.

Everything is indeed complicated, in social matters especially, as it's highly subjective. But their deferring to the "experts" while apparently taking sides shows their disingenuousness. They should know, due to their sophistication, that "experts" are biased and cannot be fully trusted. Hence, they should either shut up claiming ignorance on a complex subject - a respectable stance to take - or they admit they are with the side. Anything else exposes them to be frauds.

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I see you using the word "disingenuousness." and i have to laugh.. astounding people like you can act like your not exactly as you condemn.. must be some kind of virtue signaling facade you live in..

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This vendetta you have for russian_bot really puzzles me, Chazi_B. Is this an old grudge?

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Indeed he has priors and not just with me but a long list of people hes alienated as well with the behavior patterns I pointed out. And with his condesebding insults and put downs to anyone that won't go along with his grandeous assertions but as usual with his ilk he can dish it out but never take it..too many people tolerate this type of duplicitous shitass and I refuse to play nice to somone that does not deserves it But has earned the ire layed upon them.

Hes like with fighting with Israel. Always a lie and justification for their behavior ..and the funny thing is when he's not being a complete douchbag he's right about most of his assesments on this on going genocide and the USA involvment.

He can be clear and concise then as soon as any does not agree he starts in on shity nasty behaviors like some spolied brat that can't have his way..

I have to caution myself that while fighting these monsters I don't become one..but fuck it aint easy with these tools..

I really do despise his type of bully personality and I'm the type of watchdog to give it right back to them. Sadly they never learn but only dig their high heals in.

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"he has priors" - this phrase performed by you knocks me out every single time - literally ROTFLing!

Why won't you - for karl's benefit and maybe for somebody else who is curious - provide links to when the first "prior" was committed. It would coincide with Obersharführer's Ernesto Che dustup. All related to your little Einsatzkommando holocaust denial and worshipping of Hitler while pitying the Germans. That is, being real Nazis and upset at Israel's appropriating the behavior currently, blackening your religion.

Do it, Jazzy. Prove your shit.

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Don't make a fool of yourself, Jazzy. We have threads for fooling around and this is not one of them. Unless, of course, you are serious.

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You think anyone should take you serious with your level of duplicitous behavior is astounding.

I'm sure you can fool a few but as is typical you type think we never ran into one of you type before..

Your glaring hypocracy is comedic.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

"You think anyone should take you serious" - so you were not serious? In that case I asked you to keep your buffoonery in the threads where it belongs.

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Fuck those overeducated people, Matthew.

Good common horse sense trumps “education” every time.

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Problem with "educated" is it's actually all obedience training and indoctrination into the status quo money cult..

Public schools and institutions churn out mindless robots to the system.

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When I say education, I mean the classical kind: physics, math, philosophy, biology, classical literature, ancient history, etc.

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Maybe it's as simple as: As long as it doesn't impact them in an adverse way, they simply don't care? And then they come up with post-hoc excuses and justifications for their "not caring" attitude (like the ones you mention, plus - 'oh we're so busy and don't have time to get into the details', or 'let's just focus on taking care of me and my family's immediate needs and if I have time I'll think about other things', etc.)

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As i am around the same types as you describe and am puzzled by their inability to grasp truth from fiction there is another aspect i have noticed in the upper establishment circles i often run in and out of.. The establishment rewards people for towing the line and punishes people who dare challenge the conventional "wisdoms" IE propaganda..

Take TIME magazine that sist in every doctors office getting looked at by captive emotionally vulnerable audiences.. they have articles posing as investigative journalism but in reality are some sort of hit piece or propaganda they want disseminated to the public by having the "interviewer" ask lead in questions so the the "expert" can then speil its talking points lies and distortions of history and events that serve only to shield and protect the status quo and its empire and morph the perceptions of the public to "believe" in whatever "authority " figure they want you to worship at the alter of...

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deletedFeb 3
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Like my friend who made a fortune at Raytheon likes to say, "They're just ragheads."

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Pretty despicable people I have had the misfortune to have met in my travels was weapons manufatruers and associated salsmen.. The type of people you want to go take a shower after shaking their slimmy hands ..

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I don't know what to do any more.....I have 2 friends I can talk to about this evil others don't want to know or they are frightened of what might be said.

My head tells me what is going on and yet the Rhone keeps sparkling/beautiful weather and many people out. Meanwhile I zombie walk with my dog and I want to cry for all the innocent lives wasted.

Whoever you are Mr. Biden DO something to stop this insanity. You are a disgrace.

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Jenny, I can only talk to my brother and husband about this. I feel myself growing away from a 25-year friendship because of it.

You can always talk to us, Jenny!

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How sweet.

I think this is why a lot of us are here.

Wow 25yrs that's a long time, poor you..

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You are a truth teller—thank you for this post!

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AMEN Sister!

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4

While it’s true that the empire has never been more exposed, what’s more disturbing is never before have the masses been so brainwashed and willing to accept obvious lies. So empire is not in worse position on net.

And this isnt new. You’d have thought that the exposure a decade ago that they were spying on the entire planet, and threading all 7 billion people as suspects merely for the fact of existing, would be enough to wake people up. But it wasn’t.

People are more stupid than you think. Ask Snowden who made almost the ultimate sacrifice to awaken people and expose the empire. I’d imagine he now thinks he wasted his life for fools who didnt value the sacrifice or the revelations.

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I always wondered why I could have an all-night discussion on serious topics like social reform in Latin America that here would be stopped dead in five minutes. Did you watch the football game last night? or some other anodyne comment would end the discussion before it had a chance to get aired. A zombified public will support anything its leaders feed it which is why the Empire can invade and attack and sanction any foreign country without so much as a whimper from the public. That is the state of the American mind as we enter another year........

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