Older and bolder - that's my motto ..

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Doing my best to live up to it!

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You, are thunder from the land down under.

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"Show Me An Old Rebel" really hit me. I'm 73, and I've always been a bit of a rebel, though usually on the quiet side. My rebellion has not always been well-guided, as I became a Libertarian for a while in the early '80s. But I've always been against war, from LBJ's intervention in the Dominican Republic in 1965 right through to the GWOT. Now, I've even begun questioning US involvement in the "good war," WW II.

Great poem, Caitlin. I bought the PDF and uploaded it to Kindle as well.

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Thx Cait - u truly are a beacon in a very dark place.

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Brought tears to my eyes I loved it

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I found this poem at a timely moment- just after the death of Gino Strada, the founder of the Italian nonprofit Emergency. This is sublimely, quite beautifully put, and I'm jealous af I didn't write it myself. I'm thrilled and inspired to have found your writing; I came about this poem through your piece "Money is made up, and we can change the rules whenever we want" There is such joy in finding like-minded writers expressing the thoughts that resonate and have been pinging around in my brain as well. (On my essay idea list, I have "What's the new thought on money as a social construct?") Off now to buy your book of poems and subscribe to your newsletter! I don't need to say keep fighting the good fight because you will undoubtedly be an Old Rebel. https://rightlivelihood.org/the-change-makers/find-a-laureate/gino-strada-emergency/

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Your prose AND poetry AWE me! You are the prophet we need at this dire time. Thank you and very best wishes for long, successful explication and exhortation.

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Founding member original SDS, Resistance to Draft, Peace and Freedom Party, and later, Green Party, 30 years as a Green, organic farmer, etc. Your poem here resonates! Unrepentant sixties radical activist, still at it in 2021.

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Show me a Rebel... This resonates so deep within me...

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I love your poetry! However, given that amazon and bezos already have enough money, maybe you could link your paperback to a local bookstore or alternative online seller (like bookshop).

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Chuck rides again! :)

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