It is because of info like this that I look forward to your daily articles... not to mention (So I will) your views & opinions. Thanks for doing what you do! Have long wondered about Nance and what his purpose in Ukraine was, other than doing your basic shameless self-promotion for his 'brand'.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

At least Nance is inadvertently doing a signal service, by calling disrepute on the puppet regime in Kiev and its mercenaries and by destroying money that otherwise might go towards more murderous purposes.

And Nance didn't have to do anything other than eat steak dinners, get laid and swan around like a moron. He didn't even get to be a martyr.

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Lol! I agree that he inadvertently had a good effect by exposing the “valor” of that fight—a bunch of thugs all vying for attention. It makes me think there really is something that may help right this world after all. I just didn’t realize it had such a good sense of humor!!

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Nance is one of the biggest pro-Ukraine frauds out there. Good to see more exposure of his childish and ludicrous behavior.

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Oh yeah, I read about this guy last summer. It’s quite disturbing how many brainwashed idiots we have running around these days...

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Narcissism and war are an exceptionally nasty combination. At least Nance is unimportant

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The greater majority of those holding military power & federal law enforcement power are all narcissists, who live to call other people narcissists

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You cannot "steal" valor that never existed in the first place.

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He should hand the batton to Sean Penn.

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I was thinking of Sean the other day after listening to him as the narrator of a superb documentary on the Iraq war propaganda and lies:

War Made Easy


Really surprised that people are not calling g him out for that contradiction and hypocrisy - It is hard to believe that anyone who watched that documentary could possibly be duped by the Ukrainian operation. He NARRRATED it!

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It is so sad. His talent is immense.

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Hahahahah. Love it. Maybe they can get together and feel each other’s muscles!

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My favorite oxymoron, from scores of others, continues to prevail among the Nancys of the world: "Military Intelligence."

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This was predictable: the propaganda was getting so hysterical that, in some cases, it was bound to become its own enemy. Trouble is, you can't bet that it will self-destruct before it destroys everything else. CNN posits that Tik-Tok and the balloons - remember them? - are an ongoing plot to propagandize China values and warp young American minds: replace US values with China's.

China hasn't attacked another country in 400 years. I can see only good coming out of this, if it is a "plot".

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? China conquered and occupies Tibet. They attacked Vietnam in 1979.

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So that's two? How many countries has the USA invaded, overtly or covertly? 10? 20? 30?

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Thing is, Tibet’s relationship to China is the same as Ukraine’s relationship with Russia—a centuries old dispute about borders. And in Vietnam, China went in on the side of Ho to clear out the ‘Mercian’s who were the real invaders. Then they left. Not even comparable to the US. As Caitlin points out over and over—other nations dispute borders with other nations. We go clear across the world to claim territory and then exploit it so the hoi polloi can live like kings and not riot in the streets.

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Ukraine and Russia have for a very long time been separate countries. Tibet has never been internationally recognized as a separate country from China: it is an autonomous area within China, and for years the US tried to stir up trouble , exert influence against China. Bad idea from even the perspective of Tibet which would have been the big loser.

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Um, no, Ukraine and Russia were not separate countries for a very long time, unless you consider since 1991 to be a very long time.

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So far as I know, Ukraine, and the Baltics and Balkans were separate countries with their own cultures and political infrastructures, but part of the Soviet Union or union of soviet republics.

I knew a Latvian woman who certainly thought of herself as Latvian.

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Ukraine and Russia were part of the USSR, but no more independent than Canadian provinces.

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Tibetans, monks, were working covertly with the US: the Dalai Lama even admitted it, and the justice of China's response. China responded to Vietnam's possible US forced incursion into China. Can you come up with something real? No, because there isn't anything.

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deletedMar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023
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Here you go again, with your military intelligence, Private. You realize—actually, probably not, but I do—that “history” is written by the victor and therefore, of almost no value, at least when it comes to the West writing East’s history. Plus, your condescending attitude is sickening.

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deletedMar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023
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I think you have your 1st finger pointing at me but 3 pointing back at you when you say the “t” word Private Jarhead

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Nance is a diversion by the NYT from reporting on the Nazi militia influence and atrocities, the lack of accountability for US funds and weapons, corruption, the 8 year war on Russian affiliated citizens in the Donbas, and the Ukrainian losing military campaign.

NYT would not report on any of this.

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I used to ocasionally hear this guy when he would call in to a local NPR affiliate. He was a regular, their "intelligence expert". This was long before he joined the legion (is that what they're calling it?) He was a shameless self promoter, clearly bullshitting, perpetually throwing the race card, and worshipped by the show's ultra left wing hosts. I listened to the show, with some fascination, to kind of keep track of what my Deep Blue neighbors were likely thinking about various subjects. The show's "Panel" always rubbed me the wrong way, in a laugh out loud kind of way, but Nance would absolutely set my teeth on edge. I can't imagine what he's like in person, in a dangerous situation as well, one of those tools who can set off your grifter alarm just walking towards you from 100 yards away, no doubt. Good Lord, I imagine he must be the run-away super star of every power lefty New York dinner party he attends, whenever he is able to get back from "The Front Lines". Thanks for archive-linking the Times story, it looks fascinating.

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NPR couldn't even bear to say the name "Bernie Sanders" during the primaries in 2016. They're not even close to being "left" and I wouldn't even smear them as "centrist". They're just sh*tlibs of the worse kind, taking money from the military-industrial complex as their sponsors.

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LOL. Ok, you win. Shit Libs is much better than centrists! 🤗. Not that there’s the width of a gnat’s ass between them.

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NPR does NOT have "ultra left wing hosts." Please be serious.

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They’re barely centrists

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deletedMar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023
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Nah. The pentagon took over NPR under Bush the Lesser and changed their mandate.

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deletedMar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023
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Google it, Private Jarhead, it’s not that hard. Besides, always demanding “evidence” from others but never providing any of your own is a classic troll tactic.

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He was from MSNBC. What else would you expect? The worst from the worst.

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That's the joke, right? Are there really actual people sitting around watching that crap and saying, 'yeah, that sounds true?' And if so, what kind of horrible person would knowingly take advantage of those poor people, truly sick.

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Yes there are. I **had** a couple of (FB) friends that watched MSNBC...especially during the Russiagate period. They were mezmerized by it. I stopped after they fired Phil Donahue. I certainly don't watch any of it now. I hate to think how many still do. But it's ALL crap.

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Lol!!! Thank you!

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Fake green army man claims he is going to Ukraine to combat Russians, turns around and runs home with his tail between his legs. Nance-pants is the most blatant charlatan to be employed by MSDNC ever, with the possible exception of the homophobic Russian Hacker Hunter, Joy Anne Reid.

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Nance gave an interview to NPR Boston on Jan 7, 2021 claiming that US intel had been following the anti-Biden Jan 6th protest movement on Telegram for months, which prompted me at the time to ponder in how far military and intel officials were central to organizing the ensuing riot that day. Naturally, the interviewer at National Propaganda Radio didn't bother asking any substantive questions, but simply let Nance as a public deep state ghoul push the line prewritten in Langley. Seriously, F these people all the way to the depths of hell.

P.S. I love "imperial smut rag" line. GR8 band name!!

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Study what "we" are doing in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. It's a case study of the real Establishment's activities here and on such a small country it's easier to discern...

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Why would I need to research the puritanically moralistic spread of absolute freedom and pure democracy? "You're in good hands...with All Deep State!!" :D

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Good point - has anyone investigated or written about the US national security state role in organizing and funding these assholes - surely no Lincoln Battalion!

But hey, anything that invokes "the good war" is grist for the propaganda mill.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023

Or maybe the corruption in Ukraine is so completely out of control that even this total shill for the empire couldn't stand it, couldn't get in on it, and couldn't stop it?

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All the usual, warmongering suspects back Ukraine. Nobody apart from China is suing for peace.


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