Just reading reviews of the movie "Oppenheimer" on Consortium, which reminded me of my 5 or 6 y-o self huddling under my desk in first grade. And now, considering this ongoing appointment of war criminals by Biden, our war-criminal-in-chief, it all struck me as theater because it would seem that the US govt. uses Nuland and these other well-known sociopaths as another saber-rattling tool in its ongoing and continual declaration of exceptionalist supremacy. So I've been living within the Theater of the Mushroom Cloud for my entire life. The irony is that one can't walk out of this performance without looking out over the "real world" for the materialization of that cloud, engendered by the massively corrupt performance venue of the US duopoly politics.
The Nulands, Abrams, Bidens, Blinkens and Boltons of the world would gladly kill off 99% of life on earth, if that were the cost of unfettered dominion over whatever was left.
"... Nuland and these other well-known sociopaths ..." - note also that it's women and minorities that are being promoted aggressively throughout the western world.
I consider that another tool of the system - elevate those slices who are more difficult to criticize, and from those choose the ones who will be overly eager to prove they can do as well or better than any old white man.
“…more difficult to criticize.” That’s right. Because you have to find a way to criticize them without letting you hatred and phobia’s about women and minorities show thru in your opinions. Just like we do for white men. If criticize a white guy showing the contempt I have for them as a patriarchy, I get the most hair-on-fire responses!!!! Ooooooo, not all men are like that. Ooooo, you can’t use a body part to refer to men! Oooooo, it has nothing to do with being Jewish. On and on. I have to choose my words very carefully and only focus on their egregious behavior, never in their class or gender. You’re just losing your privilege that’s all. Your privilege of smearing marginalized groups with a few malignant tropes and no actual facts about their behavior. But now you have to think before you snark, and o dear. It’s “difficult” you whine. Grow up.
The trend to elevate black/brown faces and women to carry out the dictates of empire, seem to have accelerated, but it was always thus. Franz Fanon spoke of " black faces, white masks" in the then French colony of Algeria. The white imperialists when they left their colonies left a collaborator class in place. It is nakedly obvious in the US empire's weaponising of minorities in the so called "colour revolutions" and feminism. We see those faces not only in the US administration, but in academia. In the UK while short sighted British Indians exult in Sunak being the Prime Minister he does a better job of serving the empire than any white imperialist.
Women have always tended to be the ones in the role of making the puppets that allow man's ideals to appear real, and not just in Western history. This "meek woman" bullshit is nothing more than a particular moment of desert religious idiocy.
Since I've been looking into the trans movement, I'm becoming aware that many of the "women" in high level positions are actually trans-men. Giving women the illusion that they have made progress.
I consider myself a badass; roughneck, muleskinner, cowgirl and mayor, etc.. But in my 71 years of living in various states, countries and different jobs, positions and meeting a lot of women, I never knew any that were warmongers. That requires a very "special" training and indoctrination that is not particular to women at all.
One way or another, some women acquire aggressive traits and become warmongers. The same is true for men. And it is undeniably true that aggressive people of any gender tend to rise to positions of power where their warmongering instincts can have terrible consequences. In recent years, an increasing number of women have been able to follow that path.
So how do you define “badass?” I don’t care to parse the meaning of that particular word, but I must point out that you are definitely wrong about “chickenhawks.” A chickenhawk is someone who avoided fighting in a war that he supported but later in life had the power to manufacture or advocate for a war that other people would have to fight. Nuland and Thatcher, by that definition, are not chickenhawks. They are flat out warmongers and, I might add, sociopaths.
It doesn't really matter as long as they can hide behind their "womanness". There are women with masculine tendencies as well as men with feminine ones, naturally. Whether it's a trans-something or a masculine woman makes a difference only nominally.
The “ war witch “ again? Good God. The US already appointed as Sec of State the odious Blinken, cheerleader and whip in the Senate for the invasion of Iraq. It doesn’t matter how badly you do your job, does it, as long as you do what you’re told.
I just don't think that they are able to be pushed to "panic". They are sooo arrogant and self-centered that they genuinely believe themselves to be superior beings - Uber Mensch - and they are not hampered by the mores that anchor most Humans in reality.
If a country like the USA can assassinate a President and his brother so easily, with the connivance of senior government departments like the CIA, Jewish gangsters, ambitious politicians and Israeli Neocons, how come the growing list of Biden's senior appointees filling the highest positions in the land, with their total and undisputed allegiance not to America but to Israel, can walk the streets free from harm.
It is really time to show Netanyahu and his growing collection of arrogant Israeli Neocons appointed by the world's #1 Israeli stooge, Biden by name, all posing as loyal Americans, that decent Americans in a once far more decent country than today want to clean the ranks of disloyal traitors. Remember the days of McCarthy in the 1950's, with Communists being the target then? Compared to Neocons, Communists were 'babes in the woods’. Can you imagine a Senate Investigation today with far more than half the Senate openly aligned with Israel and its generous financial electoral support, all avoiding the antiSemitism label and dancing to the Israel beat……in everything. A joke if it wasn’t so serious.
If not this year, then sooner or later, the realisation by decent Americans as to where their dangerous Biden-appointed enemies really dwell, brazenly on American soil, in very senior positions, all working daily against the USA to control the world as part of the self-styled "chosen people”.
A previous Israel Prime Minister said “We own America”. You now have the Netanyhu nasties, alive, very active and flourishing under every rock in 2023, running major government policies with an absolute Israeli emphasis, 330 million Americans led by the nose by 9 million Israelis.
Offensive comment? Perhaps, but you know this is the realty of today’s problems in the USA.
Get your country back, back into the hands of real loyal Americans. There are probably over 310 million of them, many also decent Jewish people who now see corrupt and apartheid Israel for what it has been allowed to become by a toothless UN and a corrupted USA political system.
The "Netanyahu nasty Zionists" are everywhere in case you haven't looked and they're Khazarian Mafia who are not Jewish. We own Israel not the other way round. Mossad is CIA which is KM. So are rest of Globalists.
If it were not so predictable, it would be alarming, I suppose. Reality is such, however, that I expect to see psychopaths promoted ever upward in the halls of our government.
Here you have two of our most odious creatures being rewarded for their anti-Humankind actions. I am sure that the Oz gummint will be sending congratulatory notes to both monsters...
This has to be the longest 4 years of an administration that I can recall.
With a year left, there won't be anything remaining by the time the next administration takes power.
The U.S. has now destabilized Eastern Europe. The Middle East is thrown up in the air once again with the loss of Saudi Arabia as a ally. Don't think that Israel is forgotten as Saudi Arabia and Iran formalized relations. We'll soon be embroiled in sorting out that quagmire. And we're working hard to shatter Southeast Asia.
Remember also, there is no cavalry coming regardless of which party comes into power. People like McConnell and Lindsey Graham haven't gone away. They've just been told to sit down and shut up while the Democrats hang themselves. But a change of administration cannot look much different now that the world has been shaken to its core with our hegemonic policies.
Just because Jim Jordan and House Republicans are championing free speech doesn't mean that their own neocons have ceased to exist.
Congress is all on the take, and no-one is going to be willing to give up their gravy train for the sake of world peace.
The terms Progressive, Justice, Peace, Economy have all been leveraged. The average American and former Middle Class are gone, and with the prospect of cities flooded with homeless and immigrants, no bloc of American Society will be in favor of domestic social programs when it simply means to them that tax money is going to go to illegals.
Even someone as genuine as RFK Jr. would have an uphill climb to unseat our current state of corruption. There is no-one left to partner with when dark money has captured even the most stalwart.
As I said, by the time the next election cycle is complete, I fear there will be nothing left to save.
Nuland just insures that there is no probable outcome to Ukraine that doesn't have the conflict erupting into World War III.
Wherever you find yourself right now, you may want to settle in because the next year and a half is going to look like hell.
And kiss and hold your young Reservist. They are about to go overseas and likely will not be coming back.
Even if RFK Jr were to be made president today with Cornell West as his VP, he would face an entrenched Congress and national security bureaucracy - in and out of government - that he cannot get rid of and that would fight his plans tooth and nail.
And it's been like that always. Now with the internet it's more in our faces and simpletons are wistful for the times past when there was honor etc. Yeah, right.
From the time they screwed our own Revolutionary Soldiers by withholding their pay until their lands could be foreclosed upon. That is our current J.P. Morgan Chase.
Which is what they've always done - anyone in the govt throughout the centuries. They keep creating some "barriers" just so they can maneuver around them. Despite our Jeano being hot on their trail.
"Progressive" always meant scientific managerialism, from Wilson to Hitler to Friedman. Justice always meant whatever the ruling class who generates law wants it to mean. Economy has always meant keeping the slaves on minimum necessary rations and securely captive.
Nothing has changed, not even the notion that we should feel good about all this submission to some dead philosopher's monomaniac delusions.
Saw that - McConnell, Biden, Feinstein, such a perfect reflection to us that these people aren't calling the shots. They're simply order-takers. But as long as they can prop them up at a mic and read prepared scripts, hold a pen and sign an X, good to go!
“…. The U.S. has now destabilized Eastern Europe….” And kiss and hold your young Reservist. They are about to go overseas and likely will not be coming back...”
Dear friend, no it’s rather different than this.
The US has destabilised ALL of Europe, formerly a largely demilitarised region post WWII, focusing on social development and peaceful trade - but which is the US has now thrown into economic disarray, while committed to accumulating ever increasing amounts of weapons. And if you understand history then you know that everything the Europeans start building armies and stockpiling weapons and hatred, well they eventually turn on EACH OTHER.
Furthermore Uncle SAM via the Rand Corp, has very well understood only one history lesson, which is that their adventures in ravaging Vietnam were sabotaged mainly by body bags coming home. SO they wont be sending any US reservists and they went be drafting any US kids. They have co-opted Europe’s poorest nation full of meatheads and have shoved the young men of that nation into a death machine, with Poland lined up as next victim already. After that will be Lithuania, Latvia, and then Germany, Uk and the scandie suckers. No US youth will be sent there that dont volunteer.
Note that many of the above mentioned nations have a policy of drafting BOTH genders into universal compulsory military service, so basically here it will be a genocide across Europe, because there wont be many young women of prime childbearing age left by the time the ghouls of DC/Langley are done with their plans for Europe.
You'll get no argument from me - all completely feasible. And yes, I didn't mean to indicate that we didn't fuck up all of Europe. I believe I did see a report last week that Biden had ordered the call-up of hundreds of thousands of reservists. I assumed they were going in for NATO support.
All the learned dissections and discussions and expostulations and conversations in the universe cannot, IMO, change the fact that the Dems are using war and abortion and LBGTQ(etc.) as campaign items for 2024. And that is literally all the Democratic Party cares about - the election in 2024. Those issues mean nothing to them except as campaign rhetoric and fundraising tools. Literally everything is viewed through that lens and acted upon in service to that cause.
Horrendously, IMO, our government is also infested with power-hungry warmongers who have access to unlimited money and who need not have any worries about what "citizens" think at all. They would throw US men and boys into the same meat grinder that they are throwing the Ukrainians into. They may yet do that, in order to keep the blood and money flowing until the 2024 elections, and this, no matter which of our "choices" wins, will continue.
Zelensky, with the assistance or guidance of the warmongers, will keep enlarging that Overton window until, I believe, it will only be up to Putin (and/or China) to not let the nuclear missiles fly. Honestly, I think the Overton window is just a panoramic 360 view now.
Yeah, that's bleak, But I see "news commentators" and politicans drone on about how of course this war must continue until the 2024 elections, and I see how the GOP is just as bloodthirsty, and that is how I feel. And for those who seek to discredit by demanding that anyone who states a problem must also have a solution - y'all better hope it is not up to only me to yell "Look out! There is a large angry carnivore about to jump on you!", because I doubt I will have a solution like, say, a gun, in order to solve your problem.
Team R and Team D each are using abortion and LGTBQXYZPDQ+ as campaign items because these are at most peripheral to the Empire. "Look, over there! A squirrel!"
Both Team R and Team D are united on the things that matter, namely, keeping the billionaires happy and keeping the Empire marching along.
"... the fact that the Dems are using war and abortion and LBGTQ(etc.) as campaign items ..." - it is also a reflection on what the electorate has become. The voting system is rigged and those who understand stay out. The remainder by definition is stupid - and the issues selected reflect that.
Mass Murdering Sociopaths one and all. Just when you thought it might be safe to stick your head up! Zing another "Waka Mole" comes to play let's kill millions.
At what point will unquestioning Americans notice a trend that has been evident throughout their lives? Government and media talking heads repeat ad nauseam that peace is why we fight.
They want peace, they really, really want peace...but nefarious forces are conspiring to force us to “defend” our interests, which are defined as ANYTHING that requires massive investments in our military.
Russian sovereignty is threatening American security interests! Putin is Hitler’s illegitimate son!
China is acting like the South China Sea is essential to its national defense! Communist misdirection! Those godless commies are congesting the South China Sea with warships to create a pretext for invading Taiwan! It’s obvious to anyone not brainwashed by CCP propaganda!
The question of American tacit approval of imperial global recklessness probably has a number of artistic representations. This is one that has spoken to me since I first heard it, even though I cannot argue that it was the writer’s intended meaning:
Honestly, I just pray that the service men and women stop feeding the beast. Stop going to war for these possessed psychopaths. It is the 99% who keep the f**ked up systems that currently run the world in place. I pray more and more people see the truth behind the lies and propaganda.
Actually, that’s not true anymore. Recruitment is way down, the living conditions and lack of pay are the primary sited reasons. That’s why the recruiters are forcing their way into poorer schools, (just like the NFL used to do) to grab kids early and often. Fortunately, now that poor schools have been forced to hire those minorities (the ones people on here decry because they are so difficult to criticize) there is pushback on the recruitment of 16 year olds. Every little bit helps. What are you doing?
Whatever I might be doing will have got nothing on you, Jeano, the forum's ball of energy. And If you read carefully you'd have noticed I said they maintain the supply. Poverty and illegal immigration are some of the tools.
And if you read carefully, you’d see that I said there is pushback in those circs. How do you push back? O that’s right, you don’t. You just sit at your computer, gatekeeping ideas and people who actually DO things to help stop the corporate coup. Pfft.
That's just what the world needs: the cooler heads to surrender the field to the hotheads of war. Do the people resigning actually think they're helping, especially when they know what psychopaths are waiting to step into their shoes? I call that a dereliction of duty.
They may have resigned, knowing they were about to be forced out. In any case, I hope at least one of them comes out swinging with a scathing expose and goes on widely watched interviews.
That happens often but with less and less impact. Nobody seems to care anymore. The media suppresses everything the system tells it to. It's fascism in all its glory.
What about your dereliction of duty? You’re a citizen aren’t you? If you are, it’s your duty to vote. Instead, the yuppies got all butt hurt and took to their computers with the vapors, blaming someone else for their situation and whingin’ about how no one gave them choice!!! Well, hell! No one DOES give you choice. You work for choice. You badger and petition and organize and threaten and go door to door etc etc etc. But not this last generation. Instead they all collapsed into their matrix pods and cried about conformity. Now they’re in their 40’s and 50’s and early 60’s and can’t do anything but point fingers at others or attack anyone who advocates action. O well, 6 more months of this….
Jeano The Legend is showing her age talking about "good ole times". She totally fails to realize that all that wonderful activity she may have been a part of actually led to where we are right now.
Why, O Jeano the ball of fire asks? Because - get it - it's always been like that. You've been fooled, Jeano, into believing you were part of something. That there ever was a "democracy". You're a tool for the system, Jeano, you have and do work for it.
I couldn’t agree more. All patriarchal theories have been and are being discredited. But in the process of that demolition, the bricks are falling on the heads of the halt and lame, the wounded and impoverished, the helpless and hapless. It’s incumbent upon those of us with enough leisure to sit arguing on a computer to DO something. And voting does work, here and there, in small but increasing doses. And the thing that Emma Goldman missed is that voting WAS illegal. That’s what Dr. King was all about. That’s why the voting rights act was demolished. That’s what the proprietary voting machines are about. We should be looking around and saying, voting actually does seem to work, look how hard they try to suppress it. The fact that the yuppies just wilted in the face of a little struggle makes me so sick. Talk about corporate, Wall Street stooges.
I wouldn't take it personally if I were you. It's nothing more than a statistic which you don't fall into like myself. What jeano doesn't point out is that it's the over 70 age group who are still in control
and have brought us to where we are. There is a sharp division of the have and the have nots at about 70.years of age. The system was established under Reagan for the wealthy and has been maintained ever since by those who remained in power. Voting was pointless because your only choice in candidates were the "lesser of two evils" or throw away your vote on a write in. Trying to work within the system you were ignored or persecuted. Real change was impossible and still is to this day. I'm not sure how Jeano can ignore who we were given and about to be given to elect along with the ages of those in control of Congress. Any time I've had a comment to the over 70 age group they point the finger at me and tell me it's all my fault, as they screwed me out of money they owed me. They are overall morally and ethically bankrupt but have lots of money in the bank which they won't part with. "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine." is their motto.
They refuse to take any responsibility or criticism. In the end it's a race between those in control dying off so real change can be made or the planet being destroyed. And as a final note - yes there are people in power under 70 but they were selected because they fit the mold of the current system.
Unfortunately wars (even the really bad ones) tend to only kill a relatively small fraction of the population, so if that is their strategy, it's a bad one.
Whenever the subject of Biden comes up, to me the subject of his being president in the first place overrides every other consideration. As in, how does it happen that the president of a country while president of the country made a video bragging that as a vice-president he leveraged a half billion dollar loan to Ukraine against the appointment of a judge who wanted to investigate his dope addicted son's controversial and very lucrative, self-interests with a controversial oil company, Burisma, and in fact had the prosecutor in question, Shokin, fired? Isn't that - influence peddling? Intimidation of a foreign government for personal gain? Doesn't it involve criminal overriding of a crime after the fact? A country with such a president is seriously lacking in ethics, so how can it be taken any more seriously than a banana republic?
The last election was rigged, one way or another, there is no question about it. For details of what you're referring to the interested may check out yesterday's very informative Greenwald: https://rumble.com/v32b9k0-system-update-117.html
I will check, thanks. Just reading Ralph Nader and he blames everything on the GOP and how it is reinforced with Democratic "monocultures". Pretty bloody depressing primrose path route: the problem isn't the GOP: it's the corrupt system which self-corrects by more, and more, novel corruption that causes vertigo in anyone trying to sort it out.
Trump should be in prison for fomenting an insurrection. Shrub2 should be in prison for war crimes. Obama should be in prison for failing to uphold the constitution. You can go to prison for 20 years for cheating on food stamps. States are proposing to make homelessness a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Snowden was exiled for whistle blowing.
Does it seem like the justice system is corrupt to you?
Just reading reviews of the movie "Oppenheimer" on Consortium, which reminded me of my 5 or 6 y-o self huddling under my desk in first grade. And now, considering this ongoing appointment of war criminals by Biden, our war-criminal-in-chief, it all struck me as theater because it would seem that the US govt. uses Nuland and these other well-known sociopaths as another saber-rattling tool in its ongoing and continual declaration of exceptionalist supremacy. So I've been living within the Theater of the Mushroom Cloud for my entire life. The irony is that one can't walk out of this performance without looking out over the "real world" for the materialization of that cloud, engendered by the massively corrupt performance venue of the US duopoly politics.
The Nulands, Abrams, Bidens, Blinkens and Boltons of the world would gladly kill off 99% of life on earth, if that were the cost of unfettered dominion over whatever was left.
n.b. "Don't Look Up!"
USSA's Political Crime Cartels, Bushies, Romney-Ryans, Clintoon, Obamaites and their Masters the Bankster NWO Mother WEFers
Yup the power hungry nerds need their power at any cost. Blame the voters who support the rigged system.
Blame the corrupt industrial military complex who rig the system. I say rip them out of office physically if necessary.
How about "Lock up" instead?
"... Nuland and these other well-known sociopaths ..." - note also that it's women and minorities that are being promoted aggressively throughout the western world.
I consider that another tool of the system - elevate those slices who are more difficult to criticize, and from those choose the ones who will be overly eager to prove they can do as well or better than any old white man.
“…more difficult to criticize.” That’s right. Because you have to find a way to criticize them without letting you hatred and phobia’s about women and minorities show thru in your opinions. Just like we do for white men. If criticize a white guy showing the contempt I have for them as a patriarchy, I get the most hair-on-fire responses!!!! Ooooooo, not all men are like that. Ooooo, you can’t use a body part to refer to men! Oooooo, it has nothing to do with being Jewish. On and on. I have to choose my words very carefully and only focus on their egregious behavior, never in their class or gender. You’re just losing your privilege that’s all. Your privilege of smearing marginalized groups with a few malignant tropes and no actual facts about their behavior. But now you have to think before you snark, and o dear. It’s “difficult” you whine. Grow up.
Started the day on a wrong foot, as usual, Jeano?
That's the point, you see. No matter how hard one tries one can always be accused of going after the sort. Get it now?
I’m afraid you totally missed the point, honey. Poor butt.
The way you punctuate the threads, Jeano - you're a legend!
Thank you. 🥰❤️😻👏🙏
They do that on purpose so they can "cancel" you for what you say. Violation of 1A. Cancel their ass right back.
The trend to elevate black/brown faces and women to carry out the dictates of empire, seem to have accelerated, but it was always thus. Franz Fanon spoke of " black faces, white masks" in the then French colony of Algeria. The white imperialists when they left their colonies left a collaborator class in place. It is nakedly obvious in the US empire's weaponising of minorities in the so called "colour revolutions" and feminism. We see those faces not only in the US administration, but in academia. In the UK while short sighted British Indians exult in Sunak being the Prime Minister he does a better job of serving the empire than any white imperialist.
Women have always tended to be the ones in the role of making the puppets that allow man's ideals to appear real, and not just in Western history. This "meek woman" bullshit is nothing more than a particular moment of desert religious idiocy.
Since I've been looking into the trans movement, I'm becoming aware that many of the "women" in high level positions are actually trans-men. Giving women the illusion that they have made progress.
Sorry, women have to accept the fact that many of their gender are badasses. Calling the badasses “trans-men”is a weak and sexist cop out.
I consider myself a badass; roughneck, muleskinner, cowgirl and mayor, etc.. But in my 71 years of living in various states, countries and different jobs, positions and meeting a lot of women, I never knew any that were warmongers. That requires a very "special" training and indoctrination that is not particular to women at all.
One way or another, some women acquire aggressive traits and become warmongers. The same is true for men. And it is undeniably true that aggressive people of any gender tend to rise to positions of power where their warmongering instincts can have terrible consequences. In recent years, an increasing number of women have been able to follow that path.
The Nulands and Thatchers of the world are hardly "badasses". More like "chichenhawks".
The average frustrated African market woman is more of a badass, all day, every day, lest she be eaten alive.
So how do you define “badass?” I don’t care to parse the meaning of that particular word, but I must point out that you are definitely wrong about “chickenhawks.” A chickenhawk is someone who avoided fighting in a war that he supported but later in life had the power to manufacture or advocate for a war that other people would have to fight. Nuland and Thatcher, by that definition, are not chickenhawks. They are flat out warmongers and, I might add, sociopaths.
It doesn't really matter as long as they can hide behind their "womanness". There are women with masculine tendencies as well as men with feminine ones, naturally. Whether it's a trans-something or a masculine woman makes a difference only nominally.
It's any excuse to quash 1A.
Way to derail a thread with anti-trans bigotry and really, a flat out lie.
Nuland is the angel of death. A commissar who executes color revolutions: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution
Hilarity Rotten Clintoon would contest that Angel of Death "crown", two peas in a pod.
The “ war witch “ again? Good God. The US already appointed as Sec of State the odious Blinken, cheerleader and whip in the Senate for the invasion of Iraq. It doesn’t matter how badly you do your job, does it, as long as you do what you’re told.
In other words, the neocons are not in panic but confident and continuing to double down.
I just don't think that they are able to be pushed to "panic". They are sooo arrogant and self-centered that they genuinely believe themselves to be superior beings - Uber Mensch - and they are not hampered by the mores that anchor most Humans in reality.
On other platforms I read confident reports that the West is "collapsing", that NATO is in "panic" and suchlike wishful thinking.
I have to see this collapse to believe it.
Maybe these Western "leaders" are blindly driving full-speed into a brick wall, but at best, time will tell.
Nuland is one of those warmongers who should be hanging from a noose, for the betterment of humanity.
Her actions have led to war, loss of life and suffering.
If a country like the USA can assassinate a President and his brother so easily, with the connivance of senior government departments like the CIA, Jewish gangsters, ambitious politicians and Israeli Neocons, how come the growing list of Biden's senior appointees filling the highest positions in the land, with their total and undisputed allegiance not to America but to Israel, can walk the streets free from harm.
It is really time to show Netanyahu and his growing collection of arrogant Israeli Neocons appointed by the world's #1 Israeli stooge, Biden by name, all posing as loyal Americans, that decent Americans in a once far more decent country than today want to clean the ranks of disloyal traitors. Remember the days of McCarthy in the 1950's, with Communists being the target then? Compared to Neocons, Communists were 'babes in the woods’. Can you imagine a Senate Investigation today with far more than half the Senate openly aligned with Israel and its generous financial electoral support, all avoiding the antiSemitism label and dancing to the Israel beat……in everything. A joke if it wasn’t so serious.
If not this year, then sooner or later, the realisation by decent Americans as to where their dangerous Biden-appointed enemies really dwell, brazenly on American soil, in very senior positions, all working daily against the USA to control the world as part of the self-styled "chosen people”.
A previous Israel Prime Minister said “We own America”. You now have the Netanyhu nasties, alive, very active and flourishing under every rock in 2023, running major government policies with an absolute Israeli emphasis, 330 million Americans led by the nose by 9 million Israelis.
Offensive comment? Perhaps, but you know this is the realty of today’s problems in the USA.
Get your country back, back into the hands of real loyal Americans. There are probably over 310 million of them, many also decent Jewish people who now see corrupt and apartheid Israel for what it has been allowed to become by a toothless UN and a corrupted USA political system.
The "Netanyahu nasty Zionists" are everywhere in case you haven't looked and they're Khazarian Mafia who are not Jewish. We own Israel not the other way round. Mossad is CIA which is KM. So are rest of Globalists.
If it were not so predictable, it would be alarming, I suppose. Reality is such, however, that I expect to see psychopaths promoted ever upward in the halls of our government.
Here you have two of our most odious creatures being rewarded for their anti-Humankind actions. I am sure that the Oz gummint will be sending congratulatory notes to both monsters...
This has to be the longest 4 years of an administration that I can recall.
With a year left, there won't be anything remaining by the time the next administration takes power.
The U.S. has now destabilized Eastern Europe. The Middle East is thrown up in the air once again with the loss of Saudi Arabia as a ally. Don't think that Israel is forgotten as Saudi Arabia and Iran formalized relations. We'll soon be embroiled in sorting out that quagmire. And we're working hard to shatter Southeast Asia.
Remember also, there is no cavalry coming regardless of which party comes into power. People like McConnell and Lindsey Graham haven't gone away. They've just been told to sit down and shut up while the Democrats hang themselves. But a change of administration cannot look much different now that the world has been shaken to its core with our hegemonic policies.
Just because Jim Jordan and House Republicans are championing free speech doesn't mean that their own neocons have ceased to exist.
Congress is all on the take, and no-one is going to be willing to give up their gravy train for the sake of world peace.
The terms Progressive, Justice, Peace, Economy have all been leveraged. The average American and former Middle Class are gone, and with the prospect of cities flooded with homeless and immigrants, no bloc of American Society will be in favor of domestic social programs when it simply means to them that tax money is going to go to illegals.
Even someone as genuine as RFK Jr. would have an uphill climb to unseat our current state of corruption. There is no-one left to partner with when dark money has captured even the most stalwart.
As I said, by the time the next election cycle is complete, I fear there will be nothing left to save.
Nuland just insures that there is no probable outcome to Ukraine that doesn't have the conflict erupting into World War III.
Wherever you find yourself right now, you may want to settle in because the next year and a half is going to look like hell.
And kiss and hold your young Reservist. They are about to go overseas and likely will not be coming back.
Even if RFK Jr were to be made president today with Cornell West as his VP, he would face an entrenched Congress and national security bureaucracy - in and out of government - that he cannot get rid of and that would fight his plans tooth and nail.
Up to the method used against his uncle, if need be.
Of course.
Cue up the chorus of "Gee, that's too bad. I guess we'll never ever ever really know what happened!"
And it's been like that always. Now with the internet it's more in our faces and simpletons are wistful for the times past when there was honor etc. Yeah, right.
LOL Exactly!
From the time they screwed our own Revolutionary Soldiers by withholding their pay until their lands could be foreclosed upon. That is our current J.P. Morgan Chase.
Yesterday's Greenwald touches upon the reps protecting their right to effectively insider trade: https://rumble.com/v32b9k0-system-update-117.html
Which is what they've always done - anyone in the govt throughout the centuries. They keep creating some "barriers" just so they can maneuver around them. Despite our Jeano being hot on their trail.
Cornel West, seriously?!
"Progressive" always meant scientific managerialism, from Wilson to Hitler to Friedman. Justice always meant whatever the ruling class who generates law wants it to mean. Economy has always meant keeping the slaves on minimum necessary rations and securely captive.
Nothing has changed, not even the notion that we should feel good about all this submission to some dead philosopher's monomaniac delusions.
Yes. Every word.
Update: Looks like McConnell is done. 👍
Saw that - McConnell, Biden, Feinstein, such a perfect reflection to us that these people aren't calling the shots. They're simply order-takers. But as long as they can prop them up at a mic and read prepared scripts, hold a pen and sign an X, good to go!
“…. The U.S. has now destabilized Eastern Europe….” And kiss and hold your young Reservist. They are about to go overseas and likely will not be coming back...”
Dear friend, no it’s rather different than this.
The US has destabilised ALL of Europe, formerly a largely demilitarised region post WWII, focusing on social development and peaceful trade - but which is the US has now thrown into economic disarray, while committed to accumulating ever increasing amounts of weapons. And if you understand history then you know that everything the Europeans start building armies and stockpiling weapons and hatred, well they eventually turn on EACH OTHER.
Furthermore Uncle SAM via the Rand Corp, has very well understood only one history lesson, which is that their adventures in ravaging Vietnam were sabotaged mainly by body bags coming home. SO they wont be sending any US reservists and they went be drafting any US kids. They have co-opted Europe’s poorest nation full of meatheads and have shoved the young men of that nation into a death machine, with Poland lined up as next victim already. After that will be Lithuania, Latvia, and then Germany, Uk and the scandie suckers. No US youth will be sent there that dont volunteer.
Note that many of the above mentioned nations have a policy of drafting BOTH genders into universal compulsory military service, so basically here it will be a genocide across Europe, because there wont be many young women of prime childbearing age left by the time the ghouls of DC/Langley are done with their plans for Europe.
You'll get no argument from me - all completely feasible. And yes, I didn't mean to indicate that we didn't fuck up all of Europe. I believe I did see a report last week that Biden had ordered the call-up of hundreds of thousands of reservists. I assumed they were going in for NATO support.
But they're diverse warmongers!
All the learned dissections and discussions and expostulations and conversations in the universe cannot, IMO, change the fact that the Dems are using war and abortion and LBGTQ(etc.) as campaign items for 2024. And that is literally all the Democratic Party cares about - the election in 2024. Those issues mean nothing to them except as campaign rhetoric and fundraising tools. Literally everything is viewed through that lens and acted upon in service to that cause.
Horrendously, IMO, our government is also infested with power-hungry warmongers who have access to unlimited money and who need not have any worries about what "citizens" think at all. They would throw US men and boys into the same meat grinder that they are throwing the Ukrainians into. They may yet do that, in order to keep the blood and money flowing until the 2024 elections, and this, no matter which of our "choices" wins, will continue.
Zelensky, with the assistance or guidance of the warmongers, will keep enlarging that Overton window until, I believe, it will only be up to Putin (and/or China) to not let the nuclear missiles fly. Honestly, I think the Overton window is just a panoramic 360 view now.
Yeah, that's bleak, But I see "news commentators" and politicans drone on about how of course this war must continue until the 2024 elections, and I see how the GOP is just as bloodthirsty, and that is how I feel. And for those who seek to discredit by demanding that anyone who states a problem must also have a solution - y'all better hope it is not up to only me to yell "Look out! There is a large angry carnivore about to jump on you!", because I doubt I will have a solution like, say, a gun, in order to solve your problem.
Team R and Team D each are using abortion and LGTBQXYZPDQ+ as campaign items because these are at most peripheral to the Empire. "Look, over there! A squirrel!"
Both Team R and Team D are united on the things that matter, namely, keeping the billionaires happy and keeping the Empire marching along.
"... the fact that the Dems are using war and abortion and LBGTQ(etc.) as campaign items ..." - it is also a reflection on what the electorate has become. The voting system is rigged and those who understand stay out. The remainder by definition is stupid - and the issues selected reflect that.
Mass Murdering Sociopaths one and all. Just when you thought it might be safe to stick your head up! Zing another "Waka Mole" comes to play let's kill millions.
At what point will unquestioning Americans notice a trend that has been evident throughout their lives? Government and media talking heads repeat ad nauseam that peace is why we fight.
They want peace, they really, really want peace...but nefarious forces are conspiring to force us to “defend” our interests, which are defined as ANYTHING that requires massive investments in our military.
Russian sovereignty is threatening American security interests! Putin is Hitler’s illegitimate son!
China is acting like the South China Sea is essential to its national defense! Communist misdirection! Those godless commies are congesting the South China Sea with warships to create a pretext for invading Taiwan! It’s obvious to anyone not brainwashed by CCP propaganda!
The question of American tacit approval of imperial global recklessness probably has a number of artistic representations. This is one that has spoken to me since I first heard it, even though I cannot argue that it was the writer’s intended meaning:
The path is clear
Though no eyes can see
The course laid down long before.
And so with gods and men
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Though many times they've seen the way to leave.
Honestly, I just pray that the service men and women stop feeding the beast. Stop going to war for these possessed psychopaths. It is the 99% who keep the f**ked up systems that currently run the world in place. I pray more and more people see the truth behind the lies and propaganda.
Most of them go there for the career. Immigrants to speed up their path to naturalization. The supply is there and is maintained skillfully.
Actually, that’s not true anymore. Recruitment is way down, the living conditions and lack of pay are the primary sited reasons. That’s why the recruiters are forcing their way into poorer schools, (just like the NFL used to do) to grab kids early and often. Fortunately, now that poor schools have been forced to hire those minorities (the ones people on here decry because they are so difficult to criticize) there is pushback on the recruitment of 16 year olds. Every little bit helps. What are you doing?
Whatever I might be doing will have got nothing on you, Jeano, the forum's ball of energy. And If you read carefully you'd have noticed I said they maintain the supply. Poverty and illegal immigration are some of the tools.
And if you read carefully, you’d see that I said there is pushback in those circs. How do you push back? O that’s right, you don’t. You just sit at your computer, gatekeeping ideas and people who actually DO things to help stop the corporate coup. Pfft.
Good thing you don't spend time at your computer pontificating.
This favorite "full stop" of yours calls for a napkin to be nearby and refreshed often. As there must be spit flying all over the keyboard.
Come on you two. Both of you kids to the kitchen table now, and share a cupcake. No fighting!
Caitlin's forum sometimes resembles a kitchen table. Sometimes a boxing ring. You would know 😉
O come on!!! It’s his job in life to mock other’s ideas and try to put a stop to them. Don’t take away the only thing he has in life. 😜
Unfortunately they've either forced out the ones w brains or jabbed the rest into submission.
Gimme an F
Gimme an R
Gimme an A
Gimme a G
What's that spell?
That's just what the world needs: the cooler heads to surrender the field to the hotheads of war. Do the people resigning actually think they're helping, especially when they know what psychopaths are waiting to step into their shoes? I call that a dereliction of duty.
They have fat sinecures waiting for them after they leave within the same rotten war mongering structures that the system sustains ad infinitum....
I have to hope they were made to resign because as you say it is a "dereliction of duty" otherwise.
They may have resigned, knowing they were about to be forced out. In any case, I hope at least one of them comes out swinging with a scathing expose and goes on widely watched interviews.
That happens often but with less and less impact. Nobody seems to care anymore. The media suppresses everything the system tells it to. It's fascism in all its glory.
That would be a good thing to happen indeed!
What about your dereliction of duty? You’re a citizen aren’t you? If you are, it’s your duty to vote. Instead, the yuppies got all butt hurt and took to their computers with the vapors, blaming someone else for their situation and whingin’ about how no one gave them choice!!! Well, hell! No one DOES give you choice. You work for choice. You badger and petition and organize and threaten and go door to door etc etc etc. But not this last generation. Instead they all collapsed into their matrix pods and cried about conformity. Now they’re in their 40’s and 50’s and early 60’s and can’t do anything but point fingers at others or attack anyone who advocates action. O well, 6 more months of this….
If voting changed anything, it would be illegal. -Emma Goldman
It would be better to take every one of Plato's ideas and the religions encapsulated in them, and consign them to a big book bonfire.
Jeano The Legend is showing her age talking about "good ole times". She totally fails to realize that all that wonderful activity she may have been a part of actually led to where we are right now.
Why, O Jeano the ball of fire asks? Because - get it - it's always been like that. You've been fooled, Jeano, into believing you were part of something. That there ever was a "democracy". You're a tool for the system, Jeano, you have and do work for it.
I couldn’t agree more. All patriarchal theories have been and are being discredited. But in the process of that demolition, the bricks are falling on the heads of the halt and lame, the wounded and impoverished, the helpless and hapless. It’s incumbent upon those of us with enough leisure to sit arguing on a computer to DO something. And voting does work, here and there, in small but increasing doses. And the thing that Emma Goldman missed is that voting WAS illegal. That’s what Dr. King was all about. That’s why the voting rights act was demolished. That’s what the proprietary voting machines are about. We should be looking around and saying, voting actually does seem to work, look how hard they try to suppress it. The fact that the yuppies just wilted in the face of a little struggle makes me so sick. Talk about corporate, Wall Street stooges.
How do you know what I do and don't do? Presumptuous much?
I wouldn't take it personally if I were you. It's nothing more than a statistic which you don't fall into like myself. What jeano doesn't point out is that it's the over 70 age group who are still in control
and have brought us to where we are. There is a sharp division of the have and the have nots at about 70.years of age. The system was established under Reagan for the wealthy and has been maintained ever since by those who remained in power. Voting was pointless because your only choice in candidates were the "lesser of two evils" or throw away your vote on a write in. Trying to work within the system you were ignored or persecuted. Real change was impossible and still is to this day. I'm not sure how Jeano can ignore who we were given and about to be given to elect along with the ages of those in control of Congress. Any time I've had a comment to the over 70 age group they point the finger at me and tell me it's all my fault, as they screwed me out of money they owed me. They are overall morally and ethically bankrupt but have lots of money in the bank which they won't part with. "What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine." is their motto.
They refuse to take any responsibility or criticism. In the end it's a race between those in control dying off so real change can be made or the planet being destroyed. And as a final note - yes there are people in power under 70 but they were selected because they fit the mold of the current system.
I’m judging you by what you say. Also, I was describing the yuppies—but if the shoe fits…
And actually, you didn't address anything I actually said.
I'm guessing the shoe fits best the person who spends their time on the computer criticizing others for spending their time on the computer.
War is one way to murder off the population. That's what these idiots want. Maybe that's what Mother Nature wants too...to be rid of stupid humans.
Unfortunately wars (even the really bad ones) tend to only kill a relatively small fraction of the population, so if that is their strategy, it's a bad one.
Whenever the subject of Biden comes up, to me the subject of his being president in the first place overrides every other consideration. As in, how does it happen that the president of a country while president of the country made a video bragging that as a vice-president he leveraged a half billion dollar loan to Ukraine against the appointment of a judge who wanted to investigate his dope addicted son's controversial and very lucrative, self-interests with a controversial oil company, Burisma, and in fact had the prosecutor in question, Shokin, fired? Isn't that - influence peddling? Intimidation of a foreign government for personal gain? Doesn't it involve criminal overriding of a crime after the fact? A country with such a president is seriously lacking in ethics, so how can it be taken any more seriously than a banana republic?
The last election was rigged, one way or another, there is no question about it. For details of what you're referring to the interested may check out yesterday's very informative Greenwald: https://rumble.com/v32b9k0-system-update-117.html
I will check, thanks. Just reading Ralph Nader and he blames everything on the GOP and how it is reinforced with Democratic "monocultures". Pretty bloody depressing primrose path route: the problem isn't the GOP: it's the corrupt system which self-corrects by more, and more, novel corruption that causes vertigo in anyone trying to sort it out.
Trump should be in prison for fomenting an insurrection. Shrub2 should be in prison for war crimes. Obama should be in prison for failing to uphold the constitution. You can go to prison for 20 years for cheating on food stamps. States are proposing to make homelessness a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Snowden was exiled for whistle blowing.
Does it seem like the justice system is corrupt to you?
I must have missed the Trump "insurrection".
Thank you Caitlin🙏