Thank you, Caitlin. Love to RM and to Syria! Peace to all! (As delusional it sounds now and then, it's still sincerely, resoundingly and consistently felt.)

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Medium, my former publisher, owns my writings and has canceled me. I do have access(to my writings) for whatever that is worth. I will move to Substack in the near future, but 4+ years worth of my materiel is now, in toto, censored. Freedom of speech is really a figment, an ideal, they proselytize as lessons in grade schools in "democracy". What a crock. Speak out about the corruption of Big Pharma--the *vaccines*--and get censored. Or, for that matter, anything that government/big business deems 'inappropriate'. Like enemies of the state, Soleimani, for example. Fascism is here now in all its ugly, vainglorious spectacle. It will only worsen from here on out. Peace, The Ol' Hippy

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we know who the criminals are and what they have done to humanity and mother earth. they can never erase their crimes no matter how they may try. we shall make sure that each and every one of them pay for each and every crime of theirs sooner than later.

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Problem is it's private companies. They did the same to me stating I was supporting the Taliban. Iran is not my enemy. Neither are the Taliban. Good read. Thanks Cait.

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At least, if you believe the justification given, the corporate censorship took place because "anything which seems supportive of [Soleimani] constitutes a violation of US sanctions and must therefore be removed."

Of course, that's just an excuse, Meta using sanctions as a pretext to do what they wanted to do.

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I agree

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Thanks for taking on censorship. I have leftist friends who dismiss it as just a RW boogeyman/talking point. The sooner we can disabuse them of this misguided notion, the better.

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Fox news incites open hatred and stokes racism EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AT PRIME TIME on national TV. No mention of censorship there....... That's Murica!

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I have to ask, why do you pick out only Fox? Do you actually watch Fox? I sometimes see Tucker Carlson clips when they're posted in various outlets.

If you want to see Hate and Censorship, (that's a rhetorical "want") then Reddit is the place. Discussion is so completely siloed that only a couple of subs allow "debate", but it isn't really "debate" because the participants are so ignorant. I don't condemn them for "not knowing" but for "not wanting to know".

Sigh, I see I've probably fallen into the same trap.

Anyway, for some alternate views I've found https://thesaker.is to be quite helpful. Their analysis of the coming war in Ukraine and the stupidity of Israel bombing Syria and the way Israel keeps tweaking Iran was very enlightening. Not everything there is "high quality", but that's true almost everywhere (and "quality" is in the eye of the reader anyway). I found the explanation of the rift between this site and antiwar.com disturbing.

And of course https://www.opednews.com where I keep finding Scott Ritter. (Who tells me that Russia's $60B/year army can kick America's ass in the Ukraine any day of the week)

Lastly, the last 3 podcasts from Moderate Rebels https://moderaterebels.com which included Ritter discussing America's "war" with Russia and some eye-opening explanations of what is going on in South and Central America that I've heard no where else. The expulsion of Taiwan diplomats in exchange for Economic Aid from the PRC, including building a canal across Nicaragua highlights how ineffective American "power" is.

America's judgement day seems to be fast approaching. The Bully is about to get its' comeuppance.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

I have friends who work in an environment where TV is supposed to be "on" to entertain customers while they wait. Yes do watch Fox. It's Impossible to swallow and it brings hatred to a simmering boil among huge swathes of population. It has far too much access and too much privilege. Reddit, i agree with you. I skip reddit answers from my google searches. They have "bot" technology that can sculpt a viewpoint using the benign envelope of "conversation" and they do this, in my view, for paying customers/clients of the reddit platform. If you state some hateful viewpoint point blank, people will naturally shoot it down, if you promote the same hateful viewpoint via conversation using AI/NLP driven bot nudges anchored into a conversation, people SWALLOW IT!

No offense or ill-will to you, but look at our conversation: You question my singling out fox, then go on to support other sites as better. I agree with your choices. But by means of conversation, the point that Fox is beyond the pale gets washed away. Fox is crossing lines constantly but will never face censorship. Individual Americans are censored every day.

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The US was taken over a long time ago, and not just The US. Politicians are script-reading puppets Trump included. Conspiracy reality:'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.': The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived

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So much for the First Amendment. Just say the magic words "Muh Foreign Terrorist Organization Abracadabra!" and the Bill of Rights vanishes without a trace.

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For what it's worth, I'd like to know from where the "It's not government censorship; it's just corporations being corporations" nonsense sprung, because it's the exact same response my BlueAnon family-member offered me. I thought at the time it was uniquely incredible.

Thanks for covering this, Caitlin, as well as for reminding us all what a complete Zionist sycophant Donald Trump is, and, with his silencing of Assange, he's every bit as dangerous a censor as any authoritarian democrat. With 2024 looming, Trump remains an only slightly different iteration of the problems which afflict us.

Anyone who wages war on knowledge and information for whatever reason is our true enemy.

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The untold story of the last 5 years is the huuuuge total sympathy/synergy between zionists and Trump.

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At the same time, the neocons seamlessly shifted their support to Team D, as soon as it became apparent that Team D would be in power and would give them the wars and empire they so crave.

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the EXACT same forces that gave us "Dubya" stoking a 20 year war on terroir witch hunt fake war on Iraq are now donning Team D robes. (It only takes $300 million to "OWN" the senate for a 4 year presidential term. Sheldon Adelson alone exceeded that sum during Team D tenure. Privilege. )

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Correct, which tells me whatever lip service Trump gave to fighting the deep state, he continued empowering the worst elements of it.

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So can we finally admit that things like censoring talk about dead people in the west has caught up with CCP censorship? Or are we still not there yet?

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