If it hasn’t been clear before, it certainly should be crystal clear now that the collective west has gone completely mad. Certifiably psychopathic!

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Unless they're just talking tough for political purposes. The more rational reakpolitikers know that if they strike Russian territory (beyond trivial harassment) the Russian leadership will be under considerable domestic pressure to do something serious to Western countries and interests, and probably have the power to do it. This will go over badly in the territories and populations of the West. I assume everyone knows this. There is an election coming up in the US and neither major party wants to be blamed for an expensive, inconvenient, destructive war however befuddled and depressed American voters may be. The same observation applies to attacking China. Of course the rational choice for Americans would be to turn out their leadership and get a new set, but one step at a time.

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The UNITED states of Amerika: There is not one person in the USA that any world leader would trust today.

MY guess is (like Zelensky of former Ukraine) there will be NO Election because the US is at war fighting Hamas and Russia!

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Get your head out of the clouds Starry. Evidently you remain in the unclear cohort referenced in my post.

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It really would be a shame if the people should cease to exist; what about our poor innocent pets? They didn't have any thing to do with all this. That's animal abuse!!

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I am certainly unclear as to what you're talking about.

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May 24·edited May 24

What August is talking about is : that you are absolutely unaware/uninformed what's happening in the world. A childish talk .

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This Election will not happen.

Biden will say "we are in a state of war." Trump will bring all his minions in.

Either way, even if there is an election neither side will secede and then you will have a Civil War. IF you can't see this................

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BINGO !!👍👍👍👍

Please, just be so kind to change your pen name into despectus Occidentalis.

Just sayin' ...

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Blinky is an idiot. His affect shows it. He is also an amoral Zionist.

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Blinken is not stupid but rather a sociopath.

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Isn't this necessarily true of almost the entire leadership or ruling class? You can't attach yourself to sociopaths without becoming a sociopath, that is, someone who has decided that sociopathy is a valid life strategy.

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May 24·edited May 24


Once sociopaths enter into any game, all participants must either turn sociopath themselves or lose, since sociopaths enjoy an inherent advantage over neurotypicals in that they have no qualms about cheating. Unless they are cheated on, in which case, they scream bloody murder.

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Lack of empathy is a key metric

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Hey, c'mon! He's got ALL the empathy...for the privately-owned, for-profit MIC!!! where's YOURS?

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You actually don't need the term sociopath they are just bullies!

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Makes sense since most bullies are socio/psychopaths by definition.

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Agreed, can't argue that. Still it's absolutely stupid to think you can win a nuclear war.

Throughout Americas history since first using the bomb, every time the US was losing a war Generals were clamoring to use them.

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As long as the other guy doesn't get to be Top Dog then they have won, as far as they are concerned.

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Or… as long as I’m going down, I’m taking everything with me. AKA the Sampson Doctrine. AKA, the abusers justification for killing his wife—if I can’t have you, nobody can have you. It’s common patriarchal reasoning.

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Jeano. I agree. But where are the women?

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Exactly! That’s why I pick on Yuppies so much. That whole generation left off engagement in justice seeking and ran off to join corporations and Wall Street and Hillary to get their own and promote the patriarchal values of money war and “nice”. Jeez!

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Which is why the US has put huge tariffs on EV cars.

I doubt China cares very much because they know that the US is defunct.

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Yes. They think like oligarchs. The Uber Rich only think about being more wealthy than the other billionaire guy. It's a bit more evil than the ole saying "keeping up with the Jones".

Sad that to be rich you don't need to be intelligent or smart or even clever. You just need generational wealth.

Hell, you needn't even pass a university class, just pay for your grades with no studying involved.

I think that's why the ruling class is so damn dangerous and disloyal today.

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Huh; I figured they're dangerous bcuz they have ALL THE MONEY (& insist on keeping it, too).

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His Godfather is one of the people who should be indicted for war crimes.

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"Blinky is an idiot?... That's too easy ........... Anyone who has known about nuclear weapons but remained silent is just as much of an idiot as Blinken.

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Bombs should NVERE have been supported in the 2nd amendment.

They go off and kill in all directions - without aiming

Their use is limited to strictly "enemy territory without citizens

The larger the bomb, the harder that requirement

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Why just Blinken? This is a person Biden picked???/

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You can keep picking on Blinken but who the f..k is in charge?

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Was thinking about this earlier. Knowing the way that Russia has conducted the war so far, I seriously doubt they'd hit NATO targets outside of Ukraine in response to the Ukrainians using long range missiles against targets in Russia, except maybe flights or ships delivering weapons. In fact, if Ukraine were to do so I think it would truly be "gloves off" time for 404 and Kyiv would be leveled within a week. This might actually end the war sooner. Obviously none of this is necessary to begin with and the only desirable outcome at this point is a negotiated surrender/truce. But Russia has demonstrated a ton of tact and even diplomacy in the face of straight up evil disingenuousness and provocation from the US, UK and NATO so far. They don't want to end human civilization in huge areas of the Earth; if anyone does it's the psychopathic warmongers, including arch-Zionists like Blinken. And the fact that he is a Zionist is a very important aspect of his personality and his worldview, but I won't get into that here.

BTW: Russia had already planned the tactical nuclear weapons exercises; probably a year or more in advance. They aren't/weren't being carried out as a "response" to any of this recent long range missile talk by the desperate phonies in the dying empire of the AmericoSaxons or the Zionist parasites that control their brain like cordyceps fungus.

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Dusting fungicide over the buildings in Washington could maybe solve this extestential threat.

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LOL. But seriously, what would truly solve it would be a) nationalizing the entire MIC, and b) making the top 2% (you know, the folks who own 90% of all US wealth) pay ALL the taxes, at every level of gov't, to fund it.

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And Tel Aviv and NYC/NJ. And Hollywood. And Silicon Valley.

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"They don't want to end human civilization in huge areas of the Earth" ?????; Following a nuclear war, I'm not sure there would be any part of the Earth where human civilization would still exist. I would highly recommend Annie Jacobson's most recent book: 'Nuclear War, a scenario'. If you have the time, or the interest, you could probably learn all there is to know about the dangers of nuclear war in the following interview...


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This seems to be the US' entire plan - Russia would not actually use nuclear weapons, so we can blackmail Russia into kneeling and dismemberment. I do not think this will work.

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May 24·edited May 24

I have talked to Briton in their military establishment who actually also believe this crap. First they underline that “Putin” is crazy. Then they say we should invade because Putin is too rational to use nuclear weapons.

It’s not that these people are stupid. It’s that they are zealots who have such contempt for the western public that they believe even those illogical fairytales are sufficiently to fool everyone

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It's not that they "believe" - they "know". They are super efficient in applying those tools. Sufficient to influence the majority of the masses so the scales always tip in their favor. That's all they care for.

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Yikes. No thanks. And if there's no part of the Earth that'd be inhabitable, why bother lol?

That said, I think that if the US and Russia somehow waged "limited" nuclear war in the northern hemisphere - involving a few major cities and not MAD - there are probably parts of tROW that would still be OK. Problem with that is; if any side in this affair doesn't care if all of humanity gets wiped out, it's "ours." A good number of them being Zionists.

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May 25·edited May 25

Artist...., According to Annie Jacobson's newest book entitled 'Nuclear War, a scenario, the launch of any nuclear weapon towards any country ends in total nuclear catastrophe. Check out some of her recent interviews on Utube... they are well worth worth it. Her research and knowledge about nuclear war are simply impeccable.

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Good timing. I just watched the 1 hour+ interview she did with a BBC reporter, earlier today. They covered the writing of her book and the interesting things she learned about the protocols and technologies involved in the nuclear arms race and what would happen if someone ended up launching one.

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There's actually no way that even one nuclear weapon being used doesn't end up being total aniliation.

Putin had warned that he would consider himself and his people to be matyres should the West not stop what is doing.

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yup!... it's use em or lose em.... The only way to prevent nuclear war is to eliminate nuclear weapons, but doing so would require a different kind of human way of thinking... and from what can be observed throughout the world, that ain't happening.

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Recently finished Jacobson's book. It is excellent as well reported as it is written. Essentially, humanity would be done in an hour.

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This is very a timely and important article as too many times we have seen the Western barbarians are willing to lie, cheat, and escalate without regard for lives lost or consequences. These are desperate ideologues determined to win at any cost. These are imbeciles who completely reject diplomatic solutions, with no regard for human rights or decency.

Immediately after WW ll there were war hawks who wanted to deliver nuclear knock out blows to both Russia and China. Fortunately there was not the political will to follow this madness so soon after the end of the war. Now the political will is there in all its delusional madness as they realize nuclear is their only option as they have taken so many defeats in other areas, economic, military and geopolitically(BRICS). For the Western war mongers the writing is on the wall and they refuse to face the fate they have dealt themselves.

The Cuban missile crisis of 1962 was settled peacefully by the back channel efforts of Kennedy and Khrushchev. Kennedy resorted to back channeling because he did not trust the hawks in his own administration. Neither of the two leaders wanted war, now the Western war mongers are cornered and see war as their only option.

There id no countervail to Washington's war mongering as they make every effort to gag the peace movement . As far as we know there is no back channeling now as Biden has refused repeatedly to meet with Putin in spite of Putin's efforts for diplomatic settlements on issues.

Westerners have to wake up to the fact our own governments are the enemies within blocking the road to world peace and progress.

For too long we have been fed bullshit propaganda. Now we have to see the world as it is with an honest assessment of our place in it; and acknowledge the wanton criminality of Western leaders have perpetrated for decades against the world community. In 1989 the USSR collapsed peacefully. Now the US empire is collapsing and appears more than willing to destroy the Republic and the rest of the world out of spite.

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Agree a 100% with everything you say! HOW DARE they do this, are they not OUR employees? All the wars before were absolutely terrible and NOBODY in his right mind would want to live through one, but THIS one could be ALL OUR END! For a while now, I feel as I am living in a loony bin with totally deranged people, there is nothing to say and nowhere to go ... how to STOP this? (I am sick of signing stupid petitions or writing for peace on X or ... ALL FOR NOTHING because these CREEPS just do what comes into their stupid brains (just seen this clip with Fr Nudelman - DISGUSTING - I am starting to scream when I hear these morons talk ... well I guess it does not matter, I am old!)

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As politics and democracy decline and suffer systemic corruption it is an open door for all the wrong people to enter.

Political reform is going to have to include people in high office are screened for psychological pathologies affecting their judgement and behaviors. There are psychological tests available to easily screen out unsuitable candidates. There are psychologists already recommending such measures and much research has been done.

There is too much cronyism and blind partisanship in politics today and it is so important the lunatics and buffoons are sorted out. Just like doctors, lawyers and plumbers have to have credentials to practice so too must politicians. Their skills and judgement must be commensurate with the important decisions they must make.

So too does the public have to make a more critical look at who we elect.

Our party systems are corrupted and too self- serving.

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@Robert Bilyard

Fine, but who is going to take away the present lot of power mad sociopaths "keys to the family car"?

After they are removed from power, sure. We have a pool of qualified people who are sane enough to NOT want leadership and we DRAFT leaders from them, then give them time off for good behavior!

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They can't 'lose face' again!

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Those idiots could get us all killed.

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Yeah, but at least they won't let Putin win right?

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Indeed, but what to do? It is unbelievable HOW STUPID THESE PEOPLE ARE ...

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Such idiots as Anthony Blinken (with mega and giga $s their much more capable ancestors managed to steal & cause to be heritable) are the VERY best example of why BAU is a death trap for the general population.

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Want to, not could.

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Another interesting wrinkle in the war in Ukraine: Zelensky called off the presidential elections, and as of now technically he's no longer their elected leader. He's only the leader of Ukraine in the unelected, authoritarian dictator sort of way. That makes all of Biden's reasoning to keep dumping US arms into that region for the benefit of "freedom & democracy" seem even more ridiculous and disengenious. But what did you expect coming from "Genocide Joe", the man who had the US military build a "humanitarian pier" in Gaza only to use it to move even more weaponry into the beleaguered concentration camp rather than desperately needed food and water? "Freedom & democracy" indeed!

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May 24·edited May 24

The US and its bitches have made it clear that they have no problem with Zelenskii refusing to call elections or step down. For that matter, they barely raised a peep when he shut down opposition media and imprisoned opposition politicians on laughable pretexts - before the war.

The West never cared about Ukraine or Ukrainians, any more than they care about the chickens that go into their McNuggets.

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May 24·edited May 24

Twilight zone - defender's of democracy become the very thing they say they oppose. Same with the sadistic Israelis - they say they oppose holocaust and yet commit one themselves. Jung was right, people unconsciously project their own evil.

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I'm beginning to think Iranians and Communists were right about America.

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Russia's slow motion war has convinced western leaders that Russia is weak. I think this is where the danger lies. The longer this war continues the greater the chance of things spinning out of control or as they already are. I hope Putin realizes just how delusional and crazy western leaders are. Nuland's recent rant shows just how nuts western leaders are. So, the west doesn't understand Russia and is still underestimating Russia, and Russia seems to underestimate just how crazy the west really is. None of this is good.

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Like a bad movie script.

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Russia certainly had been underestimating how crazy the West could get. No longer now, but it could be too late to avoid nuclear catastrophe. It should have been taking concrete measures, not just talking, at every encroaching step in the past. You give gangsters an inch, prepare to surrender miles.

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I think they (Russians) are saving the majority of their forces in the case NATO decides to commit suicide and enters Ukraine. In the meantime the meat grinder goes on.

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El Dragon. I suggest you watch Scott Ritter on u-tube.

Russia (now backed by China) knows exactly what is going on.

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Thanks. I have been. And the Duran guys, Judge Napolitano, Colonel McGregor. Etc...

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I love this guy as much as I do Caitlin. Am going to pledge. You Madam have given me much insight.

If you have a freebie substack I urge you to use it on this. This guy is an excellent writer as well. In a long line of good works this promises to be the best yet.



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Darwin said it best;;; when he observed that in nature, it's a matter of 'Survival of the Fittest'. As we humans gain knowledge, the 'Survival' scenarios remain, and nuclear weapons are simply the final result of the Fittest syndrome. We walked out of the jungles, but the Survival of the Fittest wagon followed.

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Yes. he is great.

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If you haven’t read that piece try and get a freebie or subscribe. I promise that one is worth it

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May 24·edited May 24

Caitlin says, "Obviously Ukraine has the 'right' to attack Russia since Russia is attacking Ukraine; nobody disputes this." Not true. Plenty of Donbass watchers consider this an asymmetric situation. Ukraine has been shelling and bombing civilian targets almost exclusively since the war began in 2014. Russia only entered the war in 2022, and has attacked primarily military-related targets.

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and before 2014 it was systematic cultural and economic abuse which was why the Donbass people wanted autonomy or federalisation, but when they organised peaceful protest the Ukraine government responded with aggression and violence.

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"We used to wonder where war lived, what it was that made it so vile. And now we realize that we know where it lives...inside ourselves." Albert Camus

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Closer than ever - with religious idiots like Graham, Cotton, Pence, Johnson, McConnell….

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“Russia is attacking Ukraine” and why oh why is that? Ukraine is a fascist state and a pawn of NATO. Ukraine has been using terrorist attacks within Russia. Russia has made its red lines clear. Russia didnt start this conflict but it sure as hell will finish it.

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May 24·edited May 25

I love this lie. Biden is the only chance for Democracy. Vote for him and not scary Trump. Between his batons on the heads of college students and his bellicose foreign policy, I can't see any difference between him and the Orange Thing. No negotiation whatsoever. Blinken, the Secretary of Aggressive War, with his ah shucks face trots the globe messing with the Russians and the Chinese at every stop. The big boys will call his bluff soon and what will "Democracy" Joe do? Address the nation with the Ray Bans as the ICBMs are in flight? Ride a nuclear bomb into Beijing? Hey old man we live in a multi polar world that you and the neo con war parties do not understand. If I were your priest I'd deny you the Host because you kill babies. Russia and China are ascendant and are much smarter than we are. It's time to accept that fact and talk.

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DUDE! You took the words straight outta my mouth!

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Members of the Biden administration should be charged with 18 U.S. Code § 1091 the law that brought the genocide convention into US law. Put this statute in their faces, up front and center at every protest at every meeting, press conference, briefing, and trips home and abroad.

They may feel they are immune now, but let's get them considering what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Here's the best news of all, "an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation."They should have visions of prison all the days of their lives.

The propagandists in the Mainstream Media need to be charged as well.

Let us find the way!

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Ukraine has already been attacking targets inside Russia, without US approval..But the Russians will keep looking the other way until these mad dogs get NATO officially involved...At which point, every NATO faciliity will be put on the Russian target list....Putin doesn't want this, but his hand will be forced by Medvedev and other hardliners...

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May 24·edited May 24

Interesting take about forcing Putin's hand. Medvedev is the Russian counterpart of Lindsey Graham, a rabid warmonger. But to what extent does Medvedev influence Kremlin decisions? My guess would be not much.

Note that Putin recently replaced Defense Minister Shoigu with an economist, a seeminlgy weak move. Is Putin trying to take a softer approach? Also, Putin has put Russian super-patriot Igor Strelkov in prison, a policy blunder that reveals Putin has, and always has had, little understanding of the Donbass struggle. Indeed, Donetsk is suffering more now than it did under the Minsk Agreements. While I admire Putin's leadership in Russia, he pussyfoots around with the West, never making his demands clear nor pursuing a coherent strategy. His last best move was taking Crimea without a shot. But the Putin of that era is not the same man.

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