Caitlin nails it again... I would add, hopefully I didn't miss it, big advertisers also don't want the envelope pushed. I turned off MSM 6 years ago ... I'm happy and I haven't missed anything of substance.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

If I've learned anything in my 66 years, it is that the elite schools turn out some of the most useless yet arrogant people in all humanity. "Prestige!" Pathetic is the better term. The worst part is how dangerous they truly are to all that is.

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so well explained, even the most brain washed , brain damaged or brain dead could digest it

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There's only one thing missing here, in all of this Chomsky-ist structural analysis of Consent Manufacturing - OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD.

A certain percentage of those 'working class reporters' were on the CIA's payroll, all along.

Professor Chomsky probably was, too - IMHO. He certainly stood up to defend and support John Deutsch at MIT. He certainly attacked Oliver Stone and the 9/11 Truth Movement for saying some pretty obvious things (at least 50% of which, Matt Taibbi made a name and a career for himself by emulating).



This essay is also available here - with a bunch of additional materials - but the format and font are harder on the eyes. I recommend this second version because of the additional materials.


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Corporatism has a starring role here as both the media and politics have been privatized as part of the neoliberal agenda. As a result we have "paycheck" journalism and politics, where everybody drinks champagne, rather than beer.

Paul Craig Roberts refers to them as "prestitutes" which is very appropriate!

The very big problem for the West is that the elites are all bought and paid for. All wars are corporate wars for corporate profit.

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What if we’re the bad guys here? Does the Pope relieve himself in the woods?

Better late than never, but how does an Ivy-league education translate into decades long denial and fantasy? And the death toll while the Ivy-leaguers were denying their little hearts out and clipping Grumman/Northrop share coupons ? In the millions. But don’t worry, opiate deaths courtesy of the uberevil Sacklers is catching up.

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A perfect time to recommend Barbara Ehrenreich's "Fear of Falling"!

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How Biden handled the Ukraine and subsequent support and agency of the media was a wake up call for me. I canceled Guardian, NYT, WAPO, Wall Street internet subscriptions. Exited BBC, NPR, and other anti-Constitutional propaganda. But on the whole I am depressingly pessimistic about the future of the American ppl. Stuff about checks and balances was all bullshit and foolery.

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Also check out the data in that study - It reveals that journalists and editors have virtually no subject matter knowledge or expertise, based on field of study in college or graduate school. That means that they lack an ability to exercise real critical scrutiny or critical thinking and are very easily spun by sources - even if they were seeking "truth", which they are not. See:


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They may have a top degree and live in a posh, elegant, gated community, but they're certainly not your average, living, breathing, thinking, functioning, respectful, considerate, dignified, balanced, thoughtful, objective human being.

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Matt Taibbi has some great pieces on this subject.

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I think the the interview that Caitlin is referring to was conducted g. The conversation went something like this:-

(Me) "Good morning, Mr Marr. I enjoyed your program this morning"

(A/M) Why thank you. (Me) I see your new book has been published. And that you had a book launch at 10 Downing Street. (A/M) Yes, that's true. (Me) I read that David Cameron (then UK prime minister) conducted the event and that he calls you 'Andy'? (A/M) Yes, that's correct, but Ed Milliband (then leader of Labour Opposition) calls me Andy as well. (Me) You do realise that some of us have concerns about the cosiness between journalists like yourself and those who wield power. (A/M) Well, we might socialise but that doesn't mean we agree with everything they say. (Me) Hmm. .

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I guess there are still some people in this forum who need to be explained this.

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Yes, cloistered, ghettoized, bubble-dwelling. And after spewing bullshit unlimited for years, some finally think, well, perhaps our side/position is not completely above criticism. And you're supposed to think, very decent and balanced. But a million Iraqis are still dead, Libya is an open slave market, thousands of Yemenis are dead or disabled/mutilated, and the system responsible is breaking apart. And no one can predict what further evil will be decided upon as a cure-all with bobbing media heads in complete agreement. Or very close.

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I went to Harvard and at that time trust funders are a minority, maybe 20%. Very diverse student body. Future journalists were very much a minority. I never met one. There are no journalism classes.

The trust funders typically went into the family business. Everyone else mostly wanted to be a doctor. A few future lawyers. One guy was going to Wall Street. I hear that now that's much more common. The student body goes where the money is. Newspapers are downsizing. Why would a young person choose that?

At any rate corporate media has devolved into an orgy of propaganda. It's quite different from the newspapers of my youth. Chris Hedges writes that it's due to the death of classified ads. Newspapers get their money from advertisers these days, so they are in control. Propaganda and controversy sell, so to survive that's what media does. Ultimately it comes down to money. If dignity and investigation paid off, that's what they would do.

It's fascinating to watch the big machine destroy itself in search of profit. A ship so large that the wreck spans decades.

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