They could toss Palestinian children screaming into piranha tanks, and those pompous assholes on CNN would fall all over themselves to praise Israel for its restraint.
Anyway, the war is going exactly as Israel and the United States want it to. Israel seeks to goad Iran into a response so that Israel can run screaming to its American thug. If Israel does not get the response it seeks, it simply acts more outrageously until it gets what it wants.
There is no master plan here, no eleven dimensional chess. Only Iran, desperately trying to avoid a war that Israel wants and one way or another, will get. It reminds me of Iraq's efforts to prove that it did not have WMDs, when th eBush Administration (and Israel) were bound and determined to go to war on any possible pretext.
Two waves of non-ballistic missiles that apparently has done almost no damage at all. Maybe it will be different in the morning?
So this looks like just another feint by Israel, with no military value at all. Creating a tit for tat war atmosphere where Israel can keep targeting (probably assassinating) whoever it wants whenever it wants - and continue a bloodletting geopolitical environment (and Netanyahu continues to live), which makes Washington happy, the MI6 happy, and especially the Arms Dealers happy with their very profitable corporations making a mint right now off of all the blood and bombs.
Iran will respond of course. Probably similar to its last response. More weeks will go by and another 1000+ Gazans and Lebanese will be mass murdered. A clown show election will happen in the US which will change nothing in Washington DC, or all the crooks lining up to siphon off more billions to Israel and Ukraine, while Americans worry if they can afford to see a doctor, or if they can afford going to the grocery store this week.
Addendum to my comment last night: now that its morning here and the smoke has cleared. Given that Israel did so little damage to Iran last night, it is possible Iran may decide not to even bother with providing any kind of military response. But just keep on building its military forces and assisting Lebanon, Gaza, and its other allies in the region.
The US Empire, not the US people, believe they own the Mideast and the Palestinians are challenging their ownership. The Empire can’t let that happen, even if it destroys the Palestinians and the Israelis. It’s really that simple. Ask the Ukrainians…
Have you heard of Dr. JILL STEIN? Probably not because the Dems and Reps won't let you "waste" your vote on someone who might just do something good for America.
"There is no nation on earth that would accept a foreign nation openly assassinating its military officials and conducting assassination strikes on its soil. Any nation would consider such aggressions an act of war, including — and especially — the United States."
Anyway, the language of right and wrong has nothing to do with this, any more than the Nazis' feeble justifications for their actions. Israel and its American thug do this because they can, and Iran's protests are as useless as quoting Bible verses at a rapist.
A loaded pistol held to the head of the rapist is more the language that they understand.
That’s a good point. I fondly remember Cheney and Condeleeza making the rounds on all Sunday morning shows with ghoulish fantasies of mushroom clouds. Israel might want to remember how that turned out and, unlike Iraq, Iran can fight back and has friends. While this is going on, they apparently turned up the heat on northern Gaza and arrested six reporters to make sure as little evidence gets out as possible.
It's a lot more complicated than that. If Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will want nukes. Then Turkey, then Egypt - until MENA countries are all nuclearized. It goes downhill from there...
Pakistan is NOT a part of West Asia or the MENA region. Pakistan's geopolitical concerns are different from those of the countries of the MENA region.
Again, "foolishness" isn't the reason Iran does not have nukes (yet). There are greater geopolitical concerns/nuances and history behind their decisions.
Let's not forget the hysterical ranting then of a Senate leaders promotion of Shock and Awe when Genocide Joe was plagiarizing Rice and Cheney's justifications to attack Iraq.
Wouldn't really matter as you say; as any one not in the tribe is on the menu; never forget that the big lie is that we're humans, when in fact we're still the same animals that we evolved from.
Biden was blabbering away on mainstream news with an apology to indigenous people who suffered through residential schools. It was enough to make anyone who knows anything about what Biden accepts in the present day vomit. Apparently it is A-OK for the US to send bombs and ammunition to Israel to kill as many kids as they want. The reporting tried to make it sound as if Biden was being a great guy. I would never call those presently governing us animals. I would never insult animals in that way.
Words cannot describe the absolute hatred I feel for this entire edifice Colonial Zionism and its tentacles that are entwined in the US media and government (sic).
Viva Palestine! -- what is left of it. Tears, copious tears of sadness and rage....
Your principled and courageous reporting is admired every day, Caitlin.
If the world is to be saved it will probably take the total destruction of Israel as well as the U.S. Hegemon. Actually they may be one and the same. God help us all.
It is 100% the United States of Israel and the US deserves to get a major ass whipping. We have like 800 military bases on foreign soil. May they all be destroyed.
26 million Russians died in WW2 and they’re not invited to the pompous, self-congratulatory anniversaries in France commemorating the victory over Germany. Such hypocrites.
Russia helped start World War II. Stalin made a pact with Hitler to split up Poland and they coordinated an attack on Poland in 1939.
It is true Russia near the end of the war dwarfed Allied forces in the west. But the US did play a vital role in the Lend Lease initiative to supply Russia (and Britain) to keep both alive, while more resources were accumulated until US (and Soviet) war production finally came into full swing.
Note also, the US played a key role in defeating Japan in the Pacific - which kept the very effective Japanese military forces (at least in the beginning of the war) quite occupied.
"Russia helped start World War II. Stalin made a pact with Hitler to split up Poland and they coordinated an attack on Poland in 1939." - that just proves you know shit about WWII and the whole run-up to it. Zilch.
LOL. September 29, 1939. The Hitler-Stalin pact - divided Poland up along the Bug River - everything West was for Hitler, everything East was for Stalin. This was by the way, after Hitler and Stalin had signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
The official date of World War II actually began on September 1st when Germany attacked Poland from the West. On September 3rd Britain and France declared war on Germany.
By the way, Stalin also would invade Finland later in November that same year.
Staliin made a pact with Hitler in order to gain time and build a fighting capacity. That's in all the history books - or it least it used to be. After the war, the USSR occupied Eastern Europe for several decades. (I lived there...)
Yes. And decided to make a Europe first policy when building up the war effort, and successfully fought a two front global war. Although it did not supply the manpower Stalin supplied on the Eastern Front in Europe, the US did supply an unparalleled amount of production capacity and military resources for both parts of the globe. At the same time it developed the first atomic weapons - which it was feared (at least for awhile) the Germans might develop first. Although I agree with most historians who argue the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an unnecessary act of mass murder. The war could have been ended with Japan without doing so.
The USA didn’t want co-operation , they needed a new enemy to justify its own purges and attacks its citizens rights and communism was the prime candidate. They didn’t need to drop the bombs on Japan but did it to stop the Russians getting involved. The USA horrifically murdered those people knowing they didn’t need to, Japan would have surrendered, they didn’t care they had their own agenda. They have always been monsters.
USSR stepped in as promised and the surrender would be imminent. There was no rush in terms of incurring casualties. But the US didn't want the USSR anywhere near there, just like in Europe, plus the atomic bomb project was completed and Lesley Groves was hell bent on testing it in more ways than one.
There are speculations that Truman never approved the bombing. He was just presented with fait accompli and had to backdate his "approval".
Although I agree, it was not something that needed to be done. It wasn't like the Japanese conducted themselves as Vestal Virgins during the war. The Japanese were incredibly sadistic to the people they fought, from China, to Malaysia to the United States. However, one nation's sadism does not not justify another nation's sadism. But one does have to reflect on the war context during that time and in the end, all great wars treat human life as expendable and cheap. That's probably the greatest tragedy in war, how all life becomes cheap as a result. So, for Truman - it was likely just another extension (in his mind) of the already ongoing sadism of the war that had been ongoing for years. In retrospect, yes - it was an unjustified horror that could have been avoided. I agree.
Factually incorrect, the majority of historians maintain that the USSR would’ve defeated Nazi Germany without any aid from the West, it just would’ve taken longer and been more costly.
Communism won WW2 because the jews controlled the allied powers. This is why half of Europe was communist following the war. General Patton even claimed at the conclusion of the war that we fought the wrong side and he was murdered because of it while in the hospital following a staged traffic accident on base. You can’t have your star general stating to the sheeple we were on the wrong side. White Christians killing white Christians just as the jews planned and desired and still do to this day.
It's unfortunate that you are clueless (about Communism and Jews)
(1) If you knew anything about Communism, you would know that it NEVER existed in the USSR (unless you mean Stalin's authoritarianism = Communism). Any hopes of real socialism/communism in Russia died with the passing of Lenin and the usurpation of power by Stalin (over Trotsky).
(2) Jews never controlled any powers during the period (allied or otherwise).
(3) No, it wasn't "white Christians killing white Christians". It was the Nazis killing Jews, Romas, socialists, communists, gays, lesbians, disabled, and other categories.
I'm not sure WHERE you learnt your "twisted" history from - time to hit some good quality texts...
Oh look! Another shekel shilling hasbara agent who thinks he can convince us of what is obvious to those of us who study true history. You fool absolutely no one.
Truth has nothing to do with being a NAZI so your name calling means nothing to people like me who seek the truth. Keep up the shekel shilling. Those of us who do our homework know exactly who destroys the western world and who is behind the NWO agenda. I bet people like you still vote too. Have fun selecting your genociding zionist.
The US has never saved anyone from anything. They only impose pain and suffering. That is all they know. That and the fact that they make lots of money when these wars are instigated by them or by someone else.
Yep. How many American people and American businesses helped fund and arm Hitler’s military. Germany couldn’t have done what it did without their help. Too bad people don’t know that.
The Wall Street Cabal that plotted the 1939 US coup that Major General Butler was tapped to lead was compised of Prescott Bush, Heinze and several others from Wealthy Families. The government, Washington Post, New York Times and others of the time buried or Top Secreted most of the conspirators names. They were the people that wanted to overthrow Democracy and replace it with Hitler's Fascist style of government. They secretly funded Hitler because they had much admiration for his largesse to Big Business and Banks. Some of them were charged with the lesser charge of war profiteering (which they were acquitted of) instead of funding Hitler's War.
From Smedley Butler's book about the real US:
“I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of the racket all the time. Now I am sure of it.”
The US helped save European Fascism for later. Like right now. That was the whole point of US/Britain getting finally involved in 1944, when it was clear the USSR is to overrun the whole of Europe.
The US got involved in WW2 for one reason and that is Germany kicked out their jewish central bank and went from hyperinflation to a roaring economy as a result. Germany was winning the war and the German jews went to the UK and said don’t surrender you can win this war as we will get the US to enter it. You can’t have the jewish power base of central banks getting threatened by people figuring out you can eliminate debt and inflation by governments printing their own currency interest free. The payment for getting the US to enter the war was for Britain to give the jews their own nation hence Israhell was stolen and created.
On the contrary. I want the truth to be known by the people but that is dangerous to the governments of the world and their central bank masters. That’s why the alt media is filled with controlled opposition.
No, the former USSR did with some help from the western allies. More Soviet soldiers died fighting the Nazis than any other army and over 25 million Soviet citizens(civilians and fighting forces) died fighting the Nazis on the eastern front from 1941-45. 😢☮️🇵🇸
CJ>>"The western media are portraying Israel as the innocent victim..."
I don't think Israel can EVER be innocent (about anything), and neither can the US. And victim? That's some sick Orwellian doublespeak - it really means "perpetrator and terrorizer" (and genocider).
The following is my reply to one of my senators (email)) claiming the same bullshit about the Israeli claim to 'defense':
"Speak for yourself, sir. As an American, I don't support murder, much less genocide with our tax dollars. Shooting fish in a barrel isn't quite what I call 'self defense', either. For the first time in my 72 years, I will not be voting next month. As an American I am ashamed and all of you in Washington.
Do whatever you want because you will. Just know that you don't represent me."
Let the election chips fall as they may. I really don't give a rats ass at this point.
Please vote third party. These people need to understand exactly why you aren’t voting for them. Not voting at all is ambiguous. It allows them to spin it as a non-political act.
Sometimes I run into people who are disgusted by the lies we are being fed about Gaza and a lot of other situations. Sometimes I hope that the majority of people are not "lapping it up".
You don't need to guess or hope. Just recognize the fact that the governments are being supported and propped up by the populations, through elections etc.
"There is no nation on earth that would accept a foreign nation openly assassinating its military officials and conducting assassination strikes on its soil. Any nation would consider such aggressions an act of war, including — and especially — the United States."
But you have to remember that Israel is just not ANY nation--it's THE ONLY NATION that's allowed to bomb and snipe and genocide other nations because it's "special". You're just not getting it if you think they have to follow things like "rules" or "laws". Those only apply to losers, not winners. You know, that means us Z people, we're the winners. It's just coincidence that Winners and War Criminals both start with the same letter...
I seriously fucking hate this country. Almost as much as I hate Israel. Absolutely NO moral compass for human rights or international law.
I'm a non-believer, but THEY all claim to be oh so religious. Lying is as big a sin in their religion as murder. Both are in the ten big ones. 🪨🪨 Guess they don't care about getting into their "heaven"... /s
I think the ball is in our court! We have to stop complaining about a system that was designed to destroy us and get to the work of replacing it with something more humane and decent. Win or lose..that pursuit is a life worth living...and world events are making it more necessary for us to wake up.
As someone who had the labels ‘Jew’ and ‘Israeli’ placed on me at birth, I recognize that humanity’s biggest problem might be the billionaire’s supremacist colony in west Asia and the psychotic mentality that governs its society and “reasoning”
Neo-Nazi Zionist supremacy and exceptionalism is fuelled by the VICTIMHOOD STORY that is hammered into every Israeli (and most Jews’) head since birth.
They view absolutely everything through the filter of ‘everyone are antisemies. Everyone irrationally hates Jews for no reason whatsoever. This is the new holocaust. We are under existential threat. We are on tne verge of extinction. Our survival is at stake. This justifies absolutely everything..
Now isn't this just what you would expect from the sources Caitlin has mentioned today.
It beggars belief that the whole world has not been able to see through these corrupted media sources whose misrepresentations over some time have increased noticeably as has their volume and total bias.
And when I say the whole world, all those mindless throngs attending the public meeting of Harris and Trump. You get a look at them during the coverage on TV and they seem normal. But what are they cheering about, what has got them so excited as to travel long distances to see the Harris circus where all now see what she stands for, cheap groceries and the availability of abortion as the top of her list (after support and funding for Israel which is #1,of course) and with the others, the MAGA Trumpites with Israel as #1 also, (it is America, after all) and his major concentration of removing immigrants from the USA.
I mean, what a choice for the American people, just days away.
Same problem with John Lyons from ABC Australia. After the 7th of October was the beginning of all evil on this planet, apparently it is now the first of October, when Iran retaliated for the attack on their president's inauguration. Lyons also went on about the superior powers of Israel's Iron Dome system which has now been supplemented with the very best air defence system on the planet, THAAD. No mention that the two THAAD systems have maximum 50 anti air missiles each! A rotten propagandist
Also, much talk about the "right of Israel to exist". The real question ought to be, can such a state be allowed to exist?
It would not matter what Israel did.
They could toss Palestinian children screaming into piranha tanks, and those pompous assholes on CNN would fall all over themselves to praise Israel for its restraint.
Anyway, the war is going exactly as Israel and the United States want it to. Israel seeks to goad Iran into a response so that Israel can run screaming to its American thug. If Israel does not get the response it seeks, it simply acts more outrageously until it gets what it wants.
There is no master plan here, no eleven dimensional chess. Only Iran, desperately trying to avoid a war that Israel wants and one way or another, will get. It reminds me of Iraq's efforts to prove that it did not have WMDs, when th eBush Administration (and Israel) were bound and determined to go to war on any possible pretext.
Two waves of non-ballistic missiles that apparently has done almost no damage at all. Maybe it will be different in the morning?
So this looks like just another feint by Israel, with no military value at all. Creating a tit for tat war atmosphere where Israel can keep targeting (probably assassinating) whoever it wants whenever it wants - and continue a bloodletting geopolitical environment (and Netanyahu continues to live), which makes Washington happy, the MI6 happy, and especially the Arms Dealers happy with their very profitable corporations making a mint right now off of all the blood and bombs.
Iran will respond of course. Probably similar to its last response. More weeks will go by and another 1000+ Gazans and Lebanese will be mass murdered. A clown show election will happen in the US which will change nothing in Washington DC, or all the crooks lining up to siphon off more billions to Israel and Ukraine, while Americans worry if they can afford to see a doctor, or if they can afford going to the grocery store this week.
All hideously true.
Well said 👍💯 that's the playbook verbatim. 😢
Addendum to my comment last night: now that its morning here and the smoke has cleared. Given that Israel did so little damage to Iran last night, it is possible Iran may decide not to even bother with providing any kind of military response. But just keep on building its military forces and assisting Lebanon, Gaza, and its other allies in the region.
The US Empire, not the US people, believe they own the Mideast and the Palestinians are challenging their ownership. The Empire can’t let that happen, even if it destroys the Palestinians and the Israelis. It’s really that simple. Ask the Ukrainians…
The people never are in charge.
And it won't matter whether Trump or Harris win the election, it will be business as usual for Israel.
Ditto, Ditto & Ditto. Despicable!!😢☮️🇵🇸
Have you heard of Dr. JILL STEIN? Probably not because the Dems and Reps won't let you "waste" your vote on someone who might just do something good for America.
"There is no nation on earth that would accept a foreign nation openly assassinating its military officials and conducting assassination strikes on its soil. Any nation would consider such aggressions an act of war, including — and especially — the United States."
Anyway, the language of right and wrong has nothing to do with this, any more than the Nazis' feeble justifications for their actions. Israel and its American thug do this because they can, and Iran's protests are as useless as quoting Bible verses at a rapist.
A loaded pistol held to the head of the rapist is more the language that they understand.
That’s a good point. I fondly remember Cheney and Condeleeza making the rounds on all Sunday morning shows with ghoulish fantasies of mushroom clouds. Israel might want to remember how that turned out and, unlike Iraq, Iran can fight back and has friends. While this is going on, they apparently turned up the heat on northern Gaza and arrested six reporters to make sure as little evidence gets out as possible.
Iran was foolish not to have developed nuclear weapons when it had the chance.
It's a lot more complicated than that. If Iran gets nukes, Saudi Arabia will want nukes. Then Turkey, then Egypt - until MENA countries are all nuclearized. It goes downhill from there...
Nobody said otherwise, although Pakistan getting The Bomb didn't cause Iran to do so.
Regardless, Iran can choose between MAD and being on the menu
Pakistan is NOT a part of West Asia or the MENA region. Pakistan's geopolitical concerns are different from those of the countries of the MENA region.
Again, "foolishness" isn't the reason Iran does not have nukes (yet). There are greater geopolitical concerns/nuances and history behind their decisions.
Regardless what you style it, Pakistan is a neighbor of Iran.
As I said, Iran can choose - MAD or being a victim.
They well may have, impossible to tell.
Let's not forget the hysterical ranting then of a Senate leaders promotion of Shock and Awe when Genocide Joe was plagiarizing Rice and Cheney's justifications to attack Iraq.
Iran is not Irak, and it will get very ugly for Israhelll
Precisely, THANK YOU.
Heh, heh, heh ... Iranian missile-defense WINS! (See nighttime video above Tehran.)
Wouldn't really matter as you say; as any one not in the tribe is on the menu; never forget that the big lie is that we're humans, when in fact we're still the same animals that we evolved from.
And, to the surprise of nobody, Jordan allowed Israel to use their airspace.
Biden was blabbering away on mainstream news with an apology to indigenous people who suffered through residential schools. It was enough to make anyone who knows anything about what Biden accepts in the present day vomit. Apparently it is A-OK for the US to send bombs and ammunition to Israel to kill as many kids as they want. The reporting tried to make it sound as if Biden was being a great guy. I would never call those presently governing us animals. I would never insult animals in that way.
*Ruling. And I concur, they're all scum of the earth🤮
Totally agree with you on that.
But all of our leaders are bought out by the jews.
Not much we can do about that.
*Zionists. Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jewish.
With all respect, Jasmine, they’re not being bought off by Buddhists.
if there's one quality 'a leader' should have then it is not being bought out by anyone.
Biden wants to make sure that Native Americans in WI, AZ and MI show up on Election Day and vote Team D.
He had four years to do this, but only now he opened his yap.
Indigenous people will see right through him. He is a lying, murderous phony.
I can think of some more adjectives for Genocide Joe and they wouldn’t be that nice. 😢☮️🇵🇸
Some will,.some won't.
Words cannot describe the absolute hatred I feel for this entire edifice Colonial Zionism and its tentacles that are entwined in the US media and government (sic).
Viva Palestine! -- what is left of it. Tears, copious tears of sadness and rage....
Your principled and courageous reporting is admired every day, Caitlin.
If the world is to be saved it will probably take the total destruction of Israel as well as the U.S. Hegemon. Actually they may be one and the same. God help us all.
It is 100% the United States of Israel and the US deserves to get a major ass whipping. We have like 800 military bases on foreign soil. May they all be destroyed.
The US saved Europe from Fascism, then took over the mantle.
NO! Russia (USSR) saved Europe from fascism. Someone needs to correct US History textbooks...
26 million Russians died in WW2 and they’re not invited to the pompous, self-congratulatory anniversaries in France commemorating the victory over Germany. Such hypocrites.
Nor were they invited to the Olympics but Israhell was.
Despicable in my book.😢☮️🇵🇸🇷🇺
Neither could do it alone. Too bad the cooperraon didn't last.
Russia defeated Nazi Germany, but then America and its allies rescued some of the worst Nazis and put them to work in their countries.
Russia helped start World War II. Stalin made a pact with Hitler to split up Poland and they coordinated an attack on Poland in 1939.
It is true Russia near the end of the war dwarfed Allied forces in the west. But the US did play a vital role in the Lend Lease initiative to supply Russia (and Britain) to keep both alive, while more resources were accumulated until US (and Soviet) war production finally came into full swing.
Note also, the US played a key role in defeating Japan in the Pacific - which kept the very effective Japanese military forces (at least in the beginning of the war) quite occupied.
"Russia helped start World War II. Stalin made a pact with Hitler to split up Poland and they coordinated an attack on Poland in 1939." - that just proves you know shit about WWII and the whole run-up to it. Zilch.
LOL. September 29, 1939. The Hitler-Stalin pact - divided Poland up along the Bug River - everything West was for Hitler, everything East was for Stalin. This was by the way, after Hitler and Stalin had signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
The official date of World War II actually began on September 1st when Germany attacked Poland from the West. On September 3rd Britain and France declared war on Germany.
By the way, Stalin also would invade Finland later in November that same year.
Staliin made a pact with Hitler in order to gain time and build a fighting capacity. That's in all the history books - or it least it used to be. After the war, the USSR occupied Eastern Europe for several decades. (I lived there...)
US joined the war because of Pearl Harbour.
Yes. And decided to make a Europe first policy when building up the war effort, and successfully fought a two front global war. Although it did not supply the manpower Stalin supplied on the Eastern Front in Europe, the US did supply an unparalleled amount of production capacity and military resources for both parts of the globe. At the same time it developed the first atomic weapons - which it was feared (at least for awhile) the Germans might develop first. Although I agree with most historians who argue the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an unnecessary act of mass murder. The war could have been ended with Japan without doing so.
Correction: The US defeated, Japan, which had invaded China.
Any idea where Hitler got the money to re-arm Germany?
Any idea why Stalin is such a hero to people who would like to rewrite history?
The story underlying Molotov Ribbentrop is considerably more complicated.
Stalin invaded the countries agreed upon in the pact, while not attacking Germany. Unless you want to make that complicated as well.
Corection: The US, virtually alone, defeated Japan, paving the way for the Chinese Revolution.
Government actually in some cases.
The USA didn’t want co-operation , they needed a new enemy to justify its own purges and attacks its citizens rights and communism was the prime candidate. They didn’t need to drop the bombs on Japan but did it to stop the Russians getting involved. The USA horrifically murdered those people knowing they didn’t need to, Japan would have surrendered, they didn’t care they had their own agenda. They have always been monsters.
Japan had already surrendered and the US dropped TWO nuclear bombs on innocent civilians. A war crime the US was never charged with.
No. Japan was refusing to surrender......
USSR stepped in as promised and the surrender would be imminent. There was no rush in terms of incurring casualties. But the US didn't want the USSR anywhere near there, just like in Europe, plus the atomic bomb project was completed and Lesley Groves was hell bent on testing it in more ways than one.
There are speculations that Truman never approved the bombing. He was just presented with fait accompli and had to backdate his "approval".
Although I agree, it was not something that needed to be done. It wasn't like the Japanese conducted themselves as Vestal Virgins during the war. The Japanese were incredibly sadistic to the people they fought, from China, to Malaysia to the United States. However, one nation's sadism does not not justify another nation's sadism. But one does have to reflect on the war context during that time and in the end, all great wars treat human life as expendable and cheap. That's probably the greatest tragedy in war, how all life becomes cheap as a result. So, for Truman - it was likely just another extension (in his mind) of the already ongoing sadism of the war that had been ongoing for years. In retrospect, yes - it was an unjustified horror that could have been avoided. I agree.
Factually incorrect, the majority of historians maintain that the USSR would’ve defeated Nazi Germany without any aid from the West, it just would’ve taken longer and been more costly.
Communism won WW2 because the jews controlled the allied powers. This is why half of Europe was communist following the war. General Patton even claimed at the conclusion of the war that we fought the wrong side and he was murdered because of it while in the hospital following a staged traffic accident on base. You can’t have your star general stating to the sheeple we were on the wrong side. White Christians killing white Christians just as the jews planned and desired and still do to this day.
It's unfortunate that you are clueless (about Communism and Jews)
(1) If you knew anything about Communism, you would know that it NEVER existed in the USSR (unless you mean Stalin's authoritarianism = Communism). Any hopes of real socialism/communism in Russia died with the passing of Lenin and the usurpation of power by Stalin (over Trotsky).
(2) Jews never controlled any powers during the period (allied or otherwise).
(3) No, it wasn't "white Christians killing white Christians". It was the Nazis killing Jews, Romas, socialists, communists, gays, lesbians, disabled, and other categories.
I'm not sure WHERE you learnt your "twisted" history from - time to hit some good quality texts...
Oh look! Another shekel shilling hasbara agent who thinks he can convince us of what is obvious to those of us who study true history. You fool absolutely no one.
Too many Nazis on substack! No different from the Zionists!
Truth has nothing to do with being a NAZI so your name calling means nothing to people like me who seek the truth. Keep up the shekel shilling. Those of us who do our homework know exactly who destroys the western world and who is behind the NWO agenda. I bet people like you still vote too. Have fun selecting your genociding zionist.
You can search around and find many pro Zionist pages on substack
Patton was a genocidal monster. So, of course, was Churchill.
liking it, chokaski. can't properly like it you know why.
But yet they got communism just like the zionists planned.
No we didn't🤣 We got fascism🤦♀️
The US has never saved anyone from anything. They only impose pain and suffering. That is all they know. That and the fact that they make lots of money when these wars are instigated by them or by someone else.
Yep. How many American people and American businesses helped fund and arm Hitler’s military. Germany couldn’t have done what it did without their help. Too bad people don’t know that.
The Wall Street Cabal that plotted the 1939 US coup that Major General Butler was tapped to lead was compised of Prescott Bush, Heinze and several others from Wealthy Families. The government, Washington Post, New York Times and others of the time buried or Top Secreted most of the conspirators names. They were the people that wanted to overthrow Democracy and replace it with Hitler's Fascist style of government. They secretly funded Hitler because they had much admiration for his largesse to Big Business and Banks. Some of them were charged with the lesser charge of war profiteering (which they were acquitted of) instead of funding Hitler's War.
From Smedley Butler's book about the real US:
“I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of the racket all the time. Now I am sure of it.”
They thought anything was beter than Communism.....
Communism was a bogeyman. The real goal was and is domination and submission of anybody who dares be different.
Nonsense. It was the Red Army that won the European theatre of WW2.
The US helped save European Fascism for later. Like right now. That was the whole point of US/Britain getting finally involved in 1944, when it was clear the USSR is to overrun the whole of Europe.
The US got involved in WW2 for one reason and that is Germany kicked out their jewish central bank and went from hyperinflation to a roaring economy as a result. Germany was winning the war and the German jews went to the UK and said don’t surrender you can win this war as we will get the US to enter it. You can’t have the jewish power base of central banks getting threatened by people figuring out you can eliminate debt and inflation by governments printing their own currency interest free. The payment for getting the US to enter the war was for Britain to give the jews their own nation hence Israhell was stolen and created.
The textbook that you wrote is used where exactly?
As if the truth has ever made it to a published textbook of history. If people knew the truth about who oppresses them they would revolt yesterday.
And you apparently don't want that.
On the contrary. I want the truth to be known by the people but that is dangerous to the governments of the world and their central bank masters. That’s why the alt media is filled with controlled opposition.
No, the former USSR did with some help from the western allies. More Soviet soldiers died fighting the Nazis than any other army and over 25 million Soviet citizens(civilians and fighting forces) died fighting the Nazis on the eastern front from 1941-45. 😢☮️🇵🇸
The US bankrolled fascism. Most of the East Coast elites and industrialist were fascists, read Higham’s Trading with The Enemy.
CJ>>"The western media are portraying Israel as the innocent victim..."
I don't think Israel can EVER be innocent (about anything), and neither can the US. And victim? That's some sick Orwellian doublespeak - it really means "perpetrator and terrorizer" (and genocider).
The following is my reply to one of my senators (email)) claiming the same bullshit about the Israeli claim to 'defense':
"Speak for yourself, sir. As an American, I don't support murder, much less genocide with our tax dollars. Shooting fish in a barrel isn't quite what I call 'self defense', either. For the first time in my 72 years, I will not be voting next month. As an American I am ashamed and all of you in Washington.
Do whatever you want because you will. Just know that you don't represent me."
Let the election chips fall as they may. I really don't give a rats ass at this point.
Please vote third party. These people need to understand exactly why you aren’t voting for them. Not voting at all is ambiguous. It allows them to spin it as a non-political act.
Their representation of you was always minimal to get the votes
They are rubber-stamped by The State as part of a "valid" selection if we eliminate write-ins
I am so sick of the BS and misrepresentations coming from western media. The sad thing is, some people are lapping it up.
And some huge "some" it is. Like the absolute majority some.
Sometimes I run into people who are disgusted by the lies we are being fed about Gaza and a lot of other situations. Sometimes I hope that the majority of people are not "lapping it up".
You don't need to guess or hope. Just recognize the fact that the governments are being supported and propped up by the populations, through elections etc.
An example is coming up in a couple of weeks.
"There is no nation on earth that would accept a foreign nation openly assassinating its military officials and conducting assassination strikes on its soil. Any nation would consider such aggressions an act of war, including — and especially — the United States."
But you have to remember that Israel is just not ANY nation--it's THE ONLY NATION that's allowed to bomb and snipe and genocide other nations because it's "special". You're just not getting it if you think they have to follow things like "rules" or "laws". Those only apply to losers, not winners. You know, that means us Z people, we're the winners. It's just coincidence that Winners and War Criminals both start with the same letter...
I seriously fucking hate this country. Almost as much as I hate Israel. Absolutely NO moral compass for human rights or international law.
I'm a non-believer, but THEY all claim to be oh so religious. Lying is as big a sin in their religion as murder. Both are in the ten big ones. 🪨🪨 Guess they don't care about getting into their "heaven"... /s
When will we RISE UP?!?!
Humans are herd animals to rival any sheep or lemming.
I think the ball is in our court! We have to stop complaining about a system that was designed to destroy us and get to the work of replacing it with something more humane and decent. Win or lose..that pursuit is a life worth living...and world events are making it more necessary for us to wake up.
As someone who had the labels ‘Jew’ and ‘Israeli’ placed on me at birth, I recognize that humanity’s biggest problem might be the billionaire’s supremacist colony in west Asia and the psychotic mentality that governs its society and “reasoning”
Neo-Nazi Zionist supremacy and exceptionalism is fuelled by the VICTIMHOOD STORY that is hammered into every Israeli (and most Jews’) head since birth.
They view absolutely everything through the filter of ‘everyone are antisemies. Everyone irrationally hates Jews for no reason whatsoever. This is the new holocaust. We are under existential threat. We are on tne verge of extinction. Our survival is at stake. This justifies absolutely everything..
You have described a cult. How do we disarm the cult members?
D's and R's both look like cults to me devoted to the state first
Make Palestine Palestine again.
Now isn't this just what you would expect from the sources Caitlin has mentioned today.
It beggars belief that the whole world has not been able to see through these corrupted media sources whose misrepresentations over some time have increased noticeably as has their volume and total bias.
And when I say the whole world, all those mindless throngs attending the public meeting of Harris and Trump. You get a look at them during the coverage on TV and they seem normal. But what are they cheering about, what has got them so excited as to travel long distances to see the Harris circus where all now see what she stands for, cheap groceries and the availability of abortion as the top of her list (after support and funding for Israel which is #1,of course) and with the others, the MAGA Trumpites with Israel as #1 also, (it is America, after all) and his major concentration of removing immigrants from the USA.
I mean, what a choice for the American people, just days away.
The US has been honing its abilty to pull the wool over some people's eyes since the end of World War II.
Really WW1. Espionage and Sedition Acts. Beginning of mass censorship and the intelligence/security state bureaucracy.
Let this be their end.
Same problem with John Lyons from ABC Australia. After the 7th of October was the beginning of all evil on this planet, apparently it is now the first of October, when Iran retaliated for the attack on their president's inauguration. Lyons also went on about the superior powers of Israel's Iron Dome system which has now been supplemented with the very best air defence system on the planet, THAAD. No mention that the two THAAD systems have maximum 50 anti air missiles each! A rotten propagandist
Also, much talk about the "right of Israel to exist". The real question ought to be, can such a state be allowed to exist?