"Mother Nature" is indeed our Mother. We are Children of the Universe, grown in its womb. Made of cosmic dust, infused with the light of awareness, which allows the Universe to perceive itself. Worth pondering:
Very calming and inspiring: the clutches of the world are released when you look into the spaces, and see the universe. It's waiting for you, and you can rest anytime
It's impossible to choose to be anything but fully plant-based vegan, once we open our hearts and look with their eyes and begin to truly empathize with other beings ♥️
In a sense, rocks and mountains are conscious beings too. As a human, I must consume something to maintain my ability to be alive, so I choose to eat low on the food chain. Plants, (especially fruits and vegetables that grow above ground and fall to the earth) rather than my animal friends with central nervous systems who bleed when they're cut, families they love and mourn the loss of, and eyes that express love and suffering. It's a conscious, and the most compassionate (and healthy), choice.
Also, the animals people eat ALSO eat plants. LOTS of plants. Genetically engineered plants, grown on forest lands that have been cleared (and wildlife rendered homeless) specifically for the industry that forcefully impregnates female animals (in "rape racks"-industry term), imprisons and tortures them, steals their babies, and murders them. By eating plants directly, rather than processing them through animals and eating flesh and bodily secretions (eggs and milk), we plant eaters eat way LESS plants than omnivores.
At the end of your first paragraph if you add the two words "for me" after choice, your statements are not offensive, nor telling others what they SHOULD do.
Caitlin, I'm not sure it was intentional, but in these few lines is one of the best concise statements of the gnostic creation myth I've ever come across. Even if it wasn't intentional, thank you.
Great poem, but it might be time to start rethinking the phrase, "Big Bang", that theory has pretty much been debunked, along with much else that we thought that we'd proved otherwise. On the bright side though, now we know that the accretion disk around black holes and the like is caused by the loss of angular momentum of the particles falling into a gravitational field. Hope that made your day.
Hi Caitlin.
Especially the first part reminded me of an old Jobim classic ... The Waters of March (English) ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1cm9-ERoVA (and the original ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBEesrdaRog
Music. If ever a time we needed music, it is now.
Wow, Caitlin! Nailed it! Beautifully! Walking away on these very feet, always newly as-is. This is happening!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this.
In the spirit of "Think(ing) with nature's mind,
with undomesticated mind,
with wild mind,
with ineffable mind."
I would like to share my most recent blog post as it feels relevant here on our path to rewild our hearts, minds and landscapes (both internal and external) https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/the-wild-apples-of-the-tian-shan
Awesome post - thank you, Gavin!
Thanks! I just shared a new one (which was inspired in part by this poem above) you can read it here: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/whispers-of-autumn
Thank you Catlin, perfect.
Here is one in return:
The monkey king
I heard Gaia sing this morning,
Her song embedded in the early stillness;
The flapping of an angel’s wings.
At seven-point-eight-three Hertz
Her song filled the void
While she sailed on into the day
That is already billions of years old.
This morning I saw this living entity,
Teeming with life, with love and beauty,
A jewel amidst the bare dead rocks,
The steaming gas balloons and fierce fire balls,
That are her ancestors and siblings.
Like to me, she gives billions of living beings,
Minds and bodies, dreams and thoughts,
A reason to exist, a home in the vastness
Of nowhere’s endless time.
The tide, hitting the beach,
The birds, rubbing their beaks
And the wind rustling in the trees
Were my companions in this concert hall.
They played their minor instruments
In the overture, announcing what to me
Seemed like a breaking day.
Facing every morning this reality,
My heart beats with gladness and delight,
When I hear her breath
And when in perfect equanimity
Our frequencies unite.
It is then when I realize how unimportant
My own transience is amidst this pulchritude.
And while I bathed in this Elysian perception,
I heard a manly voice loudly screaming:
‘America First!’
This is what I once knew as
‘Deutschland, Deutschland über alles’
The words of impending ruin.
'Build walls and let us swiftly kill our enemies
With the most lethal weapons we can muster'.
And the entire jungle of concrete edifices
Vibrated from the applause
That greeted the monkey king
With the golden trumpets
From Wall Street’s money factories.
It's there where he holds his levees
Amidst those who see themselves
As the cream, the latest
And most perfect version
Of this sphere’s intelligence.
With an arrogant certainty
They build weapons that destroy
What has flowered in nature’s virgin garden.
And whenever a newer bomb explodes,
Another city, once built with the sweat
And dreams of generations, burns to ashes,
They pound their chests in celebrations.
This morning when I heard Gaia’s song,
I knew I’d be better off
Listening to the ocean’s voice,
And the wind gently stroking
The leaves of my esteemed brother,
The Malabar Almond tree.
It is now my turn to say with certainty:
To live in all this beauty
Is a blessing; it is lived bliss,
Not to re-enforce the arrogance,
The coarse and rough ejaculations
Of the king and his courtiers.
That’s why I’d like to invite you
To join me in the morning,
Put the NYT away
And instead, listen to Gaia’s song.
We won’t be alone, but away
From the noisy staccato and cadence
Of this stupid, monkey-like modernity
That is blind to the love
That keeps the planets flying,
That lost the poetic rhythm
Of times past when man
Was still made of mud.
We’ll be among the fish and the birds,
The beetles and the elephants,
The trees, the grasses and the flowers
That flourish and appreciate
Being on this blue, life bestowing sphere
That sings while it dances through the universe.
Wilhelm Klein
Im Finkenschlag 16,
63303 Dreieich, Germany;
Email: wilhelmklein@web.de
Phone: +49-(0)6103-67267,
Mobile: +49-(0)15201878670
East 100, 143/4, Moo 4, Tambon Maret,
Koh Samui, 84310 Surathani, Thailand;
Phone: +66(0)629360054
Email: wowcosamui@gmail.com
Skype; Messenger;Twitter; FB; whatsapp;
Blogs: http://EAST100.blogspot.com;
"Mother Nature" is indeed our Mother. We are Children of the Universe, grown in its womb. Made of cosmic dust, infused with the light of awareness, which allows the Universe to perceive itself. Worth pondering:
Two men looked out,
from prison bars,
one looked down,
and saw the mud,
the other looked up,
and saw the Stars.
Of which we're made...
Love this!
Very calming and inspiring: the clutches of the world are released when you look into the spaces, and see the universe. It's waiting for you, and you can rest anytime
against is soft shoulder.
It's impossible to choose to be anything but fully plant-based vegan, once we open our hearts and look with their eyes and begin to truly empathize with other beings ♥️
Plants are conscious beings also.
In a sense, rocks and mountains are conscious beings too. As a human, I must consume something to maintain my ability to be alive, so I choose to eat low on the food chain. Plants, (especially fruits and vegetables that grow above ground and fall to the earth) rather than my animal friends with central nervous systems who bleed when they're cut, families they love and mourn the loss of, and eyes that express love and suffering. It's a conscious, and the most compassionate (and healthy), choice.
Also, the animals people eat ALSO eat plants. LOTS of plants. Genetically engineered plants, grown on forest lands that have been cleared (and wildlife rendered homeless) specifically for the industry that forcefully impregnates female animals (in "rape racks"-industry term), imprisons and tortures them, steals their babies, and murders them. By eating plants directly, rather than processing them through animals and eating flesh and bodily secretions (eggs and milk), we plant eaters eat way LESS plants than omnivores.
At the end of your first paragraph if you add the two words "for me" after choice, your statements are not offensive, nor telling others what they SHOULD do.
Civilization - spurns - the Leopard!
Was the Leopard - bold?
Deserts - never rebuked her Satin -
Ethiop - her Gold -
Tawny - her Customs -
She was Conscious -
Spotted - her Dun Gown -
This was the Leopard's nature - Signor -
Need - a keeper - frown?
Pity - the Pard - that left her Asia!
Memories - of Palm -
Cannot be stifled - with Narcotic -
Nor suppressed - with Balm -
~ED, #276
"We are humble students of the great Emptiness
upon which this universe has been scribbled
by a baby god
in crayon."
Caitlin, I'm not sure it was intentional, but in these few lines is one of the best concise statements of the gnostic creation myth I've ever come across. Even if it wasn't intentional, thank you.
Does one need to be in pain to look into the eye of a frog? It’s spoken the frog is spiritual for living in the earth, water, and sky.
I don’t think it suffers the pain so intensely.
"Look with nature's eyes,
with atomic eyes,"
Atomic eyes says you? It's coming :P.
Great poem, but it might be time to start rethinking the phrase, "Big Bang", that theory has pretty much been debunked, along with much else that we thought that we'd proved otherwise. On the bright side though, now we know that the accretion disk around black holes and the like is caused by the loss of angular momentum of the particles falling into a gravitational field. Hope that made your day.
Nice ... with a natures silent gratitude
You said that well.
I wish this could be true, in terms of current social and cultural consensus:
"Let the stillness teach us how to move.
Let the spaces between our thoughts teach us how to think.
We are humble students of the great Emptiness"
That is our challenge... Synergy, resonance and critical mass.
But the frogs are poisoned: