There is a slight possibility that other countries watching this charade will move their stance on Israel.

Already: Spain Norway Niger Ireland (perhaps Chad) Have condemned Israel.

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A similar split will emerge on Ukraine. NATO and the EU are doomed.

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I am not sure EU is doomed. It could get smaller like it was. It got too big and cumbersome.

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There is already a force/organizations that are opposing the US hegemony especially BRICS. As BRICS grows and eliminates the dollar of the default currency, the US and its vassal states will be controlled -- unless of course, they start WWIII.

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Yes. I am hoping BRICS will start moving forward.

The US can only start WW111 IF it has enough weapons and from what I read they don't. Certainly not against China and Russia. We are getting into a really serious time.

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But how many nukes do you really need?

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May 26·edited May 26

A good question, Val

As an example, Israel, which is not a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty is regarded as having 400 nuclear warheads and as they have said, "one for every capital in the world". How's that for a thought. Add to that.................

""Don't worry about American pressure; we control America". and that was way back in October 2001. 23 years ago. Since then they have proven it time and again. Like it or not....a fact.

Of course as is well known the assistance with scientific manpower for the Israeli nuclear plant at Dimona came from Jewish scientists from all over the world,; uranium from Argentine, the home for many Jewish migrants after WWII and yes, as would be expected, multi millions from US Jews for the funding of the Dimona establishment, (same as today with election funding), all this, with the non-approval of JFK who paid the price for his non-compliance with Israel's plans, regardless of the Warren investigation results. Like 9/11, that result just another sham from the sham capital of the world.

One can only guess on the assistance offered by the Jewish American Oppenheimer in the development of Israel's now substantial arsenal.

Recent film "Oppenheimer", shows no involvement but it was made and funded in Hollywood, of course.

Well documented as well is the assistance from France in this project at full strength after the death of JFK and the rise to power of US President Johnson, a known Zionist supporter. (The USS Liberty scandal being worth a read on this subject.)

So, 400 nukes, a scary thought ,bound to be all equipped with American firing mechanisms and technology. It's the name of the game.

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Totally agree with you Contrarian 33, I wanted to click 'Like' but it is not connecting.

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Colombia, Brazil.

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No, not many countries , " .... watching this charade will move their stance ... ", cause we ( not me though) do love lies . _They are " sweet " , they are "precious " .... - https://fritzfreud.substack.com/p/bill-gates-fears-fritz-freud?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=567488&post_id=144991470&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=r20n7&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Money buys power. Power corrupts. Every world leader is a wealthy fucker. I think we've found the problem...

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May 25·edited May 25

Surely, social darwinism is based on the law of the jungle, not the law of human decency.

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There is no law of the jungle 🤣🤡

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May 25·edited May 25

Exactly. A libertarian paradise. No laws! And no authorities!!

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History is a stew of truth and lies, in a broth of narrative seasoned with agenda.

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Because history is written by the winners.

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I'd say even the "winners" is a term subject to narrative management.

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Indeed we have but what is the dammed solution? I ask myself this question a zillion times

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The French had a solution, however, I prefer a Katana because it's portable😉

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Christ, the guillotine would be radical to shut the fuckers up!

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Rogue powers understand that once their false narratives are widely exposed, the masses will begin to understand that their only salvation will come through revolutionary means.

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The Beatles addressed that issue in the 60's, did you notice how all their fans rose up and overthrew their governments?

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I heard yesterday that if all else fails, the UN General Assembly can vote to kick Israel out without the United States stopping them. That might not stop their killing of course, but it would at least certainly be a good statement and huge black eye for Israel and the U.S.

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May 25·edited May 25

Yes, heard the same on Judge Napolitano show. And the way the punk Israeli UN representatives have been acting toward the UN, and the sadists in the IDF have been murdering UN personnel in Gaza, I'm sure the majority of the UN General Assembly would be happy to get rid of the lying scumbags.

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It's certainly a good opportunity to rid ourselves of these hideous weasels.

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I started a hashtag on Xitter a few weeks back.


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Great! Throw everything possible at these assholes.

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The UN is run mainly on money from Washington. It has to get the hell out of New York and be financially independently of any one country. It has been suggested it rotates its HQ in cycles in four or five well chosen world Capitals. Singapore could be one as it is from what I hear a very cosmopolitan city. Brussels could be another where it takes over NATO headquarters as its lease on perpetual war is no longer legitimate. New York could continue as part of the cycle. Capetown South Africa another, Brasilia another.

The Security Council has to change as Britain and France no long qualify and Asian, African and South American representation must be manifest.

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Yes, I think. Certainly the US controls the Security Council. The Council is, as you know, a reflection of who won WW2. The world has changed. The Council needs to. Especially when India, Indonesia, Pakistan and Brazil have no voice but Britain and France do.

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Law without force is no law at all.

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Which means an armed police force and jail cells to arrest and incarcerate the miscreants. But as Caitlin implies, there is no police sufficient to hold the US imperial bullies accountable, as they make their own "laws."

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What you say makes a lot of sense to me, nevertheless, let’s be sure we know which laws exist that need to be enforced when that time comes. In the USA, it’s 18 U.S. Code § 1091, the law that brought the genocide convention into US law, that can be used to charge the Biden administration, and others.

They may feel they are immune now, but what is possible when they leave office, given they have set the precedent of charging former presidents. Here's maybe the best news of all, "an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation."Surely, they should have visions of prison all the days of their lives, and dwell in the house of corrections forever.

The propagandists in the Mainstream Media need to be charged as well.

Let us find the way!

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There is no way the legal "system" in USA would ever hold any administration accountable for its genocides. That's how empire works; that's what it is.

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That why we gotta change it.

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I admire your hope.

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That change comes out of the barrel of a gun.

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I would agree with your statement if we could change 'comes' to 'came.' When one considers today's world, and who has the guns, who controls the most in number, has no compunction, has the largest firepower, most flexibility, mobility, and lethality, it would seem to make sense to strike where the opponent is weakest rather than at their strengths. Do I know what those weak points are? Maybe it's moral authority, or for the greater good, or for the least among us, or more general appeals to humanity, somethings we haven't tried or even thought of, or otherwise?

For sure it's good to flesh out the goals, but a public forum is not the place to discuss details of either strategy or tactics. I suspect those who are serious about revolution, and I imagine there are some, are not here, or in any public forum that is being monitored by TPTB non-stop.

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Or at the end of a rope. Or pitchfork. Or under the guillotine.

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But nah. That's why societies have insane asylums, loony bins and prisons. We need to drug or coax the crazies into one.

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If you're in Hong Kong you need to know that Americans aren't human. They even say as much about themselves.

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Well now, that last line sounds like a chargeable offense. If it was spoken on a city street they might attempt a charge, "Inciting a riot" or are least attempting to do so.

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Killing their own children is what they will have to do to sustain it. So that’s a problem.

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Not really; isn't it a parent 's responsibility to kill their own children if they repeatingly disobey or run away from home? I'm pretty sure it is, at least here in the USA it is; not the written law, but the real law, that most Americans aren't supposed to know.

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Well that's precisely what the Israeli's did during the Gaza jailbreak last year - they killed their own children at that festival with rockets. Monsters...

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It is not because of " police insufficiency" , but because "we do believe and love lies". Read what "noble" people say.


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My above comment comes, I think, from the legal positivism of Jeremy Bentham. The only laws worth the name ‘law’ are those backed up by force. Talk of international rules and norms are just, as described, to control the narrative.

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But a lawless regime is also one on the precipice of extinction.

The law is a compact that has value to both rulers and the ruled. The wise know that. But current regime has oligarchy that’s beyond ignorant and their imperial administrators like Blinken, Biden, Nuland are dimwits with fancy degrees.

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Not really. Vid. Carl Schmitt: "the sovereign is he who decides when the exception applies."

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Besides the US bill of rights, which is backed by the full force of the US, those rights were once backed by the full force of international law via our signature to that treaty; Trump changed all that by exiting that treaty, and no Democrat decried the act. Which is why Trump will be the next president because the Democrats need him to do one other nasty thing for them, but probably not a full term worth, and I forget what that other nasty thing is, but obviously, it doesn't really matter, because obviously, none of you really care, because when Netanyahu said that he was sending IDF troops to the USA to quell US protesters; did anyone put up a stink about it? No, not a one. This is what drunks and crack heads do all day; talk shit, but never walk the walk.

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The colonial nations aka “the west” have, over the past half- millennium, steadily made up fake news rules to underpin their roguery, theft, mass enslavement and mass murder.

But now the rest of the world is rising and they will actually now have to live by those rules or face a painful look in the mirror with their mask off.

They are not capable of the latter so I think internal civil wars lie ahead. It’s not a coincidence that these state have erected mass surveillance apparatus targeted against their own citizens, and armed their local police to the teeth against them too.

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May 25·edited May 25

It's been better up to now to be inside the walls of the Empire than outside, but those walls will soon trap us inside when the Empire can no longer export its violence.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023

Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Here’s a new petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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He needs to threaten Biden with excommunication. It's the only real power he has over him.

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Well, I hope you will please sign both petitions addressed to Pope Francis. I'd rather he go to Gaza because I want the one that might give hope and life to the people of Palestine. Retribution is the last thing I am interested in, but it's there.

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The Pope can excommunicate another catholic only. Blinken is of another confession, to my knowledge.

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It is just like the US Senate where Blinken is hammered by the senators and pathetically tries to cover his ass. Senators are out to score points and Blinken spins issues for his own survival as probably the worst Secretary of State ever. The narrative is all about individual and collective political survival, damn the consequences, to hell with resolving issues. Lawlessness rules and failure of accountability are killing the West. Zombie politicians have become the lunatic fringe.

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" . . . looking at recent U.S. governments I would say that perhaps the United States should be taken over in trusteeship by somebody because they can't seem to govern (themselves). They keep having government shutdowns, imbecilic politicians making ridiculous statements. . . " (Vijay Prashad)

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Yes but how do you stop it and the propaganda?

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Generation z gets their news from direct independent sources. Thats how it stops. They don’t read mainstream media or watch cnn etc. that’s why college campuses, students and faculty, erupted because they are watching Bisan on instagram. P.S. Blinken is a failed secstate. That’s why cia director bill burns is negotiating for USG on Gaza. Watch and listen my friends.

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"We have a tiktok problem."

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Aleta W. I understand this. BUT when Independent media sources are stifled what happens then?

What is 'secstate' IF you want to write on here you cannot come up with words nobody knows.

IF you want to use acronyms spell them out.

Acronyms = underhanded systems we do not know about.

BE clear and concise IF you want people to know something!


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I apologize and won't ever do it again. secstate = Secretary of State (inside the United States of America)

I was not trying to be underhanded.

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I use these short-hands myself frequently - mostly for my own security. Secstate was easily understood, but probably not readable by the algorithms.

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Thank you what a wonderful comment.

In the USA Acronisyms are used to confuse people. I have never seen anyone BUT me ask what these letters mean.

This means that people do not care or they don't want appear dumb.

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United States government

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Ignore it. Seek and proclaim truth elsewhere. Become the Remnant.

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“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. ~George Orwell

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"in the Empire of Lies, the truth is treason." - not sure who but I don't think Ron Paul originally coined it

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I think more people are questioning the narrative now than ever before, just looking at the demonstrations on and off campuses.

Each demonstration is an education to those who show up, and what they learned is shared often shared with friends and family.

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That's exactly why TPTB have to shut down protests and police chiefs bitch about radicalized students.

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'...real power comes from narrative control.'

Very true, unfortunately. This is a crucial fact that more and more people need to realize.

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International law has had a hard time ever since its inception. It is correct, international law has some fundamental drawbacks, such as its lack of enforcement. It is also vague, contradictory, the mechanism by which it changes is opaque, and it has sets of strict rules for situations (such as war) which by international law must not exist.

And yet, what is the alternative? The end of the 19th century saw the rise of legal positivism, especially in Germany, which denied the relevance of international law (it is a stream that has a large slice of the US legal establishment adheres to today, if with a slightly different flavour). And we all know where that led to.

But one of the real strengths of international law is that domestic law in many instances defers to international law; and domestic law is enforceable. The scope for Western politicians to continue to fudge Israeli crimes is getting very narrow.

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Once you draw back the glib and self-serving rationalizations, it becomes harder for a non-sociopath to continue.

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AIPAC buys Congress. Congress arms & funds Israel. Israel funds AIPAC. The money is being laundered while the USA is in debt nearly $35 trillion dollars, increasing $1 trillion dollars every 100 days.

Basically the same for Ukraine.

Billions being laundered. Weapons makers like Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon stocks all owned by members of Congress.

GreenParty is the only solution.

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The electoral system is locked up. It's done son. Until the electoral system itself is reformed - becomes more publicly representative and not controlled by two corporate entities, two cheeks of the same backside, along with big money, you can scream "green party" for the next 100 years, and nothing will change.

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But if the GP gets enough votes to ruin it for the DNC it will wake more people up to the narrative.

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The rulers are applauding your attitude.

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Oops I replied to the wrong comment.

I'm not saying that GP can win, but it would still be fun to ruin it for Biden.

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It's these kinds of "strategeries" that keep the system going. Too many players thinking they can game it for "fun".

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If I'm going to go vote for my local city council, state house reps, and the presidential election is also taking place, indeed - I will vote Green. That part has nothing to do with "fun." You're not presenting any alternatives, let alone viable ones, and it's extremely easy to criticize random people or ideas on the net. So other than a massive stop-work strike across the whole country (something I'd gladly participate in) or a bloody, chaotic and messy takeover of D.C. (of which the only benefits would be a temporary end to US foreign policy), what are you advocating? An Iskander with a nuclear device hitting Congress? Can't say I'd automatically veto the idea, but let's try to stay realistic here.

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"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun" MZT.

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"Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization."

~Peter Kropotkin

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"International law" is glorified Calvinball, overseen by a self-serving thug.

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Calvin eventually grows old and dies. Or is taken down by a nasty bout of feline Hobbesian toxoplasmosis.

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Thank You Caitlin

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