I think this must be one of your best articles, (and they're all good). This gets right to the point: your aim is as straight as an arrow, and you hit the bullseye.

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That kind of double talk makes my blood boil. Biden is enabling genocide. If he didn't want to he'd stop shipping arms and money to Israel.

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"Mr. Biden remains opposed to cutting off munitions or leveraging them to influence the fighting.”

This is the real story, but of course they can't fill up newsprint with short and sweet statements like this. The reader wouldn't become distracted from the content of the sentence and think: "Why is Biden so opposed to cutting off the arms sales? Haven't we made enough profit from them? Does he not care about starving children and how bad that makes the US look?" No, no, no!! We can't have people thinking along those lines, so let's bring in "frustration" over how Bibi doesn't want to cooperate with not killing so many civilians with all the arms Biden is providing... But the logic becomes a bit circular because it still mentions arms and dead people. There seems no way around that reality. Caitlin points this out clearly. Believe it.

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Biden is the sitting President of The United States of Israel. And he has served his nation well, as have many of his predecessors.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

There are few to none usa small L or big L liberals. Liberals do not support "nations" that have total histories of war crimes, rape & pillage, Holocausts, genocides, CsAH, ... . Calling biden a liberal is utter nonsense.

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Biden knows his Arab-American votes are dwindling. I am not sure if his sudden concern is a tactic in order to win votes in the U.S. America has never punished Israel for the atrocities they have committed in the last 75 years to Palestinians. I don't think they will start now.

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

As more and more details emerge from “behind the lines” in the genocidal attack by the sadistic Israel contingents, all seemingly enjoying their role in the deaths of thousands, it makes one question the reason for the continued support being posted by the Western, White, Anglo senior ministers of governments from Europe, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

What is it about Israel that allows them the liberty to give support to this, the greatest crime against humanity, even more so than the WWII, (which was a Jewish funded war, not a genocidal act created by Zionist Jews.).

Looking at recent history, after the 1939-1945 war we saw an outpouring of support in the re-settlement of the Jewish people still living after Hitler’s holocaust. This allowed the UK to assist in the stealing of land in Palestine to make a new home for displaced Jews, they being the subject then of world sympathy. With that as the starting point but remembering that Jewish money has been involved in Hitler’s rise to power, was part of so many banking systems in so many countries, was used then to promote the holocaust, ad nauseam not only as a crime, but as the centre of a marketing program to extract sympathy and special privileges from all around the globe. This they did, particularly in the USA.

Monies given to this new state, even though it was stolen land, were used to invest, to divert attention from the inhumane treatment of the owners of the stolen land to commence to implement their long held objective of owning all the land from the Euphrates to the Nile, not accomplished and now, based on their evil genocidal activities, will never be likely to happen.

The world has now seen what being Jewish means, using and abusing all the past support given in good faith in decades past, using support funding to help kill off a whole race of Palestinians and allowing the weak laws in the USA, designed to control the expansion of other ethnic groups but encouraging Jews, now Zionists in the main to develop influential groups to like AIPAC to own a country through corrupting a government, bordering on or about 90% corrupted on this day, all there with Jewish financial help , the payment for which is total subservience to their cause. Not America’s cause, but Zionist causes and objectives.

Those weak laws, still in place, allowing for such groups , foreign owned and hardly made up of true Americans, once seen as Lobby groups, to now become government controllers, their antics known to the world through their support for assassinations, murder, blackmail and now genocide.

Until the Jewish residents in the USA can show that their interests and more importantly, their loyalties are with the USA, then this once fine country will remain the tool of Jewish investors, bankers, spies, criminal lobbyists , all owned and controlled by a foreign state, a corrupt state, an inhumane and totally self-centered state, a genocide state and without question, the most hated state. In history.

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"Reporter: "Who will guard the port that the United States will build in Gaza to receive aid?"

US President Biden: "Israelis""


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Thank you for continuing to point out the obvious hypocrisy of Biden’s alleged ‘discomfort’ with the horrific and genocidal behavior of the Israeli state. The logic and the truth of your observations are irrefutable. Nutanyahoo is a murderous psychopath and Biden is his criminal, lying enabler. What a grotesque and shameful pairing of monsters.

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Thank you for reading the bloviations of the critical portion of the U.S. Blobpire which is its ‘media’ so that, generally speaking, I don’t have to. However, on some occasions, it is necessary to include in your brilliant essays long quotations from said bloviations. This was one of those times, I guess. The effect upon me of just the quoted portions of the vile bullshit that is your essay’s subject tonight will probably be enough to keep me sleepless despite my normal nightly doses of various stuff that are enough that they can’t be safely supplemented.

How you are able to do this day after day after day is a miracle of your almost infinite capacity for empathy. The Palestinians going through what you describe are aided in their toleration of it by the fact that they have no choice. They deal with it because the alternative is death, which is what they try to avoid. You live amid the mad savagery voluntarily, but without the actual explosions, starvation and death that go with them actually present in your life. But your empathy makes that reality virtually present for you. Please take care of yourself as best you can, just as the Palestinians try to do.

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The source of the frustration is "ungratefulness" - which is a huge diversion from the facts that Netanyahu has repeatedly humiliated Biden and rubbed his nose in it. The whole word sees this and no one in DC can, apparently.

So, to the narrative people, if "ungrateful" BB just said "Thanks Joe", we'd all be good to go?

Note also the passive framing of "The US FINDS itself" in a genocide. Biden just wandered one day in the Rose garden and the next thing you know BB started bombing babies, you see.

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While there are everyday people who still pretend Biden isn't demented -- and even that crowd is small and shrinking -- almost no one at all really believes he's trying to put the brakes on anything. He's a visibly bitter and puerile old man under the brain fog, pissed off the world caught to his bribery scams before he could escape it for hell. He sees the world chortling at his malevolence-in-enfeeblement and surely feels like bombing people.

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Biden should send munitions to Gaza.......or, body bags......or, King James Bibles, or, comic books, or, ......anyone have any better ideas??................This is INSANE.

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Fascists who hide their fascism behind vanilla 'feelgood' are not "liberals", any more than neo-liberals are liberals, or WW2 National Socialists are socialists.

There are very few actual conscious liberals out there, by which I don't mean the pitiful election results of parties called "Liberal".

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Biden is an evil weasel! When he met with Netanyahu on Oct.10th he could have shut down the genocide and failed to act. Now the damage is done. It is horrendous and he still refuses to act...

“But Mr. Biden remains opposed to cutting off munitions or leveraging them to influence the fighting.”

As usual he is trying to cover up him his incompetence when he is incapable of practicing real leadership

The fact that he is still in the presidential race is a disgrace to America given the war crimes he has committed or condoned since coming into office.

Courting Gantz is more foolishness when they should be shutting down Biden, every time he opens his mouth the situation becomes worse.

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Wow, this is an excellent analysis. It’s incredibly difficult to keep track of the twisty little turns of the media spins and come out the other side with one’s brains still in tact. Billy boy Clinton was a master at it—it took the Monica scandal to start exposing his duplicity. “It depends on what the definition of is is.” Right. But Bush the Shrub was the 1st to twist it all up in a “uniquely American” pile of shit and shove it down our throats. So while Liberals are maybe the most obnoxious of this class of gas lighters, let’s not ever pretend that they are alone in this double and triple speak. Keeping track of it and exposing it is a full time job, and Caitlin has done a masterful job of that here.

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