7 minutes is hardly long enough,

To decide the fate of civilization,

All top political and military leaders agree,

Yet we inch closer to that fateful decision,


Despite the smoke,

People in Pompeii didn’t believe it would erupt.

It never had! Why would it now?

We have had much more warning than they did!

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They’re not gonna sterilize the planet. I know this for two reasons: 1) they want to rule its people and live far off of our backs, as they have been. They’ve had all the opportunity in the world to do that if that’s what they want. They just want to wear Russia down as much as they can while simultaneously enriching their MIC buddies. It’s just a way to hand our tax money to their friends. And 2) That would be the best possible outcomes, so of course it’d never happen.

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Yeah - when you're playing chicken, you always expect the other guy will swerve first.

And playing chicken with nuclear war - fucking brilliant! These egomaniacal assholes, who are so sure of themselves - because asshole dudes in bars are always so sure of themselves - all the way up to when the shooting starts.

But this time when the shooting starts, we're all fucked.

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It is like a game of chicken, except we're all locked in the back seats of the cars.

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We’re all fucked worse if it doesn’t. I can’t wrap my head around that NPC mind frame where this world is worth remaining in. But here’s another secret: once the shooting starts, IF it starts, the hard part is already over.

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Brian you don't think the world is worth remaining in? Is that really how you feel?

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Now, I’m not saying I’m suicidal. I’m not, and am incapable of it. But accepting of the fact when and if such an eventuality occurs? Yeah, I’m eagerly looking for it.

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I can’t fathom people think any of this shit is worth any of it. It’s just a testament to the brainwashing they’ve done, I guess, or you’re in a socioeconomic bubble where you think everything is rosy. As impossible as my belief seems to, yours is that way for me.

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If you think I grew up in a bubble, or are in one now you would absolutely wrong. As a 5 year old we lived across from Central Park in NY, and no we were not rich. We weren't suppose to go into the park, unaccompanied by an adult, but hard for kids not to want to be in their backyard. There are pools there and people have died in them. One day my friend and I took a leap over the stone fence and ran to the pool. That day I saw, a boy wearing men's shores, about 15, murder three young children, and he did it one by one and didn't listen to their screaming, didn't empathize with there fear, or listen to their pleadings, and that's when all illusions disappeared for me. It wouldn't be the last time I saw a child die. When I was seven the life was crushed out of a seven year old friend from a man in a speeding car. I never thought life was rosy.

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Yeah well, some of us still have a beating heart. Apparently yours turned to stone.

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It’s because I care I’d see the lunacy end. Those of you who’d want to prolong this agonizing shit show and live in delusional vanity, hedonism, and comforting yourself with whatever sweet lie is most convenient in the moment- you’re the ones who make this madness continue. This world is the result of too many people like you.

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So you just want the world to blow up in nuclear conflagration. And that will fix everything? Because of people like me?

Yeah - that's rational.

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Just wear Russia down? What if Russia feels that's not an option? Also mistakes are made in war, all the time. The US is playing with fire, and it's willing to do that in order to remain the worlds sole super power. It certainly has shown it's capacity to pursue that goal in it's brutal and deadly assaults on Middle Eastern countries causing millions of deaths. The American people have been very tolerant of our capacity for destruction. and now  vigorously supports it's country and Ukraine, and quickly accepted that Russia is the bad guy. Through the years we have expanded NATO into eastern Europe. Now we want to make NATO  even bigger and no doubt we expect a victory and have intentions of plundering Russia's resources as we have done in the past and no doubt prevent China from having a supportive friend. Isolating her. I think Russia started this assault when they found out the Minsk accords were a sham and used to give Ukraine enough time to build up it's defenses. I think there is a very good possibility that there will be a nuclear war. I don't think Putin will allow another plundering of his country.

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Oh I’m aware that Putin didn’t just wake up one day and decide to invade. And the American peasantry are just cowardly. Some tolerate it because they’re scared to stand up to them. But honestly, all we can do is talk shit about it. Even if a true revolution happened, they’d put it down, smear the people involved, and carry on as if nothing happened. And the majority of Americans are as craven as the rulers. A bunch of bootlickers with Stockholm Syndrome. That’s why I say let the nukes fly. I see nothing worth preserving.

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I think we need to stand up to country and it's agenda which is the one responsible for has been going on since WWII in much of the world.

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Are you saying the American people should assist Ukraine in fighting Russia, I mean putting boots on the ground? Hard to interpret your comments some time. Do you perceive what is going on in Ukraine, is all Russia's fault or are you viewing this was with a broader perspective?

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Wut. Holy non sequiturs, Batman! No, I’m saying that full scale thermonuclear war would be the only winning scenario for humanity at large.

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The irony (one of many) being that the vast majority of people living in Crimea (as confirmed by Ukrainian sociologists and Pew Research) want nothing to do with Ukraine.

See, e.g.: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2015/03/20/one-year-after-russia-annexed-crimea-locals-prefer-moscow-to-kiev/?sh=166f383510db

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Of course telling people this FACT usually has no effect other than for them to accuse you of spreading “Russian propaganda”.

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Like Forbes and Pew?

"That’s 'Russian propaganda'" means "don't confuse me with inconvenient facts!"

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Indeed. Like when I bring up NYT , Wapo, etc articles from before 2021 on the Ridiculous corruption problems in Ukraine, and the Azov Battalion being Neo-Nazi. Crickets.

At that point proceeding to show them numerous brawls in Ukrainian Parliament is always fun!


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BTW, have you seen a recent interview by Emnanuel Todd to Le Figaro? It is hanging on their first page for several days at least. Very strange.

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I have not.

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We’re living in a global asylum, an asylum where the ‘wardens’ [i.e. socio-/psychophatic, incompetent and utterly corrupt politicians - and their minions – the bought & paid for corporate media], are those definitely most insane - CRIMINALLY insane that is! . . .

Collective ‘’human intelligence’’ - for our own species and our planet - has so far proved to equal complete, and utter idiocy.

Collective ‘’human intelligence’’ is a de facto oxymoron.

A little snippet from the overwhelming evidence for the above, is to be found in the words uttered by the greatest living quisling on the planet, the Norwegian CIA errand boy heading the North Atlantic Terror Organization, a.k.a. 'NATO';

''WEAPONS,..._ ehhh... ehh... eh,.. they are the way to PEACE!...’’


As a national living in the US vassal state of Norway, there is NO WAY I could agree more with the following eloquent [and apt] characteristic of said errand boy;

‘’Jens Stoltenberg, he’s literally every evil moving character you’ve ever imagined rolled into one!’’

- Scott Ritter, former USMC Intel Officer, and UN Weapons Inspector

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Eric please, don't talk like that about the possible new... Nobel Peace Prize, but hey if it was also given to Barack Obama, the first US president to go his two full terms without a single day without war.

These sons of bitches, they will end up digging up Hitler or Stalin, to make them Nobel Prize winners too!

Very good your comment, Cheers

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Top it off with the guy who orchestrated the coup in Chile on 9/11/1973. A month after that he was in Oslo to be awarded the peace prize for that year. Yes, the one and only Heinz Kissofdeath.

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Are you saying Stalin is responsible for the WWII?

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I'm not going to put words into FKS' mouth, but this is a good reason for giving Stalin the peace prize, wouldn't you say?

"You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism created the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrator."

- Alexandr Solzhenitsyn -


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Where in my comment, do you see any reference to WWII?

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What else would Stalin be awarded Nobel Peace Prize for nowadays?

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Please consider clicking on my avatar, find and read "What's The First Thing You Do When You See A House On Fire."

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Any time I correctly bring up Azov as neo-Nazis, I get a response such as "what are you insinuating"?

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Provide them with the UN voting record so they know it's fine.

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When it comes to war Americans live in a black and white world.

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Rather, Americans refuse to acknowledge the lumberyard in their own proverbial eye.

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Probably true. As a kid I separated my country from it's government and that has made it much easier for me to be more objective, since I even knew back then my government lies to me.

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Not just when it comes to war either.

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GreaterIsrahell, I'd say more like... it's in everything they do when they leave their fucking country!

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Me too.

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This is the "progress" of the civilized and democratic countries voting for the resolution combating Nazism:

- 2021: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3951466?ln=en

- 2022: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3997769?ln=en

Those who voted 'N' have no problem with Azov.

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Yet they’re powerless to stop the baddies. As is always the case. It’s a monotonous cycle and wholly boring, imho

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It's for the record if nothing else.

Since the hegemon, the USA, is the one consistently voting 'N' every single time with vassals prior to 2022 coyly abstaining (Ukraine being the 'N' voter since 2014) nothing ever can be done in practical terms.

Therefore, every time anyone sees Ukrainian flag flying in support of it - mentally imagine swastika flying next to it. It would provide full context. And it's legal too.

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I have a meme of that and would post it right here if I could. The top right corner of the Blue over Yellow flag is turned down and the tip of a swastika is showing.

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Screaming into void. I get it. We need to relieve the pressure somehow. I love Caitlin’s writing. I deeply connect with it. It just pains me to know that whether the nukes fly or not, this world will never be worthy to house people such as her.

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Who are you to judge who is worthy or not? Are you now playing God?

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In a room full of sleeping people, the only ones who know who is awake are the people who are awake. Hush now, little lamb. Go back to your comforting lies. Tell yourself whatever takes my mean words away. Who am I, indeed?

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Yeah you got it all figured out Brian. You're like a God compared to the rest of us.

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What about the rest of us who post on her site?

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I can’t speak to the quality of people I know nothing about. But even if I could, how much would my opinion matter?

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Well, I was just joking to help break the tension here. Have a good day.

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Thanks, left them a request to ACT!

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Thank you, well said as always. I pray it helps.

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The claims that Russia intends to take it's prior territory back is unfounded, I believe. I think they only wanted access to the Baltic Sea, to their bread basket, Ukraine and to survive economically. They were developing good relations with Germany, and Eurasia, before our coup in Ukraine and the alleged meddling with their elections. Your commentary is so well written and en pointe!

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Black Sea. Russia already has access to the Black and Baltic seas, but the Russian naval base at Sevastopol in Crimea is an asset that Russia cannot afford to lose.

Needless to say, immediately after the coup in 2014, the United States ordered its new puppet regime to terminate unilaterally the lease on the Sevastopol base.

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Crimea should have a UN supervised referendum. Binding on both sides by prior agreement. The US knows the Crimeans voted last time and 95% wanted to be part of Russia. No surprise there. The Crimeans have seen how the neo-Nazi Azovs treated the ethnic Russians in The Donbas. But the US refuses to accept those results and when they are asked to support another referendum, one they could coadminister, they squeal like cartoon piglets saying they can’t do that.

Crimea is a great place to start, not for war but for peace. After a Crimean referendum the next step would be a Donbas refendum. Yes they’ve already voted to secede, but this time it should be UN-supervised. The whining excuses by the US spokespeople for not doing it are very telling. As if they had not heard of absentee ballots!

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I think Russia is going to say "fuck you" to any "internationally recognized" or "supervised" mechanism since the Minsk agreements were so blatantly and openly sabotaged. She would be an idiot to fall for any of this ever again.

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Yeah - if we're lucky enough to avoid nuclear world war III, and somehow Biden and the rest of the militaristic Dr. Strangelove nutjobs running the US govt right now somehow decide to avoid blowing up the planet: one thing is absolutely certain: we've now entered into another superpower cold war era, and my guess is, the US is already fucked.

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"the US is already fucked" - it is for sure as is the whole supremacist West. The only thing unknown is at what cost to the rest of the world.

For Russia the attitude was expressed some time ago by Putin - "why do we need the world without Russia". He said also: "we will go to heaven and they will just burn". How the fucktards in the West don't take it seriously is an absolute mystery.

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I think it could be negotiated. Lifting sanctions etc. plus they know they would win Crimea and it would show their wish for peace. Sure the Americans are assholes but the biggest difference between the two is that the Russians think being in the right is enough ( it’s not) while the Americans think being in the wrong is just fine as long as they can win the public relations battle.

What would you propose, Kevin?

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For Russia the Crimea question is closed once and for all.

As to anything being negotiated - look up the current agreement to get wheat out of Ukraine. The other side of it is to allow Russia to sell its own agricultural products. The former is happening, the latter is being violated as we speak. As in going nowhere.

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You don’t do public relations well, if you don’t mind me saying. How do you propose to proceed?

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The procession is happening as we speak, is it not? Ukraine war?

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Re peace?

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UN? Can you honestly believe anything this bunch of brain dead, corrupt, gasbags have to say? Russia or China or the USA can veto any resolution.

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And if they do, the world will take note. This is about public opinion. The main frailty of the UN indeed the veto and the US is the main recent offender, but repeated attempts at problem-solving surely should be made, if nuclear war is on deck.

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US needs to get out of the UN...WHO is part of it.

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The US needs a civil war. The USA is the problem. I have a lot of American friends. But your government and corporations need a really good kick in the ass.

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War? They had one and have passed their sesquicentennial. And they’re still fighting it. And learned very little from it, just like they learned nothing from Nam, vide IraqAfghan.

I see no solution and they keep electing people who don’t deserve the citizen’s time of day.

A kick in the backside with a frozen boot would be satisfying but ineffective. They’re incurable.

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Not as much as the UN needs to relieved of the pain and itching of US presence and corruption. Go. And take your veto and “ values” with you.

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I've been watching old movies late at night recently and amazed at the coarseness of the US propaganda, especially in old war movies.

But last nite, I watched a movie about Ukrainian Russians fighting Nazi invaders. It very favorable portrayed rural life, Soviet collective farming and labor, community cohesion, and basically a very high quality culture see "The North Star"


The movie was attacked, censored and suppressed by the McCarthy era HUAC - but today, you could NEVER even make that film and you might even get your FB, Twitter or YouTube account taken down for merely broadcasting it!!!

We are now in a period that is WORSE than the McCarthy era in terms of red scare and censorship and repression.

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People in America are so influenced by their Entertainment media, they've been led to believe the world is a Disney Marvel movie. Any moment now Captain America will team up with Ms Ukraine to punch out Sinister Warlord Putin. No, don't look behind the curtain viewers! Those falling banknotes from the Producers pockets are just props, I swear!

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So well put: the US and West taunt Russia shamelessly then put on the saint's garb for the rest of the world, even as they know that most people don't go for it. They love manipulation - just for the sake of it- and that is the characteristic of PSYCHOPATHS. That's what we're dealing with: they make up the game and its rules, and manipulate the narrative to make themselves out to be innocent targets. They have to be told we're not playing.

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Don't despair. Along with all the Western population, voters, the WHOLE 'rest of the world' is totally ignored - including their leaders.

BUT they are there. And Watching. And Knowing.

I doubt their leaders are going to let this current coterie of total lunatics we call the Western leaders continue down this path much longer.

I don't know what they'll do to stop it but I feel pretty sure they will do something. I just can't see, for instance, the Chinese leadership quietly acquiescing while American lunatics take the world to the edge of the abyss. Tolerance of mad children only goes so far.

You would maybe think the easiest way would be for them to weigh in against Russia but they don't seem to be doing that even though they're clearly not giving military support.

And it might not be such a good idea come to think of it. Pushing Russia is the whole problem. Has been from the beginning come to that, hasn't it?

Push Russia too far and big boom for sure.

Russia feels it stands alone now. Feels it has its back against the wall. Is without a reliable friend in the world. Not much more you can do to it.

But America. With its sleaze and fingers in every pie and everyone - every one - of its top politicians and industrialists, oligarchs, deep into all kinds of secret global misdemeanors and wealth scattered handily around the world.... A different story. Vulnerabilities everywhere.

Even America's proudest 'boast', literally, it's 750 bases all around the world. All boasting the American flag of despotic hegemony.

Well each one of them is far from being a Roman fort capable of subduing the surrounding countryside and tribes.

Nope. Far from it. They are more like injury prone fingers stuck too far into the works. Each capable of being caught, lacerated, macerated and signalling immense pain to the host body.

Every single one is a nil return sensitive point of potential pain and embarrassment.

Perhaps the Rest of the World will signal disapproval in that way, when prompted by big Daddy China and big mystery man India and keen young excitable heterogeneous Africa. Etc.

I don't know.

But I certainly see the possibilities.

And I certainly see a plain and simple strong motivation.

So though it is a crying shame the people of the Western World will never, this side of armageddon, lift their game enough to learn what's going on and actually do something radical about it - like playing their part in the democratic process - it maybe won't matter.

The new big kids on the block will do it all for us. For themselves they'll do it and we'll profit thereby.

Hope I'm right. :)

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I think the world outside the brainwashed West sees that the US has the propensity to attack countries that it decides it does not like--now even to the point of provoking a war with the second or third most powerful military in the world. The rest of the world sees the danger in allowing the US to continue to rampage unopposed.

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The fact that US hypersonic missiles failed their last test and Russia has already demonstrated its hypersonic weaponry on a number of occasions in Ukraine to devastating effect, it appears the US's provocative escalation is no more than optics posturing.

The west are struggling to match Russia militarily. Russia has very good air defense and a well integrated MIC with a joined up military command. NATO, on the other hand, has been found wanting; 'We'll send our tanks if you send yours', not the language of winners. Plus Europe and the US have no defense against Russia's hypersonic capabilty. Washington is aware that for the present, the Kremlin is dominated by cool heads. So talk is cheap.

Sending tanks and other useless gear is just desperation and face saving. Russia will accomplish its objectives to its own schedule. The west know the war is done, so any silly talk from Borel, Von der Leyen and Stoltenburg is strictly for the birds. When Bakhmut falls soon this will mark the beginning of the end and collapsing armies tend to fold rapidly. Then it's all round to the South China Sea for beer and round 2!

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99 bottles of beer on the wall ....

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"You can change Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC, but it's still the same stuff in the bucket."

Decades later, we're still dealing with the same ol' stuff. Mutually Assured Destruction and nuclear Armageddon. Everything old is new again. It's tiring to think how little we've changed. It's time we grew up and stop playing the game of chicken... Otherwise we'll all end up totally deep fried.

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So the chicken didn't cross the road after all.

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Ironically, in the long run, KFC (and other staples of the Standard American Diet) may maim and kill more humans than the world’s nuclear arsenal.

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I have sincerely contemplated that. And my conclusion is the same every time I reevaluate it: impermanence is a reality. This world, at some point, will cease to be habitable. Whether by natural causes or because people get what they deserve.

What ever is going to kill me, or whomever, is pointless. My death is a certainty.

This world is wholly evil. I realize that this doesn’t appear to be the case for many. Many people compartmentalize that aspect, and just focus on the things that help them retain their sanity. That doesn’t mean it’s not bat shit evil. And that fact that it’s not batshit evil really doesn’t bother most people. If it did, they’d take hard action to change it. The fact that they is a condemnation of them, and of our species as a whole.

We’ve long had the technology and the know-how to make the world equitable and humane. But we don’t, and to the vast majority of people, that’s not a dealbreaker, hell it’s not even an afterthought.

With this being the case, what exactly are we fighting to preserve? Our own ego centric hedonism and vanities.

Life is the curse. That’s my verdict. It’s not worthy of your humanitarianism or your philosophy and poetry. I look forward to the day I’m back in oblivion. It’s not suicidal or defeatist; it’s simply the only rational conclusion is a wholly irrational world populated with wildly, unbelievably even more irrational people. The suffering of countless generations is not made sanctified by prolonging it in some vain hope that people will magically, of their own volition or divine providence, suddenly wake up one day and think, “ Gee, you know, maybe I shouldn’t be a psychopathic piece of shit anymore.”

To quote a movie... “ Let them fight.”

This species is irredeemable.

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"This world is wholly evil."

No it isn't. There is a great deal of good in it, and the overcoming of evil. You are just lying to yourself if you insist it's just all evil.

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Perhaps you are but to pontificate about the species IS “irredeemable”🤪

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Sure, humans are nuts, but why should cats have to suffer as a result?

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A world with no cats would be a sadder world!

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They already do. I can’t think of an organism on this planet that isn’t in peril by our continued existence e

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With guys like you - they have no chance at all. You've already given up.

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It’s not giving up. It’s putting the Kool aid cup down and looking clearly and long at the history, the cycles, the state of affairs. If I thought that the probably for humanity to ever transcend this insanity was even remotely likely, I’d not have this attitude. But the evidence is rather damning and, with few exceptions, wholly one sided.

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You're not putting the Kool aid cup down - you plan on drinking it. Suicide doesn't fix anything.

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That said, life will go on, in time. Just without us murder apes.

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No the problem isn't evil, itvis stupid. You missed the KFC reference.

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At some point, the two become indistinguishable.

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I’m just a guy with a perspective. My opinion, sadly, lacks the authority to enter launch codes.

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Uh, sure. I understood that.

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...but it's OK for Israel to annex the Golan Heights without a referendum.

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