I believe Olbermann was actually someone at one time, but like his contemporary Colbert, he suffered a catastrophic frontal lobe blowout on the Trump Turnpike, now doing everything they can to get us to join them in the ditch rather than to sensibly pull themselves out.

They are an embarrassment not only to themselves, but to primates in general, and to the dust of collapsed stars in particular. Stars deserve a better afterlife.

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In order to upvote you, I must sign in, so my comment is that you are spot-on.

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It's truly ironic that the corporate centrists, who have excused and even encouraged street violence and are the biggest backers measures like censorship and worse, label the "red-brown alliance" of "left-" and "right-" libertarians and populists who defend free speech as "fascists." Can anyone say "inverted totalitarianism?"

I've voted mostly Democrat for most of my life. The Democratic Party has shown itself to be irredeemable. I will vote for no Democrats in 2022.

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Jimmy replied, "That's MR. Succubus to you, sir."

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Thank you. Olbermann is a mental case desperately trying to make a living.

Although I am a progressive I am more worried right now about 500+ people in jail for Capitol riots -- note that it is not more "armed" insurrection.

The old Russia-gate - Biden/Pelosi/Schumer deeply corrupt team (and their DNC and CIA servants), as repulsive as GOP lunatics, will terrorize these "white racist domestic terrorist" victims of their "justice" to desperately try to win in 2022 and 2024 elections.

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Over here on the continent I'd lost track of Olbermann,... yikes! and thanks for the update!

"actual fascism strolled through the front door"

Maybe we should start calling it Faucism?

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Mr. Olbermann should look up "cryptofascist".

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As recent as WAY back '03 MSNBC mainman Leftist Olbermann was RIGHT, "Al Qaeda may have hurt us - but not as much as RUPERT MURDOCH has hurt us!"

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I stopped listening to Olberman and everybody else on American TV long ago. The only one I occasionally listen to is Tucker Carlson, because he supported Tulsi Gabbard and says reasonable things about Julian Assange and the origin of coronavirus. I also occasionally listen to Dore but I am tired of the typically American overkill -- also in films -- of vulgar language. I am far from a prude but you can't get more juvenile than by using "fuck" in virtually every sentence. I recently heard an excellent interview with a German professor that lasted almost an hour. Toward the end, as he got tired, he said "in the last analysis" in virtually every sentence. Same thing. Boring and irritating, but in the case of "fuck" especially irritating because it is so obvious that it is caused by a typically American (and I was brought up in that benighted country) juvenile reaction to Puritan repression.

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You might want to listen to some of the Honest Government Ads from Australia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_0zFEtPbiA

But, I agree with you about how certain words tend to get over used.

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The fascism of our time will not be coming from the political far right, but from the center-left.

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Who is Matthew Dimitri? His tweets are all insults against people like Dore and Greenwald. Apparently he only exists on Twitter.

Who is Emma Vigeland? She works for The Young Turks. Is Jimmy's attack on Emma just a continuation of the feud between him and TYT? Apparently.

So, of course, I finally had to go down the rabbit-hole of the TYT Network. All of the interconnections, one would need a Lombardi to try to sort it all out. If one were to listen solely to Jimmy, you'd come away with the impression that TYT is the judas-goat luring us away from the goal. But then I look at the names associated with the TYT Network and, well, it is just confusing since there are "associates" I really respect and those I cannot stand.

A great "soap-opera" with all the participants all claiming to fit under the umbrella of "progressive" screaming at each other further dividing the "movement" (assuming there is a movement).

I sure to miss Peter B. Collins.

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Yes, because unity behind the democratic party works such wonders. The movement is indeed divided, as all movements inherently are. Maybe read that last sentence again and let it sink in. Exposing those who mouth pleasantries yet side with oppressors as the shills they are is not in any way a bad thing. Naturally the shills disagree.

This unity fixation is right out of the DNC playbook every time they botch an election, which is just about every election. "We would have won, if you guys hadn't voted for Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, Some Green Party Commie, or Putin's fill-in-the-blank. We heard it again after Biden got nominated and we're going to hear it again in 2022. Unity. Just one letter away from a four letter word.

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FWIW: Peter B. never argued for "unity". But in the decade I listened to him, I think he said fuck only 2 or 3 times and he had to force himself to do it.

I'm not disagreeing with your point.

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Well that's good. I'd hate to think my rant was wasted.

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