Imagine how astonished (appalled?) we'd be if that all that mind chatter of the thousands/millions in your vicinity were broadcast over community loudspeakers. I'd bet that a quite large percentage of that chatter would reveal itself as the ridiculous tangle of irrelevancy implanted by Capitalist economic consumption propaganda, an internal muck of jingles, images, and verbiage designed to enrich elites and pauperize the rest of the biosphere. That complete waste of nerve impulses would be joined by those underlying speculation about the other, folks we like or dislike, folks we admire, envy, celebritize, detest, many of those impressions aimed at individuals of whom we have no direct personal knowledge, whether it be Jill Stein, Johnny Depp, or Donald Trump. Broadcast, that noisy chaos would drive most of us in search of earplugs, yet we have difficulty finding the internal earplugs to stanch those loudspeakers in our heads. I'm convinced that a measure of the immense waste of mental and therefore actual biochemical energy implicit in all this chaotic brain-merda would amount to a stunning number of Joules.

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Nicely imaged. Perhaps yet another aspect referenced by the ever-fertile Matrix. Not A.I. feeding off our energetic mental output (yet) but a nonetheless pernicious capturing of our mind chatter output, directed to nefarious ends.

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Beautifully put.

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Hey, Caitlin, I love you. And not in a weird way or any way to make your husband or my wife jealous. Just love, like Jesus,/John Lennon kind of love.

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The world's a stage, as the poet said, and we all play our roles with great earnest, and forget we are all basically the same, human person. There are no deserving, or undeserving: no good or evil unless we design it so, make it inevitable. I once knew a psychiatrist who insisted there was nothing but roles, that's all you were or ever could be, and you had to agree with him or be noted in his little black book as a "belligerent". Herr Doktor, is how I noted him in mine. That view makes for a rigid, mechanistic, hierarchical and inhuman world of distance, indifference and rank that prepares us for endless war and strife, inures us to suffering and injustice, because for one, the common perception is there is a kind of justice in it. Roles, you know, can't be helped. You're the shooter, never the shot. And we are too preoccupied every minute with getting by, which is posited as a good thing, and if getting by isn't a problem, we are too smug and absorbed by diversions, yes, and deafened with the noise of everyday life.

It does things to our thinking. I received a comment on my socialist views by someone whose first name is Stig. He claimed he can stand anything - except communism. This not-too-bright person is very likely living in a socialist country and doesn't realize that socialism is communism that isn't under duress. Without communism there would have been no unions, no concept of minimum wage. There would still be widespread child labour, 13 hr. days, no benefits, no universal health care and no pensions. But all he sees is gulags - never the 2 1/2 million slaves in US prisons, some with life sentences for possession of small amounts of marijuana. He doesn't see the poverty common in the foremost economy. Or the mountain of personal debt as the only outcome of a good education. He doesn't see the sickness and unnecessary death from lack of universal healthcare. All he sees is Stalin. It is a kind of mind astigmatism with no known cure, except perhaps being yourself a victim of the evil to which you are blind. And even that may not do it.

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I had to drop a therapist because he couldn't fathom how I could be an atheist. I have no concept of "sin", he had no concept of the "other". Nuff said, Peace

Beautiful poem, BTW!

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Thanks; we are on the same page of the same hymn book, (pardon the expression!).

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Stig must be an alumnus of the Rush Limbaugh School of Trite Shit. Of whom there are many. For them communism is seen as something that's been achieved whereas it's an ideal and can never be reached, just like pure capitalism. For the limbaughites and their counterparts the respective words have become expletives with no substance behind.

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Precisely. And the fact early communism was attacked on its soil by 12 countries in its early stages, was embargoed and sanctioned to death, has no bearing. Nor do the millions who died in capitalist wars and capitalist-driven starvation, disease and dis-ease.

And of course the fact that Russian communists killed 4 out of 5 Nazis and literally saved the world from Nazism, makes no difference at all. Because, let's face it, deep down we - the West -have a lot in common with them.

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Love it. But socialized barbarism is not better.. I'm referring to universal healthcare. The modern allopathic system was instigated by the Rockefellers to promote the health for profit model of Big Pharma. They systematically stigmatized and smeared the traditional systems, which only started to revive a half century later in the sixties. Unfortunate how socialist countries have copied the dysfunctions of capitalism and made that toxicity free for all. Public schooling is another contribution of the Rockefellers. Got to get to them early!!

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If we didn't have public schooling great numbers of children would not go to school. And healthcare - you must be kidding? Health and well-being would be a hundred times worse without health care. Socialism is the answer, but we have never had that: elites have always been in control. That would not be the case with socialism which would by no means obviate government and politics, but the input and decision making would be circumscribed by equality and socialistic values, instead of max production and consumption, endless competition. "Greed' would not be considered good, but rather dysfunctional, peculiar, boring. Have you noticed, the rich are usually, narrow and boring? No great ideas there. They are too smug and self absorbed to think much at all. Reverence for the planet and all life would replace conventional religious concepts and ideas. And school would not be brainwashing, regimentation and punishment. The students themselves would be the critics, along with very well-educated, evolved teachers.

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Well that would be good if schools were actual places of learning instead of obedience factories. And health care would be a great replacement for the disease care system of present that depends on toxic drugs rather than prevention. Canada where i live has universal disease care that promotes unnecessary drugs for all. Not a great leap forward for mankind.

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I agree, and this is a neoliberal, thoroughly capitalist society, always has been, not socialism/communism. So blaming systems we've never had seems a little illogical.

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I NEVVVER listen to hip hop or rap, I cannot identify either sort of music

Last night we were watching the last episodes of Ozark where Ruth is listening to this hideous kind of music.

Anyway, reading this immediately made me read it in that style of what ever you call it, and I really love these words. We live in nutty crazy times. No one is allowed to utter words, and no one really cares about the other. We are just living "beings" passing the time

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Duality and separation is just an illusion!:)

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Nicely, Nice, Nice Nice

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We have an opportunity here... Once in a lifetime...

We may be strangers but our heart our goal and our soul work in unity...

It is what Marilyn Ferguson wrote in her book: The Aquarian Conspiracy.

We are here to usher in the true Aquarian Age.


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I'm sorry, and you are...? 😕

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Awesome !!! Very well said.

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we are all expressions of universal consciousness 💕

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May I be someone you would never regret.

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The age of separation will be coming to an end soon. Time for the age of reunion. Like Charles Eisenstein talks about in “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible”.

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The mind ways learned in school about the chattering you describe is failing these people. Just because you’ve been to school doesn’t mean your educated in life’s lessons or are even curious about what it means to be living.

There isn’t a learning curve about war happening with this mind set just the simple horror of it.

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****Two slimy babies squirt into the same universe,

made from the same stuff,****

I prefer vomit to squirt.

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