Total insanity. I am in Tokyo and went to a public lecture on war with Russia and China. There were about 40 journalists, professors, and government officials in the room. I can tell you this much: The Western expats here in Japan HATE Russia and HATE China, and they want the USA and its allies to get over and done with those evil dictatorships. They have 100% confidence that the West will win WW3, no problem. They keep saying, Oh but it has nothing to do with the Russian people or the Chinese people. It is just Putin and Xi, those dictators must go! But you could see that hateful light in the eyes of the warmongers, who in reality want to hurt the Russian people and the Chinese people with endless embargos, sanctions, starvation, bombings, propaganda... the whole Western wrath. I do not see any way to repair the situation. Maybe it is just God or the way of human nature. We are too many humans on this tiny planet, and it is so easy for the West to destroy those last sovereign states and free people, kill or enslave their abled men, and take over their resources, their women, and their lands. Sounds brutal, but this is the painful insight I got from said public lecture on why we must quickly defeat Russia and China. Oh, and yes, they have established a NATO military headquarter in Japan. It is not fake news. It is very real.

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Yesterday saw another hilarious meme-worthy report about how Russia is flying their military jets dangerously close to our drones.... LOLOL

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Of all of the psychopaths stalking the halls of the US government, Bolton is one of the most odious. I can think of nothing positive to say about this rightly named, "maniac". Madder than any hatter in history and beloved by the MIC... Hopefully, he is fully vaxxxed and boosted.

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The thought that kept coming back to me as I read your brilliant expose of the wonder of the USA foreign policy is this - one of the repeated reasons for Ukraine being admitted to NATO was that Ukraine is a sovereign country and they can do what they want to do and Russia’s concern about security is irrelevant. Well, as you nicely pointed out....what Ukraine can do, clearly, Cuba cannot. Hallelujah!

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In the minds of John Bolton, Victoria Nuland and neocons of that low-order un-categorizable species, the assassination of JFK is likely viewed as a "defensive action, rather than an act of extreme aggression."

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Everything, everywhere all the time is a zero sum no holds barred winner takes all game for the sociopath.

In his evil way, Bolton is actually sorta refreshing because he doesn't even pretend to bother to hide his sociopathy.

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The arrogance of the federal government is exceeded only by its criminality.

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Individuals like Bolton still having a platform to speak says a great deal about our society.

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This is one of Washington's most flagrant and long standing hypocrisies and a big reason the world is in the mess we are in.

Everybody should read David Ray Griffin's book: Bush and Cheney, How they ruined America and the World . It is all about the "crazies in the basement" (Page 90), Bolton can be added to that list.

Bolton is like Blinken what ever he says the opposite is true .

Despots are very clumsy oafs as their lies become so detectable and transparent.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023

One minor point: While it is true that John Bolton is a professional psychopath, he would do it for free, if necessary.

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Their hypocrisy is outstanding, thank you Caitlin for outlining this.

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How dare they surround our bases with their country!!!!!

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I’m totally against US Policy. Pollution is the result of US aggression. Pollution of water and land. How much longer are we going to be able to live in this utter insanity?

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Let's see ...China in Cuba is not allowed but NATO in Ukraine is ok ...hmmm.

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I love this line -"The point of highlighting hypocrisy is not that being a hypocrite is some special crime in and of itself, it’s to show that the hypocrite is lying about their motives and behavior, and to dismantle their arguments defending their positions." Because you know at least 50% of Americans, when the Cuba situation gets compared to Ukraine, will simply cry "That's WhAtAbOutIsm!" Maybe it's time to suggest that Whataboutism is not a bad thing; rather, it's an excellent strategy for inquiry.

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023

I find it hard to believe that Cuba would agree to becoming ground zero in the Cold War between the United States and China. I do expect that Cuba would welcome economic development assistance from China, but not at the cost of being targeted by American missiles. Cubans have survived US sanctions for 60 years. They are not suicidal.

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