Outstanding, thank you.

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The Con documentary: https://YouTu.be/4X6GZ7F3IPY8

The New Untouchables Series 1 Episodes 1-5 and Series 2 Episode 1: https://youtu.be/9Wzrzy5jCyM

The New Untouchables Series 2 Episode 3: https://youtu.be/alxqS5h-wFY

Cait, I don't know how much time you have to investigate all of the tips that your followers must send to you, but this is a mind-blowing expose' of the 2008 housing crisis in the US. Please watch with your significant other. Skip the popcorn.

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The Con Documentary was a bad link.

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Thanks for the links.

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This is BRILLIANT, I love it!

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Wow! Excellent and super insightful. So right on!

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Brilliant new perspective! A situation that we don’t normally consider!

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This is a very one-sided perspective. I'm guessing you've never owned a home so have little first hand knowledge of what it takes to keep the place in shape. While you might very well be an excellent tenant, many are not and so the property is destroyed.

All in all, this comes across as you wanting a bunch of stuff for free. Quite an accomplishment to get someone as progressive as (I think?) I am to respond so negatively.

It would appear we aren't operating from a common base of facts. The kind of Socialism this makes me think about it one where everyone is a drone living in a cookie cutter house doing exactly the same thing as everyone else does. Boring and Mundane.

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I'll tell you exactly what I want. I want to keep living in the house with the doorframe that has my children's heights marked into it. I want to plant a tree on the land that I have tended for a decade now (while living month to month not knowing if we would be moved on at any moment). I want to watch that tree grow to maturity. I want to have my grandkids for sleepovers in the bedrooms that I put their parents to sleep at night in. I want to feel invested in the fertility of the soil that I live on. I want to put a damn nail in the wall and paint my place the color I like. I want to feel connected to the land, and not like some shameful vagrant who has begged for a little shelter to lay down her bags.

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Also, I have owned a house. Don't give me that, I know what's involved. And even with the worst tenants you have an appreciating asset that appreciates regardless of the state of the walls. I don't cry for you. I cry for the kids going to sleep in their cars tonight because humans have less rights than birds on the planet they were born on.

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Welcome to the right wing pipeline, reality is on the other side

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Welcome to the right wing pipeline, reality on the other side

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How many houses do you own?

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What's your point? That the time I spent accumulating the wealth to purchase those houses is meaningless? I should be able to live in a nice house "just because"? All right then, I want a 4 story mansion on the beach, give it to me. If that sounds ludicrous, I totally agree. That's my complaint about this post from Caitlin.

I support houses for the homeless

I support universal free healthcare

I support universal free education

I support defunding the police (and redistributing those resources to other services)

but, at the same time, I don't want to be crushed by a bureaucracy that won't allow me to enjoy my life on my own terms.

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After doing a search of the digital NYT for a number of expressions off the top of my head, one of them being "Caitlin Johnstone," and getting zero hits, I decided to launch a Facebook page called "Backtalk: The New York Times." Attack the words right out of the horse's mouth.

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