“By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms -- elections, parliaments, Supreme

Courts and all the rest -- will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly

run the show as they see fit."

Aldous Huxley

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You may like my analysis of Huxley and Orwell’s work. I call it, “the Brave new world of 1984” as a play on both names: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-brave-new-world-of-1984-part

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Huxley knew what was going on just as Orwell did.

Pity they have been SQUASHED

I suggest everyone reads Huxley. He is my hero

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Sheldon Wolin's "Inverted Totalitarianism" is in full blossom and ripping the West apart.

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Oh.. Wonderful.

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1984 has been here long before 1984.

Have you seen 1984 in the letters USA?

1984 is there like a shadow.

I will explain.

Was watching the Olympics and a diver removed her sweatshirt as she got ready for her dive.

The sweatshirt had in large bold letters "USA" and when she pulled up her sweatshirt it made large folds and creases. In the folds and crease the letters "USA" formed into "1984".


I wasn't looking for it, wasn't expecting it, but there it was, 1984, if for only a moment. Unmistakable. 1984.


I got busy with very basic software and drew out what I had seen. Also made use of a free shadow generator. The shadow results require three light sources. Someday I will make an improved version with three lights - red, white and blue.

Here it is. Do you see it?


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3 fingers

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Thank you Caitlin.

As the savagery inflicted on Gaza and the West Bank becomes ever more outrageous, barbaric and inhumane by the day, so too does the propaganda and lies pumped out by the political class and the mind-control media in service to their plutocrat masters. I just saw a “before and after” gif of satellite images of eastern Rafah. This is a genocide by the United States via its psychopathic proxy. Put them all on trial in The Hague.

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The reason Western politicians lie so much is that they are elected to represent their populations; when in fact they are bought and paid for by the empire and the oligarchs who run it and have to cover up the atrocities and criminality of said empire. The propagandist mainstream media is of course their chief accomplice and corporations are the funders as they steal the wealth of nations. We are seeing what happens when a defunct civilization is no more than a criminal fraudster.

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"they are elected" - passive voice to avoid responsibility.

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The NYT and WAPO are the people who should be indicted for war crimes. With Biden/Zionists

IF we 'changed course' and indighted the media for war crimes....how would this look.

The NYT and WP/LA times are servants ...nothing more.

IF every Journalist in these Newspapers were indighted for war crimes how many would leave?

I have an idea:There should be an International War Crimes bureau for investigating propaganda!

IF there was: Most newspapers would fold.

NOT one of them want to get into SERIOUS lawsuits for telling lies.

I know the instigators are rich. BUT they do not want to lose their 'foothold' vis a vis propaganda.

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It has been well known that mass media is controlled by the powers that shouldn't be. The CIA is on staff at every TV and print media. Media is just the state propaganda directorate. Which is why those powers want internet censorship and information checkers.

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"Many in the MAGA crowd even think of themselves as antiwar and anti-neocon, but here they are supporting an act of mass military slaughter that’s endorsed by every neocon swamp monster and professional warmonger in Washington solely because doing so puts them on the opposite side of the lefties."

Honestly, a lot of MAGA is a cult of personality, sheep who follow Trump as shepherd.

And it ain't just MAGA. Look how goodthink totebag liberals dropped Code Pink like a hot turd once Obama got elected and the wars they had so righteously opposed became St. Barack's wars.

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They are really making a point to "make an example" of Assange, because they want to make it clear to everyone, that NOBODY is allowed to do what he did- embarrass Western governments! They don't want their narratives challenged, they really don't want their trade secrets revealed, and they especially despise having their war crimes exposed!

It's clear proof that he was doing exactly what needed to be done, in the most damaging way possible. And because his efforts were so perfect, they are crushing him, in front of the entire world!

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I have said time and time again..............the longer Julian is jailed the inevitability of his death is certain. No one is brave "enough is enough let him go home."

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"I have said time and time again..............the longer Julian is jailed the inevitability of his death is certain. No one is brave "enough is enough let him go home.""

Why doesn't his home country fight for his freedom?

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What a clever question!

Here's the most scientifically researched answer: Australia is the US' slave, toady, bitch - being had in such a position that it can't even pretend to object. Use your imagination.

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"Australia is the US' slave, toady, bitch - being had in such a position that it can't even pretend to object. Use your imagination."

Australia sure as hell can object. It can stand up on its hind legs and tell the United States to fuck itself...that is, if it cares about its own. All it takes is self-respect.

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To Realist & russian_bot & JennyStokes, It is sad that Assange's home country did not fight for his freedom. The reasons are all what you say they are. The lack of self respect and dignity comes from being a willing vassal of empire, a settler colonial state, of having the same ideological " our values; our way of life " rhetoric of a suprematist West.

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"Australia sure as hell can object." - so what was your question about? If it can, why doesn't it? I said why - because of its position relative to the US, very uncomfortable one, again, use your imagination. You say otherwise - prove it.

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"If it can, why doesn't it? I said why - because of its position relative to the US, very uncomfortable one, again, use your imagination."

Australia could start by demanding the release of Julian Assange. When that fails, they could demand that the United States remove all military from the country.

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No doubt they're making an example of Assange. But, it was a blip on the radar to them. Something to be quickly managed and squelched. They weren't embarrassed. They have no shame. No consequences came to pass. It's a constantly moving, mindless, pulverizer, we the bugs.

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Sociopaths are, AFAICT, immune to such things.

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Except Assange’s revelations didn’t do anything. Barely a peep by the general public. In the end, the masses only care when they are personally affected and even then, they can be tricked into thinking they have it made. ‘These cock sandwiches taste better than yesterdays’. Frankly, western civilization didn’t deserve Julian Assange. He sacrificed his life for them. They don’t deserve the truth because they’re generally just as corrupt or as weak minded as their rulers.

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May 22·edited May 22

"I can’t stop marveling at how Israel apologists keep trying to convince young people that it’s those who are opposing a genocide who need to worry about their future employment prospects."

Note how Zionist arguments inevitably boil down to "might is right". But only sometimes, and only when Jews are victims.

The Holocaust is not a case of "we're stronger than you so we can do whatever we want get over it" but gives Israel Sacred Victim Status forever and also excuses any and all Israeli crimes in perpetuity, you antisemite!

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n.b. it is ironic that some leading Wall Street institutions were founded because Jews did not exactly have great employment prospects at the time.

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I call this thinking "zionarcissism." It's narcissism with that extra added kick of zionism added in for extra sadism and victimhood whininess! https://therevolutioncontinues.substack.com/p/the-grift-of-eternal-victimhood

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Oh my goodness Dr Phil, the TV, infamous, Beverly Hills, interventionist....He is cheering on the “Israeli right to defend”. He has a huge following. He’s gone Christian-Zionist. Time to use that blockout2024.org podium Stop this slaughter NOW. #cancelcelebrities #boycottcelebrities

And pls participate in disoccupied.com

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Or Mark Hamill. The bloody idiot.

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Mark Hamill became relevant again once he became a propagandist

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Thank you for both the links!

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Thank you for thankings and well-saids.

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Dr Phil, Dr Money, Dr Phil, Dr Money... MMmmmm? Is there a connection ?

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Aren't they all Doctors? Just a guess...

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Between todays caption “unusual they’re lying and unusual we’re noticing” — and yesterday caption regarding “our obedience,” so much insight and information were dropped within both those phrases

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This totally one-sided onslaught of Zionist

in-your-face criminal juggernaut is absolutely immoral, despicable, and becoming one of the worst genocidal and

propaganda events, possibly in world history. This shitstorm of imperialist

assault on human rights and values will never be forgotten , and retribution must

take place even if it results in civil disobedience everywhere and unremitting.


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Lots of bangers here, Caitlin.

Much love from Montreal, Canada!

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Here’s a new petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Also you can give to support the brave doctors in Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023

And the petition to call on Pope Francis to go to Gaza:


Please sign the petition and share widely.

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Glad you took my suggestion to fruition and published it. I have neither the ways nor means of doing so. Let's hope it has some effect.

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Thank you I'll explore your suggestions & sign some more....petitions.

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Check out a fascinating BBC documentary on how we are being subtly propagandized and controlled: "HyperNormalization" ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to72IJzQT5k&t=2s

It will confirm what you have known, sensed and feared is happening to us all.

"We have retreated into a simplified, and often completely fake version of the world. And because it is reflected all around us, ubiquitous, we accept it as normal. This epic narrative of how we got here spans over 40 years, with an extraordinary cast of characters—the Assad dynasty, Donald Trump, Henry Kissinger, Patti Smith, early performance artists in New York, President Putin, Japanese gangsters, suicide bombers, Colonel Gaddafi and the Internet.

"HyperNormalisation weaves these historical narratives back together to show how today’s fake and hollow world was created and is sustained. This shows that a new kind of resistance must be imagined and actioned, as well as an unprecedented reawakening in a time where it matters like never before."

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Mark... thanks for the link... almost 3 hours long ???... I'll take a look...

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Many things Adam Curtis worth checking out: https://www.youtube.com/@justadamcurtis9178

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It's long but fascinating and really puts things in a powerful perspective.

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Mark Taylor,

Do you trust the BBC - isn't it part of the problem? Don't let them get away with pretending to be finding the 'answers' to the 'problems', they themselves were responsible for propagandising. The BBC played a vital role in creating 'today's fake and hollow world'.

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Oh, of course, that's why I was shocked to see the documentary on the BBC. Apparently the guy who put it together has a number of similar documentaries he's done for the network. I would encourage you to watch it and see what you think.

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Really well put, Caitlin.

It's astonishing that the US doesn't want to be a part of the ICC but wants to tell it what to do and is working on ways to punish it.

I know it's the major funder but I can't help but think the UN to move out of the the US to somewhere that gives a shit about international law.

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May 22·edited May 22

It's remarkable that these people running Washington right now are so arrogantly blind in their bubble of wealth and lies, that they will attack anything and everything that opposes their will, despite the moral reality and ethical atrocities staring them right in the face. These people just don't have a fucking clue. Attack the ICC for condemning an obvious genocide, and pretend the world won't notice. Watch as China rolls out the red carpet in every conceivable way for Putin, while Blinken is let in through the backdoor and stays in the shed. And yet they are acting as if they are the moral, unquestioned leaders of the free world - instead of a clown show of bought off, corrupt political idiots. It's surreal to watch.

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they are not blind to anything. They absolutely recognize their "bubble of wealth" and they want to keep it that way. Lies, truth, no matter. Just as long as they keep their money and their power. They don't care if the world notices. They are, as you say, "a clown show of bought off, corrupt political idiots". Except they are not idiots. They are corrupt and cruel and disgusting, but I always think it is a mistake to underestimate the intelligence of our those who work against us.

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I think some of them are indeed just idiots. but as you say many are clever and ruthless.

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May 22·edited May 22

No, some of them really are just idiots living in a bubble of their own making. It's actually not so unusual a human phenomena.

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of course. but don't make the mistake of thinking they are all idiots. In order to resist properly we need to understand what we are resisting. There are some who behave like idiots, but they are manipulative and sneaky and they are often good at it. Idiots are not very good at that.

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They're actually writing speeches for Biden to play on his bumbling like it's just kidding. That's our funny Uncle Joe. The idiots seem to buy it.

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Shows what MONEY can buy.

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"Shows what MONEY can buy."

Indeed, the United States has bought and threatened the Australian government into denying freedom to one of its citizens.

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Hello jamenta, Agree with you that the vile rulers of this world don't seem to have a clue about reality or ethics. They are attacking the ICC for plucking up the courage to go against and standing up to their 'rule based world order'. The ICC was not supposed to do that. They were only allowed to go after socialists and Africans.

Red carpet for Putin and the backdoor for Blinken - makes me smile!

PS: Tried clicking on Like for your comment, but it won't connect. Very puzzled.

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Thanks. It must be the server. You are not blocked by me. That was quite a snub by China wasn't it? I mean Blinken wears a nice suit, probably is going to be a pretty rich guy some day if not already, and probably eats some fancy dinners with poorly paid restaurant servers. But the man is empty inside.

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I don't think things have changed all that much. If you are old enough to remember Vietnam, and your memory isn't defective, you will remember that a lot of people understood that the government and other bigdeals were lying as a matter of course almost continuously. A favorite phrase was "the light at the end of the tunnel". Evidently lying was a given then just as it's a given now. What we probably want to work on is some way of reorganizing our selves and our society so that the liars become irrelevant. Judging by what I see locally, liars are not going to go away, but we can stop believing them if we want to.

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we didn't have social media or even the internet back then. That is what has made it seem that things have changed more than they actually have. We can see videos, listen to interviews, see what is happening in real time way more often then when Vietnam was happening. Sure, we saw a few pictures of the atrocities that happened in Vietnam, but not nearly to the extent that we now can see and hear what is happening. Only those who really looked hard saw the disgustingness of Vietnam.

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I agree but their are so many uneducated people.

I am sure many people see the images of the Palestinians being brutalised and tortured/killed.

But I am OK as I sit here not realising that the US/UK/Europe are on a very slippery slope and it looks a long way to get back to civilization.

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far too many fools buy the story about this being for freedom and democracy and etc, but it is also very comfortable for them to buy it. however, many of these people can be reached by emphasizing that the US government is failing them by spending money on overseas wars as the society gradually gets worse, in that way they oppose the wars.

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Caitlin you deserve the John Lennon peace prize for literary courage !!!☮️.

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Assange shows that she is placing herself in some danger in Australia with this stance. I mean we already knew, but there is also the more recent example of an Australian whistleblower, McBride, sent to prison for "exposing classified information". I think these times are as scary as any in my life.

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BTW, I love your heart-shaped avatar and the text.

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May 22·edited May 22

How much time must pass, do you think, before it will become not-forbidden to speak openly about how it is members of a tiny minority population who at this point in time pull all the strings in our puppet theater "democratic republics"?

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May 22·edited May 22

They're working hard on it. They need more control of the Internet. They've shut down TikTok. Wikipedia is a propaganda website. Twitter now is under crass censorship, maybe even worse than before. Facebook blocks and puts anything it wants into your pages. Mainstream Media, from CNN to the New York Times are propaganda outlets for the deep state.

I think the real crackdown will begin when the economy begins to severely implode in the West and climate change gets into full gear. Many signs it's starting to happen now. Then it becomes a question of how much Trump will continue to wreck the economy (Biden doesn't have a snowflake chance in hell in winning this coming election.) Trump may even destroy the Social Security net that keeps American elderly off the streets. A good deal of Elite right-wing propaganda is characterizing the American elderly as free-loaders off the young, so why should anybody care about them? Get rid of the free-loading Social Security system! The Elites really don't give a flying hoot about the elderly and plebeians anyway given the state of US healthcare - which compared to the rest of the world is a two-tiered system of rich vs. poor barbarism.

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jamenta, "Flying hoot"... William Reese, a prof I have occasionally debated, has a different word to describe what flies...

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I guess that's how he became a professor.

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Jeck..... One answer is all I need.... MONEY... and if you need a second answer, .. I would say.... MONEY... And as Noam Chomsky added when asked a similar question, he couldn't remember the third reason why some people can pull all the strings...

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