Brilliant and Beautiful.

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So many original and beautifully refreshing observations are made. The contrast between the lies and the beautiful also helps make the nature of evil very clear. Evil isn’t something per se, so much as the absence of something. At best, evil will seek to understand the good, the nature of the human mind, or some scientific concept, but only insofar as it may be used to somehow subvert “the real thing.”

The more I think about it, the more it becomes clear that evil is usually trying to present an imitation and saying “this is a good” or “this is the truth.” Evil depends on being able to mimic the good, true, and beautiful so that people are led to pursue the fake thing, rather than the real thing. So we are presented with drugs which we are told will “open our minds” without us ever even having to do the work of figuring out how the greatest minds before us even thought (or thinking we do when we don’t); instead we just take a drug or pill and make a bunch of “connections.” Or we are told that Good citizens are those who comply with government restrictions, no matter what. Those who don’t are “conspiracy theorists” or “selfish people.” There are a million examples, but at the end of the day, we see that evil is always most effective when it targets people’s innate desire to do good. And these desires are most perverted when people are made to believe with great fervour those things which aren’t true, but which were presented as “the real thing,” causing people to go full hog destroying themselves or others.

Beauty often serves as a reminder that shakes people out of their stupor. Many people have lost the ability to create such beauty. But it still exists, and it’s very powerful.

We need more of this. More beautiful films and series. More beautiful stories and poems. These are ultimately the things that shape people’s thoughts and actions at the most basic level, since as Shelley observed, evil and good, virtue and vice, wisdom and ignorance, all first take root in the imagination before becoming something in the real world.

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Correct me if I am wrong David, but I see a mutual admiration between us for Platonic ideals as expressed in his allegory of the cave.

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I was on board with you (well mostly) till the last paragraph.

The last paragraph is nothing but the same "wolf in sheep's clothing" described in the first paragraphs. How so one might ask?

Let me phrase it with Rumi:

God is silence and everything else is a bad translation!

That's poetry for once. Translated in every day language based on the capabilities of mine: Less is more!

Out of silence - being in the moment and paying attention to one's business - boiling potatoes, repairing a car, sitting still and observing the world WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT INTO THE OBSERVED ACTION out of such FAITH INTO BEING GREAT THINGS ARISE.


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In the last paragraph, I was just reformulating what Shelley (this year marks the 200th anniversary of his death) wrote in his "Defense of Poetry." Any concept, whether in science or in art, is first born in the imagination before it ever becomes formalized into any kind of system. So Shelley writes that poetry is:

"the root and blossom of all other systems of thought; it is that from which all spring, and that which adorns all; and that which, if blighted, denies the fruit and the seed, and withholds from the barren world the nourishment and the succession of the scions of the tree of life."

He's not wrong, in my opinion. Einstein himself said that imagination was more important than knowledge.

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I like your comments overall. Imagination is a great part of the creative process and sometimes inspiration flows in the no mind state of being.

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Have you looked at the Russian children’s chorus? Or the art of China on Utube. Art of USA has been so CIAed since WWII. It was pretty hard to imagine a leadership role with these arts being touted to America.

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The lies and exploitation aspect applies most globally to the big lie that unlimited growth is necessary to sustain us, when ecological economics explains that it's a lie (see today's NY Times for an unexpected and long overdue interview with Herman Daly re: steady-state economics and a non-exploitative approach to the rest of the biosphere). But it also brings to mind a comparison expressed by Chris Hedges. In parallel with the lies that pimps tell to exploit women, Hedges calls military recruiters "uniformed pimps," who tell equally exploitative lies about the glory of war. Quite simply, the lie permeates every aspect of today's Capitalist societies, in each case a mechanism of exploitation that sucks the marrow from the lives of often quite decent people.

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Caitlin showing the essence of het humanity


I can only anwser quoting Goethe:

I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.

It is my personal approach that creates the climate.

It is my daily mood that makes the weather.

I possess tremendous power to make a life miserable or joyous. can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.

I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal.

In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated, and a person humanized or de-humanized.

If we treat people as they ought to be…we help them become what they are capable of becoming.”

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That’s what Dr Robert Lanza’s “Biocentrism” claims, also🤗

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Great comment, Charles! Energy flows where attention goes. We decide where to put our focus. If we attack and blame, people become defensive unless they are mature. In the good v. evil continuum we all occupy a different position known only by the totality, the collective consciousness. May all beings be free. Great article, Caitlin!

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"Energy flows where attention goes."

Sounds very pleasant to THE HUMAN MIND but in essence a very subtle lie of THE HUMAN MIND in order to assure itself that it is in charge of itself. IT IS NOT!

What is it that decides where the attention of THE HUMAN MIND goes. Happy to elaborate more, but for now it has to suffice.

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Please elaborate more. The statement is part of Hawaiian Huna philosophy as taught by Serge Kahili King. The mind does not necessarily determine where one's attention goes.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

Wow, this request and revelation about Huna philosophy hits me like a thunderbolt!

I have had no contact and therefore no prior knowledge about Hawaiian Huna philosophy.

Over a lifetime one is confronted with quite a few challenges, which, looking back, are confirming again and again, if THE HUMAN MIND (!) has faith and by that courage (because both seem to me more and more the same thing) and out of it to be BLATANTLY HONEST with itself, and it has to admit that all those challenges, doubts, fears and "mistakes" were ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to become what it is.

My HUMAN MIND could not perceive/not have perceived and would not have the capacity to write these lines without the prior process of stumbling through the UNIVERSE the way it has and ALWAYS WILL no matter how much prior experience and knowledge (if such thing even exists, I call it rather "prior experienced outcomes of the universe").

THE HUMAN MIND DOES NOT even have power over the next breath of the lungs of the body it resides within let alone the next heart beat or the next information it is going to pay attention to.


All I am trying to describe is the experience of my lifetime that there is a signal within our body, SOUL OR HEART are the best descriptions of it, that tells you HOW, WHERE and WHEN to act. And otherwise ONLY BE OBSERVANT, I call it the information gathering phase, on which basis GOD makes the decisions for all HIS CREATIONS HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO ACT.

THE FICKLE UNFAITHFUL HUMAN MIND cannot help to IGNORE, overwrite, this SIGNAL discarding it out of LACK OF FAITH.

To say it with Rumi: Silence is the language of God everything else is a bad translation.

That's it for now. Let me know if I should continue later.

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I know for certain that this civilization has been taken over completely by liars.

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And it has been ever since civilizations arose millennia ago. And like all civilizations, industrial civilization,(this one) will collapse as well. Soon too, I believe. Peace

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Indeed, Ol' Hippy. Yeah, it seems that populations larger than Dunbar's number (and empathy-driven behavior) are particularly vulnerable to inevitable corruption and collapse, led by those genetically predisposed to be high in dark-triad personality traits ... who Susan Sontag referred to as '' the cruel 10%". Mass Formation Psychosis and some studies of American CEOs put it closer to 30% ... but there's no way to accurately quantify a quality. Still there's enough predictability to recognize a 'Tower of Babel' syndrome when I see one. Or as we are seeing during the current collapse ... a 'Tower of babble'. ;-)

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I dunno, but seems like I gotta rain on this parade.

Climate: Scientists Stunned to Find Atlantic Plankton 90% Gone; Marine Life, our Oxygen Imperiled


This study just came out today (couple of hours ago) so it hasn't hit the MSM yet.

There's going to be an awful lot of lying in the next few months unless the study is shown to be mistaken.

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I’m not a scientist, but I used to carpool with a biologist. His belief then was that the number one threat to the world was ocean acidification. We had many long rambling conversations about the danger. That was in 1989.

In 2010, without any apparent notice whatsoever by the media, politicians, public, industry, and barely any notice in our for-profit scientific institutions, Scientific American (also published in Nature) was reporting a 40% decline in phytoplankton. Lead author of the study, Daniel Boyce, made this statement: "In some respect, these findings are the beginning of the story, not the end. The first question is what will happen in the future. We looked at these trends over the past century but don't know what will happen 10 years down the road."

Well, we may well have just discovered what happens “down the road.”

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Hi John. I sincerely hope that data is incomplete or mistaken. I was worried enough to do a quick Google search, but was confusingly surprised to see this in the results ... https://www.nrdc.org/stories/massive-surge-plankton-has-researchers-pondering-future-arctic. Even though my undergrad was in marine biology, I really don't know which to believe unless I am there with the data, boots on the ground ... uh ... in the water. Cheers from Japan!

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You must have missed this quote from the article:

"This carbon absorption also comes with the steep costs of ocean acidification, which has its own set of devastating impacts on ocean life, including on plankton."

The article is 2 years old and only covers the arctic.

The new article is based on this web link: https://www.goesfoundation.com/media/plankton-by-goes-foundation/

I dunno, maybe he overstates the issue. Maybe not. There's so many claims being made on so many subjects that are fraudulent I wouldn't be surprised either way.

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Deception is part of survival and works for good and evil. Utopia is a wonderful idea but has proven a terrible goal. All human beings are capable of unimaginable acts of kindness and unimaginable acts of cruelty and that is true, wanting it to be different is denial. Denial is part of the foundation of survival in a conscious mind that can anticipate death and the potential for pain. We are taught throughout our lives to ignore death and avoid pain and this denial is what allows happiness for those capable of focusing on more immediate opportunities and requirements. Of course lies are everywhere and we can can't escape that in all societies virtue and altruism are in short supply. Virtue is in short supply and always has been, thats why its held up as an ideal. We need ideals not expectations of utopia in a world capable of beauty and kindness but shared with liars and evil doers.

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Wow. Very well thought-through, modest, but condensed with insight. Even more impressive than the original post, I am copy-pasting your comment to notes, and hoping to read more from you. In thinking about what you wrote, though I would not call myself a biological reductionist, it appears that 'good' and 'evil' are provisional social constructs. I can imagine the global elite paving the road to hell with 'good' intentions.

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Thank you for the compliment. Good and evil are social constructs, in much of the world treating women like dogs is not considered evil and aborting a baby is considered good. In general I believe people act good or evil in their own self interest and the key is a persons ability to anticipate the outcome. This is where some people have a greater chance of success through the ability to dominate those less capable. I want to believe people are good and I try to be good, I just don't ignore the fact that we are all both. I agree with you most of the elite believe they are absolutely right and have the solution, they just don't seem to care about how many people they destroy on their road to utopia.

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Yes. That seems to be the heuristics and morals (or lack of), of hose in power in the past. The road to a real hell for others s paved by the 'good' (self serving( intentions of those in power. Reminds me of a passage I read a few years ago ...

''Thus, Norse society’s structure created a conflict between the short-term interests of those in power, and the long-term interests of the society as a whole. Much of what the chiefs and clergy valued proved eventually harmful to the society. Yet the society’s values were at the root of its strengths as well as of its weaknesses. The Greenland Norse did succeed in creating a unique form of European society, and in surviving for 450 years as Europe’s most remote outpost. We modern Americans should not be too quick to brand them as failures, when their society survived in Greenland for longer than our English-speaking society has survived so far in North America. Ultimately, though, the chiefs found themselves without followers. The last right that they obtained for themselves was the privilege of being the last to starve.''

Diamond, Jared. Collapse (p. 276). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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You are so close to Islam it is not even funny. Seriously

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Islam is but one of many expressions of humanity. so, you seeing Islam in Caitlin or any honest and sincere human being shouldn't surprise you.

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Sean Stone recounts his “Journey to Islam” on Utube. Very similar comments

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." Jesus Gandhi King

BS lies flow like cheap wine at a mob wedding. We've grown up jonesing for tiny hits of dopamine, adrenaline, beta endorphin from LED screens (TikTok is stomping Google). We're amphetamine monkees clicking spastically on porn, hook-up & shopping sites. We bought vax-only, RussiaRussiaRussia & LIVE With It campaigns. Our betters bought-into Unvaxed Bubba, It's SCIENCE, Back to NORMAL and Heros of Azovstal sales pitches?

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LOL ... I like your style. And though I tried to deny it in an earlier sub-comment, in reading your comment ... maybe I am a biological reductionist after all.

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We refused to heed the warnings

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Honey, lies and exploitation is the human condition ( not angelic condition!) that makes us know that sovereignty is necessary to make mistakes and thus learn (as we live in a cognitive domain). Even a perpetual motion system I believe, in which our species will not go extinct as so many other species have done. 🎉I admire this clever divine plan and have had to forgive myself for many mistakes and watch myself and others take the consequences for my mistakes. The Truth and Beauty of Alexander Hamilton’s System of credit economics is being used by BRICS joined by over half the world’s population. Necessity being the mother of invention something had to be done about the neo-colonial global corporatism of the oligarchs ergo Hamilton’s invention of a special school of economics. study larouchepub.com for further explication. A moment in history where virtual global assembly is possible means sticking together in Truth and beauty means exposure of the children of satan will lose their power. What a weapon is Truth. No guns needed‼️

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lies and exploitation are not a human condition but the capitalist-individualist condition. they are neither natural nor inevitable.

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with all ugliness, mass shootings, imperialism etc, there is beauty in the world, and the most beautiful things have not happened yet--the inevitable self organizing of the producing class. We who provide the necessities for survival have the need for the beauty and diminish the ugliness.

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The Empire of Lies

That how a certain nation's political leader referred to the USA in a speech that was widely reported around the world about five months ago. In Western news the speech was generally dismissed as the lunatic ravings of a deranged maniac. Different opinions were given elsewhere.

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100% RIGHT......small anecdote, I was born in YU, and one day I was about 14-15y. old , I ask my father, look in news 'they' say we are............on and on about Tito and YU, it must be true?!, and he answered me: when you learn read between the lines, you will understand everything.......turn out ...lies and only lies.....and all my life nothing but lies, small big gigantic and nothing......... .. thigh 100% lying!! ....

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Liars are smarter than truth tellers because truth tellers can't deceive others to take advantage of them. Since it is smart to know the truth it is stupid to believe lies. People who believe lies are stupid fools. Many people believe lies... most people do.

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